Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

maiesteis tratouris, and in doing of this seikis pacificatioun amangis tham that violatid peace with hir without prouocatioun; seueryng the punischement of sic ar giltie in offendyng, from the subjects that hes not violatid the peace. And, as sche kepis peace and justice amangis hir awin subjectis in Ingland, sa vnrequyrit sche offerid support to the same end in Scotland, and not onlie geuis remedie to our present calamiteis, but cuttis the roote of troublis to cum, and preuenis the wickid counsalt of sie, as prouokis Inglismen, and solistis Frenchmen to cum in this realme, to the end that, these twa natiounis enterit in barres, the ane agains the vther, thay may saciat thair cruell bartis of blude, thair obstinat will of vengeance, thair bottomles couatise of spoyle and thift.

Thairfoir, seyng God haue so blindit your enemeis wittis, my lordis, be in gude hope that he sall also cast the spreit of fear and disperatioun in thair indurat hartis, and prosper your gude actioun, to the quhilk he comfortis you with his redy helpe, exhortis you by his worde, and constrainis you by the dewtie of your estait, and necessitie of preseruying of your lyfis and honouris. For, promeis beyng neglectit, faith violatid, subscriptioun set at noght, thair is na meane way left but outher to do or suffer: and, seyng that baith ar miserabill, amangis sic as should be freindis, yit better it is to slay iustlie, then to be slayne wrangfullie. For the executioun of iustice, in punising the wickid, is approuid by God and man; and sleuthfulnes, in defence of iustice, can not be excused of tresoun. And, besides that God schawis him sa mercyfull and liberall to you, in sending you freindis, by procuiring of your enemeis, also the persounis maist recommendit of God craifis the same; for saikles blude, oppressioun of the pure, and of the fatherles, cryis continually to the heuin for auengeance, quhilk God committis to your handis, as his lieutennentis and speciall officiaris in that pairt; and, euin as he rewairdis faith and diligence in obedience of his eternall will, sa he will not neglect to punische sleuthfulnes in iust executioun of his commandementis.

Thairfoir, my lordis, as ye wald that God should remember on you and your posteritie, quhen they sall call on him in their necessitie, remember on your king our souerane, and on my lord regentis pupillis, committit to you in tutorie, by the reason of your office and estait, anent persounis that ar not in age nor power to helpe tham selfis, and ar recommendit speciallie to all Christianis by God in his holy scripture; and defend sic innocent creaturis, as may nouther do nor speike for tham selfis, from the crueltie of vnmercyfull wolfis; neglect not the occasioun, nor refuse not the helpe send to you by God, but recognose thankfullie his favour towardis you, that causis your enemeis to procure your helpe; neglect not the offer of friendis. In cais gif ye lat slip this occasioun, ye sall craif it in vane in your necessitie. Think it na les prouidence in your heuinlie father, then if he had send you ane legioun of angellis in your defence; and remember that he schew him selfe neuer mari freindfull and succurable to na pepill, than he hath done to you; and traist weill, if ye will perseucir in obedience and recognoscence of his grace, he will multiplie his benefitis to you and your posteritie, and sall neuer leif you, vntill ye forget him first.




And the horrible and shameful slaughter of






Committed in many Cities of France, without any respect of sort, kind, age, or degreet

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Printed at Stirling in Scotland, 1573. Duodecimo, containing one hundred and forty-three pages.



OU must cease to marvel, my good countrymen of Scotland, that I have caused this book printed in our country of Scotland to be published altogether in the English phrase and orthography. For the language is well enough known to our countrymen: and the chief cause of my translating it was for our good neighbours the Englishmen, to whom we are so highly bound, and upon whose good Queen, at this present, in policy dependeth the chief stay of God's church in Christendom. I know not what respects have stayed the learned of that land from setting out this history therefore, supposing the causes to be such as I conceive them, I have been bold to set it forth in their language in our country. And you, good countrymen, that have received so honourable succours from England, and from whence all Christendom hopeth for charitable assistance, must be content to yield that this is framed to serve their understanding. Ye Englishmen our good neighbours, friends, brethren, and patrons, I pray you to construe rightly of my labour, that my purpose is not here to offend any amity, nor violate any honour, nor prejudice any truth, but to set before you a story, as I found it, referring the confirmation thereof to truth, and proof, as in all historical cases is lawfully used. How many histories written in Latin, Italian, and French, by Jovius, Para dine, Belleforest, and others, are printed in Italy, France, and Flan

Vide the 176th article in the Catalogue of Pamphlets in the Harleian Library.

ders, and published and freely had and read in your land, although they contain matter expressly to the slander of your state and princes? Matters of that nature are published, the burden of proving resteth upon the author, the judgment, pertaineth to the reader, there is no prejudice to any part, books are extant on both parts. The very treatises of divinity are not all warranted that be printed; you must take it as it is, only for matter of report on the one part, so far to bind credit as it carrieth evidence to furnish your understandings, as other books do that make rehearsals of the acts and states of princes, commonwealths, and peoples. But, howsoever it be, good Englishmen, thank God that you have such a sovereign, under whom you suffer no such things; and, by the noble and sincere aid that your Queen hath given us in Scotland, I pray you gather a comfortable confidence, that, in respect of such honourable charity to his church in Scotland, God will not suffer you at your need to be succourless in England, as by daily miracles in preserving your Queen he hath plainly shewed and the rather ye may trust hereof, if ye be thankful and faithful to God and her, and that ye pray heartily to God, either by mediate operation of your Queen's justice, or by his own immediate hand-working, to deliver his church and people from the common peril to both these realms, and to the state of all true religion in Christendom. Farewel, and God long preserve both your good and our hopeful Sovereign to his glory. Amen.

IT were to be wished, that the memory of the fresh slaughters, and of that butcherly murdering, that hath lately been committed, in a manner, in all the towns of France, were utterly put out of the minds of men; for so great dishonour, and so great infamy, hath thereby stained the whole French nation, that the most part of them are now ashamed of their own country, defiled with two most filthy spots, falshood and cruelty; of the which, whether hath been the greater, it is hard to say. But, forasmuch as there flee every-where abroad pamphlets, written by flatterers of the court, and men corruptly hired for reward, which do most shamefully set out things feigned and falsly imagined, instead of truth; I thought myself bound to do this service to posterity, to put the matter in writing, as it was truly done in deed, being well inabled to have knowledge thereof, both by my own calamity, and by those that, with their own eyes, beheld a great part of the same slaughters.

In the year of our Lord 1561, when there seemed to be some peril of troubles to arise, by reason of the multitude of such as embraced the religion which they call reformed (for, before that time, the usual manner of punishing such, as durst profess that religion, was, besides the loss and forfeiture of all their goods to the King's use, to burn their -bodies) at the request of the great lords, there was held an assembly of the estates in the King's house, at St. Germain's en Laye, near to the town of Paris; at which assembly, in the presence, and with the royal assent of King Charles the Ninth, who now reigneth, it was decreed, That, from thenceforth, it should not be prejudicial to any man to profess the said religion; and that it should be lawful for them to have

publick meetings and preachings for the exercise thereof, but in the suburbs of towns only.

At this assembly, Francis Duke of Guise, being descended of the house of Lorrain, and at that time grand-master of the King's houshold, was not present; but, when he was informed of this decree, he boiled with incredible sorrow and anger, and, within a few days after, at a little town in Champaigne, called Vassey, while the professors of the said religion were there at a sermon, he, accompanied with a band of soldiers, set upon them, and slew men and women, to the number of two hundred.

There was among these of the religion (for so hereafter, according to the usual phrase of the French tongue, we intend to call them) Lewis of Bourbon, of the blood royal, commonly called Prince of Conde, after the name of a certain town, a man of great power, by reason of his kindred to the King; therefore, when the Duke of Guise most vehemently strove against that law, and, as much as in him lay, did utterly overthrow it, and troubled the common quiet thereby established, Gaspar de Coligni, Admiral of France, and Francis d'Andelot his brother, captain of the infantry, and other princes, noblemen, and gentlemen of the same religion, come daily by heaps to the Prince of Conde, to complain of the outrageous boldness, and intemperate violence of the Duke of Guise.

At that time, Catharine de Medicis, Pope Clement's brother's daughter, and mother of King Charles, born in Florence, a city of Italy, had the governance of the realm in the King's minority; for, though, by the law of France, neither the inheritance, nor the administration of the realm, is granted to women, yet, through the cowardly negligence of Anthony, King of Navarre, the said Catharine de Medicis, the King's mother, against the custom of the realm, was joined with him in that office of protectorship. She, fearing the presumption and fierce pride of the Guisians, wrote to the Prince of Conde, with her own hand; which letters are yet remaining, and, at the assembly of the Princes of Germany at Francfort, held under Ferdinand the Emperor, were produced and openly read about ten years past; wherein she earnestly besought him, in so great hardness and distress, not to forsake her, but to account both the mother and the children, that is, both herself and the King, and the King's brethren, committed to his faith and natural kindness, and that he should with all speed provide for their common safety; assuring him, that she would so imprint in the King's mind his pains taken in that behalf, that he should never be a loser by it.

Within a few days after, the Duke of Guise, well knowing how great authority the name of the King would carry in France, and to the intent that he would not seem to attempt any thing rather of his own head, than by the privity of the King, and having attained fit partners to join with him in these enterprises, he got the King into his power. Which thing being known abroad, and many hard incumbrances thereupon suddenly rising, and a great part of the nobility of France marvellously troubled with it, the Prince of Conde, by advice of his friends, thought it best for him to take certain towns, and furFf


nish them with garisons; which was the beginning of the first civil war. For the Prince of Conde alledged the cause of his taking ar mour to be the defence of the King's edict, wherein consisted the safety of the commonwealth; and that it could not be repealed without most assured undoing of the nation of France, and destruction of the nobility, by reason of the exceeding great multitude of those that daily joined themselves to that religion; of which number such, as, being of noble birth, were in power, dignity, wealth, and credit above the rest, thought it not meet for them to suffer the punishments and cruelties accustomed to be exercised upon the professors thereof: besides that, they held them discontented, that the Duke of Guise, a new comer, a stranger translated from the forests of Lorrain into France, did take upon him, in France, so great courage, and so high dominion and power. Thereto was added the Queen-mother's singular care (as was reported) for conservation of peace, and repressing the rage of the Guisians. Upon which opinion, it is certain, that above twenty thousand men, having regard only to the Queen's inclination, joined themselves to the side of those of the religion, and to the defence of their profession, which at that time had besieged the force of the King's power.

After certain battles, and many losses on both parties, and the Duke of Guise slain, within a year peace was made, with this condition, That they of the religion should have free liberty thereof, and should have assemblies and preachings for the exercise of the same in certain places.'

This peace continued in force, but not in all places, during five years; for, in the most towns and jurisdictions, the officers that were affectionate to the Romish side, whom they commonly call Catholicks, did all the displeasure they could to those of the religion. Therefore, when Ferdinando Alvares de Toledo, commonly called Duke of Alva, was leading an army not far from the frontiers of France, against those of the Low-countries, which embraced the reformed religion; against the will of the King of Spain, the Queen-mother caused to be levied, and brought into France, six thousand Switzers for a defence, as she caused it to be bruited; but, as the success hath proved, for this intent, that the Prince of Conde, the admiral, and other noblemen of the religion, if they escaped the treasons prepared for them, and listed to defend themselves by force, and try it by battle, might be suddenly oppressed before they were provided. For the courtiers, which then had the managing of these matters, did not, at that time, well trust the soldiers of France. Many things pertaining to the course of that time, and the renewing of the war, must here, for haste to our present purpose, be necessarily omitted.

When the war had endured about six months, peace was made with the same condition that we have above rehearsed, That all men should have free liberty to follow and profess the reformed religion. For this was ever one and the last condition upon all the wars. But, within a few days or months after, it was plainly understood, that the same peace was full of guile and treason; and finally, That it was no peace, but most cruel war, cloaked under the name of peace. For, forth

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