Journal of the Senate of the ... General Assembly of the State of Iowa, Τόμος 7,Μέρος 1858A few volumes include appendices (some separately paged) mainly reports of state officers. |
Άλλες εκδόσεις - Προβολή όλων
Συχνά εμφανιζόμενοι όροι και φράσεις
11th Rule act to amend amend Section amendment was adopted Assembly Bank of Iowa bill read bill was passed Brigham Brown Carter Cattell Chief Clerk Code of Iowa Committee on Enrolled Committee on Judiciary concurred Cook Coolbaugh Dale Davis of Clinton Davis of Polk demanded and ordered election final passage following resolution Foster Grinnell House of Representatives inform the Senate inserting introduce Senate File Jenkins Johnston Joint Resolution Kirkwood leave to introduce Linn county Loughridge Moved McCoy McPherson motion prevailed motion the yeas motion was lost Moved to amend nays were demanded nays were Senators Neal Patterson Presented the petition Pusey Rankin read a third read the third Reed referred Senate File Reiner Rule was suspended Rusch Saunders Senate adjourned Senate is asked Senators Allen Senators Anderson Senators Atkins Sharraden Special Committee Stewart Thompson title thereof agreed vote W. P. HEPBURN Warner Wilson yeas and nays yeas were Senators
Δημοφιλή αποσπάσματα
Σελίδα 57 - After a bill shall have passed both Houses it shall be duly enrolled on parchment, by the Clerk of the House of Representatives, or the Secretary of the Senate, as the bill may have originated in the one or the other House, before it shall be presented to the President of the United States.
Σελίδα 15 - In all the cases enumerated in the preceding section, and in all other cases where a general law can be made applicable, all laws shall be general, and of uniform operation throughout the State.
Σελίδα 25 - That five per cent of the net proceeds of sales of all public lands lying within the said state, which have been or shall be sold by Congress, from and after the admission of said state into the Union, after deducting all the expenses incident to the same, shall be paid to the said state, for the purpose of making public roads and canals in the same, as the legislature shall direct...
Σελίδα 493 - ... by reason of any such investment, nor shall the person for whose benefit...
Σελίδα 30 - ... the only private property which the Constitution has specifically recognized, and has imposed it as a direct obligation both on the States and the Federal Government to protect and enforce, is the property of the master in his slave; no other right of property is placed by the Constitution upon the same high ground, nor shielded by a similar guaranty.
Σελίδα 25 - That five per cent, of the net proceeds of sales of all public lands lying within the said State, which have been or shall be sold by congress, from and after the admission of said State, after deducting all the expenses incident to the same, shall be appropriated for making public roads and canals within the said State, as the legislature may direct...
Σελίδα 493 - ' stockholder" as used in this section shall apply not only to such persons as appear by the books of the corporation to be such, but also to every equitable owner of stock, although the same appear on the books in the name of another...
Σελίδα 435 - The tax so levied must be computed and entered upon the assessment roll by the County Auditor, and collected at the same time and in the same manner as State and county taxes, and when collected shall be paid into the county treasury for the use of the district.
Σελίδα 342 - Constitution the judicial power of the United States is vested in one Supreme Court and in such inferior courts as Congress may from time to time ordain and establish...
Σελίδα 24 - That five per centum of the net proceeds of sales of all public lands lying within said state which shall be sold by Congress after the admission of said state into the Union, after deducting all the expenses incident to the same, shall be paid to said state, for the purpose of making public roads and internal improvements, as the Legislature shall direct...