Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

354. If a pound of rice is worth 27 cents, what are 11 ounces worth?

355. What must I give for 7 ounces of pepper at 83 cents a pound?

QUESTIONS.-One pound is what part of 11 pounds? The cost of 1 pound is what part of the cost of 11 pounds? If the cost of 11 pounds is given, how is the cost of 1 pound found? Five pounds cost how many times as much as 1 pound? When the cost of 11 pounds is given, how can the cost of 5 pounds be fonnd?


63. What is the currency of the United States? What is meant by a decimal currency? When was it adopted? ANS.-1786. What are the denominations? In business how are eagles read? How are dimes read? Which denomination of United States money is the unit? How many cents make a dollar? An eagle? How many mills make a cent? A dime? A dollar? How many cents in a halfdollar? In a quarter-dollar? In three-quarter dollars? How many cents in 1 eighth of a dollar? In 1 tenth? In 1 fifth? In 2 fifths? A mill is what part of a cent? A cent is what part of a dollar? Into how many parts is a cent divided? What are the parts called?

64. What are coins? Of what are coins made? What is the place where they are made? What metals are called precious? Which precious metal is worth the most? What are the gold coins of the United States? What is meant by alloy? What part of the gold coins is alloy? What part of the silver coins? What alloy is used in gold coins? What alloy is used in silver coins? What is the silver 3 cent piece made of? Which coins are made mostly of nickel? Which mostly of copper? How many kinds of legal coins are there in circulation?

65. How are dollars separated from cents? What is the decimal point? Show its use?

66. What is the reduction of Federal money? How are dollars reduced to cents? Which of the fundamental rules is used to reduce dollars to cents? Cents to mills? Mills to cents? Mills to dollars? Cents to dollars? Cents to mills? Give the formula for reducing $2 to cents. 500 cents to dollars. 4 cents to mills. 80 mills to cents. 5000 mills to dollars. Recite the rule for reducing dollars to cents. Dollars to mills. Mills to cents. Mills to dollars. Cents to dollars. Cents to mills.

67. How are numbers in Federal money added? Can dollars be added to cents? Cents to mills? Mills to dollars? How are the numbers written? Why? What is the answer called? How may the answer be proved? How many places do mills take? Cents? Where is the decimal point placed in the answer? What sign is placed before dollars ?

68. What is subtraction of United States money? How are the numbers writ. ten? Which is the subtrahend? Which the minuend? Which the remainder? Can cents be taken from dollars? Mills from cents? Cents from cents? Show at the blackboard how 1000 mills can be taken from a thousand cents. A thousand mills from a thousand dollars. A thousand cents from a thousand dollars. How may subtraction be proved?" What is the opposite of subtraction?

69. What is multiplication? What do we call the number to be multiplied Show at the blackboard how 1 dollar 1 cent and 1 mill can be multiplied by 100. Which is the multiplicand? Which the multiplier? Which the product? How should the product be written? The cost of 2 apples is how many times as much as the cost of 1 apple? 20 cows are how many times as many as 1 cow? The cost of 20 cows is how many times as much as the cost of 1 cow? How may multiplication be proved?

70. What is division? What do we call the number to be divided? What do we

call the number by which we divide? What is the answer called? When the dividend is divided into equal parts, of what denomination is the quotient? Is it like or unlike, the dividend? When the dividend is cents, what is the quotient? When the dividend is mills what is the quotient? When we want to find how many times one sum of money is contained in another, what must first be done? ANS.-If they are unlike reduce them to the same denomination. If the divisor is mills and the dividend is cents, what must be done? What if the divisor is dollars and cents, and the dividend is dollars? If the divisor is cents and mills, and the dividend is dollars and cents? If the divisor is mills and tenths of a mill, and the dividend is dollars? If the dividend is cents and the divisor is dollars? If the dividend is tenths of a mill, and the divisor is cents? How many times are 6 cents contained in 6 dollars? 20 mills in 20 dollars? 5 tenths of a mill in 5 cents? 5 dimes in five eagles? 1 mill in 1 eagle? 1 dime in 1 dollar? Divide 20 dollars into 5 equal parts. Into 4 equal parts. Into 3 equal parts? ANS.-$6.666+. Why reduce the dollars to mills before dividing? ANS.-That the remainder may be mills and so not worth much. What does the sign plus after the answer show? What is 1 third of 30 cents? 1 third of 10 mills? What is it customary in business to do with the remainder of mills? ANS.When it equals or exceeds 5, add ONE to the mills, if less reject it as of no value. In the final answer, what is done with the mills? ANS.-When the mills equal or exceed 5, add ONE to the cents, if less reject them.

71. What is a bill or invoice of goods? By whom are bills given? What is their use? What is a debtor? What is a creditor? When is a bill called an account? Write a bill on the blackboard. Write an account. When must a United States revenue stamp be used? What is it to receipt a biil? Is the bill receipted by the debtor or by the creditor? How is a bill receipted by a clerk or agent?





72. A Simple number is either abstract or denominate, and of but one denomination; as, 4867859 dollars, 337 mills.

73. A Compound Denominate number is a de nominate number of two or more different denominations; as, 3 furlongs 19 rods 4 yards, 15 days 6 hours 37 minutes.

74. The Reduction of Compound Denominate numbers is the process of changing a number of one denomination to that of another, without altering its value.

75. Reduction Descending is the process of chang ing a number from one denomination to that of a less; as, pounds to farthings.

76. Reduction Ascending is the process of changing a number from one denomination to that of a greater; as, farthings to pounds.



77. English or Sterling Money, is the currency of Great Britain.

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78. Coins.-(a.) The Gold coins are the sovereign, (1£.) and the half-sovereign (10s.)

(b.) The Silver coins are the crown (5s.), the half-crown (2s. 6d.), the florin (2s.), the shilling (12d.), sixpenny piece (6d.), and three-penny piece (3d.).

(c.) The Bronze coins are the penny, half-penny, and farthing. Farthings are generally written as fractions of a penny, thus: 1 far.=d.; 2 far. or d.; 3 far.=d.

(d.) Canadian currency is decimal, and the denominations are the same as Federal money.

(e.) The Franc is the unit of the French decimal currency, and is worth $0.186. The denominations are francs and centimes.


1. How many farthings in 2d.?

FORMULA. Since there are 4 farthings in one penny, in 2 pence there are 2 times 4 farthings, which are 8 farthings; therefore in 2 pence there are 8 farthings.

2. How many farthings in 9 pence? In 8d.? In 12d.? In 7d.? In 4d.? In 5d. ? In 20d.? In 30d.?

3. How many pence in 4 shillings? Shillings in 4 pounds? Shillings in 2 guineas?

4. How many pence in 15 farthings?

FORMULA. Since in 4 farthings there is 1 penny, in 15 farthings there are as many pence as farthings are contained times in 15 farthings, which are three times with a remainder of 3 farthings; therefore in 15 farthings there are 3 pence and 3 farthings.

5. How many pence in 13 farthings? In 16 far.? In 33 far. In 20 far.? In 19 far.? In 37 far.? In 50 far. ?

6. How many pounds in 20 shillings? Shillings in 24 pence? Pence in 8 farthings?


Problem.-Change £46 6s. 8d. to the denomination of


REVIEW.-What is a unit? (1.) What is the difference between concrete and abstract numbers? (3.) (4.) Arabic notations? (7.) (8.)

What is the difference between the Roman and Illustrate at the blackboard the way in which numbers are expressed in the Roman notation. (7.)

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Anal. steps.-1. Change the pounds to shillings, and add the 6 shil lings.

FORMULA.-Since in 1 pound there are 20 shillings, in 46 pounds there are 46 times 20 shillings, which are 920 shillings, and 6 shillings added make 926 shillings.

2. Change shillings to pence, and add the 8 pence.

FORM.-Since in 1 shilling there are 12 pence, in 926 shillings there are 926 times 12 pence, which are 11112 pence, which with the 8 pence added are 11120 pence.

3. Change pence to farthings.

FORM.-Since in 1 penny there are 4 farthings, in 11120 pence there are 11120 times 4 farthings, which are 44480 farthings.

Conclusion.-Therefore, in £46 6s. 8d. there are 44480 farthings.

(f) Rule for Reduction Descending.-I. Multiply the highest denomination of the given compound number by the number which a unit of this denomination equals of the next lower, and add to this product the given number, if any, of the lower denomination.

II. Proceed in the same manner with each lower denomination, until the required result is obtained.

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