Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

pecks? 40 are how many times 4? 16 are how many times 4? 36 are how many times 4?

23. If Peter learns seven lessons every day, in how many days will he learn 14 lessons? 56 lessons? 35 lessons? 49 lessons? 42 lessons? How many times 7 are 14 56? 35! 49? 42?

24. If one yoke of oxen will plough nine acres of ground, how many yokes will plough 81 acres in the same time? How many will plough 45 acres? 81 divided by 9 are how many? 45 divided by 9?

25. How many are 60 divided by 6? 36 divided by 6? 70 divided by 7? 100 divided by 10? 80 divided by 10? 30 divided by 6? 20 divided by 2?

26. 24 tens divided by 4 are how many tens? 24 tens divided by 4 tens are how many?

27. How many are 240 divided by 4? 240 divided by 40?

28. How many are 18 tens divided by 6? 18 tens divided by 6 tens?

29. How many are 180 divided by 6? 180 divided by 60?

30. How many are 21 tens divided by 7? by 7 tens? 31. How many are 210 divided by 7? by 70? 32. How many are 25 tens divided by 5? by 5 tens? 33. How many are 250 divided by 5? by 50? 34. How many are 56 tens divided by 8? by 8 tens? 35. How many are 560 divided by 8? by 80? 36. How many are 36 tens divided by 9? by 9 tens? 37. How many are 360 divided by 9? by 90? 38. How many are 70 tens divided by 10? by 10 tens?

39. How many are 700 divided by 10? by 100 ? 40. How many are 810 divided by 9? by 90?

XVII.—1. If I divide one apple among two boys, how much can I give to each? How much is one divided by 2? One-half is written.

2. If an orange be divided among four boys, how much will each receive? How much is 1 divided by 4? One-fourth is written 4.

When anything is divided into two equal parts, one of those parts is called one-half, which is written. If it is divided into three parts, one part is called one-third, written. If in four parts, one part is one-fourth, written 4. If in five parts, one part is one-fifth, or, and so on.


3. Mary wishes to divide an apple among six of her playmates. How much can she give to each? How much is 1 divided by 6? How many sixths make a whole one?

4. If a barrel of flour be divided equally among five men, how much will each man receive? How much is 1 divided by 5? How many fifths make a whole one?

5. If a pound of raisins costs five cents, how much will of a pound cost? How much will ? ? ? ?

6. Eliza wishes to give three of her companions some candy. How much can she give to each, if she divides one stick among them? How much if she divides two sticks? How much is 1 divided by 3? 2 divided by 3? How many thirds make a whole one?

7. A gentleman wished to distribute some bread among seven beggars. How much can he give to each, if he divides one loaf among them? How much if he divides two loaves? 3 loaves? 4 loaves? 5 loaves? 6 loaves? 7 loaves? How much is 1 divided

* The teacher should illustrate the principles of fractions, as far as may be necessary, by the actual division of an apple, a line on the board, or such other method as is most convenient.

by 7? 2 divided by 7? 3 divided by 7? 4 divided by 7 5 divided by 7? 6 divided by 7? 7 divided by 7? How many sevenths make a whole one ?

8. What is one-seventh of one? ¦ of 2? 4 of 3? of 4 of 5 of 6? of 7?

9. Eight boys go to gather chestnuts. How many ought each to receive, if they find but one quart? How many if they find two quarts? 3 quarts? 6 quarts? 7 quarts? 8 quarts? How much is 1 divided by 8 2 divided by 8? 3 divided by 8? 6 divided by 8? 7 divided by 8? 8 divided by 8? How many eighths make a whole one?

10. What is one-eighth of one? of 2 of 3? of 6 of 7 of 8?

11. Nine families consume a barrel of flour in one week. What part of a barrel will one family consume in one week? In 2 weeks? In 3 weeks? In 7 weeks? In 9 weeks? How many ninths make a whole one? 12. What is one-ninth of one? of 2 ? ¦ of 3? ¦ of 7? of 9 ?

13. If ten horses eat a ton of hay in a month, what part of a ton will one horse eat in one month? What part in two months? 3 months? 4 months? 5 months? 6 months? 7 months? 8 months? 9 months? 10 months?

14. How much is one divided by ten? 2 divided by 10? 3 divided by 10? 4 divided by 10? 5 divided by 10? 6 divided by 10? 7 divided by 10? 8 divided by 10? 9 divided by 10? 10 divided by 10? How many tenths make a whole one?

15. What is one tenth of one? of 2?' of 3? of 4 of 5 of 6

of 7?% of 8% of

9 of 10% of 10% of 10? of 10?% of of 10 of 10? of 10? % of 10? 1% of

10? TO




16. Which is the larger, or?


or?s or?

or ? or ?


Such numbers as 1, 3, 4, 11, &c., are called Fractions. The number above the line is called the numerator, and the number below the line, the denominator.

XVIII.—1. Elizabeth wished to divide seven apples equally between Martha, Louisa and Mary. She gave them two apples apiece, and found she still had one left. How must she divide that one? Then how many apples did she give to each?

2. 7 are how many times 3? Ans. 2 times 3 and of 3.

[blocks in formation]

12. Silas promised to give four boys five apples, if either of them could tell how to divide them equally. How much ought each boy to receive?

13. 5 are how many times 4? are how many whole ones ?

14. 6 are how many times 4? are how many whole ones?

What is of 5?

What is of 6?

15. 7 are how many times 4? What is of 7? 7 are how many whole ones?

16. 8 are how many times 4? What is 4 of 8? are how many whole ones?

17. 12 are how many times 4? What is of 12? are how many whole ones?

18. 16 are how many times 4? What is of 16? are how many whole ones?

19. 17 are how many times 4? What is of 17? are how many whole ones?

20. 19 are how many times 4? What is of 19? are how many whole ones?

21. If a yard of broadcloth costs five dollars, how much can be bought for six dollars?

22. 6 are how many times 5? What is of 6? § are how many whole ones?

23. 7 are how many times 5? What is } of 7? are how many whole ones?

24. 8 are how many times 5? What is of 8? are how many whole ones?

25. 9 are how many times 5? What is of 9? are how many whole ones?

26. 10 are how many times 5? What is of 10? are how many whole ones?

27. 11 are how many times 5? What is of 11? are how many whole ones?

28. 14 are how many times 5? What is of 14? are how many whole ones?

29. If a pair of shoes will last a man six months, how many pairs will last him seven months? How many 8 months? 12 months? 20 months?

[blocks in formation]
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