An account of the different ceremonies abserved in the Senate house of the University of Cambridge; together with tables of fees, &c1828 - 80 σελίδες |
Συχνά εμφανιζόμενοι όροι και φράσεις
Admission admitted appointed Artium Artium Magister assignat assignat horam Baccalaureus Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Divinity Bachelor of Law Bedell calls Bedellis Bibliothecario Pulsatori Candidates Caput cellor Chancellor Cistæ Communi Coll Collegium Congregation Copia Juramenti degree of Bachelor diei Doctor in Divinity Doctor of Divinity Election Electione Electors Eliz Eorum Servis EPIGRAMS Examination following Grace gown gradum Grat GREEK ODE Heads of Colleges hujus Academiæ Ibid Idem Inceptor incipiendum John's Junior Jurabis King's LATIN ODE Magister Master of Arts Medicina Musica nominate Nominati o'clock Oaths of Allegiance Office Officium pays Person Placeat Vobis Præsento Vobis present quæ quam quod Regent Registrary S. B.-Utrùm Sacra Theologia Scholar Scholarship School-keeper scio Scrutators Scrutinium Senate Senate-House Senior Proctor Sermon solvit stand in Scrutiny Stat Statute Supplicat takes the Oaths Taxors Trin Trinity College University University of Cambridge Utrùm Vacancy vestris Vice Vice-Chan Vice-Chancellor votes Yeoman Bedell
Δημοφιλή αποσπάσματα
Σελίδα 330 - Trustees for this benefaction) or any two of them, seem best or most proper to deserve or require an answer, whether the same be ancient or modern objections, but chiefly such as are most modern, and especially such as have appeared in the English language of late years against Christianity, and which may not seem to have received a full and sufficient answer, if any such there shall be unto the year preceding his election ; as likewise...
Σελίδα 324 - God, begotten, not made, being of one substance with the Father; by whom all things were made; who, for us men, and for our salvation, came down from heaven...
Σελίδα 353 - Scholarships shall be, first, (actualiter) Bachelors of Arts or Inceptors who are not of sufficient standing to be created Masters of Arts ; or secondly, Students in the Civil Law or Medicine, of not less than four or more than seven years...
Σελίδα 329 - The trustees and electors of Mr. Hulse's bequest are, the Vice-Chancellor for the time being, the Master of Trinity college, and the Master of St. John's college. If the Master of Trinity be Vice-Chancellor, the Greek Professor supplies his place. The Bishop of Ely is visitor, with power to determine, in reason and equity, in all disputes.
Σελίδα 351 - Professor, shall, in future, on or before the 1st day of December, after every vacancy, cause a writing, under their hands, declaring the said vacancy and the time of examination, to be affixed to the door of the public schools ; and they shall notify the same to the two Colleges, which are to nominate the electors, and the heads of those Colleges...
Σελίδα 331 - HULSEAN LECTURER OR CHRISTIAN PREACHER. Salary, nearly £300. per annum. THE election to this office is to take place on Christmas Day, or within eight days after. The persons eligible are, Masters of Arts of the University of Cambridge, under forty years of age. The office is only annual, but the same individual may, under certain circumstances, be re-elected for any successive number of years, not exceeding six.
Σελίδα 442 - Pater noster, qui es in coelis; sanctificetur nomen tuum ; adveniat regnum tuum, fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo et in terra. Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie ; et dimitte nobis debita nostra, sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris ; et ne nos inducas in tentationem ; sed libera nos a malo. Amen.
Σελίδα 396 - Dr. Smith, late Master of Trinity college, left two annual prizes of £'25, each, to two commencing Bachelors of Arts, the best proficients in mathematics and natural philosophy.
Σελίδα 64 - MA; — and the other two are open to all Undergraduates who shall have resided not less than seven terms at the time when the exercises are to be sent in. The subjects...
Σελίδα 66 - Name and College written within. The papers containing the Names of those Candidates, who may not succeed, will be destroyed unopened. Any Candidate is at liberty to...