EMINENT DOMAIN, condemnation by railroad company of property EMPLOYER AND EMPLOYEE, FRAUDS, STATUTE OF-Continued. it in blank as a guarantor, it is a sufficient note where bill for specific performance of contract to GAMBLING, validity of contracts as to, in Illinois courts, 223. action will lie against one for maliciously garnisu GIFT, from adopted child to parent not prima facie void 463. GUARANTY, of note by indorsement, 445. HANDWRITING, proof of, 362. HIGHWAY, whether a bicycle is a "vehicle" and subject to toll the right of bicyclists upon the, 283. HOMICIDE. See CRIMINAL LAW AND PROCEDURE. HUSBAND AND WIFE, under what circumstances a divorce terminates thi right of the husband to curtesy in the land held be IMPEACHMENT. See WITNESS. for life, as a ground for divorce, 1. INDIANA, special verdicts in, under a new statute, 360. to prevent the maintenance of a nuisance, 37. ex parte injunctions, 357. to restrain proceedings under a void judgment to protect the right to trade-name, 485. INNKEEPERS, lien of, on guest's baggage, 463. as a defense, 157. INSURANCE, clause providing that insurance policy shall be su payment of premiums, 291, 293. fraud as vitiating release of insurance policy, whether there is a federal common law governin INTOXICATING LIQUORS, proof of illegal sale of, 389. Mr. Justice, death of, 185. JETSAM AND FLOTSAM, 58, 79, 119, 138, 177, 197, 236, contracts of service terminable by notice, 230. equitable conversion - the surplus proceeds of relief from mistake of law, 476. ESTOPPEL, to claim damages for negligence, 244. photographs as, 92. identity of the place, 94. identity of handwriting, 95. admissibility of declarations of injured persons as circumstantial evidence in West Virginia, 107. in an action for deceit in representing that de- distinctions of photography in evidence, 157. under an ordinance making it unlawful for any one where a written instrument on its face shows that proof of handwriting, 362. in general, 362. by parol, 362. by demands-indorsement, 363. the res gesta of an accident, 397. admissibility of declaration of injured female in EXECUTION, levy of, by a successor to the sheriff to whom the EXPECTANCY, conveyance of an, 432, 433. FEDERAL COURTS, federal common law, 87. fees of United States court officers, 263, 277. appeal to the United States Supreme Court in FEDERAL OFFENSE, liability for depositing non-mailable letters at the use of the mails by companies alleged to be lot- what constitutes threatening letters or dunning en- FOREIGN CORPORATION. See CORPORATION. as vitiating release of insurance policy, 447. the agreement between two creditors of a common JUDGMENT, conclusiveness of foreign judgment, 67. lien of, appealed from and dismissed, 477. - JURY, constitutional number of, 238. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, liable in damages for injuries inflicted under co ANDLORD AND TENANT, control of office buildings and their visitors by the injunction against use of building by another tenant 408. ARCENY, consent in, 409. AW BOOKS, look Reviews, Digests, Digest of the United States Supreme Court Reports, 39. Pattison's Late Missouri Digest, vol. 2, 119. American Digest, 1895, 399. Book Reviews, Reports, American Railroad and Corporation Reports, vol. American State Reports, vol. 42, 40; vol. 43, 316; vol. American Electrical Cases, vol. 2, 79; vol. 3, 296. Book Reviews, Text Books, Thompson on Private Corporations, 15. Bishop's New Criminal Procedure, vol. 1, 59. Clark's Criminal Procedure, 119. Pingrey on Real Property, 296. American & English Encyclopædia of Law, vol. 28 Glenn's International Law, 316. The Law Relating to Electricity, 328. Van Fleet on Res Adjudicata, 350. LAW REFORM, uniform State legislation, 165. delay in the administration of justice, 283. LAW REPORTING, enterprising publishers, 315. comparative citation of reports, 349. LAWYERS, ndependence of English lawyers, 138. HEL, nan action for, the fact that the publication was panitive damages for a, 54. damages for injuries to the plaintiff's feelings in in accusing educational institution of the teaching upon demurrer it is always the province of the words charging one with being an Anarchist, lien of innkeeper on guest's baggage, 463. FE INSURANCE, presumption of suicide, 50. the suicide clause in life policies, 267. where the policy contains no suicide clause, 268. or its equivalent, without qualifying words, 268. LIFE INSURANCE-Continued. where the words "sane" or "insane" or their equiv construction of Missouri statute regarding defense MALICIOUS PROSECUTION, action for the malicious prosecution of an ordinary obiter dictum opposed to the action, 450. MANDAMUS, the writ of mandamus cannot be used to compel a to compel an inspection of the records by an al- to compel postmasters to allow privileges of mail to compel the holding of meeting of stockholders MARRIAGE, where a woman induces a man to marry her by what is reasonable restraint of, 456. MASTER AND SERVANT, independent contractors and the liability for their contract of service payable in installments, 177. MECHANIC'S LIEN, in action to foreclose a mechanic's lien, if defend- whether electric plant and wires are fixtures mining machinery placed in a building erected on so that a mechanic's lien would attach to it, 206. MISSOURI, criticism of a Missouri decision, 98, 138. MORTGAGE, retroactive effect of State statute relating to the validity of provision for extra interest in case of the surplus proceeds of mortgage sale of real estate provisions as to default in a, 118. debt, note and mortgage as independent entities, unreasonable attorneys' fees in foreclosure of, 283. liability of a, for torts by an officer committed in does an alderman duly elected and qualified vacate validity of statute requiring one injured or dam city ordinance making it a penal offense for any NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENT-Continued. bank paying wrong bill-delay of drawee to notify drawer as payee whose indorsement is forged, dorsement by a bank, 233. a note reciting that it was given for "value re effect of oral agreement on the part of the payes guaranty of note by indorsement sufficient to take NUISANCE, injunction to prevent a, 37. OBSCENE PUBLICATION. See CRIMINAL LAW AND PROCEDURE. OFFICERS, liability of plaintiff in process for abuse of process MUNICIPAL CORPORATION-Continued. one to knowingly associate with persons who under an ordinance making it unlawful for any where a city which is authorized by law to establish federal control of State naturalization, 397. death of Mr. Justice Jackson, 185. NEGLIGENCE, independent contractors and the liability for their the owner of a vacant lot upon which is situated a one who puts an elevator in a building which is liability of independent contractors, 215. the rights of bicyclists upon the highway, 283. an action for negligence by a street railway com- contributory negligence, 315. liability for damages caused by electric wire, 364, liability of counties for torts of employee, 386, 387. 466. NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENT, the payment of forged bill of exchange by drawee, 31. situation of payee changed by delay in giving taking up bills for accommodation of drawee, 33. loss incurred before drawee pays forged bill, 35. OREGON, criticism of a recent decision of, 283. PARDON, the effect of a, upon disqualification as a witness PARENT AND CHILD, gift from adopted child to parent not prima facie PARTNERSHIP, one partner cannot maintain action for damages partner cannot prove up against an insolvent PATENT, appeals to United States Supreme Court in patent PEDDLERS, what constitutes a peddler within the law as to in PENALTY, an informer cannot maintain an action in his PERSONAL INJURIES. See NEGLIGENCE. as evidence, 92. PLEADING, a counterclaim in mechanic's lien, 5. POST OFFICE AND POSTAL LAWS. See also FEDERAL mandamus to compel postmaster to allow use of PRINCIPAL AND AGENT, agent authorized to sell timber, not authorized to PRINCIPAL AND SURETY, liability of official bondsmen of office for unauthor PROCESS, liability in damages for abuse of process in levying liability of plaintiff in process for abuse of, by offi- PROCHEIN AMI, the next friend-extent of authority to compromise QUERY, 158. QUO WARRANTO, an information in the nature of a quo warranto, filed RAILROAD COMPANIES, duties of, towards sick passenger, 91. right of purchaser of section in sleeping-car, to as- where two railroads under a traffic contract are where two railroad companies are jointly and RAPE. See CRIMINAL LAW AND PROCEDURE; EvI- DENCE. RECEIPT, conditions expressed in, 369. RECEIVER, the possession of a receiver pendente lite will be RECORDING. See REGISTRATION. REGISTRATION, the "Torrens" system of land transfers in Illinois, right of abstractors of title to inspect public re- RELEASE, where a written instrument on its face shows that where two railroad companies are jointly and one suing on insurance policy need not before at RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES, conclusiveness of the decree of an ecclesiastical RESCISSION, of settlement of claim made in ignorance of the of contract of sale of goods, induced by fraud of the by principal of unauthorized contract of agent, 428. RES JUDICATA, the record of a judgment in a suit on several dis- RESTRAINT OF TRADE, interpretation and construction of contract in, 494, contracts by physician to retire from practice in SALE, where goods are sold to be paid for in installments, what constitutes a barter of goods, 186. effect of a sale of goods on credit induced by fraud rescission of contract of sale induced by fraud of as affecting the right of stoppage in transitu on ac- SALE OF REAL ESTATE. See VENDOR AND VENDEE. compulsory vaccination in the public schools, 263. SALE, the origin and uses of the common seal, 289. the modern law of, 185, 295. SHERIFF, service of execution on land commenced by a SOUTH CAROLINA, constitutionality of the registration law of, 1, 243. when bill for specific performance of contract to STOCK AND STOCKHOLDERS, validity of stock subscription induced by fraud of STOPPAGE IN TRANSITU, as affecting the right of stoppage in transitu, on ac- STRIKES AND STRIKERS, injunction against boycotting by strikers, 337. shares of stock and capital stock of a bank are inheritance tax in Ohio and Illinois, 215. the income tax decision, 236. city situated on a branch and not a main line of a direct inheritance tax laws in the various States, TENANTS IN COMMON, liability of one cotenant for injury to property of TELEGRAPH COMPANIES, evidence sufficient to constitute a finding of gross TRADE-MARK, how far cigar label of union workingmen is a, 75. TRADE-NAME, a tradesman by the adoption of the name "Me- TRESPASS, liability for injuries inflicted under color of judg- one who commits a trespass under color of a TRIAL, impeachment of witness by stenographer's notes, "open court," 130. impeachment of witness, 237. special verdicts in Indiana under a new statute, "TRUSTS." See, also, COMBINATION. VENDOR AND VENDEE-Continued. the lien of a subsequent mortgagee who had sale of real estate-equities of holder of option upon judgment of ouster against the whisky trust, 107. claim of the, against the Stanford estate, 205. liability of, for unauthorized act of deputy, 444. USURY, where there is no usury law, no contract can be voluntary payment of money as under an unen- compounding interest, 156. discounting paper, 156. borrowing through agent, 156. who can take advantage of, 157. VENDOR AND VENDEE, a reservation in a deed of a lien on crops to be there- WATERS, a water company which has made a contract with breach of contract to furnish water does not render when a water company contracts with a city to face water causing damage, 306. one cannot collect the surface water into an arti WEST VIRGINIA, circumstantial evidence in, 107. WILL, no witness can give his opinion that testator had construction of, concerning the rights of heir or WITNESS, impeachment of the testimony of, by stenographer's impeachment of, 237. under a statute providing that one convicted of WRITINGS, construction of-restrictions of general terms by general rules of construction-repugnant pro- conflict between general terms and specific pro recitals in release, 386. |