Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

3. Express as pecks: 4 bu. 2 bu. 40 qt. 37 qt.

4. Express as bushels: 48 pk. 27 pk. 5. Express as quarts: 24 pk.

64 qt. 27 pk.

70 qt.

2 bu. 1 bu.,

1 pk.

6. A quart of barley weighs 1 pounds. What is the weight of a peck? A bushel?

7. A bushel of wheat weighs 60 pounds.

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A peck



1 bushel = 2150.42 cubic inches = 1 cubic feet (nearly).


Small fruits, beans, oats, wheat, shelled corn, etc., are measured by the stricken bushel, that is, a bushel measure even full, 1 cubic feet (nearly).

Larger fruits, potatoes, apples, corn in the ear, etc., are measured by the heaped bushel, 1 cubic feet (nearly).


1. What is the capacity in bushels of a bin 16 feet long, 7 feet wide, and 5 feet deep?

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Find the capacity in bushels of bins of these dimensions


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10. A box 21 feet by 21 feet by 24 feet is full of meal.

How many bushels? た

11. A farmer's corn crib is 8 feet by 21 feet by 6 feet. How many bushels will it hold?

12. At 32 pounds to a bushel, what is the weight of bats in a box 5 feet by 2 feet by 3 feet?

13. A corn crib, 12 feet by 4 feet by 5 feet, is filled with corn in the ear. It takes 2 bushels of corn in the ear to make 1 bushel of shelled corn. The corn in the crib will make how many bushels of shelled corn?

14. Reckoning 56 pounds to a bushel, what is the weight of the corn in a box 21 feet long, 2 feet wide, and 11 feet deep?

15. At 98 cents a bushel, what ought Mr. Akers to receive for the wheat that just fills a bin 8 feet by 4 feet by 21 feet?

16. Mr. Edwards has in his cellar a bin 15 feet by 10 feet by 6 feet, filled with apples. How many bushels (11 cubic feet to a bushel)?


1. Find the total cost of the following cooking outfit for a country school: 1 blue-flame, 3-burner, kerosene stove, $6.25; 2 dish pans @ 25; 2 salt and 2 pepper castors @ 10; 10 rolling pins @ 157; 10 teacups and 10 saucers @ 5; 10 plates @ 8; 3 agate saucepans @ 35; 10 wooden spoons @ 10; 1 dozen knives, $1.50; 1 dozen forks, $1.50; 1 dozen spoons @ 10; 10 vegetable knives @ 15; 5 strainers @ 10; 10 beaters @15; 10 measuring cups @ 8; 10 tin plates @ 5%;

13 bowls @ 5; 10 custard cups @ 87; 6 bread tins @ 10; 1 biscuit tin 10; 1 potato masher 10; 1 flour sifter 15%.


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2. Using the tables below, find the cost of each course; of the entire dinner; for each person.

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Quantities used:

(1) Soup:

can tomatoes, 1 qt. milk, 3 tbsp. flour, 3 tbsp. butter (1 oz.), seasonings (onion, salt, cloves, pepper, celery, arsley, bay-leaf, sugar, soda). One loaf bread for croutons and dinner.

Relishes: 1 bunch celery, 1 pt. pickles.

2) Roast: 5 lb. beef.

Vegetables: 1 qt. potatoes, cup butter (2 oz.), 1 lb. beets. f) Salad: 4 apples, bunch celery, 1 head lettuce, Mayonnaise dressing. Wafers, 1 box.

(4) Dessert: Custard: 6 eggs, 1 qt. milk, 8 tbsp. sugar (4 oz.). Caramel sauce: 14 cups sugar († lb.).

Grapes: 2 lb. Milk: 2 qt.

3. Find the cost of a similar dinner served to 20 per



The unit of time measure is the day, or 24 hours, the time required for a complete rotation of the earth on its axis.

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1. The minute hand of a clock moves how many times

as fast as the hour hand?

2. A clock that ticks seconds will tick how many times in an hour? In a day?

3. A clock striking hours will strike how many times in a day?

4. The speedometer of an automobile shows a rate of 24 miles per hour. What is the rate per minute?

5. An automobile runs a mile in 23 minutes. What rate per hour does the speedometer show?

6. Two clocks show the same time at noon to-day. One runs perfectly, and the other gains of a minute every hour. What time will the latter show at noon to-morrow?

7. Ashton's watch gains 10 seconds an hour. If it is exactly right at 9 o'clock in the morning on Tuesday, what time on Thursday afternoon will it show when it is 3 o'clock by correct time?

8. Louise left home at 2:47 o'clock and arrived at her uncle's at 5:28. How many hours and minutes was she on the way?

9. It took Harry 3 hours 42 minutes to return from the summer camp. He left camp at 10:53 o'clock in the

forenoon. At what time did he reach home?

10. At a rate of 18 miles an hour, it takes a touring car 1 hour and 5 minutes to go from A to B, 15 minutes being spent in replacing a broken tire. How many miles apart are the two places?

11. Years divisible by 4 are leap years, except centennial years not divisible by 400. Tell which of these years are leap years: 1912; 1918; 1920; 1900; 2000.

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