The Etymologic Interpreter, Or, An Explanatory and Pronouncing Dictionary of the English Language: To which is Prefixed an Introduction Containing a Full Development of the Principles of Etymology and Grammar, &c. &c. &cR. Hunter, 1824 - 274 σελίδες |
Αναζήτηση στο βιβλίο
Σελίδα 220
... THE SUBSTANTIVE VERB . UNGRAMMATIC people are apt to say , I be , Thou be , He be , We be , You be , They be ; instead of , I am , Thou art , He is , We are , You are , They are . There is seldom any mistake made by persons who are at ...
... THE SUBSTANTIVE VERB . UNGRAMMATIC people are apt to say , I be , Thou be , He be , We be , You be , They be ; instead of , I am , Thou art , He is , We are , You are , They are . There is seldom any mistake made by persons who are at ...
Άλλες εκδόσεις - Προβολή όλων
The Etymologic Interpreter; Or, an Explanatory and Pronouncing Dictionary of ... James Gilchrist Δεν υπάρχει διαθέσιμη προεπισκόπηση - 2020 |
The Etymologic Interpreter, Or, an Explanatory and Pronouncing Dictionary of ... James Gilchrist Δεν υπάρχει διαθέσιμη προεπισκόπηση - 2018 |
Συχνά εμφανιζόμενοι όροι και φράσεις
absurd adjective admit adopted affirm affix Anglo-Saxon called changed character concerning connexion considered consonants contr contraction corrupted derived designation Dictionary difficult distinctions diversity doctrine ellipsis employed English language entities established usage etymologic eulogistic and dyslogistic evidently exist expression false French frequently Gothic Goths grammarians grammatic grammatists Greek Greek and Latin guage guttural hence honour Horne Tooke indicate inquiry instances Italian labials learned letters Lindley Murray meaning merely metaphysical Metonymy mind modes mouth names nations nature neutrologistic nouns object obvious onomatopeia opinion origin of language originally participle perhaps persons philosophic plural political prefix present pron pronounced pronouns pronunciation proper purpose reason regular verb remarks render rule Saxon seems sentence singular sound speech spelling substantive sufficient suppose syllable tence tense termination thing thou tion train uniformly useless verbal signification verbs vowel vulgar whence wholly words write
Δημοφιλή αποσπάσματα
Σελίδα 220 - I am. Thou art. He is. We are. You are. They are. I was. Thou wast He was. We were. You were. They were.
Σελίδα 145 - A verb is a word which signifies to be, to do, or to suffer ; as, I am — I rule — I am ruled.
Σελίδα 106 - An Adjective is a word added to a substantive, to express its quality : as, " An industrious man ; a virtuous woman.
Σελίδα 240 - Their march,' says the author, speaking of the Greeks under Alexander, ' their march was through an uncultivated country, whose savage inhabitants fared hardly, having no other riches than a breed of lean sheep, whose flesh was rank and unsavoury, by reason of their continual feeding upon sea-fish.
Σελίδα 243 - It is folly to pretend to arm ourselves against the accidents of life, by heaping up treasures, which nothing can protect us against, but the good providence of our Creator.
Σελίδα 243 - By greatness, I do not only mean the bulk of any single object, but the largeness of a whole view, considered as one entire piece.
Σελίδα 248 - The only exceptions are, of, if, as, is, has, was, yes, his, this, us, and thus.
Σελίδα 243 - are these designs which any man who is born a Briton, in any circumstances, in any situation...
Σελίδα 240 - The march of the Greeks, the description of the inhabitants through whose country they passed, the account of their sheep and the reason of their sheep being disagreeable food, make a jumble of objects, slightly related to each other, which the reader cannot, without considerable difficulty, comprehend under one view.
Σελίδα 115 - The persons speaking and spoken to, being at the same time the subjects of the discourse, are supposed to be present ; from which, and other circumstances, their sex is commonly known, and needs not be marked by a distinction of gender...