Palace Theatre. order that the fire commissioner be requested, through the mayor, to prevent smoking, as same is apt to cause fire, referred to the mayor e 804; order that the board of police, through the mayor, be requested to cause the regulation of the board of health, prohibiting spitting in public places to be enforced in said heatre, referred to the mayor e 824 Palmer street. lamps: Augusta S. Walker, petition a 641 sign: James F. Dooley, petition a 697-granted a 708 Parental Home, West Roxbury. (See Institutions Registration Department.) Paris Pattern Supply Company. petition to erect post-clock, Tremont st. a 124-granted a 129; communication from the mayor, vetoing permit; veto sustained a 166 Paris street. sidewalk: B. M. Schwartz, petition a 338-granted a 361; Mary Smiddy et als., petition a 433-granted a 471; Mrs. Annie Formanek, petition a 597-granted a 623 sign: H. Cohen, petition a 337-granted a 357 tree: order to remove dead tree, passed a 360; order to remove in front of No. 48, passed a 661 Park, Charlotte C. payment of balance remaining from tax-sale of estate, Mt. Vernon st., Dorchester (refused last year) granted a 304 c 313 Park Department. committee: appointed a 237 c 268 commissioners: Charles E. Stratton, appointed a 323-discussed a 338, 339-assigned a 339-taken up, referred to committee on public improvements a 356-report, accepted, appointment confirmed a 361; James M. Prendergast, appointed a 354-referred to committee on public improvements a 381, 382-report, accepted, confirmed a 405, 406 bicycle lantern: order that the park commissioners, through the mayor, be requested to rescind order passed requiring use of lanterns, etc., on bicycles entering park system, passed a 481-dis. cussed c 499, 500-passed c 500; order that the park commissioners be requested to submit a report in reply to order passed, relative to, referred to the mayor c 595 clock, Marine Park: see Marine Park dinner hour for park employees: order that the mayor be requested to instruct the park commissioners to allow the men in their employ a full hour for dinner instead of a half hour as now proposed, passed a 699-call for information a 764; communication from the mayor, transmitting communication from the park commissioners relative to a 783, 784-placed on file a 784 Dorchester Park: see Dorchester Park employees uniform: order that the mayor be requested to instruct the park commissioners to abolish the practice of compelling the employees of the park department to wear uniforms, which are paid for out of their wages, and bought from a firm selected by com. missioners, referred to committee on public improvements a 58report, discussed a 59, 60-passed a 60 c 65; resolve, that the board of park commissioners, through the mayor, be notified that it is the opinion of the common council that it is inexpedient and to the detriment of the department to oblige the laborers to uniforms, referred to committee on park department c 50; order that the mayor request the chairman of the park commission and the superintendent of park department to appear before the board of alderman, Monday, January 30, 1899, to confer relative to uniforming men, passed a 82 golf links, Franklin Park: see Franklin Park gymnasium, Dorchester Park: see Dorchester Park wear lack of work: order that the park commissioners be requested, through the mayor, to report the reason of enforced idleness of certain employees in department, referred to the mayor c 283 lights for Neponset playground: see Neponset Playground lights on pleasure vehicles: order that the park commissioners, through the mayor, be requested to establish a regulation requiring all pleasure vehicles to be provided with lights on and after August 1, between sunset and sunrise, referred to the mayor e 522 Park Department, continued. Marine Park, bathing beach: order that the board of estimate and apportionment be requested to include in the first loan order a sum sufficient to put bathing beach at the head house, Marine park, in the same condition as the L-st. beach, referred to board of esti. mate and apportionment c 94 a 102, 103 modification of restriction in deed of land bordering Fens: communication from the mayor transmitting communication from the park commissioners, with order, that the park commissioners, with the approval of the mayor and satisfactory to law department, alter and amend restrictions contained in deeds given by the owners to the city, relating to height of buildings, etc., referred to committee on public improvements a 235-report, accepted, order passed a 237-referred to committee on ordinances c 245-notice of reconsideration filed, taken up, passed c 256 overcrowding of boats, Jamaica Pond: order that the committee on park department be requested to make inquiries as to the overcrowding of pleasure boats, referred to committee on park department c 458 overtime pay: order that the mayor be requested to instruct park commissioners to pay men employed in their department for over. time in the same manner as is done in the other city departments, passed a 788 c 796 park in Ward 13: see Ward 13 paving of park entrance: order that the park commissioners, through the mayor, be requested to pave the space between the curbstone and the railroad tracks, at entrance of Blue Hill ave., at or near Grove Hall, referred to the mayor c 77 plan of boulevard connecting the Dorchester District with proposed parkway, Quincy: order that the park commissioners prepare a plan of a boulevard or parkway connecting the Dorchester district with the proposed parkway in Atlantic in Quincy, to be laid out by Metropolitan Park Commissioners, passed a 708 c 713; communication from the mayor transmitting communication from the park commissioners relative to, sent up c 765-placed on file a 777 playground, Columbus ave.: communication from the mayor transmitting communication from park commissioners relative to, sent down a 784-placed on file c 791 playground, Dorchester Lower Mills: see Dorchester Lower Mills playground, Franklin Park: see Franklin Park playground, Ward 6: see Ward 6 playground Ward 22: see Ward 22 playground, West End: order that the park commissioners be requested, through the mayor, to take for park and playground purposes the land bounded by Charlestown, Thacher, Lynn and Cooper sts., passed a 345 c 370 reward for heroism: order that the park commissioners, through the mayor, be requested to consider and report what action should be taken by the city government to recognize services of Neil J. Wallace, in saving children from drowning in Leverett pond, referred to the mayor e 42 square, Bunker Hill, Vine and Moulton sts.: see Bunker Hill, Vine and Moulton sts. skating, Boston Baseball Grounds: order that the park commissioners be requested to flood for skating purposes the land in rear, recently acquired for playground purposes, passed a 749 c 770; communication from the mayor transmitting communication from the park commissioners relative to, placed on file c 765 skating, Churchill Field: see Churchill Field skating, Ward 15: order that the park commissioners, through the mayor, be requested to flood a suitable lot of ground under their jurisdiction for skating purposes, passed c 74 speedway, Franklin Field: order that the park commissioners, through the mayor, be requested to take such action as will result in a strip of land, bordering on southerly side of field, being set aside as a speedway, referred to the mayor c 142; communication from the mayor transmitting communication from the park department relative to, placed on file c 215 strandway improvement, park and playground, Columbia road: see Strandway uniforms: order that the park commissioners be requested, through the mayor, to report as soon as convenient the rules governing the buying and wearing of park uniforms, assigned c 502-taken up, passed c 516 Wood Island flats, dredging: order that the park commissioners be requested to dredge flats so that park will border on deep water at all stages of the tide, and to establish a line of pleasure boats connecting with other water parks, passed a 308 c 312 Wood Island Park, polo playing: see Wood Island Park Park square. extension: Park square Improvement Association a 325-report with order, accepted, passed a 330 Parkman, Henry, et al., Trustees. petition to construct coal-hole, Boylston st. a 251-granted a 254, 255 illuminated sign: C. E. Davis & Company, petition a 615-granted Parkman School. (See School Department.) a 646 poles: Charlestown Gas and Electric Co., petition to erect a 741- Patten street. order for hearing a 747-granted a 809 Park street, Dorchester. gravel sidewalk: order to construct from Upland ave. to the railroad crossing opposite Wellesley park, passed a 440, 441 repairing: order that the superintendent of streets be requested to repair from Dorchester avenue to Geneva avenue, and to pave gutters and build sidewalk, passed a 586 shelter at transfer station: see Boston Elevated Railway Company sidewalk: Winifred Cabalan, petition a 301-granted a 309 tree: order to remove tree in front of house of Philip F. Berkwitz, expense to be charged to department of public grounds, passed lamps: James Murray et al., petition a 561 Pauper Bodies, Cremation of. (See Cemetery Department.) Pauper Institutions Trustees. (See Institutions, Registration Department.) Payment for Theatre Licenses. (See Theatre Licenses.) Payment to Veterans of the Late War. (See Legislative Matters.) Pay-rolls, Information Regarding. (See Auditing Department.) Peabody, Francis, Jr., et als., Trustees. petition to construct basement of building, Atlantic ave, and other streets a 300-withdrawn a 357; petition to construct areas and coalholes, Atlantic ave. and East st. a 301-granted a 309 Pearl street. sign: Garlock Packing Company, petition a 193 sign on lamp-post: New England Newspaper Union, petition, granted a 540, 541-communication from the mayor vetoing permit, referred to committee on public improvements a 548-report, veto sustained a 623 Pearl street, Charlestown. tree: order to remove decayed tree, passed a 699, 700 Pearson, Linus E. notice of appointment as member of board of election commissioners, placed on file a 323 Peck, Arthur K., Councilman, Ward 12. qualified: page 2 poles: New England Telephone and Telegraph Company, petition to erect a 751-order for hearing a 762-hearing a 777-referred to com mittee on public improvements a 834-report, accepted, granted a 838 appointed: committee on assessing department, city clerk depart ment, engineering department, schools and school-houses, street laying out department, statistics department c 267, 268; committee to attend funeral of Hon. John H. Sullivan € 298 lamps: order that the superintendent of lamps be requested to place three additional gas lamps on avenue, passed a 308 communication from the mayor transmitting report of committee appointed to make analysis of the workings of existing methods of dealing with the punishment of drunkenness, etc., a 717,718-ordered printed, sent down a 718-placed on file e 733 (C. D_158); order that Picnics of Street Department. (See Street Department.) 2,500 extra copies of message be printed, passed a 731 c 733 Everett street, Playgrounds, Wards 18 and 19. (See Wards 18 and 19.) Brighton.) order that the board of estimate and apportionment be requested to provide for the rental of land referred to in communication of Robert T. Paine relative to, to be used as a playground for children of North Brighton, referred to board of estimate and apportionment c 376 a 381; communication from Robert Treat Paine enclosing petition of North Brighton Conference, District 5, of Associated Charities, asking that $300 be appropriated toward rent of field south and west sides of Waverly st and north of Lincoln st. for playground, placed on file c 365-referred to board of estimate and apportionment a 381 Playground, Dorchester. (See Nightingale Field.) Playground, Dorchester Lower Mills. (See Dorchester Lower Mills.) Pleasant street. grade: order to establish, referred to committee on public improve. ments a 544-report, accepted, order passed a 559 illuminated sign: J. Rosen, petition a 193-granted a 212 sign: John Rieger, petition a 78, 167-granted a 170 Pleasant street, Dorchester. improvements: order that the superintendent of streets be requested to have street put in order, from Savin Hill ave. to Freeport st., passed a 59 resurfacing: order that superintendent of streets be requested to resurface from Freeport st. to Savin Hill ave., passed a 386 Playground, Geneva avenue. (See Public Grounds De- Pleasant and other streets. partment.) Playground, Roslindale. order that the board of estimate and apportionment be requested to provide in the first loan order an appropriation of $31,000 for suitable site and establishment of a playground, referred to board of estimate and apportionment c 94 a 102 Playground, South Boston, Ward 14. order that the board of estimate and apportionment be requested to include in the first loan order the sum of $25,000 for a gymnasium, referred to board of estimate and apportionment c 141 a 145 Playground, Ward 3. order that the board of estimate and apportionment be requested to provide an appropriation of $25,000 for an open-air gymnasium, passed c 76-referred to board of estimate and apportionment a 79 Playground, Ward 4. baseball: order that the board of park commissioners be requested, through the mayor, to have playground put in proper condition for baseball, referred to the mayor c 377 electric light: order that the park commissioners, through the mayor, be requested to provide light, referred to the mayor c 76, 77 fence: order that the park commissioners be requested to build fence to be used as a backstop, referred to the mayor c 458 Playground, Ward 5. (See Ward 5.) Playground, Ward 10. (See Ward 10.) Playground, Ward 15. (See Ward 15.) Playground, Ward 19. order that the park commissioners, through the mayor, be requested to set aside the plot of land in the Back Bay Fens, known as "Tremont Entrance" to be used as a playground, discussed, passed c 694 a 698 Playground, Ward 22. (See Ward 22.) Playground, Ward 23. order that the park commissioners be requested, through the mayor, to explain why they do not purchase land for playground as provided by law, referred to the mayor c 501 Playground in Vicinity of Strandway. (See Strandway.) revision of grades: Boston Elevated Railway Company, petition a 555-placed on file a 557 Plett, Christian F. petition to lay pipe, Eighth st. a 269-granted a 277 Plummer, Henry L. appointed member of board of overseers of the poor a 53-confirmed a 79, 80 Pocket Manual for Board of Aldermen. (See Aldermen, Board of.) Police Department. committee: appointed a 237 e 268 ambulance, station 9 : order that a special committee be appointed to wait upon the police commissioners to find out whether it is possible or not to furnish district with ambulance, etc., passed c 224; com. mittee appointed c 268 annuities: order that the board of police be authorized and directed to allow and pay Sarah E Leavitt, widow of William D. Leavitt, an annuity of $300 per annum, etc., referred to committee on police a 307; report, accepted, order passed a 341; report accepted, order passed a 342-discussed c 367, 368-assigned c 368-taken up, accepted, order passed c 397; order to pay Mary E. Cunningham, widow of Frank Cunningham, an annuity of $300 a year, passed a 723 e 733 carriages at funerals, position of: order that the board of police, through the mayor, be requested to take such action as may be necessary to provide that carriages waiting outside of churches during funeral services shall stand in line on the side of the street on which the church is located, referred to the mayor c 93; communication from the mayor transmitting communication from the police commissioner relative to, placed on file c 216 claims: see Jordan, George A.; or, Claims, Ryan, Daniel, & Co.: see Ryan; or, Claims: see Wetherbee, Robert L.; or, Claims: see Nickerson, Herbert I.; or, Claims closing streets: order to close Park sq. and other streets on account of reception of President, passed a 144 extra compensation for policemen: order that the board of police be requested, through the mayor, to allow extra compensation to day police officers who are on duty at municipal lectures, referred to the mayor c 164 extra pay for caucuses, etc.: order that the police commissioners be requested, through the Mayor, to compensate police officers who may serve as such at any caucus meeting, convention or registration, in addition to regular salary, referred to the mayor c 595 increase of pay of police force report, no action necessary, on remonstrances of Charles E. French (referred last year), acccepted a 342 c 367 investigation of administration of department: order that the committee on police be instructed to investigate and report what changes are necessary to improve administration of department, and be authorized to give public hearing, etc., assigned a 410, 434, 467-taken up, discussed a 489, 490-assigned a 490-taken up, referred to committee on police department a 534 Police Department, continued. leave of absence for policemen: order that the board of police, through the mayor, be requested to amend the regulations of the police department, so as to permit two days' leave of absence a month, without loss of pay, referred to the mayor c 93; communication from the mayor transmitting communication from the police commissioners relative to, ordered printed, and assigned c 174-taken up, placed on file c 204 matrons, pay of: communication from the police department requesting that salaries of matrons in stations 11 and 13 be increased; ordinance establishing same referred to committee on police a 303; report, accepted, order passed a 342 c 368; communication from the board of police concurring with the city council in order passed relative to fixing salaries, sent down a 436-placed on file c 447 officer in Orchard Park: see Orchard Park one day's leave of absence: report, no action necessary, on order concerning, accepted a 342 c 367 overcrowding of theatres: see Licenses patrol box, corner Dimock and Amory streets: see Dimock and Amory sts. patrol wagons, rubber tires: order that the police commissioners be requested to consider advisability of equipping patrol wagons with rubber tires, so that they can be used as auxiliary ambulances, referred to committee on police c 417 pay for additional service: order that the police commissioners be requested, through the mayor, to pay the officers that have been de tailed at the common council the past two meetings an additional day's pay for said service, referred to the mayor c 95 payment to family of Edward Melia: see Melia, Edward payment to widow of Daniel Murphy: see Murphy, Daniel police station, Grove Hall: order that the board of estimate and apportionment include in their first loan order $30,000 to provide, passed c 77-referred to board of estimate and apportionment a 79 protection of citizens against police: see Ordinances reduction of salaries: communication from the mayor relative to, discussed a 151-15-ordered printed, sent down a 153-referred to committee on fire department c 163 salaries: report on the veto message of the mayor (referred last year) that veto be sustained, discussed a 340, 341-assigned a 341taken up, referred to committee on police a 356, 357 salary of captain detailed to examine evidence in claims against the city communication from the mayor transmitting communication from the police department with order increasing salary of Wm. H. Dyer from $2,000 to 2,500, passed a 777-discussed e 794, 795passed e 795 thanks for use of police boat “Guardian "': resolution extending thanks of members of the common council for use of police boat, passed c 502 time to vote at caucuses: order that the police commissioners, through the mayor, be requested to allow members sufficient time to vote at caucuses, etc., referred to the mayor c 267; communication from the mayor transmitting communication from the police commissioners relative to, placed on file c 281 Pomeroy street. edgestone assessment: order that assessment levied against estate of Henry E. Casey be rescinded and assessed to Mary E. Crosby, passed a 387 Poor, Overseeing of. (See Overseeing of the Poor Department.) Poplar street. sign: R. V. King, petition a 697-granted a 708 Poplar street, West Roxbury. Porter street. revised grade: order to establish, referred to committee on public improvements a 544-report, accepted, order passed a 559 Porter street, East Boston. damages to estate: see Thoits, Lizzie G.; or, Boston Elevated Railway Company sewer outlet: order that so much of loan order approved October 5, 1896, for $3,000 for sewer outlet, and order approved December 11, 1897, transferring the said amount to an appropriation for dam from Maverick st. to Prescott st., be and the same hereby are rescinded, passed a 253-referred to committee on finance c 256report, accepted, order passed in concurrence e 283 BLUE HILL AVE. AND EAST COTTAGE ST.: petition to attach wires to poles of New England Telephone and Telegraph Company a 355-granted a 531 BOSTON ST.: petition to erect and remove a 667-order for hearing a 669-hearing a 697-granted a 809 Bow ST.: petition, poles a 698-order for hearing a 708-hearing a 719-granted a 809 EAST AND WEST COTTAGE STS.; petition to erect poles a 355order for hearing a 359-hearing a 378 SUMNER AND EAST COTTAGE STS.: petition to erect poles, wires, etc. a 432-order for hearing a 438-hearing a 464-report, no action necessary a 730 WEST COTTAGE ST.: petition of Rev. John J. Farrell et als., for removal a 616; motion that committee be instructed to give public hearing a 616-report, with order rescinding order passed July 17, discussed a 730, 731-passed a 731; communication from the mayor vetoing order, referred to committee on public improvements a 750-report, discussed a 753, 754-order passed over veto a 754 building: William H. J. Stone, granted c 224-referred to committee Power-house, Long Island. (See Long Island.) on public improvements a 230-report, accepted, permit granted a 232; communication from the mayor relative to, indefinitely postponed c 240 Port Norfolk street. changing name of street to: order that High st., from Water to Ericsson st., be changed to Port Norfolk st., laid over a 127-taken up, passed a 145 Powers, James. order that the superintendent of streets, through the mayor, be requested to allow compensation for time lost on account of injuries received while in discharge of his duties in the sanitary dviision, referred to the mayor e 119; petition, compensation for loss of work caused by injuries received while in employ of sanitary division a 355-refused a 723 e 733 |