Journal of the SenateGeneral Assembly, 2007 |
Αναζήτηση στο βιβλίο
Αποτελέσματα 1 - 3 από τα 71.
Σελίδα 1936
... affirmative by the following vote : Yeas 57 ; Nays None . The following voted in the affirmative : Althoff Forby Lightford Risinger Bomke Frerichs Link Ronen Bond Garrett Luechtefeld Sandoval Brady Haine Maloney Schoenberg Burzynski ...
... affirmative by the following vote : Yeas 57 ; Nays None . The following voted in the affirmative : Althoff Forby Lightford Risinger Bomke Frerichs Link Ronen Bond Garrett Luechtefeld Sandoval Brady Haine Maloney Schoenberg Burzynski ...
Σελίδα 2098
... affirmative by the following vote : Yeas 54 ; Nays None . The following voted in the affirmative : Althoff Forby Lauzen Bomke Frerichs Bond Garrett Lightford Link Risinger Rutherford Sandoval Brady Haine Luechtefeld Schoenberg Burzynski ...
... affirmative by the following vote : Yeas 54 ; Nays None . The following voted in the affirmative : Althoff Forby Lauzen Bomke Frerichs Bond Garrett Lightford Link Risinger Rutherford Sandoval Brady Haine Luechtefeld Schoenberg Burzynski ...
Σελίδα 2134
... affirmative by the following vote : Yeas 57 ; Nays None . The following voted in the affirmative : Althoff Frerichs Link Ronen Bomke Garrett Luechtefeld Rutherford Bond Haine Maloney Sandoval Burzynski Halvorson Martinez Schoenberg ...
... affirmative by the following vote : Yeas 57 ; Nays None . The following voted in the affirmative : Althoff Frerichs Link Ronen Bomke Garrett Luechtefeld Rutherford Bond Haine Maloney Sandoval Burzynski Halvorson Martinez Schoenberg ...
Άλλες εκδόσεις - Προβολή όλων
Συχνά εμφανιζόμενοι όροι και φράσεις
ACT concerning adopted and ordered adopted were tabled affirmative Althoff Forby Amendments adopted thereto amendments not adopted Approved ask their concurrence bill pass Bomke Frerichs Bond Haine Code Collins Hendon Millner Committee on Rules concurrence therein constitutional majority Cronin Holmes Munoz Crotty Hultgren Murphy Cullerton Hunter Noland Dahl Jacobs Pankau declared passed DeLeo Jones Demuzio Kotowski Raoul Department Dillard Lauzen Righter EMIL JONES following voted Fund House of Representatives ILCS Illinois inform the House Jacobs Peterson license members elected motion of Senator motion prevailed Nays offense ordered printed person Peterson Wilhelmi printed as received pursuant to Senate read by title received the vote Representatives thereof Secretary inform Section Senate Amendments adopted Senate Committee Amendment Senate Floor Amendment Senate Rule sex offender Sex Offender Registration sponsored by Senator subsection tabled pursuant taken thereof and ask third reading title a second title a third transcribed and typed Yeas