Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

ANAK, the son of Arbah, and fa- | gift of discerning secrets, he affirmed ther or chief of the gigantic Ana- to Peter he had brought the whole kims: his sons were Sheshai, Ahi- price. Peter sharply rebuked him nam, and Talmai. These Anakims, for his dissimulation; in that, when or children of Anak, were considera- he might lawfully have kept the bly numerous, dwelling in Hebron, whole, he had pretended to devote all Debir, Anab, and other places, Josh. to the service of Christ, and yet rexi. 21. Their fierce looks and ex- tained part to himself. While he traordinary stature quite terrified the spake, Ananias was struck dead by unbelieving spies, which Moses sent the immediate vengeance of Heaven, to view the promised land, Numb. and was carried to his grave. About xiii. 33. About 45 years after, Ca- three hours after, Sapphira came in; leb begged to have their residence to and being interrogated, whether their be his portion in Canaan, that he land was sold for so much as her husmight have the honour of routing band had said, she affirmed it was.— them out. Obtaining his desire, and Peter rebuked her for agreeing with assisted by his brethren of Judah, he her husband to tempt the Lord, and cut them off from Hebron; and Oth- put him to the trial if he could disniel, his nephew and son-in-law, ex- cern and punish their fraud: he told pelled them from Debir, Josh. xiv. her, the persons who had just interred 6-15. and xv. 13-19. Judg. i. Bo- her husband should immediately carchart thinks the remains of the Bene-ry her to her grave. While he spake, anak, or children of Anak, retired northward to the territories of Tyre and Zidon, and gave thereto the name of Phenicia.

she was struck dead in his presence. This happened A. D. 33 or 34, a little after Christ's ascension, and made an awful impression on both friends and foes of the Christian faith, Acts v. 1-11.

ANANIM, or ANAM, the second son of Mizraim. His posterity peopied part of Africa, probably that ANANIAS, a disciple of Jesus westward from Egypt, where we find Christ, perhaps one of the seventy. a temple sacred to Jupiter-Ammon; He preached the gospel at Damasand where the Nasamones or men of cus; and being directed in a vision Amon lived; and from whom proba- to ask at the house of Judas for SAUL bly sprung the Amians and Gara- of Tarsus, who was just come to the mantes, or foreign and wandering A-place, he begged to be excused; as mons, Gen. x. 13. he was informed Saul was an outraANANIAS and SAPPHIRA hisgeous persecutor, and had come with wife, were among the first professors of Christianity at Jerusalem. They sold their estate, and pretended to give the whole price into the common stock of the believers, but retained part of it for their own use.— Though he knew the apostles were qualified by the Holy Ghost with the

that Anah first observed the mules, which were existing before and wandering in the wilderness and pointed them out to others; as the passage is glossed in the Talmud. Agreeably to this opinion, R. David Kinchi in his book of the Hebrew roots says, that the yemim signify peradim, mules."

Robertson's Clavis Pentateuch

orders from Jerusalem to imprison all the Christians he could find in that city. The Lord assured him he was in no danger; for whatever Saul had been, he was divinely chosen to be a preacher of Christ to the Gentiles, and an eminent sufferer for his sake. Encouraged herewith, Ananias repaired to the house; found Saul blind; put his hands on him; and in Jesus' name bid him receive his sight, and be filled with the Holy Ghost; whereupon there fell scales from his eyes, and he recovered his sight; was baptized, and received the Holy Ghost, Acts ix. 1-18.

ANANIAS, the son of Nebedeus, || of a body of mutineers, who seized about A. D. 48, succeeded Joseph the on the temple, and prohibited to of son of Camith in the Jewish high-fer sacrifices for the emperor, the aspriesthood. Quadratus the Roman sassins joined him. They pulled governor of Syria, having quelled down Ananias' house, and finding some disturbances raised by the Jews himself and one of his sons hid in an and Samaritans in Judea, sent Ana- aqueduct, they killed them both.* nias to Rome to give account of his behaviour amidst these commotions. The high-priest having cleared himself to the content of Claudius the emperor, was dismissed home to his country.

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"When the apostle said, I wist not or did not know that he was the high-priest, he might mean, that, as the death of Christ and his appearing in our nature, as a Priest in heaven had put an end to the divine authority of that office on earth; and as the Romans had usurped an unlawful pow and Ananias had obtained it by bribery, er in disposing of it, just as they pleased, the apostle did not own, esteem or allow Ananias to be high-priest; in which senses the word know is sometimes used, as in Matth. xxv. 12. 2 Cor. v. 16. Revel.

has been observed from Josephus' account, (Antiq. book xx. chap. viii.) that Jesus the son of Gamaliel, and not Ananias was, in fact, the high-priest at this time; and that Ananias only bore the name of that office, which he once enjoyed, but from which he had been deposed some years before, and that the ascendancy he had obtained in the council, was owing to artifice, bribery and corruption: and therefore the apostle did not look upon him as the high-priest, or as a lawful ruler of the people.

Some years after, Paul being apprehended and brought before this high-priest, had begun in the most discreet manner, to speak in his own defence, affirming, that he had lived in all good conscience before God to that day. Ananias, in a furious manner, ordered some of the by-standers. 24. See the article to know. And it to smite him on the mouth. Not knowing him to be the high-priest, or not acknowledging him such, Paul replied, God shall smite thee, thou whited wall,' thou hypocritical person: for, sittest thou to judge me according to the law, and yet commandest me to be smitten contrary to the law? Ananias too, and others, encouraged a number of assassins to murder Paul secretly: but this being prevented by the apostle's transportation to Cæsarea, Ananias went thither to prosecute him. Paul's appeal to Cæsar put off the affair to Rome, Acts xxiii. 1-5. When Albinus succeeded Festus inderstand the apostle in these words as the government of Judea, Ananias, owning, that he really did not know Anaby ingratiating himself into his fa- of which might be occasioned by his havnias to be the high-priest, his ignorance your, procured impunity for a num-ing been some years absent from Jerusaber of his friends who plundered the lem, and by the high-priest's not appearcountry. At the same time vasting in his distinguishing place or vestnumbers of outrageous assassins infested Judea: whenever any of their party fell into the hands of the governor, they apprehended some of the high-priest's friends, and once Eleazar his son; that, to obtain the rescue of his friends, he might procure from the governor the enlargement of their associates. At last, Eleazar ping himself at the heat

"Thus the words of the apostle, I wist derstood as a justification of what he had not that he was the high-priest, may be unsaid as justly applicable to the person who had commanded him to be smitten. But some think, that it is more natural to un

ments. Besides, he might be looking ano-
ther way, to
observe what parties the
council consisted of, when the high-priest
spoke; and so really might not see (as the
word here used sometimes signifies,) that
it was he who gave the order to smite him.
With regard to the threatening which the
apostle had uttered, it is to be considered
as uttered by a prophetic impulse, like the
imprecations in Psal. cix. 6. 2 Tim. iv. 14.

and in other places; and therefore what
the apostle now spoke by immediate di-


ANATHOTH, the son of Becher, || 20. The modern anchor is a larg● and grandchild of Benjamin. Possi- piece of iron, in the form of a hook, that on which side soever it fall, it may fix in the rock or earth: this is fastened to a large beam of wood, which by a strong cable-rope, is fas tened to the prow or forepart of the ship. Hope is the anchor of our soul,

bly he gave name to the city of ANATHOTH, which stood about three miles north from Jerusalem, and which was given to the priests by the tribe of Benjamin, 1 Chron. vii. 8. and vi. 60. Here Solomon confined Abiathar, the deposed high-sure and steadfast, entering into that priest, 1 Kings ii. 26. It was haras- which is within the vail; by going sed by Sennacherib, Isa. x. 30. Here out of ourselves, and fixing on Jesus the prophet Jeremiah was born; and and unseen things; by fixing on the for their persecution of him were the deep and hidden promises and perinhabitants terribly punished by the fections of God, it effectually secures Chaldeans, Jer. i. 1. xxix. 27. and xi. our soul from being tossed to and fro 23. One hundred and twenty-eight amid storms of trouble, and keeps it of them returned from Babylon, Neh. settled in the dark nights of tempvii. 27. Ezra ii. 23. and rebuilt their tation and desertion; or Jesus by his city, Neh. xi. 32. ascension infallibly secures the safety and happiness of his people, Heb. vi. 19.

ANCESTORS, those from whom one is descended; ancient fathers, Lev. xxvi. 45.

ANCHOR, an instrument for fastening or stopping the course of a ship at sea. The most ancient anchors were of large stones: such were the anchors of the Argonauts, who made their voyage up the Hellespont, about the time of Asa. They were afterwards made of wood, with great weights of lead, or basket-fulls of stones at the end of them: and such to this day are the anchors of the Japanese. The anchor with two teeth or barbs was divised by Eupalamius, or Anarcharsis the Scythian philosopher, not long after the Jews returned from Babylon. In large vessels they had three or four anchors; one of which, never used but in cases of extreme necessity, was called the sacred anchor, and is now called the sheet anchor. The anchors were anciently cast from the stern or hinder part of the ship, Acts xxvii.

vine inspiration, is rather to be considered as a prediction than as a prayer: and is no example to be imitated by others in speaking by their own private spirit. This prediction was remarkably fulfilled; as Ananias was not long after smitten of God according to the foregoing account of his death."

Dr. Guise.

ANCIENT; (1.) Old; of former time, 1 Chron. iv. 22. (2.) Very old men, Job xii. 12. ANCIENTS are either men of former times, 1 Sam. xxiv. 13. or governors civil or ecclesiastic, Isa. iii. 14. Jer. xix. 1. God is called the Ancient of days, because he existed from all eternity, Dan. vii. 9. The Lord's ancients, before whom he will reign gloriously, are his ancient people of Judah and Israel, whom in the glorious Millennium, he will convert to the Christian faith and rule over as a glorious church, || Isa. xxiv. 23.

AND, is a connective particle: but it were to be wished that our translators had sometimes given us another word in its stead, which might have better expressed the sense of the original. It signifies, (1.) Because; for, 1 Cor. viii. 4. Col. i. 14. (2.) But; nevertheless, John vii. 30. Very often it ought to be so rendered, particularly when it is a translation of the Greek particle DE. (3.) Even; that is, John iii. 5. Thus the great God AND our Saviour, ought to run, the great God, even OUR Saviour Jesus Christ, Tit. ii. 13: in like manner ought the texts, 2 Pet.. i. 1. 1 Tim. i. 1. Jude 4. &c. to be

astonished, might run, therefore they were astonished.

read and understood. (4.) There- || assisted Abraham in his pursuit and fore, Mark iv. 26. And they were defeat of CHEDORLAOMER and his allies. Not imitating the generosity of that patriarch, they took their share of the booty which had been taken from the Sodomites, and recovered, Gen. xiv. 13—24.

ANER, a city given to the Levites out of the half-tribe of Manasseh, on the west of Jordan: It either was the same with Taanach, or exchanged for it, 1 Chron. vi. 70, Josh. xxi. 25.

ANDREW, the brother of Simon Peter, a native of Bethsaida, and apostle of Jesus Christ. He was originally a fisherman. When John Baptist commenced preacher, Andrew became one of his followers. Hearing him one day point forth Jesus Christ as the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world, he, with another of John's disciples, followed ANGEL, or messenger, is the Jesus, and continued with him all common name given to these spiritu that night. Next day he met with al and intelligent beings, by whom his brother Simon, and introduced God partly executeth his providential him to Jesus. After passing a day work, and who are the most ready and with him, they returned to their or- active in his service. The light of dinary employment of fishing. Some nature gives strong reason to suppose months thereafter, Jesus found them the existence of such beings: but so employed on the sea of Galilee; scripture alone renders it indubitable. he called them to be his followers, In vain a great many of the fathers, and promised to make them fishers, the Socinians, and other modern auor gainers of the souls of men. They thors, pretend, that they were created directly left their nets, and followed long before the foundation of the him; nor do they ever seem to have world: Moses, nay, God assures us left him again, John i. 35-44. Matt. that the hosts of heaven were created iv. 18-20. About a year after when during the first six days mentioned Jesus asked his disciples, how he by him, Gen. ii. 1. Exod. xx. 11. should find bread for the 5000 peo- When God founded the earth on the ple who had attended him three days first or second day, they sang togethAndrew replied, that a lad of the er, and shouted for joy, Job xxxviii. company had five barley-loaves and 6-7. They were created with emitwo small fishes; but what, said he, nent wisdom, holiness, and purity, are these among so many? John vi. 9. and placed in a most happy and hoJust before our Saviour's passion, nourable estate; but capable of sonic Greeks applied to Philip to pro- change. Their knowledge is great, cure them a sight of him. Philip and but not infinite: they desire to look Andrew together, informed Jesus; into the mystery of our salvation, and the Greeks were, doubtless, ad- and learn from the church the manimitted, John xii. 22. Two or three fold wisdom of God. Nor can they days after, Andrew and some others, search the hearts of men, nor know asked Jesus concerning the time of future things, but as particularly inthe destruction of the second temple structed of God, 1 Pet. i. 12. Eph. iii. and the signs of his coming, Matth. 10. Jer. xvii. 10. Matth. xxiv. 36; xiii. 3, 4. After Christ's ascension,|| nor do we understand their manner Andrew preached some year at Je- of knowing things corporeal and virusalem. It is said, he at last preach-sible; nor the manner of their imed the gospel in Scythia, and was crucified at Patræ of Achaia.

ANER, ESHCOL, and MAMRE, were three Canaanitish princes, who

pressing bodies, or their method of communication among themselves. Their power too is very extensive; but reaches to nothing strictly called

miraculous. Their number is very || brews an angel as their great guide, great, amounting to a vast many mil- MOSES refused him; sensible, that lions, Psal. lxviii. 17. Matth. xxvi. nothing less than the patience of God 53. Rev. v. 11. Dan. vii. 10; and was able to endure such perverseness their names of archangels, thrones, as was in Israel. An angel of the dominions, principalities, and pow- Lord feasted ELIJAH in the wilderers, suggest an order among them; ness of Judah; and afterwards angels though of what kind we know not, carried him soul and body to heaven. Col. i. 16. The elect angels kept Troops of them protected ELISHA at their first estate. These, besides Dotham. To punish DAVID's numtheir honorary attendance on God, bering of the people, an angel slew are, to their great satisfaction, subjec- 70,000 of them in one day. An anted to Christ as Mediator, and by gel, in one night, cut off 185,000 of him reconciled to the saints; and Sennacherib's army and delivered sent forth to minister to, teach, re- Jerusalem from his fury. Angels prove, comfort, direct, and protect, frequently conversed with Daniel, Zethem that shall be heirs of salvation ;|| chariah, and John the Divine, Exod. and transport their souls to heaven at xxxiii. and xxxiv. 1 Kings xix. 2 death. How useful they are to the Kings ii. 11. and vi. 7. and xix. 35. saints, in suggesting good thoughts,|| 2 Sam. xxiv. 16, 17. An angel, at in restraining Satan, in averting dan- times, troubled the waters of the pool ger, and in assisting and providing of Bethesda, John v. 4. for them, we can hardly conceive, Psal. xxxiv. 7. Heb. ii. 14. Matth. || xviii. 10. Angels were stationed to prevent fallen man's approach to the tree of life, Gen. iii. 24. Two of them appeared to, and did eat and drink with, ABRAHAM in his tent, consuming the provisions in a manner we know not: these two being courteously invited by Lor, lodged with him; smote the lewd Sodomites, who threatened to abuse them, with blindness; warned LOT of the approaching overthrow of Sodom; excited and assisted him to escape from it. Two companies of them attended Jacob in his return from Mesopotamia, to protect him from the fury of Laban and Esau. Angels smote the first born of Egypt, and assisted the Hebrews in their going out of that country, and in their march through the wilderness. Thousands of them attended JEHOVAH at the giving of the law from Sinai; and perhaps formed the audible voice in the air, by which it was expressed, Gen. xviii. and xix. and xxxii. Exod. xii. and xxiii. 20. Numb. xx. 16. Psal. lxviii. 17. Acts vii. 53. Gal. iii. 19. Heb. ii. 2. When God offered the He

An angel foretold the birth of Jesus Christ, and of John Baptist. Multitudes attended our Saviour's birth, and published it to the Shepherds of Bethlehem. An angel warned Joseph and Mary to flee into Egypt with the divine babe; and to return thence into Judea. Angels ministered to Jesus in the wilderness, when the devils left him. An angel assisted him in his bloody agony. Two of them rolled the stone from the mouth of his sepulchre, and informed the women, that he was risen from the dead. Multitudes of them attended him in his ascension; some of whom informed the gazing disciples, that they should in like manner see him return from heaven. An angel liberated the Apostels at Jerusalem, brought Peter from the prison of Herod, and liberated Paul and Silas at Phillippi. An angel assured Paul of the safe landing of him, and of those that were with him in the ship, Matth. i. 20, 21. ii. 13, 19. and iv. 11. and xxviii. 25. Luke i. ii. xxii. 43. and xxiv. 45. Acts i. 10, 11. and v. 19. and xii. 7-10. and xvi. 26. and xxvii. 3.

Some would have every person to have an angel to attend him; every

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