Benton, Josiah H., jr.
appointed trustee of public library a 323-confirmed a 338
THAYER, CAROLINE C.: Communication from Nathaniel Niles Thayer in relation to bequest for Protestant widows and single women a 742-report, no further action necessary a 753
bay-windows, Washington and Bartlett sts., petition and order for hearing a 437-hearing a 464-granted a 544
asphalting: order that the board of estimate and apportionment be requested to provide $22,800 for asphalting between Tremont st. and the railroad bridge, referred to board of estimate and appor- tionment a 147
damages to estate: see Ball, Alice W.
repaving: Benevolent Fraternity of Churches et als., petition a 102- referred to board of estimate and apportionment a 148 stereopticon views: George M. Hatch, petition a 401-granted a 409
damages to estate, Leverett st., refused a 342 c 366
Berwin, William, Alderman.
appointed: committee on armories and military affairs, electric wires, lamps, public improvements, sewer division, ferry division, state aid a 62; committee on public improvements a 47; committee on art department, bath department, city messenger department, election department, engineering department, health department, music department, overseeing of the poor department, police de- partment, printing department, street department, street laying-out department, water department, Fourth of July, mayor's address, Memorial Day, Seventeenth of June a 237, 238; committee on finance a 278; committee to attend funeral of Hon. John H. Sulli. van a 296; committee on wire department a 311; committee to attend
funeral of ex-Mayor Prince a 423; committee on Dewey Day a 622; committee on entertainment of Irish visitors a 643; committee to protest against placing British monument on Common a 749
orders offered: printing Municipal Register a 127
bituminous coal nuisance a 129
non-payment of 1898 contingent bills from funds of 1899 a 146 special committee on building permits a 199
rifle range for the militia a 255
appointment of committee to attend funeral of Hon. John H. Sullivan a 296
ordered that the board of estimate and apportionment be requested to provide a sufficient appropriation to enable the superintendent of streets to construct a bicycle path of asphalt on Tremont, Boyls ton and Charles sts., adjoining Common, and that hearing be granted to those interested, passed a 80-discussed c 83, 84-passed € 84
appointed overseer of the poor a 751-referred to committee on public improvements a 780
changing of name of Bell street: order to change name of Bell st., from Chestnut ave. to Lamartine st., laid over a 127-taken up, passed a 145
Binderies, Union. (See Printing Department.)
Bindery, Establishment of. (See Printing Department.)
building: John Soley & Sons, petition to move a 211-granted a 214; petition to move a 616-granted a 623
guy-ropes: Cullen Bros., petition to construct a 301-granted a 309
Birch and Brandon streets.
sidewalk B. F. Cobleigh, petition a 549-granted a 566
sewer: order to place between Virginia st. and Columbia road, re- ferred to the mayor c 736
Bismarck and Messenger streets.
claims: John F. Kelly, admr., petitions (two) for payment of balance of tax-sale of estates a 655
order that a special committee be appointed to consider and report what additional legislation, if any, is necessary to abate the nuisance arising from the consumpton of bituminous coal in this city, passed a 129; committee appointed a 129; call for report a 471
bulkhead opening in sidewalk: John P. Squire & Co., petition to construct à 465-granted a 472, 473
repaving order that the board of estimate and apportionment be requested to provide in the first loan bill a sum sufficient to re- pave from Clinton st. to Haymarket sq. referred to board of esti- mate and apportionment a 58
sign: J. H. Carlton, petition a 123, 167-granted a 170; C. H. Jackson, petition a 432-granted a 468
Blackstone and Franklin squares.
Blue Hill avenue and Brunswick street.
sidewalk: Sharreff Bros., petition a 668-granted a 709
Blue Hill avenue and Dudley street.
drinking fountain: order that the water commissioner be requested to locate and maintain fountain at junction, referred to the mayor C 455
Blue Hill avenue and East Cottage street.
poles: Postal Telegraph Cable Company, petition to attach wires to poles of New England Telephone and Telegraph Company a 355– granted a 531
Blue Hill and Geneva avenues.
poles: New England Telephone, petition to erect and remove a 741- order for hearing a 747-hearing a 751-granted a 787
Blue Hill and Melville avenues.
crosswalks: order to construct two crosswalks opposite Phipps ave. and on Melville ave., at junction of Wellesley park, passed a 231
Board of Aldermen. (See Aldermen, Board of.)
snow and ice: order that superintendent of streets be requested to Board of Apportionment. (See Estimate and Apportion- have removed from sidewalks around square, passed a 169
Blackstone and Hanover streets.
awning: E. E. Gray & Co., petition to erect, granted a 55
Blackwell and Bowman streets.
gas or electric lamps: Henry B. Blackwell et als., petition a 533
Board of Assessors. (See Assessing Department.)
Board of Election Commissioners. (See Election De- partment.)
Board of Health. (See Health Department.)
wooden building: Geo. R. Cavanagh, petition to move a 572-granted Board of Police. (See Police Department.)
hitching post: W. A. Naylor, M. D.V., petition to erect a 579-granted Bond, George W.
paving order that the board of estimate and apportionment be requested to provide an appropriation of $50,000 for paving from Dalmatia st. to Grove Hall, passed c 77-referred to board of esti mate and apportionment a 79
sidewalk: M. W. Hall, petition a 325-granted a 331; James S. Dorsey, petition a 655-granted a 677
sign: Abner M. Hill, petition a 354-granted a 385; Scott & Palmer, petition a 578-granted a 581
tree: order to remove in front of estate of Gerard Bement, passed a 344
petition, compensation for injuries to horse caused by ferry-boat a 806
Bordman, John, Jr., Councilman, Ward 10. qualified page 2
appointed committee on common council rules c 93; committee on auditing department, claims, legislative matters, wire department, Fourth of July, Memorial Day, Rainsford Island investigation, rules and orders of the common council e 267, 268; committee on library department c 413
Bordman, John, Jr., Councilman, Ward 10, continued. Boston Common. (See also Public Grounds Department.)
Boston Catholic Cemetery Association.
petition for permission to use for burial purposes, certain land on Howard and Walk Hill sts., in Ward 24, referred to committee on cemetery department a 307; order that permission be granted for same, discussed a 307, 308-assigned a 308-taken up, referred to committee on cemetery department a 326-report, assigned a 403-taken up, discussed a 434-436-passed a 436; communication from the mayor vetoing order a 462, 463-referred to committee on public improvements a 463-taken up, referred to committee on public improvements a 467; report, discussed a 563, 564-accepted, discussed a 564, 565-passed over veto a 565; William H. Hyde et als., remonstrance against allowing use of land, Harvard st. a 355- report, no action necessary, accepted a 436
Boston Central Labor Union.
communication from, in favor of passage of ordinance for building construction department, referred to committee on ordinances c 176
ordered that the board of street commissioners, with the approval of the mayor, be authorized to lease to trustees of said college for a term of ten years, etc., a strip of land owned by the city running from Norfolk ave. to Massachusetts ave., for an athletic field, passed c 266 a 275
British monument: see British monument
observation stands on common: order that the mayor be re- quested to revoke all permits for the erection of observation stands upon common in order that a view of the Dewey parade may be had by citizens, etc., discussed c 636-640-passed c 640 seats: order that the superintendent of public grounds be requested, through the mayor, to replace seats on Tremont-st. mall, referred to the mayor c 502-communication from the mayor transmitting communication from the superintendent of public grounds relative to, referred to committee on public grounds c 510
Boston Electric Light Company.
BENNINGTON AND BROOKS ST.: see Bennington and Brooks sts. DUDLEY AND WASHINGTON STS.: communication from the mayor vetoing order, referred to committee on public improvements a 401-report, veto sustained a 623
FORT AVE. AND HUMPHREY ST.: petition to erect and remove poles a 667-order for hearing a 669-hearing a 697-granted a 708, 709
K ST.: order that order passed December 5, 1898, granting permit, be rescinded, passed a 409, 410; communication from the mayor vetoing order, referred to committee on public improvements a 425-report, accepted, discussed a 443, 444-passed over veto a 444 MT. PLEASANT AVE.: petition to erect poles a 355-order for hear ing a 359-hearing a 378-granted a 385
SAVIN HILL AVE, AND OTHER STREETS: petition to erect poles a 432-order for hearing a 475-hearing a 524
UNION PARK AND OTHER STREETS: petition to erect poles a 578- order for hearing a 582-hearing a 584
WALNUT AVE., PARKER AND WASHINGTON and other streets: petition to erect poles a 337-order for hearing a 344-hearing a 354- granted a 385 a 657
WASHINGTON ST.: petition to erect poles a 123-order for hearing a 148-hearing a 166-granted a 198
Boston Elevated Railway Company.
(This also in- cludes West End Street Railway Company.) additional cars, Harrison ave.: order that said company, through the mayor, be requested to run an additional number of cars on its line of road on said avenue, passed a 231
approval of plans: notice from railroad commissioners of approval of plans 25,450 to 25,463 inclusive, placed on file a 326 Atlantic ave. station: order that said company be requested to establish a station near Commercial Wharf, passed a 309
bridge, Travers st.: see Travers st.
building: petition to erect building, Oak sq. a 324-granted a 357 c 367; petition à 337-granted a 409 c 413; petition to erect on Blue Hill ave. a 432-granted c 454-referred to committee on public improvements a 466-report, accepted, permit granted a 472
cables, Broadway]: see Wire Department
cars to Atlantic ave.: order that the mayor request said company to run a line of cars through Atlantic ave., or to furnish free trans- fers, to enable residents of Charlestown to reach said avenue, etc., referred to the mayor c 319
cars to stop at Upton and Tremont sts.: order that said company be requested to make stopping place at corner, passed a 172 damages: W. Bowman Cutter, order for hearing on petition for an award for damages on account of taking of certain estates by said company a 535-hearing a 555-order for hearing a 559; John H. Quin- lan and Hubert Daly et als., petition for an award of damages on account of taking land, Charlestown a 555, 556; J. Quinlan, order for hearing a 573-hearing a 584, 585-assigned a 585-taken up, referred to county commissioners a 601; petition of said company asking the board of aldermen to estimate damages of Horace H. Moses et als. for taking of land, referred to committee on public improvements a 550-report, with order for hearing, accepted, passed a 552-hearing a 580, 584, 585-taken up, referred to county commissioners a 601- substitute order offered a 617-619-referred to committee on public improvements a 619-referred to board of aldermen for action a 623; Catherine E. Feeley et als., petition that the board of aldermen esti. mate damages caused by taking of estate by said company a 572; order that in the opinion of the board of aldermen, acting as county commissioners, the point raised by some of the respondents on the petitions of the Boston Elevated Railway Company, for the assessment of damages for land taken by said company that an actual attempt on the part of the said company to settle with the respondents is a condition precedent to a legal taking by the company, is not sustained, and that this finding be entered upon each petition on which the question was raised, passed a 601, 602; order that on all petitions now pending before the board of al-
Boston Elevated Railway Company, continued.
dermen for the taking of land be and hereby are assessed and awarded the sum of one dollar, etc., assigned a 602-taken up, substitute order offered a 617-discussed a 617-619-referred to com- mittee on public improvements a 619-report, accepted, order passed a 623; Charles M. Baker et al., executors of estate of R. E. Dem- mon, petition that board of aldermen estimate damages occasioned by taking land of estate a 585-order for hearing a 586-hearing a 615; W. Bowman Cutter, petition asking for an investigation into acts of said company in the matter of taking land a 579-hearing a 584, 585-assigned a 585-taken up, referred to county commis sioners a 601-report, recommending that same be returned to county commissioners a 623; order that in relation to right of board of aldermen as county commissioners to assess damages, the board hears the petitioners and respondents first on issue so raised; that all matters with reference to actual assessment of damages be postponed until some subsequent meeting, etc., passed a 579, 580; protests of David H. Greenhood and Minnie Jacob- son against board of aldermen taking action in assessing damages in case of land of J. W. Bemis et al., 7 Porter st. and 68-74 Pleasant st. a 597; order for hearing on petition of Matthew and Mary Des- mond and Daniel Mahoney, for board of aldermen to estimate damages by taking of land a 643-hearing, order awarding damages, passed a 697; notice received from D. P. Nichols & Co., lessees of part of estate of H. P. Whitcomb, of appeal from award on ac count of taking of said estate by Boston Elevated Railway Com- pany, placed on file a 656; notice from Frank L. Robbins, lessee of estate of Reuben E. Demmon, of an appeal by him from award of board of aldermen on account of taking of estate, and from same person as lessee of estate of B. F. Shattuck, placed on file a 669; Catherine Curran et als., that board estimate damages sustained by taking of land, Beacham st., petition and order for hearing a 669- hearing a 740, report with order, accepted, passed a 753; order vot- ing no further action necessary, as settlements have been made, accepted a 700; notices were received from Matthew and Mary Desmond and Daniel Mahoney, of appeals from awards made by board of aldermen, placed on file a 752
damages to estate: Lizzie G. Thoits, petition that the board of aldermen estimate damages by taking of her estate, Porter st., by said company a 269-order for hearing a 276, 277-hearing referred to committee on public improvements a 324-report, with order, for hearing a 331
Dudley st. transfer station: order that the mayor request said company to erect a permanent awning or some suitable shelter on left-hand side going to Washington st., referred to the mayor
East Boston car service: order that said company be requested to give the people better car service by running one or more lines through the subway by way of Commercial and Causeway sts. passed a 779
elevated stations, Charlestown: order that said company be requested to provide at least one station on the elevated line now building, between the stations now arranged for in City and Sullivan squares, passed a 278
extension of Dorchester line to Dorchester Lower Mills: order that said company be requested to continue its Dorchester line of tracks on Washington street, Dorchester, to the Lower Mills, re- ferred to committee on railroads a 169
extension of Norfolk House line: ordered, that said company be re- quested to extend line to Jamaica Plain terminus or establish a free transfer system at Jackson sq., passed c 736-referred to com. mittee on railroads a 742
grades, revision of: petition for revision of grades, Pleasant, Por- ter, Kirkland and other streets a 555-placed on file a 559
guy-posts, Corning and Porter sts.: petition a 615, 616-granted a 622
improvement of East Boston service: order that said company be requested to change car service as follows (given), passed à 198 Liverpool st., improvement: order that said company be requested to keep street free from snow and ice during the winter season, etc., referred to the mayor c 42
locations, Boston Elevated: 3d, accepted a 562
locations, West End Street Railway Company: 159th, 160th, 161st, accepted a 46; 162d, accepted a 302; 163d, 164th, 165th, ac- cepted a 382; 168th, 169th, accepted a 408; 170th, 171st, accepted a 436; 172d, accepted a 527; 173d, 174th, accepted a 534; 175th, accepted a 550; 176th, 177th, accepted a 562; 179th, 180th, 181st, accepted a 599; 182d, accepted a 619; 183d, 184th, accepted a 656; 185th, 186th, 187th, granted a 699; 188th, location à 777
Meeting-House Hill cars: order that the Boston Elevated Railway Company be requested to have more cars run on said line, referred to committee on railroads a 59
night car, Bunker Hill st.: order that said company be requested to run one of the night cars over Bunker Hill st., passed c 285-referred to committee on railroads a 301
Boston Elevated Railway Company, continued.
night car to South Boston: order that said company be requested, through the board of aldermen, to run a night car by way of Dor- chester st. to Field's Corner, etc., passed c 266
Park st., transfer, shelter: order that said company be requested to erect a suitable awning or shelter over sidewalk for convenience of patrons, passed a 236; petition to place an awning on its car-house a 251-granted a 254; order that the superintendent of streets be re- quested to issue a permit to said company to erect, maintain and use a permanent awning over sidewalk, referred to committee on public improvements a 253
passageway at stopping places: order that said company be re- quested to keep a passageway clear at their different stopping places, referred to the mayor c 165
passenger station, Ward 12: order that the mayor be requested to petition said company to locate a passenger station midway between Northampton and Dover sts., in connection with the Elevated structure on Washington st., referred to the mayor c 738
pole location: communication from the mayor transmitting plan showing pole location on West Boston bridge, placed on file a 523 relocation of tracks, Dewey sq.: order that said company be re- quested, through the mayor, to relocate their tracks in such a man- ner as to eliminate the sharp curves now existing there, etc., assigned a 37-taken up, passed a 45
starter at Broadway and Dorchester st., transfer station: order that said company be requested to provide another starter at said station, passed c 318 a 325
stopping place, Western ave.: see Western ave.
Talbot ave., cars: order that said company be requested, through the mayor, to run a line of cars on avenue upon completion of lay- ing tracks, referred to the mayor c 596; order that said company be requested, through the mayor, to hurry along work of laying tracks, passed a 671
terra cotta pipe, Huntington ave.: West End Street Railway Company, petition a 806-report, granting permit, referred to com- mittee on public improvements a 834
tracks, Cambridge st., Charlestown: see Cambridge st., Charles- town
tunnel for foot travel, Travers st.: see Travers st. transfer station, Northampton st.: Thomas H. Keenan et als., pe. tition for a 123
ADAMS ST., DORCHESTER: petition, location double tracks a 615- order for hearing a 624-hearing a 667-discussed a 726-730-assigned a 730-taken up, discussed a 743, 744-granted a 744 ATLANTIC AVE.: petition for location of double tracks, and that location of the Union Freight Railway Company be altered to conform to new location a 572-order for hearing a 573-hearing a 584-granted a 602, 603
ATLANTIC AVE. AND COMMERCIAL ST.: petition, location double tracks a 615-order for hearing a 624-hearing a 667-granted a 678 ATLANTIC AVE, AND SUMMER ST.: communication from the mayor, submitting a plan showing track locations granted by him, placed on file a 583
BEACH ST.: petition to lay double tracks a 338-order for hearing a 344-hearing a 401-granted a 406
BLUE HILL AVE.: petition, additional curves, etc., to connect car- house with tracks a 236-order for hearing a 237-hearing a 300-- granted a 343, 344
CAMBRIDGE ST., BRIGHTON: petition to lay double tracks a 549- order for hearing a 552; petition to lay additional tracks a 561-or- der for hearing a 568-hearing a 579-granted a 587
CAUSEWAY ST.: petition, location of tracks a 325-order for hearing a 378-granted a 388
CHARLESTOWN, CAUSEWAY AND COMMERCIAL STS.: petition for location of tracks a 301-order for hearing a 305-hearing a 337- granted a 343
CITY SQ., PARK AND WARREN STS.: petition to lay single track a 236-order for hearing a 237-hearing a 300-granted a 344 COLUMBIA ROAD AND STOUGHTON ST.: petition to lay double curves a 561-order for hearing a 568-hearing a 579-granted a 587 COLUMBUS AVE. AND DARTMOUTH ST.: petition, location for double curves a 585-order for hearing a 587-hearing a 614-granted
COMMONWEALTH AVE.: petition for location a 752-order for hearing a 763-hearing a 805-granted a 814
DORCHESTER AVE.: order that permission be granted to maintain poles, etc., passed a 557
DUDLEY AND WASHINGTON STS.: order to remove pole, passed a 172
HARRISON AVE, AND DOVER ST.: petition that lines of sidewalk be readjusted a 432, 433
Boston Elevated Railway Company, continued.
HARRISON AVE. AND NORTHAMPTON, BEACH AND SOUTH STS.: petition for readjustment of lines of sidewalk a 481 HARRISON AVE., ROLLINS AND WASHINGTON STS.: petition to lay underground conduits a 561-order for hearing a 568-hearing a 573-granted a 576-communication, accepting order, placed on file a 586
LEXINGTON ST., EAST BOSTON: petition to lay double tracks a 230- order for hearing a 327-hearing a 378-granted a 388
LEXINGTON AND SHELBY STS.: petition for curve track a 480; hearing a 533-granted a 538
MAIN ST. hearing a 549-granted a 553; petition for double tracks a 503-order for hearing a 530
MAPLE ST., ROXBURY: petition to erect poles a 525-order for hearing a 532-hearing a 533-referred to committee on public improvements a 537-report, accepted, order granted a 538
MASSACHUSETTS AVE. AND BOYLSTON ST.: petition to lay double curves at corner a 338-order for hearing à 344-hearing a 401- granted a 406
MORTON and other streets: petition, location for double tracks a 579-order for hearing a 581-hearing a 614-taken up, referred to committee on public improvements a 833-report, accepted, dis. cussed a 836, 837-passed a 837
NORTHAMPTON and other streets: petition to construct curves a 236-order for hearing a 237-hearing a 300-granted a 343 PROVIDENCE ST. AND ST. JAMES AVE.: petition to locate double tracks a 432-order for hearing a 439-hearing a 524
ST. JAMES AVE.: Denman W. Ross, remonstrance against granting location a 561
SARATOGA ST.: petition, location a 211; order that committee on rail- roads give hearing, passed a 212; order that the board of alder. men be requested not to grant a permit to said company to lay rails,
"Boston Massacre," Painting.
order that the mayor be requested to purchase the oil painting, and have the same hung in Faneuil Hall; and the board of estimate and apportionment is hereby requested to provide a sum sufficient for said purchase, referred to board of estimate and apportionment
communication from the mayor transmitting report of director in charge and advisory committee, ordered printed, sent up c 816- placed on file a 832
Boston Penny Savings Bank et al.
petition for payment of balance remaining from tax-sale of estate, Allston terrace a 464-granted a 468 c 493
Boston Pneumatic Transit Company.
order that the mayor be requested to inform the common council whether said company has paid any of the money provided for in the contract between them and the city of Boston, referred to the mayor c 417
Boston Pnuematic Tube Company.
order that the corporation cousel be requested to take such action as may be necessary to compel said company to carry out terms of contract entered into by said company with city, discussed c 651, 652-passed c 652 a 656
until they establish a waiting-room at Boston side of North Ferry, Boston, Revere Beach & Lynn Railroad Company.
passed c 267-referred to committee on railroads a 274
SAVIN HILL AVE.; and other streets report, granting permit, re- ferred to committee on public improvements a 537-amended, granted a 538
SUMMER ST.: communication from the mayor transmitting a plan showing a temporary track location, granted by him, etc., placed on file a 533
SWETT ST. AND MASSACHUSETTS AVE.: petition to lay double tracks a 561-order for hearing a 568-hearing a 579-report dis- cussed a 678-681-accepted, petition granted a 681 TALBOT AVE.: order to extend electric line as soon as possible, passed a 330; petition for location of double tracks, referred to committee on public improvements a 433-report, accepted, order for hearing, passed a 443-hearing a 503-granted a 504 WASHINGTON ST.: petition for location of double tracks between Newcomb and Ball sts. a 55-order for hearing a 128-hearing a 193-granted a 276; petition, location a 325-order for hearing a 327-hearing a 378-granted a 387, 388; report, and order approv ing same, accepted, passed a 552, 553
WASHINGTON and other streets: petition to erect poles a 778- order for hearing a 779-hearing a 805-referred to committee on public improvements a 810-report with order, accepted, assigned a 813, 814-taken up, passed a 833
WASHINGTON ST., ROXBURY: petition for approval of location a 525
WASHINGTON AND CODMAN STS., DORCHESTER: petition, location for extension of tracks a 465-order for hearing a 476-hearing a 524 WASHINGTON AND EUSTIS STS.: petition to lay curve tracks a 464, 465-order for hearing a 476-hearing a 524-granted a 530 WASHINGTON and Hanover STS.: petition for extension of time in which to lay curves; order allowing same, passed a 278 WASHINGTON AND ROXBURY STS.: petition to lay tracks a 464- order for hearing a 475-hearing a 524-granted a 530 WASHINGTON, WARREN AND DUDLEY STS.: petition, location for curve tracks a 585-order for hearing a 587-hearing a 614-granted a 624, 625
WEST BOSTON BRIDGE: communication from the mayor trans- mitting a plan showing pole location, granted by Cambridge Bridge Commission, placed on file a 523
WESTERN AVE.: order for hearing a 530-hearing a 549-granted a 553; petition, location double tracks a 615-order for hearing a 624-hearing a 667-granted a 678-681; petition for location a 503
order that the mayor be requested to petition the next General Court for such legislation as will cause the development of the channel or channels that will permit any ship an entrance to the port of Boston with safety and convenience, discussed a 745-746-referred to committee on public improvements a 746- report, accepted, order passed a 747 c 770; communication from the war department approving plan of inlet box, placed on file a 832
fence between Harbor View Station and Byron st.: order that said company be requested, through the mayor, to place a fence along their tracks, referred to the mayor c 143
building: John Cavanagh & Son, B. M. Company, petition to move a 433-granted a 443
closing street: Holbrook, Cabot & Daly, petition a 78-granted a 81 passageway: order that the city engineer be requested to make passageway for the convenience of the public, passed a 471 poles: Postal Telegraph Cable Company, petition to erect and re- move a 667-order for hearing a 669-hearing a 697-granted a 809 wires to poles: New England Telephone and Telegraph Company, petition to attach wires to poles of Postal Telegraph Cable Com. pany a 55-granted a 148
Boston Theatre.
crowding of: see Licenses
Boston Transit Commission. annual report: c 64 a 79
automobiles: order that expenses of hearing be charged to con- tingent fund board of aldermen, passed a 329
routes petition for certain routes for its omnibuses, merchandise and mail, etc. a 124-order for hearing a 232; report accepted, leave granted a 780
tunnel to East Boston: order to report why work has not been commenced, etc., passed a 128; communication from the transit commissioners relative to a 145, 146-ordered printed and assigned a 146-taken up, placed on file a 168; order that the mayor be re- quested to instruct the city solicitor to endeavor to secure a hearing by the court, on the petition that has been filed, asking for an in- junction against the construction of a tunnel, passed a 147; com- munication from the mayor transmitting communication from law department, placed on file a 166; order that the mayor be requested to inquire if work is proceeding as vigorously as possible, passed a 586; order that the city council request the mayor to instruct the law department to use all the legal means possible to hasten con- struction of tunnel, discussed a 599-601; passed a 601 c 606; com. munication from the mayor transmitting communication from the transit commission a 613-614-placed on file c 614; order that the board of transit commissioners be requested to prepare plans for the construction of tunnel, in accordance with decision of supreme court, and that they commence construction of tunnel at earliest possible date, etc., passed a 504 c 512
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