EthicsFortress Press, 2005 - 593 σελίδες The crown jewel of Bonhoeffer's body of work, Ethics is the culmination of his theological and personal odyssey. Based on careful reconstruction of the manuscripts, freshly and expertly translated and annotated, this new critical edition features an insightful Introduction by Clifford Green and an Afterword from the German edition's editors. Though caught up in the vortex of momentous forces in the Nazi period, Bonhoeffer systematically envisioned a radically Christocentric, incarnational ethic for a post-war world, purposefully recasting Christians' relation to history, politics, and public life. This edition allows scholars, theologians, ethicists, and serious Christians to appreciate the cogency and relevance of Bonhoeffer's vision. |
Αναζήτηση στο βιβλίο
Αποτελέσματα 1 - 5 από τα 62.
Σελίδα i
... Hitler's Germany , he anticipated our world in remarkable ways . The new translation , notes , and essays clarify Bonhoeffer's ideas about his own situation and remind us again why his work is still central to the constructive task of ...
... Hitler's Germany , he anticipated our world in remarkable ways . The new translation , notes , and essays clarify Bonhoeffer's ideas about his own situation and remind us again why his work is still central to the constructive task of ...
Σελίδα xiii
... Hitler regime, it discloses to the careful reader the theological-ethical basis of Bonhoeffer's participation in the attempted coup and his approval of tyrannicide in that extreme situation. But it is chiefly concerned with ethics for ...
... Hitler regime, it discloses to the careful reader the theological-ethical basis of Bonhoeffer's participation in the attempted coup and his approval of tyrannicide in that extreme situation. But it is chiefly concerned with ethics for ...
Σελίδα 1
... Hitler and National Socialism . [ 2 ] These two points will be explored in some detail shortly . The issue was " how the coming gen- eration is to live . " [ 3 ] The importance of Bonhoeffer's Ethics among his own theological writings ...
... Hitler and National Socialism . [ 2 ] These two points will be explored in some detail shortly . The issue was " how the coming gen- eration is to live . " [ 3 ] The importance of Bonhoeffer's Ethics among his own theological writings ...
Σελίδα 11
... Hitler and National Socialism . This was an existential issue for himself , of course , and we can be confident that Bonhoeffer also discussed the ethics of killing Hitler and of conspiracy with coconspirators such as his brothers - in ...
... Hitler and National Socialism . This was an existential issue for himself , of course , and we can be confident that Bonhoeffer also discussed the ethics of killing Hitler and of conspiracy with coconspirators such as his brothers - in ...
Σελίδα 13
... Hitler he was also bearing the guilt of his nation and his church . “ Willingness to take on guilt " is not a matter of seeking guilt per se , as if eagerness to become guilty were the goal ; acting responsibly is what counts , and ...
... Hitler he was also bearing the guilt of his nation and his church . “ Willingness to take on guilt " is not a matter of seeking guilt per se , as if eagerness to become guilty were the goal ; acting responsibly is what counts , and ...
Christ Reality and Good Christ Church and World | 47 |
Ethics as Formation | 76 |
Heritage and Decay | 103 |
Guilt Justification Renewal | 134 |
Ultimate and Penultimate Things | 146 |
Natural Life | 171 |
Natural Life | 178 |
Suum Cuique | 181 |
Church and World I | 339 |
On the Possibility of the Churchs Message to the World | 352 |
The Ethical and the Christian as a Topic | 363 |
The Concrete Commandment and the Divine Mandates | 388 |
The Commandment of God in the Church | 394 |
Editors Afterword to the German Edition | 409 |
Appendix 1 Chronology of Ethics | 450 |
Preparing the German Edition of Ethics | 467 |
The Right to Bodily Life | 185 |
SelfMurder | 196 |
Reproduction and Developing Life | 203 |
The Freedom of Bodily Life | 214 |
The Natural Rights of the Life of the Spirit | 217 |
History and Good 1 | 219 |
History and Good 2 | 246 |
The Structure of Responsible Life | 257 |
The Place of Responsibility | 289 |
Love and Responsibility | 298 |
Gods Love and the Disintegration of the World | 299 |
Appendix 3 Arrangements of Ethics | 477 |
1 Literature Used by Bonhoeffer | 481 |
2 Literature Consulted by the Editors | 491 |
3 Other Literature Related to Ethics | 515 |
527 | |
531 | |
561 | |
Editors and Translators | 591 |
Άλλες εκδόσεις - Προβολή όλων
Συχνά εμφανιζόμενοι όροι και φράσεις
Barth Berlin bodily Bonhoeffer wrote Bonhoeffer's Ethics Book of Concord CF DBWE Christian ethics Christology Church and World church-community concept concrete Confessing Church confession conscience DB-ER deleted Dietrich Bonhoeffer Discipleship disunion divine mandate doctrine Eberhard Bethge editorial note English translation Ethics as Formation Ethics manuscripts Ethics working note Ethik Ettal euthanasia evil existence faith freedom German edition God's love gospel grace guilt Gütersloh Hans von Dohnanyi Heritage and Decay Hitler hoeffer Ilse Tödt Jesus Christ judge justified Karl Karl Barth Karl Bonhoeffer letter live Luther Bible Lutheran margin marriage Matt means moral Munich National Socialist natural Nietzsche NL-Bibl NRSV one's origin penultimate person Pharisees phrase political principle proclamation Protestant question reconciled refers replaces responsible action SC DBWE sentence Sermon social speak Testament theology things Third Reich tion trans ultimate unity word worldly written
Αναφορές για αυτό το βιβλίο
Empire and the Christian Tradition: New Readings of Classical Theologians Don H. Compier,Pui-lan Kwok,Joerg Rieger Δεν υπάρχει διαθέσιμη προεπισκόπηση - 2007 |