Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

among them, and prove a sure antidote against their natural vices and ungodliness. But, of course, this cannot be said of all who belong to the Congregations; nor do all of them, without exception, use the privileges of Christian Instruction as they ought; nor is every one of them truly desirous after the pure milk of the Word of God. They resemble persons in a hospital, with many and various sicknesses, which oftentimes break out with greater virulence after the application of medicine: pride, envy, love of the world, and such like, frequently appear, and occasion us no small trouble: but timely exhortations and admonitions are blessed, and the people gain fresh experience of their own depraved hearts, and of their need of a Saviour: they are settled more and more in the conviction that Christianity is the only religion that is true, and suited to their spiritual wants: they get a perfect disgust against Idolatry, and are more and more freed from vain superstition. In the various occurrences of life, in which the Heathen looks to the stars, the soothsayer, the lizard, &c. &c., they abandon these miserable props, and shew that they trust in the Living God that made heaven and earth. When they are despised, ridiculed, oppressed, and cruelly threatened, they indeed often fear, are ashamed, and feel provoked; but, by the blessed influence of the Gospel, they check themselves, and do not return evil for evil. General Effect on their Heathen Neighbours.

Among those who still remain in Heathenism, a good opinion of Christianity is taking root; the worthlessness of their Idols is more openly acknowledged, and their worship neglected. Some have gone so far as to make presents to the Mission of parts of their lands, for the benefit of the Christians, for the establishment of Schools, &c. We will not say that they have the purest motives, such as Christians would have; but they evidently have done this from a conviction that the Christians have right on their side. There would, perhaps, appear still more of this benevolent spirit and of this favourable inclination towards Christianity, and opposition would be less, were there not some influential Natives, who, from interest in Idolatry, or from other motives, set themselves up as opponents; and secretly excite other people to opposition, by promulgating a number of falsehoods respecting ourselves

and Christianity. They tell, for instance, that, at Baptism, we give the people dirty water to drink, or that we put such water into human sculls and then offer it; or that we give them cow's flesh to eat; or that we dissuade slaves from serving their masters, and sub-cultivators from paying their landlords their dues, persuading them, at the same time, to wrest their lands from them; or that we allure people to become Christians by promising them remission of taxes, and such like. In short, sometimes we are said to be the worst people in existence: or they say that only the low Parriars and some senseless Toddy-people embrace this religion, by which they endeavour to lower it in the estimation of the people; and, when they cannot deny that Soodras are converted, of whom there are whole Congregations, and that even Brahmins are in favour of Christianity, desiring Christian Schools that their boys may learn this good religion, they quickly find out some other reason to contemn them also. The bulk of the people, however, become more and more aware of these falsehoods: in some places where they used to point at a Christian fellow with sneering and contempt, they now address him kindly, make him read the book which he may have in his hand, and often do not let him go without giving them a copy of it. While one rich Native does all that he can to injure us and the Cause, another rich Native favours us and promotes it. Brahmin Proprietors have given lands as a charity for the settlement of Native Christians. Two Brahmins, in the beginning of this year, even joined one of the Congregations; but, as we feared they would not hold out long, both because we suspected their motives and because they would find the persecutions of the other Brahmins too hard for them, so it has happened, and they have withdrawn. Instances have occurred, in which Brahmins, quarrelling among themselves, have threatened one another with becoming Christians, if they were not immediately satisfied according to their demands. Among the lower classes, they began, some months ago, to make superstitious use of our Christian Books. A man had resolved to become a Christian, and had taken such books into his house in the night, either in a dream or otherwise, the evil demon told him, that unless he removed these books he would no longer be his friend nor do him any good. The man replied,

Thou hast never done me any good, neither will I serve thee any longer; and these books shall remain here." This was soon spread among the Heathen; when some came and asked for books, in order to keep the devil out of their houses. This was, of course, refused.

Influence on Roman Catholics and


Among Roman Catholics, likewise, the Truth is gradually gaining ground; and not a few have, in the course of the year, exchanged their superstitions for the pure doctrines of the Gospel.

The Moormen also begin to lend a more patient ear to the Word of Truth; and though they, in general, remain still very obstinate in believing their Prophet and his Korân, yet individuals read our books, and examine the nature of Christianity. Some have come and asked for the Scriptures; others have made Christians read them to them. In one place, a number of Moormen proposed to one of us to have a public disputation with their Priests about Religion: the next day was fixed for the purpose; but the latter failed to attend. In another place, two Moormen are very desirous of embracing Christianity; but still stand back, from fear of persecution and of remaining without a livelihood.

Although, then, we have to pass through various trials and difficulties, and through much evil report, yet, in this District, knowledge is increasing in all quarters. And if any District requires it, it is this; because the spirit of lies and deceit has so extensively and shockingly possessed this people, that it has been justly called the worst in India. Christianity only can change this horrible state of things; and blessed be God that this glorious work is making steady progress!


There are, in the District, under the superintendence of the Missionaries, 55 Schools; containing, at the date of the last Returns, 1360 Scholars, with an average attendance of 943.

Applications for Schools.

During the past year, many important Heathen Places made applications for Schools; a compliance with many of which was postponed, because of the want of competent Masters: so that all the 17 Schools, granted by the Committee, were not established at once. Encouraged by the small School Fund, which

was obtained in this manner, Mr. Schmid requested, in July last, the Catechists and Schoolmasters of our Establishment to look out and send, for further instruction, such persons as they thought fit and willing to become Schoolmasters or Teachers; and, as the presence of an European Missionary seems to be particularly necessary at Satangkoolam, he assembled them there, and stayed with them as long as he could be absent from Palamcottah.

Increase of Teachers and Schools. In the month of July, 15 persons, mostly Heathen Soodras, of different ages, came together, and were instructed on the same plan as last year. After a short time, a considerable attention and seriousness were observed amongst many of them; and although, in the Schoolexercises, they were treated exactly like school-boys, yet the second month a greater number than was anticipated (not less than 15 new persons) applied for instruction, and were received on trial. Two of them, one a Physician, and the other a Merchant, had formerly lived as Wise Men, or Sanniasies, and had been, as we were informed subsequently, as well as several others of them, deriders of and disputants against Christianity. Conviction of the Truth is evidently increased among them during the month: three Soodras, who had previously been more or less acquainted with our books, apple for Baptism; and others, in private conversation amongst themselves, expressed their conviction that Christianity is true, and that they would, after a longer examination of our books, also come to the resolution to be baptized.

As, in the mean time, several pressing requests for Schools had been newly made, or old ones repeated, it was impossible not to follow up these hints of Providence; and, consequently, in the beginning of September, five new Schools were established, partly in Heathen, and partly in Christian Villages; and, after a month's more exercise, eight other Preparandi were appointed, in the beginning of October, to new Schools.

One of those who had requested Baptism was placed as Schoolmaster in his own village, where he had some time back been diligently reading our books to his relations and other Soodras. About a month after his appointment, the village was visited by one of us, when we saw the fragments of two clay Idols, which had been broken down by the


Schoolmaster, in conjunction with the Soodra and Shunar Inhabitants, scattered about, near the Temple. Subsequently, they have destroyed a stone Idol.

Want of Female Schools.

It will be remembered, from the statement in the last Report of the Committee, that the number of Girls attending our Schools was 37, and in March 1829 they had increased to 84; but we are sorry to add, that they gradually decreased to 60. This diminution is principally owing to the ignorance of the Parents, and to the aversion of the Girls to attend Boys' Schools; which can easily be accounted for, from the manners and morals of the Hindoos. It is therefore necessary, if we wish to benefit the Females more generally, to establish separate Female Schools in suitable places: but for such we have not sufficient funds, and we must appeal to the Public for assistance. Christians! sums are lavished to buy a jewel, which would be sufficient to make many poor children intelligent, useful, and happy; who would impart the benefits, which they have received from you, to many of their neighbours and their own descendants. We evidently see that the Lord is extending His kingdom. Fellow Christians! will you still stand back-cold, doubting, and unconcerned?

Preparation of Native Teachers.

which are publicly given every evening, and especially on the Sunday. They are nearly all Soodras; which we mention, chiefly because it is often said that only the low classes become Christians. They are not learned men; neither is there time to instruct them in the Sciences; though they receive, in the course of instruction, also a good deal of general knowledge: our principal aim with them is, to promote piety-to fill their heads and hearts with Religious Truths, and to fit them for teaching the same to those who know less than themselves. An unexceptionable conduct, in proof of their faith, is particularly required; and if any one fail therein, he is dismissed. We have often been surprised at the pains which they take; and the success which they have in their lessons, to which they were not accustomed before. Their selfdenial is likewise remarkable: they leave their homes for a considerable time, excepting occasional visits, and content themselves with a small pittance: they are an important branch of our machinery, and require the good wishes and hearty prayers of all the People of God, that they may be taught by the Divine Spirit.

The Seminary.

Since the last Return in July, 7 new Boys have been received into the Semi

As has been stated in our former Re-nary; so that it consists now of 40 Schoports, the necessity of supplying villages with Christian Teachers, according to the request of those who renounce Idolatry, has created this class of Students, preparing for the service. They are grown Natives, of various ages and castes, Christians in heart, apt to teach, and desirous of serving their Master, Christ. They must have been already baptized, though sometimes circumstances force us to make exceptions; but none are employed as Catechists before Baptism: as Schoolmasters, they may be so. At present, we have 15 such persons, whom Providence has brought into our hands, just when we feared that we should be left without subjects to supply new Congregations. They stay with us, and receive a small sum for their subsistence: they are daily instructed in the Principles of Christianity, and otherwise exercised in the necessary duties of Teachers: they learn the Doctrinal and Scriptural Catechisms by heart, with large portions of the Apostolic Epistles, which are expounded to them: they attend Lectures on the Books of Moses and the Prophets,

lars. We think it necessary to make some special remarks on the nature of our Seminary, that none may expect more from it than is just. These remarks refer to the disadvantages under which it labours. Besides Theology, they have been studying the Tamul, English, Hebrew and Latin Languages, Geography, History, Arithmetic, Logic, and Rhetoric. But their progress, though steady, is but slow, because of the want of Elementary Books in Tamul. All instructions are carried on in Tamul; and those Elementary Books are prepared whilst they are instructed. The Hebrew has latterly been discontinued, because of the want of Hebrew Dictionaries: the Teacher had always to prepare a Vocabulary for each lesson; which, in his daily accumulating labours, he found too much for him. And again, excepting Tamul, English, Latin, and Arithmetic, which are taught by Mr. Regel, the rest devolves on one of the Missionaries; who is sometimes absent from home, or otherwise so much engaged with the Catechists, which hap

pens regularly eight days in the month, at their periodical assemblies, that frequently he cannot attend to the Seminary. It is true, that the Students, in those days, repeat their previous lessons; still it cannot but be a great obstacle to their progress. So long, therefore, as those Elementary Books must be prepared whilst teaching, and so long as there is no scientific man to attend constantly to the Seminary, the Students must be viewed as under very disadvantageous circumstances.

The Missionaries further remarkElementary Books are gradually coming forward. A Tamul Geography and History are now in the Madras Press; an Introduction to the Scriptures, a Volume on the Evidences of Christianity, a Tamul Grammar, a Tamul Hebrew Grammar, a Tamul Latin Grammar, an English Grammar, and a Chronology, are finished and preparing for the Press. When these are printed, the study of them will be more easy and rapid; and some of the Elder Students may then take the place of Teachers in these branches: each boy will then have a copy in hand; whereas, now, he must make himself one, with pen and ink on paper, or with an iron pen on Palmyra-leaves: this certainly has some advantage, but the progress, on the whole, is retarded. They are all fully employed; but they must now do in two days that which, otherwise, they might do in one. Making these allowances, we are fully satisfied with the state and progress of the Seminary; and if others make the same, they will be so too. Moreover, in the present state of the Country, our aim with the Seminarists is not to make them great Astronomers, highly-expert Mathematicians, or profound Philologists-to this neither our time nor our abilities are adequate-but to make them, generally, well-informed men, sound reasoners, and able Theologists, of whom this Country stands, at present, in great need. If Providence favour us with the accomplishment of this object, we shall be thankful, and leave the rest to the next generation. The Press.

Besides the Tracts which we have noticed on former occasions, we have recently addressed one to the Mahomedans, the first of the kind, which we have published by the Tract Association in these parts; likewise the First Part of the 28th Homily of the Church of England, translated into Tamul, and printed for the CalcuttaPrayer-Book-and-Homily

Society. The Address to the Mahomedans shews, as kindly and carefully as possible, the difference between Christ and Mahomed; with the impossibility of obtaining salvation by means of the Korân. When it began to be circulated, some Moormen were made attentive to the subject; others got angry; and there is reason to suppose that the persecution just now in a village, by the Mahomedans united with the Heathen, before noticed, is partly owing to the reading of this little book.

In the Translation of the Bible into Tamul, Mr. Rhenius has advanced as far as the xxth chapter of Numbers. The Book of Proverbs also is ready for the Press.

Beneficial Influence of Publications.

Both the Gospels and Tracts have been widely circulated, and have proved the means of blessing to many. A Brahmin having read one of our Tracts, has been convinced of the folly of Astrology, and frankly declared it. Other Brahmins and Soodras have, by reading the Tracts, been led to request Christian Schools in their villages; and Soodras, Shanars, and others, have renounced Idolatry, and embraced Christianity. The Tracts have been the means of removing much prejudice against Christianity among the people: they are, however, regarded by some with enmity: such a person, once highly displeased with them, tore one in the presence of the Native Teacher.

Concluding Remarks.

Reviewing the transactions of the Mission during the last year, we must acknowledge that some further considerable advances have been made in the great work of destroying Satan's dominion, and extending the Kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ among high and low, rich and poor, old and and young. Considering the strong entrenchments which Satan has around his dominion in this part of the world, and by which so many of our fellow-men are held secure, in ignorance of themselves and their God, in lies and all other ungodliness-and considering the feebleness of the Instruments which are engaged in overthrowing them, like David before Goliah-we do not hesitate to say, from the fullest conviction, that every degree of success in this grand undertaking is solely to be ascribed to the powerful influence of Him, who ascended on high, and led captivity captive.

May we be but strong in faith, and not cast away our confidence in His presence, care, wisdom, and power! Very much is still to be done; and who is sufficient for these things? We tremble when we look on ourselves in this contest: but our Lord is with us. Every valley shall be exalted, and every mountain and hill shall be brought low; the crooked shall be made straight, and the rough places plain. And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together; for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it. They shall not be ashamed that wait for Him.

Extracts from the Journal of the Rev.

C. T. Rhenius.

July 2, 1829-Yesterday afternoon, the Catechist of Vattakaiviley, with the Headman, brought a cart-load of Idols, which they have ceased to worship: the group consists of the Corlsegarapatna Rajah riding on a horse of stone, his Wife, a Cobra Capella with Krishna, a single Cobra, and a kind of large Rat. The Rajah and his Wife seemed to have been made about 100 years ago: they stand near my Study, to be worshipped no more! The heathen cartman felt rather backward to transport them, fearing that some disaster would happen to the cart on the road; but all came safe; by which, Superstition has received another blow. Some of these Idols I hope to despatch to England: those who formerly worshipped them are greatly ashamed and astonished that they should ever have thought these things to be gods.

July 5: Sunday-This evening we had the Lord's Supper with about 60 Native Brethren: new encouragement, I trust, was imparted to all, to go on with renewed vigour in our warfare against Satan's kingdom.

July 13-The Seminarist, Manikam, reported this evening, at the Missionary Prayer-Meeting, that he had been sitting in his village reading Tracts, when several Mahomedans listened; and one of them, a respectable Merchant, told him to come the next day to his house. He accordingly went; when, besides other books, the Merchant made him read the Gospel of St. Matthew, of which he had received a copy from Mr. Winckler at Tutecoryn. A crowd assembled before the door, and heard his reading: some of them expressed their displeasure at the Merchant's having brought this boy into his town; but the Merchant quieted them, Sept. 1830.

and told the boy to come again next day. Manikam went, when they finished reading the Gospel. The Merchant being pleased with it, told him now to go to an open place and read to the people; to which Manikam expressed reluctance, fearing that the other Moormen would beat him; but the Merchant encouraged him. He went and read. A crowd of Moormen heard for a time, when some of them became angry, and one man actually beat him. He then went and told the Merchant; who consoled him, and asked if he would go and make complaint against the offender. Manikam said, "No: many Christians have been thus illtreated; and we must bear such things patiently." The Merchant asked him, whether his Ministers taught him such forbearance? He replied, "Yes, and many more such good things." The man was pleased, gave him something to eat, and told him that he would come and see his Minister.

July 26: Sunday-This was a great day for Tinnevelly: I had the pleasure to baptize 15 persons, including the Subahdar, who has served forty years in the Company's Army. It seems that his long acquaintance with Europeans, his travels in various Countries, and general acquaintance with things, had made him long ago indifferent to Idolatry: about two years ago, he began to pay me visits, and to hear more about Religion; receiving Tracts, which made him think seriously on the subject, and gradually produced in him the resolution to become a Christian. He is a Gentoo Man; and has many connections in Tinnevelly, who have hitherto tried many means to shake his purpose. Some time ago he gave once way to them, on a particular family occasion, by putting the mark on his forehead; which he did from a persuasion that it was of no importance. Soon after, he came to me, when I explained the evil of it; which made him very sorry, and he immediately went and remonstrated with his relations. His determination was strengthened; and he desired Baptism more earnestly than ever. He was named Cornelius. The other people were from among the Weavers, mostly young men. Many Heathens were present; among others also, the Brahmin from Manur, mentioned some time ago: he attended the whole Service. couraged them all to do likewise. I mentioned to them some false reports with which the enemies try to frighten

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