And will have no attorney but myself; way Mer. To see a reverend Syracusan merchant, Against the laws and statutes of this town, Ang. See, where they come; we will behold his death. Luc. Kneel to the duke, before he the abbey. pass Enter Duke attended; ÆGEON bare-headed; with the Headsman and other Officers. Duke. Yet once again proclaim it publicly, Adr. Justice, most sacred duke, against the abbess! Adr. May it please your grace, Antipholus, my husband, Whom I made lord of me and all I had, By rushing in their houses, bearing thence wars; And ever as it blaz'd they threw on him Adr. Peace, fool, thy master and his man are here: And that is false, thou dost report to us. Ser. Mistress, upon my life, I tell you true;" I have not breath'd almost, since I did see it. He cries for you, and vows, if he can take you, To scorch your face, and to disfigure you: [Cry within. Hark, hark, I hear him, mistress; fly, begone. Duke. Come, stand by me, fear nothing: Guard with halberds. Adr. Ah me, it is my husband! Witness you, Even now we housed him in the abbey here; Even for the service that long since I did thee, Ege. Unless the fear of death doth make me dote, I see my son Antipholus and Dromio. Ant. E. Justice, sweet prince, against that woman there. She whom thou gav'st to me to be my wife, That she this day hath shameless thrown on me. upon me, While she with harlots feasted in my house. Duke. A grievous fault: say, woman, didst thou so? Adr. No, my good lord;-myself, he, and my sister, To-day did dine together: So befall my soul, Luc. Ne'er may I look on day, nor sleep on night, Ant. E. My liege, I am advised1a what I say: Neither disturbed with the effect of wine, Nor heady rash, provoked with raging ire, Albeit my wrongs might make one wiser mad. That goldsmith there, were he not pack'd with het This woman lock'd me out this day from dinner; Could witness it, for he was with me then; Who parted with me to go fetch a cham, Promising to bring it to the Porcupine, Choice of Change, 1598. Three things used by monks which provoke other men to laugh at their follies 1. They are shaven and notched on the head like fooles? Florio explains, zuccone, a shaven pate, a notted poll, a poll-pate, a gull, a ninnie.' 10 This act of friendship is frequently mentioned by 6 To wot is to know. Strong escape is an escape ef- Shakspeare. fected by strength or violence. 7 Are is here inaccurately put for have. 8 i. e. successively, one after another. 9 The heads of fools were shaved, or their hair cut close, as appears by the following passage in The 11 Harlot was a term anciently applied to a rogue or base person among men, as well as to wantons among women. See Todd's Johnson. 12 'I speak with consideration and circumspectly, not rashly and precipitately.' Where Balthazar and I did dine together. Which, God he knows, I saw not: for the which, I did obey; and sent my peasant home Το go in person with me to my house. My wife, her sister, and a rabble more Of vile confederates; along with them They brought one Pinch; a hungry lean-fac'd villain, A thread-bare juggler, and a fortune-teller; For these deep shames and great indignities. Duke. But had he such a chain of thee, or no? Ang. He had, my lord: and when he ran in here, These people saw the chain about his neck. Mer. Besides I will be sworn, these ears of mine Heard you confess, you had the chain of him, After you first forswore it on the mart, And, thereupon I drew my sword on you; And then you fled into this abbey here, From whence, I think, you are come by miracle. Ant. E. I never came within these abbey walls, Nor ever didst thou draw thy sword on me : I never saw the chain, so help me heaven! And this is false, you burden me withal. Duke. Why, what an intricate impeach is this! I think you all have drunk of Circe's cup. If here you hous'd him, here he would have been; If he were mad, he would not plead so coldly:You say, he dined at home; the goldsmith here Denies that saying:-Sirrah, what say you? Dro. E. Sir, he din'd with her there, at the Porcupine. Cour. He did; and from my finger snatch'd that ring. Ant. E. 'Tis true, my liege, this ring I had of her. Duke. Saw'st thou him enter at the abbey here? Cour. As sure, my liege, as I do see your grace. Duke. Why, this is strange :-Go, call the abbess hither; 1 think, you are all mated, or stark mad. [Exit an Attendant. Ege. Most mighty duke, vouchsafe me speak a word; Haply I see a friend will save my life, Duke. Speak freely, Syracusan, what thou wilt. Ege. Is not your name, sir, call'd Antipholus? And is not your bondman Dromio? Dro. E. Within this hour, I was his bondman, sir, But he, I thank him, gnaw'd in two my cords; Now am I Dromio, and his man, unbound. Ege. I am sure, you both of you remember me. Dro. E. Ourselves, we do remember, sir, by you For lately we were bound as you are now. You are not Pinch's patient, are you, sir? Ege. Why look you strange on me? you know me well. Ant. E. I never saw you in my life, till now. Ege. Oh! grief hath chang'd me, since you saw me last; And careful hours, with Time's deformed hand, Æge. Dromio, nor thou? I am sure, thou dost. Dro. E. Ay, sir? but I am sure, I do not; and whatsoever a man denies, you are now bound to believe him." Ege. Not know my voice! O, time's extremity! Hast thou so crack'd and splitted my poor tongue, In seven short years, that here my only son Knows not my feeble key of untun'd cares? Though now this grained face of mine be hid In sap-consuming winter's drizzled snow, And all the conduits of my blood froze up; Yet hath my night of life some memory, My wasting lamp some fading glimmer left, My dull deaf ears a little use to hear: All these old witnesses (I cannot err,) Tell me, thou art my son Antipholus. Ant. E. I never saw my father in my life. Ege. But seven years since, in Syracusa, boy, Thou know'st, we parted: but, perhaps, my son, Thou sham'st to acknowledge me in misery. Ant. E. The duke and all that know me in the city, Can witness with me that it is not so; I ne'er saw Syracusa in my life. Duke. I tell thee, Syracusan, twenty years Have I been patron to Antipholus, During which time he ne'er saw Syracusa: I see, thy age and dangers make thee dote. Enter the Abbess, with ANTIPHOLUS Syracusan, and DROMIO Syracusan. Abb. Most mighty duke, behold a man much wrong'd. [All gather to see him. Adr. I see two husbands, or mine eyes deceive me. Duke. One of these men is Genius to the other: And so of these: Which is the natural man, And which the spirit? Who deciphers them? Dro. . I, sir, am Dromio; command him away. Dro. E. I, sir, am Dromio; pray, let me stay. Ant. S. Egeon, art thou not? or else his ghost? Dro. S. O, my old master! who hath bound nim here. Abb. Whoever bound him, I will loose his bonds, And gain a husband by his liberty: Speak, old geon, if thou be'st the man That hadst a wife once call'd Emilia, That bore thee at a burden two fair sons: O, if thou be'st the same geon, speak, And speak unto the same Emilia! ge. If I dream not, thou art Emilia. If thou art she, tell me, where is that son That floated with thee on the fatal raft? Abb. By men of Epidamnum, he, and I 9 In the old copy this speech of Egeon, and the subsequent one of the abbess, follow the speech of the 5 Dromio delights in a quibble, and the word bound Duke. It is evident that they were transposed by has before been the subject of his mirth mistake. What then became of them, I cannot tell : Duke. Why, here begins this morning story right; Ant. S. No, sir, not I; I came from Syracuse. Duke. Stay, stand apart; I know not which is which. Ant. E. I came from Corinth, my most gracious lord. Dro. E. And I with him. Ant. E. Brought to this town with that most fa- Duke Menaphon, your most renowned uncle. And are not you my husband? Ant. E. No, I say nay to that. Ant. S. And so do I, yet did she call me so; Ang. That is the chain, sir, which you had of me. Adr. I sent you, money, sir, to be your bail, Dro. E. No, none by me. Ant. S. This purse of ducats I receiv'd from you, And Dromio my man did bring them me : I see, we still did meet each other's man, And I was ta'en for him, and he for me, And thereupon these Errors are arose. Ant. E. These ducats pawn I for my father here. Duke. It shall not need, thy father hath his life. Cour. Sir, I must have that diamond from you. Ant. E. There, take it; and much thanks for my good cheer. Abb. Renowned duke, vouchsafe to take the pains To go with us into the abbey here, And hear at large discoursed all our fortunes: 1 The morning story' is what Egeon tells the Duke in the first scene of this play. 2 Semblance is here a trisyllable. It appears probable that a line has been omitted here, the import of which may have been: 'These circumstances all concur to prove If it began with the word these as well as the succeeding one, the error would easily happen. 3 Children is here a trisyllable, it is often spelled as it was pronounced then, childeren. 4 The old copy reads, erroneously, thus: My heavy burden here delivered.* Duke. With all my heart, I'll gossip at this feast. [Exeunt Duke, Abbess, GEON, Courtezan, Merchant, ANGELO, and Attendants. Dro S. Master, shall I fetch your stuff from shipboard? Ant. E. Dromio, what stuff of mine hast thou embark'd? Dro. S. Your goods, that lay at host, sir, in the Centaur. Ant. S. He speaks to me; I am your master, Come, go with us: we'll look to that anon: [Exeunt ANT. S. and ANT. E. AVR. and Luc. Dro. S. There is a fat friend at your master's house, That kitchen'd me for you to-day at dinner; Dro. E. Methinks you are my glass, and not my brother: I see by you I am a sweet-faced youth. Dro. S. Not I, sir; you are my elder. Dro. E. That's a question: how shall we try it: Dro. S. We will draw cuts for the senior: till then, lead thou first. Dro. E. Nay; then thus: We came into the world, like brother and brother; And now let's go hand in hand, not one before another. [Exeunt. ON a careful revision of the foregoing scenes, I do not hesitate to pronounce them the composition of two very unequal writers. Shakspeare had undoubtedly a share in them; but that the entire play was no work of his, is an opinion which (as Benedict says) "fire can not melt out of me; I will die in it at the stake." Thus as we are informed by Aulus Gellius, Lib. III. Cap. 3, some plays were absolutely ascribed to Plautus, which in truth had only been (retractatæ et expolite) retouched and polished by him. In this comedy we find more intricacy of plot than dis tinction of character; and our attention is less forcibly engaged, because we can guess in great measure how the denouement will be brought about. Yet the subject appears to have been reluctantly dismissed, even in this last and unnecessary scene, where the same mistakes are continued, till the power of affording entertainment is entirely lost. STEEVENS. Theobald corrected it in the following manner: Malone, after much argument, gives it thus. Thirty-three years are an evident error for twenty-five, this was corrected by Theobald. The reader will choose between the simple emendation which I have made in the text, and those made by Theobald and Malone. 5 i. e. the two Dromioes. Antipholus of Syracuse has already called one of them 'the almanack of my true date. See note on Act 1, Sc. 2. 6 Heath thought that we should read, and joy with me.' Warburton proposed gaud, but the old reading is probably right. |