Liber Scholasticus: Or, An Account of the Fellowships, Scholarships, and Exhibitions, at the Univesities of Oxford and Cambridge ; by Whom Founded and Whether Open to Natives of England and Wales, Or Restricted to Particular Places and Persons : Also, of Such Colleges, Public Schools, Endowed Grammar Schools, Chartered Companies of the City of London, Corporate Bodies, Trustees, &c. as Have University Advantages Attached to Them Or in Their Patronage--

C.J.G. & F. Rivington, 1829 - 500 σελίδες

Αναζήτηση στο βιβλίο


Άλλες εκδόσεις - Προβολή όλων

Συχνά εμφανιζόμενοι όροι και φράσεις

Δημοφιλή αποσπάσματα

Σελίδα 61 - Christ's College, the President of the College of Physicians, the Treasurer of Lincoln's Inn, the Master of the Charterhouse, and the Governors of Greenwich and Chelsea Hospitals.
Σελίδα 185 - The Governors of the possessions, revenues and goods of the Free Grammar School of King Edward the Sixth in Sherborne in the county of Dorset.
Σελίδα 52 - Scholarships which have not been filled up, shall be appropriated in the manner appointed in the next regulation. 13. — That the residue of the net annual proceeds of Mr Tyrwhitt's benefaction, not already disposed of by the third regulation, together with all accumulations which may arise under the...
Σελίδα 50 - Physic. 3. That out of the net annual proceeds of Mr. Tyrwhitt's benefaction, the sum of 1502. be divided among the six scholars in the proportions hereinafter specified. 4. That the electors to these scholarships shall be the Vice-Chancellor, the Regius Professor of Hebrew, the Professor of...
Σελίδα 367 - Act are particularly mentioned ; and it was thereby further enacted, that it should be lawful for the said trustees from time to time to...
Σελίδα 48 - Professor, shall, in future, on or before the 1st day of December, after every vacancy, cause a writing, under their hands, declaring the said vacancy and the time of examination, to be affixed to the door of the public schools ; and they shall notify the same to the two Colleges, which are to nominate the electors, and the heads of those Colleges, or their deputies, shall, within one week after such notices, signify to the Vice-Chancellor the names of the electors so appointed. 4. The examination,...
Σελίδα 50 - Students in Civil Law or Medicine, of not less than four or more than seven years standing, who shall be required, before they are admitted to become candidates, to produce certificates from their respective Professors, that they have kept the exercises necessary for the degree of Bachelor of Law or Physic. 3. — That out of the net annual proceeds of Mr Tyrwhitt's Benefaction the sum of £150.
Σελίδα 183 - Elizabeth, for the education and instruction of boys and youths in grammar and other learning. There are generally not more than seven boys on the foundation ; and for many years past, the average number does not appear to have much exceeded this. The Master lives in the school-house and premises (which are extensive, comprising about three acres,) rent free, a salary of 50/.
Σελίδα 48 - ... college according to the cycle of Proctors, but the appointment. shall be made by the university. Or if the Public Orator, or the Greek Professor, shall be prevented by illness or otherwise from attending the examination, or if the colleges shall have neglected to signify to the Vice-Chancellor the appointment of the electors according to their respective turns, then deputies shall be appointed by Grace. 3. — The first examination commenced on Monday January...
Σελίδα 178 - The Schoolmaster, before his election, is to be examined and approved by the persons mentioned in the will, and must be " a very able and sufficient scholar to teach the Latin and Greek tongues both in prose and verse, and also able to teach the Hebrew ; and so to make every way fitting scholars to be sent to the Universities of Oxford or Cambridge.

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