Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

2dly. cos A=1; because the cosine of an infinitely small arc is equal to radius.

3dly. n-1-n-n-2_n-3, &c. because n is infinite:

Lastly, Aa


ceding formulas give


These values being substituted in the 'pre


2. 3. 4. 5. 6.7. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.




2. 3. 4. 5. 6 2. 3. 4. 5.

sin a a



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2. 3. 4

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The value of any cosine will in like manner be found by the following formula:

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2 m 2. 3. 4 m⭑ 2. 3. 4. 5. 6m which by substituting the values of c gives

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27. It is the same with regard to tang) and cot



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means of these sines we might calculate the sines and tangents of For my arcs; we have only to substitute the proper values of m. example, to calculate the sine of the arc of 30°, we must make m-3 and we shall have

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Therefore sin 30°-0,5, as we already know (4).

And since it is sufficient to calculate the sines up to 30o to obtai.


all the rest; the fraction. will always be less than.



the sines equal to sin will be very convergent.


so that

For example, do we require the sine of 9°? Make m=10, and we find immediately sin 9° 0.156434465040231.

If it were required to find the sine of an arc of a certain number of degrees with minutes, seconds, &c. it might evidently be done by the same method.

28. The sines which we obtain by this calculation belong to a circle whose radius is=1; consequently to obtain those which belong to a circle whose radius is a, we must multiply the first by a.

In the common tables, the radius is supposed to be 10,000000000, and to facilitate the calculations, there are inserted the logarithms of the sines, cosines, tangents, and cotangents of all

arcs from 1' to 90°; excepting those arcs which contain seconds, because the sines, cosines, &c. of these arcs are easily found, as is explained in the tables themselves.

29. Particular tables of secants and cosecants have not been made. They are seldom used, and besides it is easy to calculate them by means of the formulas sec A=and cosec A=

1 cos A

sin, which for the radius R of the tables, becomes sec A=



sin A


cos A'

and cosec A=- ; whence we deduce log sec A=2 log R-log cos A-20.0000000-log cos A; and log cosec A-20.0000000-log

sin A

30. After having resolved this problem generally, given any arc to find its sine, cosine, tangent, &c. it remains for us to give the solution of the inverse problem, viz. given the sine, cosine, tangen!, or cotangent of an arc to find the length of that arc.

If the cosine or cotangent is given, we can immediately obtain the sine and tangent. Therefore the problem may be reduced to the finding the length of an arc whose sine or tangent is given. I. If we return to the value of sin A, we easily deduce by the inverse method of series that

A sin A+


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sin3 A, 3 sin3 A 3. 5. sin A, 3. 5. 7 sin9 A + + &c. 2.3 2. 4. 5 2. 4. 6. 7 2. 4. 6. 8. 9 II. If we represent the tangent of the arc A by t, we shall have (25)


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+ &c.


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2. 3. 4


or multiplying by the denominator and arranging the terms according to the powers of a,

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+&c. Let a At+Bt2+Ct'+&c. and

by substituting this value of a, and determining the unknown coefficient, A, B, C, &c. we shall find that

A=1, B, C, &c.

Whence arc Atang A-tang3 A tang A tang A

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31. These two series give the solution of the proposed problem. Let us now apply them to the determination of the ratio of the diameter to the circumference.

If we make sin A==, we shall have the length of the arc of

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This quantity, multiplied by 6, would give the semi-circumference, and consequently the ratio required. But as this series, though very convergent, is still tedious to calculate, it is better to employ the second series, which supposing the arc A to be 458. gives

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And as this progression is still too slow for our purpose, a more expeditious method has been invented for discovering the length of the arc of 45°.

32. This method consists in decomposing the arc of 45° into two other arcs which we shall call A and B, and in determining separately their lengths. On this supposition tang (A+B)=1= tang A+tang B Therefore tang A= 1-tang B 1+tang B

1-tang A tang B


Let B=


and we shall have tang A=1. Hence the sum of

the two arcs A and B, or the quarter of the semi-circumferace will be

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3 3.33 5. 35 7.37 9. 39 The sum of these two series will be found

=0.7853981638974483...&c. whence

#=3.1415916535897932 ... &c. the ratio of the diameter to the circumference.

33. Before we conclude this subject we shall remark that the formula already found for the values of tang n A, sine n A, &c. serve to find the sines, cosines, tangents, and cotangents of multiple ares.

For making sin A-s, cos A=c, tang A-t, we shall have

sin A=


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|cos A=c

cos 2 A=c2-s

cos 3 A=c-8 € s ́

cos 4 A=c-6c2 s2+s+
cos 5 A=c-10 +5 c s


cot A =

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34. By means of the same formulas we may obtain equations which serve to divide an arc or an angle into a given number of equal parts. For then sin (n A) is known, and sin A required. Let sin (n A)=b, sin A=x, cos A=z, and we shall have to solve this equation

b-n z"-x

n. n-1. n-2

2. 3

n. n-1. n-2. n-3. n-4
2. 3. 4. 5


Whence making n successively 2, 3, 4, 5, &c. the following equations will serve to divide an arc into the corresponding number of equal parts.

b=2 z x=2x√1−xx

b-3 z' x-x3-3x-4x3

b—4 z3 x—4 z x3—(4 x—8 x3) √ I—xx

for 2 parts

for 3 parts

for 4 parts

for 5 parts

b=5 z+ x-10 z2 x3+x5=5 x—20 x3+16 x3

35. By way of applying these principles, we shall give a method of solving by approximation any equation of the third degree falling under the irreducible case.

From what we have seen, if A is an arc whose sine is b, we shall have sin A, or a by solving this equation x3— 3x + 1 b=0.



And when the radius of the circle instead of unity is r, we shall have the equation

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3 r2 x + 1 br2=0


We may now observe that the arcs 180°-A, and—180o+A, have the same sine as the arc A, so that to divide them into three

equal parts, we have the same equation x3-3x + br2=0 r2x 1


to solve. Hence it follows that the three roots of this equation are sin A, sin (180 —A), and—sin (180°+A); or sin A, sin


(600-15A), and-sin (60°+1A).




This being premised, let the proposed equation be x*—px+q=0, (if it were x3-px+q=o, it could easily be reduced to the foregoing form by making x=-y); comparing this equation with the x+ br2=o, we have2 r2=p, &1 br2

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a circle whose radius=2√p, the circular arc whose sine is

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being called A, we shall have sin A, sin (60°


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