Armories and Military Affairs, continued. stationed in Boston during the present season at a certain expense, passed c 501; report, accepted, passed in concurrence a 556 number of men liable for military service: communication from the assessing department relative to, placed on file a 699 Ashmont and other streets. poles: New England Telephone and Telegraph Company, petition to erect and remove poles a 555-order for hearing a 558-hearing a 573granted a 577 passage of state troops through School st.: order that the ad Asphalt Bicycle Paths. (See Street Department.) rifle range for militia: order that the corporation counsel be transportation and target practice: order that the superintenden Assessing Department. committee: appointed a 237 c 267 board of assessors: John H. Donovan, John J. Murphy, George A. Comins, appointed members a 250-assigned a 275-taken up, confirmed a 302 appropriation transfer: order that the board of estimate and appor. tionment be requested to transfer sum of $5,000 from the reserve fund to said appropriation, passed a 440 c 448 number of men liable to enrolment in the militia: communication from the assessing department relative to, placed on file a 699 Assessment for Street Watering. (See Street Department; street watering.) of public buildings be authorized to provide the necessary facilities Assignment of Salaries. (See Treasury Department.) for transportation and target practice for troops of volunteer militia at an expense not to exceed $5,000, etc., assigned a 361, 362– taken up, referred to committee on armories a 384, 503 Armstrong Transfer Express Company. petition to be paid for damages to coach a 167-refused a 342 c 366; petition to be paid for damage to team a 572 Arnold, Augustus F. petitions (two) for payment to Thomas F. Phillips of balances remaining from tax-sale of estates, Cambridge st. a 778-granted a 779 € 792 Arnold, Howard Payson. memorial structure, Public Garden: see Public Grounds Department Art Department. committee: appointed a 237 c 267 commissioner: notice of appointment of Professor Francis W. Chandler, placed on file a 337 Ascension Society. petition to maintain lying-in hospital, Pleasant st. a 549-refused a 557 Ashford street. buildings: John Cavanagh & Son, Building Moving Company, peti. tion to move a 79-granted a 81; H. S. Angus, petition to move a 124-granted a 129` Ashland street. poles: New England Telephone and Telegraph Company, petition to erect and remove a 572-order for hearing a 576-hearing a 579granted a 582 Ashmont street. closing culvert: Caroline L. Dodge estate, petition for compensa- poles: petition for extension of time a 230-granted a 307; New Eng- Atwood, Frank S., Councilman, Ward 16, continued. ballast department, overseeing of the poor department, water department, music department, mayor's address, reinstatement of sewer division employees c 267, 268; committee on Municipal lighting c 374 orders offered: flooding of land for skating c_77 Woodward park st., resurfacing c 458 resurfacing Quincy st. c 458 remarks: relaying tracks, Tremont st. c 289, 290 B and Congress streets. guy-ropes: Ross & Fowler, petition a 379-granted a 387 Babson, Thomas M. appointed city solicitor a 300-confirmed a 326 resolution expressing good wishes for future success of Council. Badaracco, Andrew A., Councilman, Ward 6. man Bordman c 516 exchange of land under Broadway bridge c 591 closing proceedings c 828 Auditing Department. committee: appointed a 237 c 267 city auditor: James H. Dodge, appointed a 299-confirmed a 325 deficits in appropriations: communication from the mayor transmitting communication from the city auditor giving notice of deficits caused by the payments of executions of court, in street lay. ing-out department, primary school-house, Sherwin District site; Park st., Ward 23, referred to committee on public improvements a 831-referrrd to next government a 837 information regarding men on pay-rolls: order that the city audi. tor be requested to furnish the names of the departments on whose qualified: page 2 appointed: committee on auditing department, city messenger de- orders offered: bridge, Travers st. c 96 repairing sidewalk, Charter and Commercial streets c 376 electric light, North Bennet street c 399 Bagley, A. Dudley, Councilman, Ward 1. pay-rolls have been carried the names of dead men, or men who Baggage Unclaimed. (See Unclaimed Baggage.) last year's bills, board of Aldermen, payment of: see Aldermen transfers: order that the city auditor in closing the accounts of the financial year ending January 31 1900, may with the approval of the committee on finance and the mayor make transfers from any appropriation to any other appropriation and with like approvals apply any income and taxes not disposed of, passed a 779 c 795, 796 Austin street, Charlestown. sign: K. Sapirstein, petition a 55 Avery street. signs: O. F. Couture, petition a 615-refused a 646; Thomas J. McLean, petition a 777-granted a 780 Avon place. changing name: see Avon st. Avon street. awning: Jordan, Marsh & Co., petition and order for hearing a 303hearing a 337-referred to committee on building department a 361report, accepted, order passed a 409 changing name of place: order to change name of Avon pl., from Awarding of Contracts to Citizens. (See Contracts.) petition to erect building, Grosvenor pl. a 250-granted a 305 c 313 B street. paving: order that the board of estimate and apportionment be requested to provide an appropriation suflicient for paving from Summer st. extension to First st., referred to board of estimate and apportionment c 224 a 230 appointed: committee on badges c 93; committee on art department, orders offered: shelter at north ferry c 75 Wood Island park, polo playing c 75 fence along railroad tracks c 143 gates, Curtis st., at railroad crossing c 143 tracks, Saratoga st. c 267 date of sale of city yard, Morris street c 376 visit of Spanish Cruiser" Reina Mercedes" c 417 information regarding G.A.R. employees c 738 next meeting c 738 Byron-st, school c 824 payment of ferry employees c 824 remarks: investigation order c 70 reduction of salaries of city employees c 119 sewerage loan c 135, 136 waiting-room, Boston side, north ferry c 142, 143 new school, Ward 1 c 207 restoration of wages c 207, 208 public building, Jeffries Point c 242, 243 sale of city property, East Boston c 243 tracks, Saratoga st. c 267 relaying of tracks, Tremont street c 287, 288 on death of Hon. John H. Sullivan c 297 visit of Spanish Cruiser "Reina Mercedes" c 417 night school at Spectacle Island c 650 Bailey, Andrew J. appointed corporation counsel a 300-confirmed a 325 Bailey, Augustus W. petition, compensation for damages to wagon a 464 Bailey, Ellen H. notice of appointment as member of board of trustees for children a 378 Bainbridge street. claims: Harriet F. Lauriat, petition for payment of balances remain. ing from tax-sales of estates a 250 electric light: order that the superintendent of lamps be requested to place opposite No. 25, passed à 440 Baker, Charles M. et al., Executors. petition that board estimate the damages occasioned by the taking of land of estate of Reuben E. Demmon, by Boston Elevated Railway Co. a 585-order for hearing a 586 Baker, Mrs. Sarah R. petition for payment to John H. Weston of balance remaining from tax-sale of estate, Mascot st. a 503 Baker and other streets. tracks, etc.: see Waltham, Newton and Forest Hills Street Railway Company Baldwin street. sidewalk Bowker, Torrey & Co., petition a 541-granted a 546, 551 Ball, Alice W. petition that board of aldermen estimate damages to her estate, Berkeley st., order estimating damages at $1.00, passed a 835 Ballou avenue. lamps: Frank A. Mayberry et als., petition a 432 Baltimore & Ohio Telegraph Co. order that the locations for poles and wires granted May 5, 1884, be and same are hereby revoked; order that superintendent of streets be requested to remove same, etc., referred to committee on public improvements a 671-report, accepted, order passed a 677 Band Concerts. (See Music Department.) Barber, Lavinia A. compensation for death of husband while in employ of city a 337 granted a 620 c 628 Barker, Mary S. Barry, David Franklin, Alderman, continued. President's visit, carriage hire a 251 revised grade of Vale street a 277 widening Beach street, cost of a 278 extension of time for laying curves, Washington and Hanover streets, Boston Elevated Railway Company a 278 closing Broadway and Albany streets a 307 annuity for Sarah E. Leavitt å 307 removal tree, Bellevue street a 329 cancellation of bond for sidewalk area a 330 closing of streets a 331, 332 electric light, Terrace street a 359 M.V.M. transportation and target practice a 361 Lucas street, acceptance a 346 Dover street, paving a 386 closing Sutherland road a 403 trees, Columbia road a 404 street improvements, Ward 9 a 476 leave of absence for G.A.R. men to attend encampment a 528 grades established a 544 South Boston ambulance service a 544 entertainment of Irish visitors a 643 South Boston ambulance, amendment a 656 new sidewalk, Granary Burying Ground, Tremont st. a 662 remarks: sewerage loan a 125, 126 recall of appropriation bill a 150 nuisance at Cow Pasture a 672, 673 petition for payment of balance remaining from tax-sale of estate on Bates, Charles W. Spring and Etna sts. a 555-granted a 669 c 687 Barnard, L. F. S. petition, compensation for damages to land, Hammond ave. a 719 Barnes & Duncklee. petition to erect awning, Hotel Brunswick a 102-granted a 214 Barry, David Franklin, Alderman. qualified page 1 elected chairman of the board of aldermen a 36; opening address a 36; manager of the Old South Association c 71 a 79 appointed committee on armories and military affairs, licenses public improvements, rules and orders a 62; committee on public Improvements a 47; committee on joint rules a 82; committee on building department, market department, ordinances and law de. partment, Fourth of July (chairman), Memorial Day a 237, 238; com. mittee to attend funeral of Hon. John H. Sullivan å 296; committee on investigation of sewerage works bill a 350; committee on Dewey Day a 622; committee on entertainment of Irish visitors a 643; com. mittee on garbage a 700 orders offered: assessment regulation a 46 table for reporters a 61 engine-house, Forest Hills a 81 fixing up streets, Ward 9, Seneca and other streets a 81 petition for payment to Joseph A. McCloskey of balance remaining from tax-sale of estate, Haskins st. a 524, 525-granted a 669 c 687 Bates School. (See School Department.) Bath Department. committee: appointed a 237 c 267 trustees: Thomas J. Lane appointed a 323-confirmed a 338 abolition of commission: ordinance abolishing commission and placing department in charge of board of health, assigned c 318, 319-taken up, discussed c 370, 371-passed c 371-discussed a 379-381rejected a 381-placed on file c 399 appropriation of $15,000: order that the board of estimate and apportionment be requested not to grant the request made to them by bath commission to appropriate $15,000 for purpose of equip. ping and furnishing the chapel of the Congregational Society on Harrison avenue; referred to board of estimate and apportionment c 374; referred to committee on public improvements a 381; report, referred to board of estimate and apportionment a 386 bath house, North End: order that the trustees of the Franklin Fund be requested to set aside $75,000 for purpose of establishing all the year round bath house, referred to committee on bath department c 636 bath-house, Savin Hill Beach: order that the board of estimate and apportionment be requested to include in the loan bill a sufficient sum to provide a bathing-house on beach, referred to board of estimate and apportionment a 59 Bath Department, continued. bath-house, Ward 18: order that the board of estimate and apportionment be requested to report in the next loan order the sum of $40,000 for a gymnasium and all-the-year bathing-house on the site of the Cabot-st. bath-house, passed c 42-referred to board of estimate and apportionment a 45 combination building, Ward 18: see Ward 18 convenience station at Roxbury Crossing: order that the mayor be requested to give hearing to residents in regard to location, and to suspend work until such hearing is given, passed a 586 Dover-st. bath-house, electric light plant: communication from the mayor transmitting order passed by board of estimate and apportionment making appropriation of $1,300 for installing electric light plant at Dover-st. bath house, passed a 460, 461-discussed c 495, 496-referred to committee on finance c 496; report recommend. ing that same be returned to city clerk as order licenses operation after lapse of thirty days c 651 employees discharged: order that the mayor be requested to instruct the bath commission to reinstate the members of the bath department who were employed on repair work during the winter months, and put them to work at regular wages, passed a 253 c256; order that the bath trustees, through the mayor, be requested to submit a complete list of the names of veterans of the civil war employed in the bath department who have been suspended or discharged without a hearing since the date of the organization of said department, passed c 284; communication from the mayor transmitting communication from the secretary of the bath com mission relative to, ordered printed and assigned c 364-taken up, discussed c 395, 396-referred back to the bath commission c 396 employees reduction of wages: order that the trustees of the bath department, through the mayor, be requested to report the reasons for reduction of wages of employees, passed a 559-communication from the mayor transmitting communication from the bath trus. tees, relative to, referred to committee on public improvements a 578-report placed on file a 581 expenditures: order that the bath trustees, through the mayor, explain the fact of how it was reasonably possible for them to have already spent $17,988.75 for the financial year 1899-1900, when but one bath has been open to the public, also the total expenditure of the loan for "summer baths" permanent improvements, passed by the board of estimate and apportionment, referred to the mayor c 318; communication from the mayor transmitting communication from the secretary of the commission relative to c 364, 365-ordered printed and assigned c 365-taken up, placed on file c 395 expenses of department: order that the bath commission be requested to report the amount of money expended since Jan. 1, 1899, to Oct. 1, 1899; also the amount of unpaid bills and for what they were contracted, etc., referred to the mayor c 653; communication from the mayor transmitting communication from the bath com mission relative to, assigned c 684-taken up, indefinitely postponed C 818 gymnasium and bath-house, Ward 7: order that the board of esti mate and apportionment be requested to include in the first loan order an appropriation for $35,000 for an in-door gymnasium and bath-house, referred to board of estimate and apportionment c 141 a 145 gymnasium, Ward 9: communication from the mayor transmitting order from board of estimate and apportionment appropriating $2,500 for furnishing and equipping building at corner of Harrison ave. and Plympton st., to be expended by bath trustees, assigned c 390-taken up, discussed c 414, 415-assigned c 415-taken up, passed c 453-placed on file a 465 gymnasium and bath-room, Ward 15: order that the board of estimate and apportionment be requested to include in the next loan order the sum of $30,000 for completing and furnishing gymnasium and bath-house now being erected, referred to board of estimate and apportionment c 142 a 145 L-st. bath-house: order that the commissioners of the bath depart. ment be requested to expend a sum sufficient for placing children's room in a suitable condition, referred to the mayor c 207; communication from the mayor transmitting communication from the bath department, placed on file c 240 public convenience station, South Boston: order that the board of estimate and apportionment be requested to provide a suflicient sum for the erection of a public convenience station, cor. Broadway extension, Dorchester ave. and West Broadway, referred to board of estimate and apportionment c 97 a 103 sanitary station, Roxbury Crossing: order that the bath commis. sioners be requested, through the mayor, to construct and maintain a public convenience station in vicinity of Roxbury Crossing, referred to the mayor c 67; communication from the mayor transmitting communication from the bath commission relative to, assigned c 131-taken up, order offered requesting board of estimate and apportionment to include in loan bill a sum sufficient, passed c 159 a 167, 168 Bath-house, Ward 18. (See Bath Department.) Beacon street, continued. passed a 574; J. D. Steuer, petition a 720-granted a 748; George Wheatland, petition a 742-granted a 753 space under sidewalk: William Minot et als., trustees, petition to maintain a 78-granted a 81 Beacon and Hereford streets. sidewalk: R. C. Hooper, petition a 579-granted a 581 Beacon and Somerset streets. guy-posts: L. P. Soule & Son, petition a 616-granted a 622 Beacon street and Audubon road. guy-post: George R. Dugad, petition a 325-granted a 331 Beacon street and Massachusetts avenue. sidewalk: W. B. Thomas, petition a 579-granted a 623 Bedford street. illuminated signs: George Bleiler, jr., granted a 107; Gross & Strauss Co., petition a 597-granted a 603 sign: Alfred E. Haines, petition a 230 Bedford and Washington streets. areas under sidewalk: Massachusetts General Hospital, petition a 549-granted a 551 Beech Glen street. claims: Alice E. Gould, petition, compensation for damages to estate a 269 Beech street, Ward 23. poles: New England Telephone and Telegraph Company, petition to erect a 585-order for hearing a 587-hearing a 597-granted a 603 Beech and other streets. poles report, no action necessary a 834 Beef. weighers appointed a 274-confirmed a 301, 302 Beethoven street. poles: Mrs. M. E. Cable et als., petition for removal of poles a 432report, no action necessary a 834 Bell street. changing name: see Biltmore st. Bellevue avenue. claims: Frank L. Proctor, petition for payment to N. L. Foster, balance remaining from tax-sale of estate à 355-granted a 384 c 391 Bellevue street. poles: New England Telephone and Telegraph Company, petition to erect and remove a 561; order for hearing a 568-hearing a 572granted a 576; New England Telephone and Telegraph Company, petition to erect and remove one pole a 784-order for hearing a 788hearing a 805-granted a 810 sidewalk: J. Homer Pierce et al., trustees, petition a 433-granted a 471 tree: order to remove dead tree, passed a 329 Bellflower street. sidewalk: Joseph F. Loughlin, petition a 616-granted a 644; Roger Regan, Patrick Neylord, petition a 742-granted a 753; John F. Lynch, petition a 806-granted a 814 Bells, Ringing of. order that expenses of ringing bells on the various holidays of the year 1899 be charged to city council incidental expenses, passed a 708 c 713 Belvidere street. construction: order that the superintendent of streets, through the mayor, report the reason of the delay of the construction of street, discussed c 208, 209-referred to the mayor c 209; communication from the mayor transmitting communication from the superintendent of streets, placed on file c 215 guy-posts and ropes: Frank S. Robbins, petition a 433-granted a 443 Bemis, John W. (See Boston Elevated Railway Company.) Benedict, William L. compensation for damages to estate, Selkirk road, refused a 327 c 366 Benevolent Fraternity of Churches et als. petition for repairing Berkeley st. a 102-referred to board of estimate and apportionment a 148 Benfield, Albert J. petition to project sign, Washington st. a 102-granted a 104 Benj. Stone, Jr., Post 68, G.A.R. order to allow camp-fire, Dorchester park, referred to the mayor C 320 Bennet and Ash streets. areas: Reuben Sherburne, petition to construct a 236-granted a 254 guy-posts: Whidden & Co., petition a 251-granted a 254 Bennett, William E., Councilman, Ward 5. qualified: page 2 appointed: committee on investigation of removal of city employees c 40; committee on building department, health department, market department, printing department, Fourth of July, Seventeenth of June, discharge of city employees c 267, 268 orders offered: assignment of salaries c 67, 68 Winthrop sq., improvement c 119 watering trough, City sq. c 142 electric light, Mt. Vernon pl. c 142 gymnasium, Ward 5 c 142 building permits during recess c 454 remarks: assignment of salaries c 68 |