Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

the accident, when plaintiff's condition had much improved, and while under the care of another competent physician, he called on a physician of great reputation as a medical expert, made certain statements as to his condition and symptoms, and requested an opinion and physical examination. This expert was produced on the trial, and his evidence was mainly relied on by plaintiff on the question of his injuries: Held, that these circumstances showed that plaintiff called on the expert physician merely to qualify him to testify in his favor, and that hence his statements to the latter were inadmissible.-DELAWARE, L. & W. R. Co. v. ROALEFS, U. S. C. C. of App., 70 Fed. Rep. 21.

27. FRAUDULENT CONVEYANCE - Securing Surety.-A failing debtor may protect his surety by a transfer of goods reasonably proportioned in value to the amount of the debt.-KEATING IMPLEMENT & MACHINE CO. V. TERRE HAUTE CARRIAGE & BUGGY CO., Tex., 32 8. w. Rep. 556.

28. GARNISHMENT-Claim in Tort.-A claim in tort for damages is not subject to garnishment until merged in a final judgment.-KREISLE V. CAMPBELL, Tex., 32 S. W. Rep. 581.

29. GUARANTY. -The guarantors on a note given for the purchase price of a machine may avall themselves of the defense of breach of warranty to the vendee and maker of the note, and plead the failure of the consideration passing from the payee to him as a failure of the consideration passing to them, where their guaranty was made at the time of the execution of the note, and for no independent consideration.-WALTER A WOOD MOWING & REAPING MACH. CO. V. LAND, Ky., 32 S. W. Rep. 607.

30. INJUNCTION TO RESTRAIN COLLECTION OF TAXNot Granted, When. A federal court will not enjoin the collection of a tax which is only a personal charge against the party taxed, or charge upon his personal property.-LINEHAN RAILWAY TRANSFER CO. V. PENDERGRASS, U. S. C. C. of App., 70 Fed. Rep. 1.

31. INSURANCE-Iron Safe Clause. -A clause in a fire policy on a stock of liquors, etc., in a saloon, providing that the insured should keep his books in a fireproof safe at night, and at all times when the store mentloned in the policy was not actually open for business, is valid, and the effect thereof cannot be defeated by showing that the insured maintained the saloon in connection with his hotel; that the saloon was kept open for business both night and day, and was closed only on Sunday; that the insured kept but one set of books for the hotel and saloon; that he was obliged to frequently refer to the same for the settlement of his guests' accounts, and for that reason kept them under a counter, and they were not placed in the safe oftener than once a month.-SOUTHERN INS. Co. v. PARKER, Ark., 32 S. W. Rep. 507.

32. INSURANCE Vacancy of Building. Where a vacancy permit was attached to a policy on buildings owned by two persons, and defendant instructed its local agents to cancel said permit at the expiration thereof, and said instruction was shown to one of said owners, defendant was not liable for a loss occurring after the permit expired, though the local agents had consented to temporarily extend the permit.-McLEARY V. ORIENT INS. Co., Tex., 32 S. W. Rep. 583.

33. INSURANCE POLICY-Burden of Proof. In an action on a certificate of insurance, issued subject to all the conditions in an open policy which was retained by the insurer, it is not necessary for the insured to allege and prove compliance with the conditions of said policy, as that is a matter of defense.-MERCHANTS' INS. CO. V. ARNOLD, Tex., 32 S. W. Rep. 579.

34. JUDGMENT-Satisfaction-Attorney and Client.An attorney of record has no power to satisfy a judg. ment upon receiving less than the amount due thereon, without the consent of his client.-FAUGHNAN V. CITY OF ELIZABETH, N. J., 33 Atl. Rep. 212.

35. LANDLORD AND TENANT-Tenant's Administrator. -On the death of a lessee his administrator is bound

to perform the conditions of the lease.-WILCOX V. ALEXANDER, Tex., 32 S. W. Rep. 561.

36. LIFE INSURANCE-Application-Rescission of Con tract. That defendant company agreed to issue plaintiff a life insurance policy on which the premiums should be payable semi-annually, while the policy actually delivered provided for their annual payment is no ground upon which to base an action for deceit.NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE CO. V. MILLER, Tex., 32 S. W. Rep. 550.

37. LIMITATIONS-Action on Mortgage. A mortgage executed in 1883, securing an open account, recited that it was given for $594, the receipt of which it acknowledged; that it was to become void if the mortgagors paid $594, with interest at 10 per cent. per annum thereon, 24 months from its date, to the mortgagee. A pay. ment of $75 was indorsed on it October 20, 1887. Held, that the recitals did not show a promise to pay, and make the mortgage evidence of the debt, so as to make the 18 years limitation applicable, instead of the 3years, relating to debts on open account, in bar of foreclosure, under Act March 31, 1887.-HOLIMAN V. HANCE, Ark., 32 S. W. Rep. 488.

38. MALICIOUS PROSECUTION- Probable Cause. - In suits for malicious prosecution, the question of the existence of reasonable cause the facts not being in dispute-must be decided by the court. - BELL v. ATLANTIC CITY R. CO., N. J., 33 Atl. Rep. 211.

39. MARRIAGE- Validity.- A person having a wife living and undivorced cannot contract a second valid marriage; and his relations with another woman, though assumed under the forms of a regular marriage, confer on her no rights in the husband's property as community property, as such rights, being con. ferred by statute, depend on a valid marriage.-CHAPMAN V. CHAPMAN, Tex., 32 S. W. Rep. 564.

40. MASTER AND SERVANT - Fellow-servants. The employees of a railroad company running a through freight are not fellow servants of employees of the same company running one of its local freights, pick ing up freight and empty cars.-GALVESTON, H. & S. A. RY. Co. v. WORTHY, Tex., 32 S. W. Rep. 557.

41. MASTER AND SERVANT-Payment. If a workman agree with his employer to take pay for his work in part in merchandise, the merchandise so furnished does not constitute 8. ground of set off; it is a payment, and goes in deminution of the claim for work. CUM. BERLAND GLASS MANUF'G CO. V. STATE, N. J., 33 Atl. Rep. 210.

42. MASTER AND SERVANT- Railroad Employees.-A car cleaner, while at work inside a coach on a side track, was injured by another coach being kicked against it at an unusual and dangerous rate of speed: Held, that he was exposed to the hazards and dangers of railroading, and could recover under the doctrine laid down in Pearson v. Railroad Co., 49 N. W. Rep. 302, 47 Minn. 9.-MITCHELL V. NORTHERN PAC. R. Co., U. S. C. C. (Minn.), 70 Fed. Rep. 15.

43. MECHANIC'S LIENS-Filing of Contract.-When it appears by the contract that the builder is to do all the work and furnish all the materials necessary for the construction of a building, it is not necessary to file the specifications with the contract in order to protect such building from the liens of mechanics and material-men under the provisions of the second section of the mechanics' lien law. LA FOUCHERIE V. KNUTZEN, N. J., 33 Atl. Rep. 203.

44. MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE.-In an action to foreclose a mortage, an objection to the admissibility of a judgment foreclosing mechanics' liens on the property in favor of some of defendants, on the ground that plaintiff was not a party to such foreclosure proceedings, is without merit, where plaintiff conceded that it was admissible for a specific purpose, and the court ruled that plaintiff was not bound by it.-LAND MORTGAGE BANK OF TEXAS 5 LIMITED V. QUANAH HOTEL CO., Tex., 32 S. W. Rep. 573.

45. NEGLIGENCE. A complaint alleging that defend ant negligently operated its hand car at a speed of

more than 15 miles an hour, by a noisy and disorderly crew, from behind an obstruction near a crossing; that the operation thereof in such manner was calculated to frighten a very gentle horse, and did frighten plaintiff's horse, which was of that character, -failing to aver that what was complained of was unusual, and such as common prudence would condemn,-does not state a cause of action based on defendant's negligence.-MCCERREN V. ALABAMA & V. RY. Co., Miss., 18 South. Rep. 420.

46. NEGLIGENCE-Blasting.-Plaintiff, while walking along a public road about dusk, was struck and injured by a rock thrown from G's mill race, over 100 yards away, where blasting was being done by an em. ployee of G. No means were taken to restrict the flight of rock within safe limits, nor was any danger notice given: Held, that G and his servant were liable.-CATES V. LATTA, N. Car., 23 S. E. Rep. 173.

47. PARTNERSHIP-Power of Partner - Mortgages.The implied power of one partner to mortgage firm property is revoked by a dissent of his copartners, known to the mortgagee when he takes his mortgage. -CARR V. HERTS, N. J., 33 Atl. Rep. 194.

48. PRINCIPAL AND AGENT-Notice to Agent. Since a railroad station agent has no apparent power to contract for the company for the shipment of goods from another station, notice to such agent of the necessity for dispatch in shipment thereof is not notice to the company.-MISSOURI, K. & T. RY. CO. OF TEXAS V. BELCHER, Tex., 32 S. W. Rep. 518.

49. PRINCIPAL AND SURETY-Official Bond. -The fact that municipal authorities intrusted with the duty of requiring and accepting official bonds of officers, knowing that an officer was in default, failed to inform those intending to become sureties of the facts, or falsely represented to them that he was not in default, and had discharged his duties with fidelity, will not avoid the bond.-CITY OF HALLETTSVILLE V. LONG, Tex., 32 S. W. Rep. 567.

50. RAILROAD COMPANIES-Killing Stock. In an ac tion for killing stock, where defendant, by the uncontradicted testimony of its employees in charge of the train, proves that the killing could not have been avoided by the exercise of ordinary care, a verdict for plaintiff is not supported by the evidence.-MCGHEE V. GUYN, Ky., 32 8. W. Rep. 615.

51. RAILROAD COMPANIES - Killing Stock. In an action against a railroad company for damages for killIng a cow, evidence that defendant company failed to post notice of the animal killed, as required by statute, is incompetent, in the absence of an allegation of such failure in plaintiff's statement of his cause of action.ST. LOUIS & S. F. RY. CO. V. KIMMONS, Ark., 32 S. W. Rep. 505.

52. RAILROAD COMPANY - Negligence. A railroad company is not ordinarily liable for injuries sustained at a crossing on proof merely that it knowingly used a track "so constructed and maintained as to be dangerous to the public;" it appearing that said road was necessarily dangerous, but such liability must depend upon the care taken to avoid accident.-TEXAS & P. RY. CO. V. WARREN, Tex., 32 8. W. Rep. 578.

53. RAILROAD COMPANIES - Negligence - Defective Crossing.-In an action for injuries occasioned by the running away of plaintiff's horse while on a bridge erected by defendant railroad company over a ditch at a crossing of its track, alleged to have been caused by defendant's negligence in not properly constructing and maintaining the bridge, the company was bound to show ordinary care only. It was error to charge that it was defendant's duty to erect and main tain a "safe" and suitable bridge across and over the ditch cut by it along the side of its railway, or that, if it was necessary for the bridge to be erected, "it was the duty of the railroad to erect and maintain such a bridge so that the highway should be restored to as passable a condition, and so kept, as was consistent with the use of the railroad company, and, if guard

rails were required for that purpose, then it was the duty of the railroad company to place guard rails or bannisters upon the bridge."-ST. LOUIS, I. M. & S. RY. CO. V. AVEN, Ark., 32S. W. Rep. 500.

54. RAILROAD COMPANY-Street Railways - Mortgage Foreclosures. A claim for damages for personal in juries, caused by the negligence of a street railway company five months before the appointment of a receiver in mortgage foreclosure proceedings, is not entitled to priority of payment over the mortgage debt out of the earnings accruing during the receivership. Such a claim is not based upon any considerations inuring to the benefit of the mortgage security, or tending to keep the road a going concern.-ST. LOUIS TRUST CO. V. RILEY, U. S. C. C. of App., 70 Fed. Rep.


55. RECEIVERS-Compensation.-Where a receiver is appointed at the instance of plaintiff, and the appointment revoked on appeal, but, pending the appeal, such appointee gives bond, and proceeds with the management of the property, he is entitled, on final settle ment, to be paid his expenses and commissions out of the proceeds in his hands as receiver, regardless of the ultimate result of the litigation.-ESPUELLA LAND & CATTLE CO. V. BINDLE, Tex., 32 S. W. Rep. 582.

56. SUNDAY LAW - Work of Necessity.-Where, on a trial for Sabbath breaking, the State proves that de fendant performed labor on Sunday, not apparently a work of necessity, the burden is on defendant to show that such work was of necessity.-SIPLEY V. STATE, Ark., 32 S. W. Rep. 489.

57. WILLS-Charities-Trusts. A bequest to a church, "to be used in solemn masses for the repose of my soul," is not valid as a direct bequest to the church for its general uses. -FESTORAZZI V. ST. JOSEPH'S CATH OLIC CHURCH OF MOBILE, Ala., 18 South. Rep. 394.

58. WILLS-Community Property.-A devise to testator's wife of "all that portion of land I own" between certain lines, "including my homestead," is a disposi tion of such lands as the property of testator in en tirety, so that the widow must elect to take thereunder or claim her community interest.-CHACE V. GREGG, Tex., 32 S. W. Rep. 520.

59. WILL-Issue. Where a will in one clause provided that on the death of the last of three daughters leaving issue "said issue to take the distributive share of the trust capital belonging to his, her, or their mother, and the residue of said capital fund, if any, to be divided equally among the children of my said three daughters; that is, my grandchildren to inherit in the right of their respective mothers," and a subsequent clause provided "that, should the last survivor of my said three daughters die without issue, then the cap ital of the trust fund shall be divided among the chil dren and issue of said three daughters in the manner before stated," only the issue of said three daughtere were entitled to inherit upon the death of their mother, or upon the death of the last survivor, and the issue of said issue were not so entitled.-GAMMELL V. ERNST, R. I., 33 Atl. Rep. 222.

60. WITNESS-Competency of Wife. -Code 1892, § 1739, provides that a husband and wife may testify for each other "in all cases." Section 1740 provides that a person cannot testify "to establish his own claim" against the estate of a deceased person which originated dur ing the life of decedent: Held, that a wife is a competent witness for her husband in establishing his claim against a decedent's estate arising out of a deed to him from decedent.-SAFFOLD V. HORNE, Miss, 18 South. Rep. 433.

61. WITNESS Impeachment. - Where an attempt is made to impeach a witness by showing that he has made contradictory statements out of court, he may be supported by proving that, shortly after the transaction to which his testimony relates, he made statements of the matter to others, similar to those given in evidence.-DICKER V. STATE, Tex., 32 8. W. Rep.





A separate subject-index for the "Digest of Current Opinions" will be found on page 511, follow-
ing this Index-Digest.


right of an abstractor of title to inspect public rec-
ords, 170.

the need of the abstract, 323.

the make-up of the abstract, 323.


will lie against one maliciously garnishing the ex-
empt earnings of his debtor, 187.

survival of, 348.

for the malicious prosecution of an ordinary civil
action, 449.


land law of Missouri, 39.


announcement of the eighteenth annual meeting of
the, 145.

address of Mr. Chief Justice Brewer before the, 283.

owner of domestic animal not in general liable for
injury committed by it in a place where it right-
fully may be, 3.

liability of tenant in common for injuries to co-
tenant's property by domestic animal, 3.


appeal as a supersedeas in contested election cases,


on a second appeal of a case a court will not ordi-
narily re-examine questions of law presented by
the first appeal, 189.

the law of the case, 189, 197.

from order for new trial, burden of showing error

a new point in Wisconsin appellate practice, 423.
appeals to the United States Supreme Court in
patent cases, 423.


rights of assignee of contract;resting on ground of
personal trust and confidence, 150.


in contemplation of law, an association of persons
formed for an illegal purpose, or one against
public policy, is not a partnership, 338.


jurisdiction of choses in action, 284.
priority of liens, 284.

of stock in a foreign corporation, 398.


compensation for legal services, 187.


right of, pending appeal, 88.


liability of barber for loss of customer's hat, 463.

the payment of forged bill of exchange by drawee,

liability for failure to collect check deposited, 90.
shares of stock and capital stock of a bank are
separate and distinct property interests, and the
taxation of both is not double taxation, 209.

president of bank liable in an action for a false
statement as to matters affecting the value of
the stock of the bank, having actual knowledge
that it was false, 230.

liability of collecting bank for the proceeds of a
draft containing a restrictive indorsement, 233.
where a draft was sent to defendant bank for col-
lection, and defendant at the request of the
drawee advanced the funds for payment thereof,
and mailed the draft to the payee stating that it
was in payment of the draft "sent to it for collec-
tion," defendant on discovering the insolvency
of said drawee cannot intercept the letter and
destroy the draft so mailed, 381.


liability of, for loss of customer's hat, 463.


whether is a "vehicle" and subject to toll on high-
ways, 29.

the rights of bicyclists, 283.

BOOKS RECEIVED, 16, 40, 79, 120, 158, 255, 279, 316, 369, 389,
435, 456, 477.


of city treasurer, liability of sureties for defalcation
of principal after expiration of term and while
holding over, 464.


of land bordering on stream, 472, 474.

injunction against, 337.


validity of foreign gambling contracts in the courts

of Illinois, 223.

of service, terminable by notice, 230.
prescribed in the contract by custom, 230,
custom as to menial servants, 230.

nature of notice, 231.

waiver of right to notice by employee, 231.
dismissal without giving notice, 231.

reduction of damages because of an employment
had or to be had, 231.
insolvency of master as notice, 232.
notice required of employee, 232.
offer to return to service, 233.

where a physician employs another to assist hig
in a case, evidence is not admissible of a custom
prevailing among the physicians of the city and
vicinity, that in the absence of a special agree.
ment to the contrary the assistant is to look to
the patient for his pay, 286.

under a statute designating as embezzlement a
conversion to one's own use of public funds in
trusted to him where a county treasurer loaned
county funds as his own, he cannot enforce the
securities taken therefor, 380.
construction of writings-restriction of general
terms by particular recitals, 383.
contract by physician to retire from practice in
favor of another, may be enforced by Injunction,
when, 494.

rescission by principal of unauthorized contract of
agent, 428.

between husband and wife for personal services,

interpretation and construction of contract in re-
straint of trade, 494, 496.


ratification by a corporation of unauthorized act
of agent, 51.

corporate assets as a trust fund, 59.

State legislation against foreign corporations, 152.
corporation has a legal existence only in the
State creating it, 152.

the right of foreign corporation to transact busi
ness in another State depends on comity, 158.
State may entirely exclude foreign corporations
from transacting business within its borders,

State may prescribe terms and conditions whether
they be reasonable or unreasonable, 153.
the motive of hostile legislation is immaterial, 14.
validity of securities taken by a foreign corpora
tion forbidden from doing business in the State
on account of not complying with the statutory
provisions, 208.


the rightful owner of personal property in the pos-
session of a common carrier or other bailee, may
enforce his right thereto, although a stranger to
the contract of bailment, 307.


liability of, for money as baggage, 30.
duty of, towards sick passenger, 91.

liability of the carrier for damages for failure of
conductor to awaken a passenger, which he had
promised to do, 288.

right of purchaser of section in a sleeping-car to
assign the use of same, 319.

liability of, for torts of its servant causing injury to
a passenger, 325, 326.


liability of, for trespass in making illegal disinter-
ment, 446.


the status of, in the United States, 368.


judgment on notes, 358.

effect of power in the mortgagor to take possession
and sell the goods, 378.


legality of agreement of members of association to
withdraw patronage from a dealer unless certain
conditions observed, 467.


enforcement of decree for alimony in foreign juris-
diction, 50.

validity of securities taken by a foreign corpora-
tion forbidden from doing business in the State
on account of not complying with the statutory
provisions, 208.

validity of foreign gambling contracts in Illinois,



legality of agreement among members of associa-
tion to withdraw patronage from dealer unless
certain conditions observed, 467.


retroactive effect of State statute relating to the
sale and redemption of real estate on mortgage
foreclosure, 68.

construction of act prohibiting the adulteration
and artificial coloring of vinegar, 129.
validity of Missouri labor organization law, 223.
what constitutes an "original package" of cigar-
ettes, 223.

constitutional number of jurors, 287.
compulsory vaccination in the public schools, 263.
city ordinance making it a penal offense for any
one to knowingly associate with persons who
have the reputation of being thieves, is an in-
vasion of personal liberty and void, 264.

an information in the nature of a quo warranto, filed
with the attorney general in the supreme judicial
court, to test one's right to a public office, is not
a controversy concerning property or a suit be
tween two or more persons, within the meaning
of the constitution as to trial by jury, 303.

what constitutes a peddler within the constitu-
tional restrictions as to interstate commerce, 407.
validity of Ohio inheritance tax law, 443.

validity of inheritance tax laws in general, 483.

recovery of money paid on illegal contract, 30.
settlement of a claim for half the amount a party is
entitled to, made in ignorance of the law, and on
fraudulent representations, will be set aside, 110.
offer and acceptance, 119.

one who contracts with the firm to sell it certain
wares on credit, and to give it the exclusive right
to sell such wares in a city, is not bound to carry
out the contract upon the demand of one member
of the firm to whom the other member has as-
signed his interest in the contract resting on
grounds of personal trust and confidence, 150.

how jurisdiction may be acquired in a State coun
over a foreign corporation and what is the effet
of a judgment rendered against such corporation
by default, 247.

validity of stock subscription induced by fraud
promoters, 252, 254.

withdrawal before incorporation by subscriber,

liability of corporations for exemplary damages,

when corporation is liable for exemplary daw
ages, 308.

difference of opinion as to circumstances under
which such damages awarded against corpora
tions, 309.

comments upon these different theories, 309.
view that exemplary damages may be awarded
against corporations, where they would f
awarded against an individual principal for the
tort of his agent, 310.

view that exemplary damages may be awarded
against corporations where they would be
awarded against an individual if acting for him
self, 311.


the federal doctrine on this question, 312.
withdrawal of subscription to unorganized corpo-
ration, 397.

attachment of stock of a non-resident in a foreign
corporation, 398.

where the general statute of a State relating to
corporations confers on a corporation power to
enact by laws for certain specified purposes, it
can enact none for any other purpose, 398.
mandamus to compel holding of meeting of stock-
holders in compliance with by-laws of corpora-
tion, 426.

of several States, their legal status, 476.

CORRESPONDENCE, 39, 79, 98, 118, 138, 157, 177, 237, 277,
295, 369, 389, 477, 498.


[blocks in formation]


in an action for deceit in representing that defend-
ant had examined the title to mortgaged real
estate and had found it perfect, whereas defend-
ant knew there was a prior mortgage, the latter
may show that the words were not used with the
intention to state anything falsely, and explain
what his understanding and intentions were, 145.
president of bank liable in an action for a false
statement as to matters affecting the value of the
stock of the bank, having actual knowledge that
it was false, 230.

the value of honest intentions, 368.


a reservation in a deed of a lien on crops to be
thereafter planted on the land to secure the pur-
chase money, is valid and entitled to precedence
over the lien of a subsequent mortgagee who had
actual notice thereof, 128.

a son's interest in his father's estate is a mere
possibility which he cannot convey, 432.

building restriction in, 145.

conveying land bordering on stream-what con-
stitutes the boundary, 472, 474.


the presumption that children born while their
mother was living in lawful wedlock with her
husband are legitimate, is conclusive in the
absence of proof of impotency of the husband, or
evidence negativing the possibility or probability
of access, 12.

on an issue as to the legitimacy of a woman's
children born while she was living in lawful wed.
lock with her husband, the testimony of the
alleged father is inadmissible, 12.

the marriage of a woman with one alleged to be the
father of children born to her while living in law-
ful wedlock with a former husband is not evi-
dence of their illegitimacy, but is admissible
after proof of illegitimacy to show paternity, 12.
a husband or wife is incompetent to testify that
children born to the wife during wedlock are
bastards, 12.

what constitutes legitimacy, 14.

right of a murderer to inherit from or profit by
the death of his victim, 377.

a son's interest in his father's estate is a mere
possibility which he cannot convey, 432.

direct inheritance tax laws, 443, 483.

DIGEST OF CURRENT OPINIONS, 16, 40, 59, 80, 100, 120,
138, 158, 178, 198, 216, 238, 255, 280, 296, 318, 329, 350, 369,
390, 409, 435, 456, 499, 477.


following sentence of imprisonment for life, 1.
enforcement of decree for alimony in foreign ju-
risdiction, 50.

under what circumstances a divorce terminates
the estate of the husband by curtesy, 174.
validity of, obtained in another State, 357.


of goods, what constitutes, 114, 118.



right of bail pending appeal, 88,

when defendant on trial for a felony, who is on
ball, voluntarily absents himself without leave
when the jury retire to consider the case, and re-
mains absent, a verdict rendered in his absence
will be binding, 109.

incestuous intercourse with relation of half blood,

in prosecution for selling a book, only parts of
which contain obscene language, if the language
complained of is too obscene to place in the re-
cords, the indictment must identify by descrip-
tion or reference the parts containing the lan-
guage upon which it is founded, 169.

twice in jeopardy, 177.

the modern law of self-defense, 185, 295.

the omission of the word "deliberately" or its
equivalent in an indictment under the statute for
murder in the first degree, is fatal though the
words "willfully" and "premeditatively" are
used, 224.

constitutional number of jurors, 237.

under a statute providing that one convicted of
perjury shall be disqualified from being a witness
unless the judgment of conviction be judicially
set aside or reversed, a pardon by the governor
of one so convicted prior to the event to which
he testified removes the disability, 273.

effect of the separation of the jury in criminal
cases, 313, 314.

the right to shoot a burglar, 315.

where defendant was given property by the prose-
euting witness to deliver at the latter's house,
and defendant sold it, he may be convicted of
larceny, 338.

effect of the presence of strangers during delibera-
tions of the jury, 359.

consent in larceny, 409.

one accused of homicide should be tried by the
laws in force where act was committed not when
the death occurs, 425.

admissibility of declaration of injured female in
rape cases, 464.


by husband in the land held by him in trust for his
wife, 174.

of the husband in the land of his divorced wife, 174,



evidence of, as to practice of physicians, 286.

constitutionality of the South Carolina registration-
law, 1, 243.

appeal as a supersedeas in contested election cases,


does an alderman duly elected and qualified vacate
his office by removal from the ward in which he
was elected, 112.

forms of ballots to be used under the Australian
ballot law, 285.

arrangement of names on ballots, 285.

certificate of nomination under the Australian bal-
lot system, 285.

scratching of ballots under the Australian ballot
system, 341.


whether electric wires are fixtures within the
meaning of the mechanics' lien law, 127.

liability for damages caused by electric wires, 364

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