Doyle, James Henry, Alderman, continued. Franklin fund, amendment to a 658 removal of poles of Baltimore and Ohio Telegraph Company a 671 dinner hour for park employees a 699 removal pole, Ruggles st. a 710 laborers to be paid $2.25 per day a 731 payments before Thanksgiving and Christmas a 731 removal of trees, East Fifth st. a 749 skating on playground, Boston baseball grounds a 749 park men, overtime pay a 788 remarks: uniform for park employees a 60 loan for sewerage works a 106, 124, 125 appropriation bill a 155 question of privilege c 225, 226 license of Puritan Hall a 351 confirmation of park commissioners a 356, 405 street lighting contract a 439, 478 land for burial purposes a 463 resignation from Fourth of July committee a 471 petition of Massachusetts General Hospital for façades, Washington st. a 470 no money to be paid under lamp contract a 473, 474, 477 site for Engine Company 22 a 508 contract for lighting a 529 land for Boston Catholic Cemetery Association a 565 emergeney hospital commission a 574 call for report on street-lighting contract a 622 Franklin fund report a 658 next meeting a 683 dinner hour for park employees a 699 garbage plant nuisance à 702, 705, 707, 721 West Cottage st., poles a 731 poles, Neponset av., and other streets a 763 call for information regarding dinner hour of park employees a 764 Drinking Fountain. (See Water Department.) Drohan, John. appointed superintendent of public buildings a 300-confirmed a 326 Drunkenness, Penal Aspect of. (See Penal Aspect of Drunkenness.) Dry Dock, Building of. (See Navy Yard, Dry Dock Building.) Dudley School. (See School Department.) Dudley street. druggists' mortar : Bradbury Bros., petition a 655-granted a 661 grade order to establish, referred to committee on public improvements a 544-report accepted, order passed a 559 grade crossing: see Grade Crossings : paving order that the board of estimate and apportionment be requested to provide in the first loan a sum suflicient to pave from Dunmore st. to Woodward ave., referred to board of estimate and apportionment c 143 a 145 pipe under sidewalk: L. A. Christopher, petition to lay a 698granted a 709 poles: Joseph Herman & Co., removal of poles, granted a 358 post: Henry E. Weston, petition to erect a 572-granted a 575; communication from the mayor vetoing permit; veto sustained a 578 sign: Quong Lee, petition a 354-granted a 385; E. F. Sensibaugh, petition a 541-granted a 544; Di Luccio Pasquale, petition a 615granted a 624; Baker & Buckler, petition a 615-granted a 624; L. W. Eddy & Co., petition a 665-granted a 661 sweeping: order that the superintendent of streets be requested to instruct superintendent of street cleaning to continue sweeping street to Upham's corner, passed a 403 tree: order to trim, between Harrison avenue and Washington street, for American Telephone and Telegraph Company, passed a 468 widening order that the board of estimate and apportionment be requested to report in their next loan a sum sufficient for widening at Upham's corner and Columbia road, passed a 46 Dudley-street Transfer Station. (See Boston Elevated Railway Company.) Dudley street and Harrison avenue. poles: American Telephone and Telegraph Company, petition to erect and remove a 325-granted a 329 Dudley and Washington streets. pole: order to remove pole of Boston Electric Light Company, passed a 172; communication from the mayor vetoing order, referred to committee on public improvements a 401; report, veto sustained a 629 Dundee street. sidewalk: Joseph Green, petition a 503-granted a 529 Dunn, Edward H. appointed member of board of sinking fund commissioners a 337confirmed a 355 Dunne, N. petition, compensation for damages to clothing while on East Boston ferry a 55 Dunning, M. V., et als. petition for abatement of mill pond nuisance, Dorchester, order that the mayor be requested to grant a hearing, passed a 504 Dupont street. building: E. Dodge, petition to erect a 337-granted a 386 c 390 Durant avenue, Roxbury. lamps: George Zittel, jr., et als., petition a 503 Durgin, Samuel H. appointed member of board of health a 323-confirmed a 338 Dwight, Thomas. appointed member of board of trustees of public library a 337confirmed a 355 Dwight street. sign: Harry Crocker, petition a 407-granted a 469 Dyar, Albert A. petition to be repaid amount paid for alleged invalid tax-deed of estate, Rockingham et. a 355 Dyer, B. A. bay-windows, corner Quincy and Washington streets, petition and order for hearing a 357-hearing a 401-granted a 469 Dyer, William H. communication from the mayor, transmitting communication from the police department with order increasing salary of $2,000 to $2,500, passed a 777-discussed c 794, 795-passed c 795 E street. guy-posts: Conners Bros., petition a 752-granted a 753 poles: New England Telephone and Telegraph Company, petition to erect a 230 relocation of water pipe: communication from the mayor transmitting order providing for relocation of a water pipe, together with explanatory plan, referred to committee on public improvements a 54-report, accepted, order passed a 59-discussed c 65, 66-assigned c 66-taken up, passed c 85 E and Munroe streets and Brookside avenue. poles: New England Telephone and Telegraph Company, order for hearing a 305-hearing a 324-granted a 358, 359 E and Sixth streets. sidewalk: John D. Bates, petition a 616-granted a 644 E and West Ninth streets. bay-windows: C. A. Russell, granted a 252 Eagle street. claims: Patrick P. King, petition, compensation for damages to estate e 281 poles: New England Telephone and Telegraph Company, petition to erect and remove a 561-order for hearing a 568-hearing a 572granted a 576 sidewalks: George H. Gibby, petition a 742-granted a 753 East street. cellar bottom: S. A. Woods Machine Company, petition to construct at grade 10 a 432-granted a 469 transparency: William J. Power, petition-572-granted a-575 East Boston. abolition of grade crossings: see Grade Crossings appropriation for reconstruction of sewers: order that the board of estimate and apportionment be requested to transfer the appropriation for dam at Wood Island flats to appropriation for reconstruction of sewers, referred to board of estimate and apportionment c 458-discussed a 465, 466-indefinitely postponed a 466-placed on file c 492 branch library: see Library Department car service: see Boston Elevated Railway Company improvements: order that board of estimate and apportionment be requested to pass a loan order appropriating $3,000 for erection of clock in head house tower, South Ferry, Boston side, dredging of a channel for small boats at Jeffries Point, construction of flight of steps on hillside from Leyden st. to Gladstone st., discussed a 253, 254-referred to board of estimate and apportionment a 254 location of chemical engine at Orient Heights: see Fire Depart ment Marine Park at Jeffries Point: see Jeffries Point new school, Ward 1: see School Department sale of street department property: see Street Department speeedway, Bennington st.: see Bennington st. street improvements: order that the board of estimate and apportionment be requested to provide amounts necessary for street improvements, East Boston (list given), discussed a 345, 346-referred to board of estimate and apportionment a 346 tunnel: order that Boston Transit Commission report why work has not been commenced, etc., passed a 128; communication from commissioners relative to a 145, 146-ordered printed and assigned a 146 -taken up, placed on file a 168; order that the mayor be requested to instruct the city solicitor to endeavor to secure a hearing by the court, on the petition that has been filed, asking for an injunction against the construction of tunnel, passed a 147; communication from the mayor transmitting communication from the law department relative to, placed on file a 166-passed c 512; order that the City Council request the mayor to instruct the law department to use all the legal means possible to hasten the construction of the East Boston tunnel, discussed a 599-601, passed a 601 e 606; communication from the mayor transmitting communication from the Boston Transit Commission, a 613, 614-placed on file c 614; order that the mayor be requested to inquire of Boston Transit Commission if work is proceeding as rapidly as possible, a 586; order that the board of transit commissioners be requested to prepare plans for the construction of a tunnel in accordance with decision of Supreme Court, and that they be further requested to commence construction of tunnel at earliest possible date, etc., passed a 504 c 512 use of East Boston gymnasium by non-residents: order that the bath commissioners be requested, through the mayor, to report the number, if any, of non-residents who have lockers in the gymnasium, also if proper steps are taken to give residents the preference in obtaining admission to the hand ball court, referred to the mayor e 75; communication from the mayor transmitting communication from the bath commission, placed on file c 157 East Concord street. poles: New England Telephone and Telegraph Company, petition a 751-order for hearing a 762-hearing a 777-granted a 787 East Cottage street. sidewalk: James V. Devine, petition a 269-granted a 278; Margaret A. Curtis, petition a 301-granted a 309 East and West Cottage streets. poles: Postal Telegraph Cable Company, petition to erect a 355order for hearing a 359-hearing a 378; New England Telephone and Telegraph Company, petition to remove a 741-order for hearing a 747-hearing a 751-granted a 787 East Dedham street. illuminated sign: Walter L. Wiley, petition a 667-granted a 675 sign: Sam Kee, petition a 355-granted a 385 East Eagle street. grade: order that the superintendent of streets be requested to grade between Putnam st. and the reservoir grounds, as laid out in 1842, passed a 198 sidewalk: John R. Watts, petition a 698-granted a 724 East Eagle, Prescott and Trenton streets. water fountain: see Water Department East Eighth street. tree: Christopher Blake, petition to trim a 615; Thomas J. Lundy, petition for trimming of tree a 751 East Fifth street. sidewalk: Mrs. Jennie B. Damon, petition a 541-granted a 546, 551; Arthur H. Flint, petition a 616-granted a 644 tree order to remove trees in front of No. 549, passed a 749 East Fifth and Jay streets. sidewalks: A. H. Flint, petition a 433-granted a 471 East Fourth street. claims: Annie Maguire, petition for payment to John B. Dore, of balance remaining from tax-sale of estate a 480-granted a 621 c 628 hitching post: Thomas Conners, petition a 572-granted a 575 sidewalk: Arthur H. Flint, petition a 667-granted a 709 East Lenox street. edgestones: order that assessment against St. Philips church be re East Sixth and H streets. crosswalk: order to place at junction, referred to the mayor c 373 East Springfield street. sign: Charles A. Heintz, petition a 751-granted a 761 East Third street. sidewalk: Ellen Lonergan, petition a 525-granted a 546; Watson & Waite, petition a 525-granted a 546; Anastasia Morrison, petition a 549-granted a 566 Eastern Cold Storage Company. petition to construct area, North st. a 124-granted a 128; petition to construct cellars of buildings, Creek sq. and North st., a certain grade, granted a 124; awning, North st., petition and order for hear ing a 643-hearing, referred to committee on public improvements a 666, 667-granted a 677; petition to lay pipe, Creek sq. a 655-laid over a 659-taken up, referred to committee on public improvements a 668-report accepted, permit granted a 677 Eastman street. trees: Robert B. Williams et als., Trustees, petition for removal of two trees a 751 Eddy, Charles E., Councilman, Ward 16. qualified: page 2 appointed: committee on common council rules c 93; committee on elevator accident, city hall e 164; committee on bath department, building department, printing department, weights and measures department, statistics department, Fourth of July, city hall elevator accident, rules and orders of the common council, police ambulance, 9th district c 267, 268 scinded, passed a 169; communication from the mayor vetoing Edgestones and Sidewalks. (See Street Department.) order; veto sustained a 228 sign: D. T. Connolly, petition a 697-granted a 708 East Ninth street. lamps: C. Sheehan et als., petition for naphtha lamps in rear a 572 sidewalk: Frank T. Horgan, petition a 465-granted a 482 tree: order to trim in front of No. 596, referred to the mayor c 596 wooden building: G. R. Cavanagh, petition to move a 525-granted a 529 East Second street. grading and macadamizing: order that the board of estimate and apportionment be requested to provide an appropriation for grading, etc., from K to Q sts., passed c 67-referred to board of estimate and apportionment a 79 poles: New England Telephone and Telegraph Company, petition to remove a 167-order for hearing a 170-hearing a 193-granted a 306; order that New England Telephone and Telegraph Company be re quested to relocate poles, passed a 387; New England Telephone and Telegraph Company, petition to erect and remove a 432-order for hearing a 475-hearing a 524-granted a 531 sidewalk: Mrs. Caroline Ehrhart, petition a 211-granted a 214; Stephen Jaeger, Aloysius Jaeger, petitions a 379-granted a 404 East Seventh street. sidewalks: Fannie Bible, petition a 641-granted a 660 tree: H. W. Stark, petition, removal a 720 East Seventh and N streets. sidewalks: J. F. Cranston, petition a 301-granted a 305 East Sixth street, sidewalk: Louisa A. Means, petition a 616-granted a 644; R. F. Means, petition a 616-granted a 644 Edgewood street. sidewalk C. A. Fulsom, petition a 433-granted a 471 Edgeworth and Tremont streets, Charlestown. lamp: order that the superintendent of lamps be requested to locate on corner, referred to the mayor c 76 Edmands, John B., et al. petition for payment to Abram T. Collier of balance remaining from tax-sale of estate, Medford st. a 719 Edson Green. tree: order to remove two dead trees, passed a 724 Edson street. sidewalk: Mrs. M. J. Hall, petition a 301-granted a 309 Edward Everett square and Dorchesterway. electric lights: order to locate, passed a 386 Eight-hour Day. order that the board of election commissioners be requested, through the mayor, to have act relative to allowing eight hours to constitute a day's work for all laborers, workmen and mechanics now employed by the city, placed on the official ballot at the municipal election, discussed c 610, 611-passed c 611 a 617 Eight Hours for City Employees. (See City Employees.) Eighth street. pipe: Christian F. Platt, petition to lay a 269-granted a 277 sidewalk: John J. Martin, petition a 720-granted a 748 tree: John White, petition, removal of tree a 325 Election Department. committee: appointed a 237 c 267, 374 board of commissioners: Linus E. Pearson, notice of appointment as member of board placed on file a 323; notice of appointment of Patrick J. Kennedy as election commissioner a 805 arrangements for state election: order of notice of election, Nov. 7, passed a 657 eight-hour law, placing of, on official ballot: see Eight-hour Day message certifying the names of the members elect of the board of apportionment and city council: page 1 municipal election: notice of a 745 payment of election officers: order that the city treasurer be requested to pay the supervisors who served at the state election, as soon as possible, referred to committee on treasury department c 43; order that the board of election commissioners, through the mayor be requested to arrange for the payment of the election ofli cers on or before December 23, 1899, passed a 780 c 795 petitions and orders referred from last year: report, no action necessary on petitions and orders, etc., referred from last year (list given), accepted a 359 vacancy in 13th representative district: notification from the speaker of the House of Representatives of vacancy existing, caused by death of James T. Mahony, Jr.; order of notice of election, passed a 46 voting list, Germantown: see Germantown jury list communication from the election commissioners trans. mitting list, assigned a 197-taken up, approved a 213 Election Returns. order that the city messenger be requested to make usual arrange. ments on election days for returns, and to open council chamberetc., passed c 652 a 655; communication from the mayor vetoing or, der; order indefinitely postponed c 713-order making arrange ments, passed c 713 a 720 Electric Lights. (See Lamp Department.) Electric Wires. (See also Wire Department.) committee: appointed a 62 Electrical Construction Department. appropriation: communication from the mayor transmitting order passed by board of estimate and apportionment for $15,000, referred to committee on public improvements a 122-report, accepted, order passed a 148-assigned e 159-taken up, order rejected c 190-adhered to former action a 195 c 203, 204 a 212 working capital: see annual estimates; appropriation bill Electricity, Municipal. (See Municipal Gas and Elec- Emery, Fred A., Councilman, Ward 21. tricity.) Elevator Accident, City Hall. (See City Hall.) Eliot street. barber-pole: J. Breithwaite, petition a 193 coal-hole: Trustees of Tufts College, petition a 698-granted a 724 Eliot street, Ward 23. sidewalk: Thomas B. Noonan, petition a 579-granted a 623 Ellery street. bay-windows: John O'Connor, granted a 276; communication from the mayor vetoing permit, referred to committee on public im. provements a 299-report, veto sustained a 623 qualified: page 2 appointed: committee on cemetery department, city clerk department, lamp department, park department, schools and schoolhouses c 267, 268; committee to attend funeral of ex-Mayor Prince c 424; committee on annual dinner c 804 orders offered: bulletin of legislative bills c 73 sale of cigars c 596 remarks: interest on taxes c 247 street-lighting contract c 608 Emery, John A. petition to erect building, Island st. a 250-granted a 343 c 367 Employees, City. (See City Employees.) Employment Agencies. (See Institutions Department.) Employment of Citizens in Dry Docks and Navy Estimate and Apportionment, Board of, continued, Yards. (See Navy Yard, Dry Dock Building.) Endicott street. asphalting: order that the board of estimate and apportionment be requested to provide $3,000 for asphalting, from Cooper to Thacher st., referred to board of estimate and apportionment a 231; order to have street asphalted from Cooper st. to Thacher st. passed a 554 openings in sidewalk: Bridget Foster, petition to construct a 379granted a 404 revised grade: order to establish revised grade between Causeway st. and Lafayette ave., referred to committee on public improvements a 251-report, accepted, order passed a 255 signs: R. Sarni, petition a 324-granted a 343 Endicott and Blackstone streets. public convenience station and underground lavatory: order that the board of estimate and apportionment be requested to provide in the first loan bill a sum suflicient, passed c 68-referred to board of estimate and apportionment a 79 Engine Smoke, Nuisance from. (See Ordinances.) Engineering Department. committee: appointed a 237 c 267 city engineer: William Jackson, appointed a 299-confirmed a 325 abolition of grade crossings: see Grade Crossings Charles river bridge: see Charles River Bridge Essex street. area: Charles P. Curtis, petition to construct a 585-granted a 622 barber-pole: James D. Russo, petition a 578-granted a 581 illuminated sign: Ryder & Brooks, petition a 78, 144-granted a 167 sign: W. Creden & Co., petition a 229; communication from the mayor vetoing permit; veto sustained a 272; petition a 269-granted a 276 Essex street, Charlestown. paving: order that the board of estimate and apportionment be re quested to appropriate a sufficient sum of money to pave, referred to board of estimate and apportionment c 285 a 301 Essex and East streets and Atlantic avenue. guy-posts: George A. Fuller Company, petition to erect a 301granted a 309 Estimate and Apportionment, Board of. members: John Henry Sullivan, Laurence Minot, oaths of office administered, page 1; resolutions on death of Hon. John H. Sullivan, 294-298 board of apportionment act, repeal of: resolution repealing act, discussed a 170-172-assigned a 172-taken up, discussed a 195-197-rejected a 197: see also Legislative Matters additional land, Insane Hospital: see Institutions Department. addition to reserved fund: see Reserved Fund. Alexander st., extension: see Alexander st. Apple Island, public landing: see Apple Island appropriation for street improvements, Ward 1: see Ward 1 appropriation for wire department: see Wire Department appropriation, clock, south ferry: see Street Department, ferry division appropriation for primary and grammar schools: see School Department appropriation for reconstruction of sewers, East Boston: see East Boston appropriation transfer to assessing department: see Assessing Department appropriation transfer to city hospital; see Hospital Department appropriation for Tileston and Sherwin districts: see School Department, appropriation for Tileston and Sherwin Districts asphalt gutters, Dorchester st.: see Dorchester st. asphalting, Harrison ave: see Harrison ave. asphalting, Smith st.: see Smith st. B st., paving: see B st. bathing beach, North End: see North End Bathing Beach bath-house, Savin Hill Beach: see Bath Department bath-house, Ward 18: see Bath Department Battery st., widening: see Battery st. Beacon st., paving: see Beacon st. Berkeley st., asphalting: see Berkeley st. bicycle path, adjoining Common: see Bicycle Path Adjoining Com. mon bicycle path, Massachusetts ave.: see Massachusetts ave. Blue Hill ave., paving: see Blue Hill ave. branch library, North End: see Library Department bridge, Travers st.: see Travers st. cable to Long Island: see Institutions Department Centre st., retaining wall: see Centre st. Chapman school-house, fire escapes: see School Department Christopher Gibson playground: see Christopher Gibson play. ground Condor st., paving: see Condor st. convenience station, South Boston: see Bath Department Devonshire st., repairing: see Devonshire st. Dorchester bay, public landing: see Dorchester Bay Dover st., paving: see Dover st. drainage of land Parental School: see Institutions Department. draw, Chelsea bridge: see Chelsea Bridge Dudley st., paving: see Dudley st. Dudley st., widening: see Dudley st. East Boston improvements, erection of clock in tower of South Ferry, dredging channel, Jeffries Point, flight of steps, Leyden to Gladstone st.: see East Boston East Boston, street improvements: see East Boston East Second st., improvement: see East Second st. electric light plant, Rainsford Island: see Institutions Department emergency hospital, Charlestown: see Hospital Department emergency hospital, South Boston: see South Boston Endicott st., asphalting: see Endicott st. Endicott and Blackstone sts., public convenience station: see Endicott and Blackstone sts. engine-house, Forest Hills: see Fire Department engine-house, Heath st.: see Fire Department engine-house, Norfolk st., loan: see Fire Department engine-house, Ward 19: see Fire Department engine-house, Warren ave.: see Fire Department Essex st., Charlestown: see Essex street, Charlestown extension of Brooks st., Brighton: see Brooks st., Brighton extension of water mains, appropriation: see Water Department finance matters: order that all matters on file in the committee of finance be referred to board of estimate and apportionment, passed a 46 c 48 fire apparatus, Ward 19: see Fire Department First st., paving: see First st. footbridge, East Boston: see Wordsworth st. |