Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση



ABRAHAM Something prophetic in 199
acknowledged one God 319 left all
to follow the Word 319 knew Christ
320 and followed Him 343 how jus-
tified 320 how rejoiced to see Christ's
Day 325 children raised to him of
the stones 325, 530 his children like
him 382 witness of the SPIRIT to
327 his seed, the Church 327, 525,
530 those who are justified by faith
525 Christ pleaded the cause of 327
figured both Testaments 383 why
he bought the tomb for his wife 525
the inheritance promised to, yet to
come 528-536 Abraham's bosom

Abraxas 74

Abstinence, religious use of 545
Achamoth 12, 14, 15, 16, 19, 21, 22,
25, 26, 27, 43, 44, 66, 115 her off-
spring 15, 18 some souls had her
seed 22

Adam, Tatian denied salvation of 80,

302 they who deny it contradict
their own 301, 302 put themselves
on the foe's side 302 saved lest God
should be overcome 297, 298 Death
not abolished 301 curse not on him
but on the ground and wholly on
the devil 298 his birth and Christ's
equally without human father 293
why he hid himself 299 professed
his penitence 300 why removed from
Tree of Life 300 recovered life 301
God the Word calling to him in the
Evening a type of His searching out
at the end Adam's race 487 died on
that day he sinned 503, 504
Adamant 82

Adonai Bible name of God 201
Eon his different names 3
Eons their offspring 4 thirty 35, 58,

59 the 30 how made up 4, 55 cre-

ated Angels for their Body guard
8 Apostacy of the twelfth 9, 55, 56
cf. 61 called heavens 63

sop his fable of the dog quoted

Alexander Pope 207
Almsgiving doth undo covetousness

Alms often given in S. Irenæus' time
to those whom they cured 192 purge
340 bring us good 361 justify 400
by them we build for ourselves the
Tabernacle of God 400
Anaxilaus 40

Anaxagoras the Atheist 129, 130
Anaximander 129

Angels body guard to the ons 8 not
invoked by the Church when work-
ing miracles 195

Anencletus Pope 207
Anicetus Pope 77, 207, 208, 210, 541
tenth Pope 210 his reverence to S.
Polycarp 542

Animal and Spiritual contrasted 19,
20, 23, 60, 149, 211, corporeal and
spiritual contrasted 23, 130 by S.
Irenæus 452, 461, 465, 466, 467,
472 animal 261, 434 origin of 15,

Animal food forbidden by The con-
tinent 80

Animals clean and unclean, of what
significant 465, 466
Antichrist 215, 217, 267, 270, 301,
507 sqq. sums up the Devil's whole
rebellion, puts down other idols
himself The Idol 507, 510, 515, 518
the Unjust Judge 509 his miracles
by evil spirits 516 the number of
his name 517, 518-521 the good
Mss. have the Number 666, 519 and
it is witnessed to by those who had
seen S. John 519 words contain-
ing this number 521 his consumma-
tion of the rebellion symbolised in

[blocks in formation]

the wickedness of man at the Flood
and in Nebuchadnezzar's Image 518
from tribe of Dan 520 we may not
do more than guess at his name
since it was not told us 521 not told,
for unworthy to be named by the
Holy Ghost 521 will sit in the Tem-
ple of Jerusalem 51, 507, 522
Antiphanes his system adapted by the
Gnostics 128

Apocalypse beheld at the end of Do-
mitian's reign 521
Apocryphal sayings of our Lord 63
cf. 528

Apostate first the Devil; now those
́bad men who lead others wrong 309
Apostacy the whole, Antichrist sums

up 507, 510, 515, 518

Apostles Priests 329 cf. also Priests
Aquila of Pontus his mistranslation

Aristotle's image used by some of the
heretics 77 they borrowed from him

his subtlety of talk to bring it into
the Faith 131

Ark the, ordained in Exodus a type of
Christ's Body 543, 558


BAPTISM HOLY 253 we received the
Truth in 32 our New Birth unto
God 64 cf. 486 regenerates into God
272, 273 Valentinians diversely dis-
tort 64-66 shewn in Siloam 486
in Water and the Name cleanses us
553 false of Menander 71
Balaam 547, 549
Barbelo 81

Baruch a Hebrew name of God 163
Basilides 126, 178, 190, 205, 322 dis-

ciple of Menander 71 his inventions
72 his errors 80 his lie in denying
the Crucified 73 denied the resur-
rection of the Body 73 asserted 365
heavens in hope of escaping the
difficulty as to One Supreme Framer
136, 200

Bishops in succession from Apostles
S. Irenæus could give; gives that
of Rome only for space sake 206 in
succession from Apostles 385
Blandina 545

Bodies our mortal, partake of Life
from our Lord's Body and Blood
360 and escape corruption 361,452-
454 and therefore will rise 452-454
the fruit of God's skill 456 they
who deny resurrection of contradict
God's Power 455-458 or His good

will 457, 458 and their own salva-
tion 460, 477 that they live is an
argument that they will live 456,
457 objections answered 459 God's
Temples, therefore we may not deny
their Resurrection 462 resurrection
of, proven 463 sqq. 536, 537, 544,
555 those whom He restored He
restored their own members 476,
477 those whom He raised He rais-
ed their own Bodies 477
Brain fever, those who have gone
wrong in error compared with the
sick of 57

Breath and Spirit distinguished 474
Bythos i. e., The Deep 3, 27, 36, 38,

62, 63, 64, 68, 83, 94, 96, 99, 101,
105, 107, 111, 112, 117, 118, 119,
121, 125, 127, 128, 129, 131, 135,
136, 138, 141, 142, 144, 145, 146,
156, 161, 163, 226, 307, 312, 363,
420, 531


CADMUS gave the Greeks 16 Letters

Cain drew the whole curse on him-
self 299 his wicked reply to God
299 his unaccepted sacrifice 358,

Candlestick in Tabernacle 164
Carpocrates 74, 90, 190, 191, 195,
322 his sect emissaries of Satan 75
S. Irenæus had seen their books 76
some of them brand 77 and have
images 77

Caulacau 73, 74
Celts 2, 34, cf. 546
Cerdon follower of Simon Magus 78
repented but relapsed and was sus-
pended from Communion 210
Cerinthus 77, 205 denied the Vir-
gin-Birth 77 S. John the Evangelist
fled him 208 and preached his Gos-
pel in contradiction to him 229
CHRIST'S ministry according to them
12 months only 152 S. Irenæus
thought it was a period of 4 Pass-
overs 158

CHRIST not a Teacher till of full age

159 sanctified every age by taking
it 159 S. Irenæus thought that He
lived to be fifty years old 160 His
Teaching far different from theirs
192, 194 that He wrought in fan-
tasy disproved 195 Chief above be-
low and on earth 365 died and des-
cended into Hell 523 our Judge 209,
212, 221, 247, 283, 410, 412 a King
for ever 225 God 336, 560, 561


True 526 Son of Man that Man may
become Son of God 225, 281, 282
Head of the Church 268 One 262
sqq 274 sqq 309, 538 not two 313
twofold has His counterpart in Man
559 in the Name, are indicated Fa-
ther Son and Holy Ghost 277 took
truly Flesh of the Virgin 294, 295
and through it saved 295 born of
Mary 301 gives us Life 313 saves
all 314 died for us 328 gives the
Resurrection 331 owned Moses'
writings to be His own words 312
taught that pleasure is not to be our
employment 312 consubstantial with
us 313 avenged His own Temple
313 "the God of the living" 319
the Patriarchs His sons 319 perfects
the praise of babies 336 date of His
Birth 289 His Genealogy in S. Luke
295, 296 as the end of the Law, so
its beginning 339 even from the
beginning went about doing good
339 His coming justifies 390 His
Death saves 395 frees and gives the
inheritance 469 is Death's death
543, cf. 559 His sleep 402, 412 Iis
Passion re-forms us 504 His Ad-
vent in low estate 404, 411 in
glory 405 if not True, nought from
Him, salvation there is none 407
Fair in form 410 His Birth our
Birth to God 410 the Mighty God
410 His Endurance 411 Exalted
above all 413 came our King bring-
ing us His own Self 414 in Him
alone the old Prophecies fulfilled
415 gathered against Himself the
Serpent's enmity to us 444 cf. 450
Himself to the Battle 497 died on
the day that Adam disobeyed 504
traditional sayings of 528 cf. 63
and answer to Judas 528 His Body
typified by the Ark 543, 558 in the
New corn in Land of Canaan 519
typified in Joseph 548

Christian the work of to learn to die

Church the 20, 79 herself every where,

her faith one 33, 34, 35, 302 gives
to her children the Faith to hold 43,
204, 448 receives from Prophets A-
postles and all disciples 302 cf. 448
passes it on 207 we receive from
her our Faith 303, 449 those who
withdraw from, from them must
we withdraw 56, 57 the whole, re-
ceived the knowledge of God from
the Apostles 114 and perseveres in it
216 works miracles and that freely
and largely 191, 195 not a few in


her prophesy and speak with tongues
and reveal secrets 460 made by the
Apostles a rich storehouse of all that
appertains to the truth 209 Mag-
nificat belongs to 225 guards the
Faith 448, 449 its origin the Church
of the Apostles 242 its Head CHRIST
268 ont of, the Spirit's workings are
not 303 where it is there the Spirit
303 offers the Eucharist 356, 357,
555 has her sacrifice 360, 554, 555
the reaper of what was sown before
379, 383 the lot of those who stir up
others to oppose and of those who
rend 385 the Nurse and Home of
good priests 387 her journey to
Heaven typified by Israel coming
out of Egypt 400 with her Elders
is the doctrine of the Apostles 403
Christ's Body which schism rends
407 has True knowledge 408 and
Unity in what her Members hold
495 and in her government 495 the
Succession 408 the true teaching of
the Scriptures 408 Love 408 plen-
teous Martyrs 408 often maimed,
grows straightway 409 the whole
earth against her 412 follows her
Head 417 glorious every where 423
framed after Image of God's Son
436 her testimony about the Crea-
tion 492 her preaching true and
stable 496 preaches the Truth every
where 496 is the Candlestick with 7
wicks bearing Christ's Light 496
our refuge and nurses us in the Scrip-
tures 496 a paradise 496 to be driven
out by Antichrist's party 511 those
days her final struggle 518
Churches called by the Spirit islands
531 and they are a saving harbour
and a refuge 531
Circumcision may be reckoned among
works of healing 338 given for a sign
349 comes after faith in uncircum-
cision and is succeeded again by it
382, 383
Citation from Homer quoted piecemeal
32 from Homer 105, 161, 406 from
Plato's De legibus 306 Timaeus ib.
Shepherd of Hermas 364 one "better
than we" 1, 42 an elder Beloved of
God 54 one "above us" 275 an an-
cient 298 one not named 317, 444,
491 S. Justin Martyr against Mar-
cion 321 a Priest who had heard from
those who had seen the Apostles 387
sqq 390 sqq 397 sqq 401, 402 elders,
pupils of Apostles 459, 537 S. Justin
512 S. Ignatius [called, one of ours]
517 Presbyters who had seen S. John

[blocks in formation]

Dan omitted in Apocalypse because
Antichrist from his tribe 520

Daniel the Prophet the LORD ap-
proved his prophecies 510
David the name of one of their fan-
tasies 82

David King, a Priest 328 his good-
ness, fall, rebuke, penitency 388
Day, not always a space of 24 hours
156, 157, 503, 504

Dead the, often by prayer and fasting
raised in S. Irenæus' time 191, 195

whom the Lord raised He raised

in their own bodies 477
Death, sin's death 300, 301 by Man
overcome 497

Death the Lord's, death's death 543,

Decalogue, S. Irenæus divided each

Table into 5 commandments 166 a
sort of steps to the entry of Life
340 justifies 340 a means of salva-
tion 348 of friendship with God 351
kept even before the giving the
Law 310, 350 the Gospel not con-
trary to 341 expanded by Christ
341 sqq. necessary to salvation 339,
346 lasts for ever 351
Deep the, see Bythos
Demetrius treatise to 512
Democritus 129, 130
Demiurge his origin 17, 36 his abode

ib. his creation 57, 59 ignorant of
many things 18, 23, 107 merely
animal 181, 183, 184, 185, 186 con-
tradiction of this 188 the True 151,

Deuteronomy not a new Law but a

summing up of it 548

Devils cast out in S. Irenæus' time
195 [see Exorcism]

Devil the, a Liar from the beginning
502, 503 Prince of the air 506
through Man overcome 500, 506
Domitian, the Apocalypse seen at the
end of his reign 521


EASTER, ancient diversity in keeping
541 S. Irenæus wrote on 543
Ebionites 77 reject the Apostle S.

Paul and 3 of the Evangelists 77
cf. 234 use circumcision 78 worship
Jerusalem 78 say that our Lord is
Joseph's son 287 judged by true
Christians 406 deny the Virgin-
Birth 406, 451 reject Wine in the
Holy Sacrament 451
Eight the number 60, 164
Eighteen in the Bible 9
Eleleth, the name of one of their
fantasies 82

Eleutherius Pope, 12th from Apostles

and Bishop of Rome in S. Irenæus'
time 207

Elisha 553

Eloe and Eloeuth names of God 201
Empedocles 130
Enoch praise of 350

Ephesus Church of founded by S.
Paul, dwelt in by S. John 208 a
true witness of the Tradition 208

Epicurus 129, 194
Epiphanes 37

Evaristus Pope 207

Eucharist the 356-360 the Church
offers 356, 357, 554, 555 the Body
and Blood of the Lord 360, 405,
452-454, 545, 555 feeds our pe-
rishable flesh unto Life 360, 453 and
imbues our blood 453 sent of old
by priests of one Church to another

Ere, cause of death to all 296
Eunuch Ethiopian preached in Ethi-
opia 246, 380 taught through the
Prophets ready to S. Philip 380
Exorcism might of, acted even be-
fore the Advent 106 the very ani-
mals tremble at it, ib. in S. Ire-
næus' time even Jews could practise
it 107

Ezra set in order the Scriptures after
the Captivity 288


FAITH, the one 33, 34, 43, 67, 203,
207 its pillar the Gospel 204 wit-
nessed to by the Church of Rome

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