Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

Street Department, continued.

garbage plant: order that the superintendent of streets be requested to instruct the contractors now in charge of the garbage plant at Cow Pasture to so regulate their plant that the citizens of Dorches ter may be spared from the nuisance now existing, passed a 144; order that the board of health be requested to report what action it proposes to take relative to abating garbage plant nuisance now existing at the Cow Pasture, discussed a 643, 644-passed a 644; communication from the mayor transmitting communication from the health department, referred to committee on public improvements a 654-report, accepted, order that the superintendent of streets, through the mayor, be requested to transmit the communica tion from the board of health with their conclusions, mentioned in their letter to the board of aldermen (Oct. 23) relative to nuisance, discussed a 660, 661-passed a 661; communication from the mayor transmitting communication from board of health a 675, 676-discussed a 676, 677-referred to special committee a 677; order that special committee be appointed to investigate and report as to nuisance existing at Cow Pasture, with authority to give public hearing, employ stenographer, etc., discussed a 671-674-passed, committee appointed a 674; order that the superintendent of streets be requested, through the mayor, to annul the contract between the city and the New England Sanitary Product Company, said plant having become a detriment to the public health and comfort, discussed c 692-694-passed c 694-referred to committee on garbage in. vestigation a 699-chairman of board of aldermen added to committee a 700-report, with order that the board of health and the city solicitor forthwith apply to the court to restrain the New England Sanitary Product Company, from carrying on its business at Cow Pasture in a manner objectionable to public health, accepted, discussed a 701-708-assigned a 708-taken up, discussed a 720, 721referred to committee on public improvements a 721-motion that order be reported back same day, discussed a 721, 722-carried a 722report, discussed a 724-726-passed a 726; communication from the mayor vetoing order, referred to committee on public improve ments a 750-laid on table, taken from table, order passed over veto a 754; order that the special committee appointed to investigate the alleged nuisance, be enlarged so as to include the whole board of aldermen, assigned a 708-taken up, discussed a 720, 721-referred to committee on public improvements a 721-motion that order be reported back the same day, discussed a 721, 722-carried a 722-report, discussed a 724-726, indefinitely postponed a 726; communication from the mayor vetoing order for public hearing, etc., referred to special committee on garbage a 718′

granite, purchase of: order that the superintendent of streets, through the mayor, be requested to purchase no more granite from the Rockport Granite Company, until the present trouble with their employees is settled, referred to the mayor c 321

half-day's pay to laborers: order that the superintendent of streets, through the mayor, be requested to take such action as may be necessary to allow payment for half a day to each laborer report ing for work in the several divisions in inclement weather, referred to the mayor e 67

hearing on repairing "Down-Town" streets: see Estimate and Apportionment, Board of

information regarding sub-foremen: order that the superintendent of streets, through the mayor, be requested to inform the common council at his earliest convenience how many men are acting as subforemen in the various divisions of the street department, and how many have not passed the civil service requirements, referred to the mayor c 50

lighting draw, Meridian street bridge: see Meridian st. bridge loan for sewerage construction work: communication from the mayor transmitting communication from the board of estimate and apportionment with order for loan of $1,000,000, referred to committee on public improvement a 54-discussed a 60, 61-assigned a 61-taken up, referred to committee on public improvements a 80report, accepted, discussed a 104 107-passed a 107-discussed c 109. III-order amended, passed c 111-discussed a 124-127-adhered to former action a 127-discussed c 131-136-non-concurred, adhered to former action c 136 a 145-sent back to city clerk c 157 parades: order to close streets during labor parade, passed a 538, 539; order to close certain streets during parade of State Militia, passed a 599; order to close streets during parade on evening of Oct. 13, and day of Oct. 14, passed a 626

payment of sewer employees for February 22: order that the superintendent of streets, through the mayor, be instructed to pay employees for Washington's birthday, said compensation to take effect on employees suspended February 21, passed c 191 a 194 picnics: order that the mayor be requested to instruct the superintendent of streets to allow a holiday July 18, 1899, to employees of sanitary and street cleaning divisions, to attend picnic, etc., passed a 214 e 217-order that the mayor be requested to instruct the superintendent of streets to allow employees of paving division a holiday July 26, the day of their annual picnic, passed a 344 c 370-order that the mayor be requested to instruct the superintendent of streets to allow employees of sewer division a holiday June 27, 1899, the day of annual picnic, passed a 344 e 370-order that the mayor be requested to instruct the superintendent of streets to allow employees of the street cleaning and sanitary divisions a holiday on day of annual picnic of Ben. Franklin Assembly Knights of Labor, passed a 387-discussed c 391, 392-order rejected é 392-placed on file a 402

Street Department, continued.

public landing, Jeffries Point: see Jeffries Point

rate of pay for laborers: order that the superintendent of streets, through the mayor, be requested to grant permit for work on the streets only to such persons as shall agree to pay their employees, two dollars per day of nine hours; such employees to be citizens and residents, passed c 210

repayment of sewer tax: see Legislative Matters

replacing of street signs: order that the street department be requested to replace street signs where they have been removed by change made in lamp department, referred to the mayor c 612 rights to use tracks by American Sugar Refining Company: see American Sugar Refining Company

sewer, Condor st.: see Condor st.

snow dump, Warren bridge: communication from the mayor transmitting communication from the superintendent of streets relative to, with order that the superintendent of streets be authorized to expend $2,200 in building a snow dump, Warren bridge, etc., referred to committee on public improvements a 776report, to next government a 837

sewerage works, effect of proposed bill: communication from the Mayor transmitting copy of House Bill No. 1129, entitled "An Act Relative to sewerage Works of Boston," now pending before the Legislature, and explaining financial consequences of passage of bill in present form, etc. a 346, 347-resolve requesting that bill be recommitted to committee on Metropolitan Affairs, so that action may be postponed, that opportunity may be afforded members of Board of Aldermen to fully investigate the matter, and that committee be appointed to endeavor to secure carrying out of this request, discussed a 347-350-passed a 350; committee appointed a 350placed on file c 366

sewage, Charles river: see Charles river

smoke nuisance: notice of appointment of Benjamin W. Wells as officer to abate nuisance, placed on file a 832 speedway, Bennington street: see Bennington st. stagnant water, Shelton st.: see Shelton st.

stands: Louis Corensky, petition to maintain stand, City Hall ave. a 79-refused a 82; W. F. Haley, petition to stand night-lunch wagon, a 102-granted a 104; communication from the mayor vetoing permit, referred to committee on public improvements a 144-report, veto sustained a 232; Hugh J. Morrison, petition to stand night lunch wagon, Field's Corner a 198-granted a 198, 237; Daniel J. Murphy, petition, periodical stand at Franklin school-house a 193report no action necessary a 310; Anthony Volta, petition to maintain bootblack stand a 102; S. E. Richards, petition to maintain in Post Office sq. a 325; report, no action necessary a 623; Puritan Trust Co., remonstrance against allowing stand, Franklin ave. a 355-report, placing on file, accepted a 482; Anthony Volta, petition for renewal of permit for bootblack stand, Franklin ave. a 433-granted a 443; Constantine Demara, petition, sell merchandise from wagon, Massachusetts ave, a 465-granted a 472; communication from the mayor vetoing permit; permit refused a 523; report, no action necessary a 623; M. F. Miley, petition to maintain night lunch a 525-refused a 530; Costas, Deemara, petition to maintain push carts at certain locations a 541-refused a 546; Vincent Maschio, petition to maintain stand for sale of fruit a 572-refused a 574; Wm. J. Keefe, petition, newsstand, Maverick sq. a 579; Frank Rogers, petition to maintain bootblack stand. Franklin ave. a 503; Frank W. Simons, petition to stand night lunch wagon a 742-refused a $38; Edward Waters, petition to stand lunch wagon, cor. Summer st. and Atlantic ave. a 778-placed on file a 838

street cleaning, Dorchester: order that the board of estimate and apportionment be requested to provide in the next loan bill a sum suflicient to establish the street cleaning service in all parts not now covered by said service, passed c 71-referred to board of estimate and apportionment a 79

street sprinkling: ordinance regulating and providing for dry strip on streets: see Ordinances

street watering: communication from the mayor transmitting order that all streets and portions of streets within the city limits be watered during the current year at the expense of the abutters, referred to committee on public improvements a 101; communication from the mayor transmitting communication from the superintendent of streets relative to city council granting authority to water streets, sent down a 172-report, accepted; order that all streets and portions of streets within the city limits be watered during the current year wholly at expense of abutters, passed a 277-amended, discussed c 282, 283-assigned c 283-taken up, amendment withdrawn, order passed e 315; communication from the mayor transmitting communication from the superintendent of streets relative to, placed on file e 312; communication from the mayor transmitting order from board of estimate and apportionment, appropriation $25,000, passed e 627-referred to committee on public improvements a 642-report, accepted, order passed a 659

[blocks in formation]

clock, South Ferry, Boston side: see also East Boston, improvements clock, South Ferry: communication from the mayor transmitting order from board of estimate and apportionment transferring $500 of appropriation of $3,000 for dam from Maverick to Prescott sts., to appropriation for clock, South ferry, passed c 390 a 402 completion of " Noddle Island" ferry-boat: communication from the mayor transmitting order passed by board of estimate and apportionment, authorizing superintendent of streets to expend not exceeding $4,300 of loan authorized to meet expense of completing ferry-boat, sent down without alteration a 549

free ferries, Fourth of July: order to allow and pay superintend ent of streets on account of the ferry division the sum of $25 in lieu of tolls for ferries, passed a 441 c 449

holiday, Memorial day : order to allow holiday to all employees who are members of the Grand Army or other veteran organizations passed c 416 a 433

information regarding G.A.R. employees: order that the superintendent of streets be requested, through the mayor, to report why the employees of the ferries, who are members of the G.A.R., have not been paid for the time lost while attending encampment at Philadelphia, referred to the mayor c 738

new ferry boat: communication from the mayor transmitting order passed by board of estimate and apportionment, authorizing the superintendent of streets to construct and equip a new ferry-boat, etc., passed a 654 c 687

new head-house, South Ferry: order that the mayor be requested to take the necessary steps in order that work may be begun at once on new head-house, referred to the mayor c 42 payment of employees: communication from the mayor transmitting communication from deputy superintendent of ferries, relative to, assigned c 791-taken up, placed on file c 817; order that the superintendent of ferries be requested to pay the members of the G.A.R., who attended encampment, for lost time while away, passed c 824 a 833

purchase of gunboats from U. S.: communication from the mayor transmitting order from board of estimate and apportionment rescinding order passed providing for building of a new ferry. boat, and that money appropriated be spent by superintendent of streets to purchase from U. S. Government, the gunboats, "East Boston" and "Gov. Russell," and to refit same, etc.; referred to committee on public improvements a 461-report, accepted, order passed a 472 c 497, 498

restoration of wages to employees: order that the superintendent of streets be requested, through the mayor, to restore the former rate of wages to tollmen and gatemen on ferries, passed a 213 sale of ferry-boat “ Benjamin Franklin :” communication from the mayor transmitting communication from the superintendent of streets transmitting order that the superintendent of streets, with the approval of the mayor, be authorized to sell ferry boat, referred to committee on public improvements a 784-report, accepted, order passed a 788 € 795

shelter at North Ferry: order that the superintendent of streets be requested, through the mayor, to extend the shelter at the East Boston side of the North Ferry, so that it may connect with headhouse at said ferry, referred to the mayor e 75

wages of tollmen and gatemen: order that the superintendent of streets be requested, through the mayor, to restore the former rate of wages to the tollmen and gatemen on ferries, referred to the mayor e 207

waiting room, Boston side, North Ferry: order that the board of estimate and apportionment include in the next loan bill, $10,000 for furnishing and maintaining a waiting room, discussed c 142, 143-referred to board of estimate and apportionment e 143 a 145 work on North Ferry: order that the superintendent of streets, through the mayor, be requested to cause work to be prosecuted at night as well as in the day time, so that the same may be com pleted with as little delay as possible; referred to the mayor e 501 edgestones and sidewalks:

A ST.: Boston Plate and Window Glass Co., petition a 301-granted a 303

ABBOT ST.: Francis C. Creber, petition a 379-granted a 404 ABBOTSFORD ST.: H. A. Lucas, petition a 433-granted a 530 ADAMS ST., WARD 20: Albert L. Jewell, petition a 269-granted a 278; Mary E. Pettee, petition a 465-granted a 482; C. F. Hayes, | petition a 541-granted a 546, 551

Street Department, continued.

ALGONQUIN ST.: George H. Brown, petition a 301-granted a 309 ALLSTON ST., WARD 20: Marie E. Sundberg, petition a 211-granted a 214-petition a 433-granted a 471; Alice E. Sowden, petition a 433granted a 471

ATHERSTONE ST.: James S. Conant, petition a 586-granted a 623; E. W. Houghton, petition a 597

ATLANTIC AVE, AND SUMMER ST.: Atherton Brown, petition a 742-granted a 753

BALDWIN ST.: Bowker, Torrey & Co., petition a 541-granted a 546, 551

BAY STATE ROAD: W. A. and H. A. Root, petition a 616-granted

a 644

BEACON ST.: Marshall Wentworth, petition a 465-granted a 482; James W. Tufts, petition a 597-granted a 623; W. B. Thomas, petition a 616-granted a €44; J. D. Steuer, petition a 720-granted à 748; George Wheatland, petition a 742-granted a 753 BEACON AND HEREFORD STS.: R. C. Hooper, petition a 579-granted a 581

BEACON ST. AND MASSACHUSETTS AVE.: W. B. Thomas, petition a 579-granted a 623

BELLEVUE ST.: J. Homer Pierce et al., trustees, petition a 433granted a 471

BELLFLOWER ST.: Joseph F. Loughlin, petition a 616-granted a 644;
Roger Regan, Patrick Neylon, petition a 742-granted a 753; John
F. Lynch, petition a 806-granted a 814

BEVERLY ST.: Joseph Green, petition a 402-granted a 443
BICKNELL ST.: J. P. Buntin, petition a 325-granted a 331
BIRCH AND BRANDON STS.: B. F. Cobleigh, petition a 549-granted

a 566

BLUE HILL AVE.: M. W. Hall, petition a 325-granted a 331; James S. Dorsey, petition a 655-granted a 677

BLUE HILL AVE. AND BRUNSWICK ST.: Sharreff Bros., petition a 668-granted a 769

BOWDOIN AVE.: Catherine Lombard, petition a 338, 443-granted a 361, 471; Henry M. Leen, petition a 720-granted a 748 BOWDOIN ST.: Peter R. Harrigan, petition a 561-report, no action necessary a 623; Lucy F. Copley, petition a 586-granted a 602; H. J. Freeman, petition a 641-granted a 660; order to place in front of No. 87 and 89, passed a 708

BOYLSTON ST.: Vose & Sons Piano Co., petition a 465-granted a 482

BREMEN ST.: Louis A. Ginsburg, petition a 379-granted a 404; William Murphy, petition a 402-granted a 443

BROAD ST.: Shapleigh Coffee Company, petition a 585-granted a 602

BROOKFORD ST.: G. A. Currier, petition a 561-granted a 581 BURRELL ST.: L. M. Best, Catherine Hanrahan, Alfred Pierce, petition a 325-granted a 331; report, no action necessary a 623; Hugh D. Kelly, petition a 616-granted a 644

BURRELL ST. AND NORFOLK AVE.: Hugh D. Kelly, petition a 541granted a 546, 551

BURRELL AND BATCHELDER STS.: order to make, in front of estate of Catherine Hanrahan, passed a 623, 624

CALUMET ST.: D. H. Sullivan, petition a 586-granted a 602; D. J.
Delaney, petition a 616-granted a 644: see also Calumet st.
CANAL ST.: Paine Furniture Company, petition a 269-granted a 278;
Florence Lyman et als., petition a 355-granted a 387

CENTRE ST., WARD 19: J. J. Cronin, petition a 325-granted a 331
CENTRE ST., WARD 20: Geo. O. Wood, petition a 379-granted a 404
CENTRE ST., WEST ROXBURY: see Centre st., West Roxbury
CENTRE AND FORBES STS.: Patrick Manning, petition a 52€-
granted a 546

CHARLESTOWN ST.: John McGaw, petition a 230

CHARTER AND COMMERCIAL STS.: see Charter and Commercial sts. CHELSEA AND PROSPECT STS.: Joseph Shoolman, petition a 503granted a 529

CHESTER ST., BRIGHTON: Arthur Timmins, petition a 534-granted a 546

CHESTNUT HILL AVE.: First Parish in Brighton, petition a 338granted a 361

CLARKSON ST.: W. C. Babcock, jr., et al., petition a 301-granted

a 309

CLYDE ST.: order for construction, passed a 308

COBDEN ST.: Mary B. W. Sawin, petition a 698-granted a 724 COLUMBIA ROAD: Alfred T. Haskell, petition a 355-granted a 387; Henry G. Allbright, petition a 585-granted a 602; petition a 616granted a 644

COLUMBIA ROAD AND DORCHESTER AVE.: Richard J. Gookin, petition a 597-granted a 623

COLUMBUS AVE.: Albert Geiger, petition a 616-granted a 644 COMMONWEALTH AVE.: Estate of J. D. Braman, petition a 433granted a 471; A. S. Bigelow, petition a 586-granted a 602

Street Department, continued.

COMMONWEALTH AVE., COR. ESSEX ST.: see Commonwealth ave., cor. Essex st.

Frost, petition a 668-granted a 709

CONANT ST.: H. L. Folsom, agent, petition a 534-granted a 551
CONDOR ST.: Robert Garner, petition a 655-granted a 677
COTTAGE ST.: James V. Devine, petition a 641-granted a 660
COVINGTON ST.: Charles J. Bower, petition a 742-granted a 753
CRANSTON ST.: L. Lahaise, petition a 433-granted a 471
CREIGHTON ST.: M. Dolan, petition a 597-granted a 623
CRESCENT AVE.: J. E. Willis, petition a 572-granted a 581
DAY ST.: Charles Miller, petition a 325-granted a 331

DEVON ST.: Pierce F. Lonergan, petition a 555-report, no action necessary a 623

DEWEY ST.: John Mahan, petitions a 338, 402, 433-granted a 361, 443 471; petition a 616-granted a 644

DORCHESTER AVE.: Andrew F. McDermott, petition a 616-granted a 644; B. F. Roach, petition a 655-granted a 677: see also Dorches

ter ave

DORCHESTER AVE. AND HARVEST ST.: Charles May, petition a 616-granted a 644

DUNDEE ST.: Joseph Green, petition a 503-granted a 529

E AND SIXTH STS.: John D. Bates, petition a 616-granted a 644 EAGLE ST.: George H. Gibby, petition a 742-granted a 753

EAST COTTAGE ST.: James V. Devine, petition a 269-granted a 278; Margaret A. Curtis, petition a 301-granted a 309

EAST EAGLE ST., John R. Watts, petition a 698-granted a 724 EAST FIFTH ST.: Mrs. Jennie B. Damon, petition a 541-granted a 546, 551; Arthur H. Flint, petition a 616-granted a 644 EAST FIFTH AND JAY STS.: A. H. Flint, petition a 433-granted a 471

EAST FOURTH ST.: Arthur H. Flint, petition a 667-granted a 709 EAST NINTH ST.: Frank T. Horgan, petition a 465-granted a 482 EAST SECOND ST.: Mrs. Caroline Ehrhart, petition a 211-granted a 214; Stephen Jaeger, Aloysius Jaeger, petition a 379-granted a 404

EAST SEVENTH ST.: Fannie Bible, petition a 641-granted a 660 EAST SEVENTH AND N STS.: J. F. Cranston, petition a 301-granted a 309

EAST SIXTH ST.: Louisa A. Means, petition a 616-granted a 644; R. F. Means, petition a 616-granted a 644

EAST THIRD ST.: Watson & Waite, petition a 525-granted a 546; Ellen Lonergan, petition a 525-granted a 546; Anastasia Morri son, petition a 549-granted a 566

EDGEWOOD ST.: C. A. Fulsom, petition a 433-granted a 471
EDSON ST.: Mrs. M. J. Hall, petition a 301-granted a 309

ELIOT ST., WARD 23: Thomas B. Noonan, petition a 579-granted a 623

ELM ST., WARD 22: S. S. Riddell, petition a 433-granted a 471; estate of Volney Wilder, petition a 579-granted a 623 EVERETT ST., EAST BOSTON: J. Goldinger, petition a 338-granted a 361

FENELON ST.: Catherine F. Erb, petition a 338-granted a 361; M.
C. Shea, granted a 529; A. McGlennie, granted a 529; W. M.
Brummett, granted a 529; M. E. Whipple, granted a 529; Wm. J.
Day, petition a 655-granted a 677; W. M. Brummett, petition a 503;
Mary E. Whipple, petition a 503; A. M. Glennie, petition a 503;
M. C. Shea, petition a 503

FIRST ST. William T. Eaton, petition a 379-granted a 404
FISHER AVE.: John Desmond, petition a 616-granted a 644
FOLSOM ST.: Robert Black, petition a 616-granted a 644
FORBES ST. M. S. Fenyus, petition a 562-granted a 581
tion a 379-granted a 404

FRANKLIN ST., BRIGHTON: see Franklin st., Brighton

FULTON AND CLINTON STS.: James P. Stearns et als., trustees, petition a 616-granted a 644

GARNER ST., BRIGHTON: A. D. Rogers, petition a 301-granted
a 309; Martha F. Winship, petition à 301-granted a 309
GEORGE ST.: Maximilian Kaiser, petition a 616-granted a 644
GLENDALE ST.: J. Homer Pierce, petition a 379-granted a 404
GREENBRIER ST.: G. L. Davidson, petition a 301-granted a 309;
Howard Bros., petition a 325-granted a 331

GREENBRIER ST., COR. BLOOMFIELD ST.: Annie M. Phillips, petition a 301-granted a 309

HAMILTON ST.: John Moran, petition a 379-granted a 404 HANCOCK ST.: William A. Whittemore, petition a 325-granted a 331 HARBOR VIEW ST.: Reuben Chapman, petition a 355-granted a 387 HARRISHOFF ST.: A. C. Chisholm, petition a 667; Frederick W. Kennedy, petition a 698-granted a 724

Street Department, continued.

HARTWELL ST.: A. C. Chisholm, petition a 269-granted a 278; Allan
J. MacKinnon, petition a 355-granted a 387

HASKIN ST.: Benjamin Harris, petition a 616-granted a 644
HAVRE ST.: Charles F. Hargrave, petition a 579-granted a 623
HEATH PL.: Thomas H. Shea, petition a 541-granted a 546, 551
HEATH ST. A. Diamond, petition a 579-granted a 623; Wm. B.
Blakemore, petition a 586-granted a €02; David Rubinovz, peti-
tion a 616-granted a 644; Davis & Diamond, petition a 698-granted
a 724
HIGHLAND ST.: Wm. Spoth, petition a 586-granted a 602; Charles
R. Marsh, petition a 720-granted a 748; B.Rogovin, petition a 896-
granted a 814

HILLSIDE ST.: Daniel H. Sullivan, petition a 301-granted a 309
HOLLANDER ST.: J. J. Johnston, petition a 698-granted a 724
HOMESTEAD ST.: James Mulcahy, petition a 433-granted a 471
HOWELL ST.: James F. Kennedy, petition a 597-granted a 623
HOWLAND ST.: O. Reinstein, petition a 325-granted a 331
HUCKINS ST.: Aug. Huckins, M. Scheffreen, petition a 720-granted
a 748

HUMBOLDT AVE.: John F. Murphy, petition a 534-granted a 546
HUNNEMAN ST.: Timothy L. Connolly, petition a 355-granted a 387;
John McWeeney, petition a 572-granted a 581

HUNTINGTON AVE.: Joseph Feldman, petition a 465-granted a 482 JOHN ST. Edward H. Eldredge & Co., agents, petition a 534granted a 546

KENWOOD ST.: I. Nickerson, petition a 572-granted a 581

KING ST. William Smith, petition a €68-granted a 709; George F.
Crossin, petition a 698-granted a 724

KNEELAND ST.: Leonard Ware, petition a 465-granted a 482
LANCASTER ST., Joseph Green, petition a 211-granted a 214
MAGNOLIA ST.: Edwin A. Stevens, petition a 269-granted a 278
MARION ST.: Annie T. Wolfson, petition a 561-granted a 581
MARLBOROUGH ST.: Edgar F. Billings, petition a 301-granted a 309
MARKET ST., BRIGHTON: William Ready, petition a 269-granted
a 278

MARSHFIELD ST.: L. M. Best, petition a 325-granted a 331 MAVERICK ST.: F. Dimase, petition a 534-granted a 546; G. Belli. gra, petition a 585-granted a 602

MCLELLAN ST.: James Calder, and John J. Cashin, petition a 379granted a 404; James J. Cashin, James Calder, Ellen T. Bresna han, petition a 433-granted a 471; Charles H. Goddard, petition a 433-granted a 471; Dudley C. Thornton, petition a 465-granted a 482

MERCER ST.: Frank A. Leicht, petition a 301-granted a 309; Elizabeth J. Daly, petition a 379-granted a 404; Ann Trainor, petition a 379-granted a 404

MICHIGAN AVE.: Herman Weschkolofsky, petition a 572-granted a 581

MIDDLE ST.: Margaret Fitzgibbon, petition a 525-granted a 546; C. H. Wheelock, petition a 616-granted a 644

MILLET ST.: Katherine F. Sullivan, petition a 534-granted a 546 MINDEN ST. W. H. Baldwin, petition a 641-granted a &60; petition a 720-granted a 748

MORELAND AND DENNIS STS.: M. Scheffreen, petition a 720granted a 748

MORRIS ST., EAST BOSTON: J. Goldinger, petition a 338-granted a 361; Fanny Faingold, petition a 572-granted a 581; I. Levin, petition a 525-granted a 546; Anna Rowe, petition a 720-granted

a 748

MORSE ST. Louis Henlein, petition a 338-granted a 361; Sarah E. and Charles E. Cook, petition a 549-granted a 566; Gideon Currier, petition a 555-granted a 566

MT. PLEASANT AVE.: James W. Woodward, petition a 585-granted a 602

MT. VERNON ST., DORCHESTER: see Mt. Vernon st., Dorchester
MUNROE ST.: E. Savage, petition a 433-granted a 471
NEPONSET AVE.: Quincy & Boston Street Railway Co., petition
a 526-granted a 530; E. D. Berrigan, petition a 698-granted a 724
NEWBURY ST.: A. C. Burrage, petition a 752-granted a 753
NEWPORT ST.: R. O. Dunn, petition a 379-granted a 404
NIGHTINGALE ST.: J. A. Belyea, petition a 379-granted a 404
NORTH BENNET AND PRINCE STS.: see North Bennet and Prince

NORTH ST. C. B. Hill, petition a 616-granted a 644
NORTHAMPTON ST.: see Northampton st.

NORWAY ST.: A. J. MacKinnon, petition a 402-granted a 443 OAKLAND ST., DORCHESTER: John B. L. Bartlett, petition a 407granted a 443

OLD HARBOR ST.: Henry J. Bowen, petition a 355-granted a 387

Street Department, continued.

ORKNEY ROAD: Mary L. Mullen, C. A. Lambham, M. Adelaide Fisher, Martha E. Stockwell, Mary Murphy and Charles Clements, petition a 465-granted a 482

OTTAWA ST.: Daniel A. Ritter, petition a 301-granted a 309
P ST.: A. H. Flint, petition a 433-granted a 471

PAGE ST. Charles H. Goddard, petition a 433-granted a 471
PARIS ST.: B. M. Schwartz, petition a 338-granted a 361; Mary
Smiddy et als., petition a 433-granted a 471; Mrs. Annie For-
manck, petition à 597-granted a 623

PARK ST., DORCHESTER: Winifred Cahalan, petition a 301-granted a 309

PARK AND CENTRE STS., WARD 23: Henry F. Allen, petition a 465-granted a 482

[blocks in formation]

RAND ST.: Mary Doherty, petition a 742-granted a 753

RICHFIELD ST.: Michael J. O'Brien, petition a 433-granted a 471 RICHFIELD AND OLNEY STS.: F. J. Rockwell, petition a 555granted a 566

ROBIN HOOD ST.: Emma Kimball, petition a 616-granted a 644
ROSEDALE ST.: Geo. S. Haddock, petition a 562

ROSLIN ST.: S. N. George, petition a 698-granted a 724
ROUND HILL ST.: Emma French et als., petition a 301-granted
a 309; M. ARKIN, petition a 325-granted a 331; C. H. Wolf, Jacob
Pfeiffer, Mrs. Josephine Janse, petition a 379-granted a 404
RUGGLES ST.: order for construction between Halleck and Parker
sts., passed a 311

RUTHVEN ST.: S. M. Shapleigh, petition a 301-granted a 309; W. Bolster, petition a 325-granted a 331; Anne M. Badger, petition a 338-granted a 361; W. Bolster, petition a 586-granted a 602 SAGAMORE ST.: M. H. Burke, petition a 655-granted a 677; Enoch J. Shaw, petition a 655-granted a 677

SARATOGA ST.: M. F. D'Arcy, petition a 269-granted a 278 SARGENT ST.: H. W. Cunningham, petition a 752-granted a 753 SAVIN HILL AVE.: C. D. Hurley, petition a 301-granted a 309; Crescent Associates, petition a 562-granted a 581

SAWYER AVE.: Arthur McArthur et al., petition a 338-granted a 361

SCHILLER ST.: Christina Single, petition a 655-granted a 677 SCHOOL ST., WARD 20: Martha J. Kearney, petition a 301-granted a 309

SCHUYLER ST.: Geo. A. Medbery, exr., petition a 668-granted a 709; Mrs. Harriet Hackett, petition a 668-granted a 709; M. Grant Daniell, petition a 642-granted a 660; Mrs. A. V. Moore, petition a 742-granted a 753

SCOTIA ST.: Peter F. O'Brien, petition a 698-granted a 724
SEAVER ST.: Simon Goldsmith, petition a 698-granted a 724
SHELBY ST. John Keohane, petition a 325-granted a 331; R. Good-
win, petition a 465-granted a 482

SHERIDAN ST.: Wm. W. Sampson, petition a 433-granted a 471
SHIRLEY ST.: J. P. Fenno et als., petition a 534-granted a 551
SIDNEY ST.: James M. Cross, petition a 641-granted a 660
SOUTH AND POPLAR STS.: Edward Carroll, petition a 642-granted
a 660

SPENCER ST.: Carl F. Monk, petition a 525-granted a 546
SPRING PARK AVE.: B. Bernhard, petition a 379-granted a 404
STANDISH ST.: J. A. Silver, petition a 465-granted a 482
STANWOOD ST.: A. L. Forbush, petition a 465-granted a 482; Ruth
M. Clapp, petition a 526-granted a 546

STORY ST.: Francis James, petition a 355-granted a 387; Henry
J. Bowen, petition a 355-granted a 387

SUMMER ST.: A. L. Richardson, petition a 325-granted a 331; Boston University, petition a 341-granted a 546, 551

TALBOT AVE.: order to make between Norfolk ave. and the bridge, passed a 575; order to make, passed a 624

TEMPLE ST., WARD 23: see Temple st., Ward 23

TREMONT STREET: P. J. Dolan, petition a 301-granted a 309;
Thomas P. De Neill, petition a 325-granted a 331; Alexander
Gaertner, petition a 525-granted a 546; T. McCarthy, petition
a 641-granted a 660

TRULL ST.: S. G. King et als., petition a 642-granted a 660
VALE ST.: Edward Leary, petition a 525-granted a 546; Catherine
D. McMorrow, granted à 529; petition a 503

Street Department, continued.

VANCOUVER ST.: D. W. Thomas, petition a 465-granted a 482; Edward A. Bangs, petition a 579-granted a 623; D. W. Thomas, petition a 541-granted a 546, 556

VICTOR ST.: James Hogan et als., petition a 338-granted a 361
WABENO ST.: Felix Smith, petition a 742-granted a 753

WALES ST.: Wm. H. Martin, petition a 534-granted a 546; G. M.
Hyams, petition a 541-granted a 546, 551

WALTER ST., WARD 23: Catherine Helmboldt, petition a 698granted a 724

WARREN AND MORELAND STS. Francis L. Kittredge, petition a 526-granted a 546; petition a 541-granted a 546, 551 WASHBURN ST.: Gleofa Össig, petition a 616-granted a 644 WASHINGTON ST., DORCHESTER: Charles F. Collins, petition a 433-granted a 471; A. G. & F. W. Morse, petition a 465-granted a 482; James F. Haddock, petition a 211-granted a 214; Lucia W. Maling, petition a 526-granted a 546; Hannah E. Foster, petition a 555-granted a 566; Charlotte P. Williams, petition a 562-granted a 581 WASHINGTON ST., WARD 18: Meiville A. Wescott, petition a 211granted a 214

WASHINGTON ST., WARD 21: Frederick Ayer, petition a 465granted a 482

WASHINGTON ST., WARD 23; L. Siskind, petition a 555-granted

a 566

WASHINGTON AND ERIE STS.: Joseph Engel, petition a 465granted a 482

WASHINGTON AND FOREST HILLS STS.: I. W. Crozier, petition a 301-granted a 309

WASHINGTON AND MORSE STS.; S. B. Hinckley, petition a 565granted a 566

WATER ST. Robert M. Cushing et al., petition a 465-granted a 482

WATERLOW ST.: Mrs. E. R. Hanscom, petition a 465-granted a 482 WAUMBECK ST.: French Cole Co., petition a 465-granted a 482; petition a 616, 642-granted a 644, 660

WEST ST. Bigelow, Kennard & Co., petition a 379-granted a 404 WEST EAGLE ST.: order that the superintendent of streets pave sidewalks between Brooks and Meridian sts., passed a 330 WEST EAGLE AND BROOKS STS.: Dingwell Bros., petition a 549granted a 566

WEST EIGHTH ST.: Samuel W. Johnson, petition a 720-granted & 748

WEST PARK ST.: Jacob P. Power, petition a 534-granted a 546 WEST THIRD ST.: John J. White, petition a 555-granted a 566; John R. Meins, petition a 579-granted a 623

WHITE ST.: see White st.

WILLOW ST.: Frederick J. Herthel, Jr., petition a 562-granted

a 581

WOLCOTT ST.: J. R. Hetherington, petition a 301-granted a 309

WYOMING ST.: M. D. Kneeland, petition a 301-granted a 309; petition a 379-granted a 404

WYOMING AND WABENO STS.: Levi Herman, petition a 379granted a 404

improvements, paving, etc.:

ADAMS ST.: see Adams st.

ARLINGTON ST.: see Arlington st.

B ST.: see B st.

BEACON ST.: see Beacon st.
BELVIDERE ST.: see Belvidere st.
BERKELEY ST.: see Berkeley st.
BLUE HILL AVE.: see Blue Hill ave.
BOLTON ST.: see Bolton st.
BOYLSTON ST., WARD 22: see Boylston st.
BROADWAY: see Broadway

BUNKER HILL ST.: see Bunker Hill st.
BURGESS ST.: see Burgess st.
CARLETON ST.: see Carleton st.

CHARLES ST.: see Charles st.

COLUMBUS AVE.: see Columbus ave.

CONDOR ST.: see Condor st.

COWPER ST.: see Cowper st.
D ST.: see D st.

DEVONSHIRE ST.: see Devonshire st.
DORCHESTER ST.: see Dorchester st.
DOVER ST.: see Dover st.

DUDLEY ST.: see Dudley st.

EAST EAGLE ST.: see East Eagle st.
EAST SECOND ST.: see East Second st.

Street Department, continued.

ENDICOTT ST.: see Endicott st.

EVERETT ST., BRIGHTON: see Everett st., Brighton

ESSEX ST.: see Essex st., Charlestown

FIRST ST.: see First st.

FRANCIS ST.: see Francis st.

GOVE ST.: see Gove st.

GRANITE AVE.: see Granite ave.

HANOVER and other streets: see Hanover, Commercial, Devonshire, Blackstone sts., and Atlantic ave.

HARRISON AVE.: see Harrison ave.

HARWICH ST.: see Harwich st.

HEATH AND NEW HEATH STS.: see Heath and New Heath sts.

KITTREDGE ST.: see Kittredge st.

LA GRANGE ST., WARD 23: see La Grange st.
LAMARTINE ST.: see Lamartine st., crosswalk

LENOX ST.: see Lenox st.

MASSACHUSETTS AVE.: see Massachusetts ave.

MILTON ST., WARD 8: see Milton st.

MYSTIC AND ELM STS.: see Mystic and Elm sts.

NEWARK ST.: see Newark st.

ONEIDA AND SENECA STS.: see Oneida and Seneca sts.
PARL ST., WARD 20: see Park st., Ward 20

PARKER ST.: see Parker st.

PLEASANT AND SUMNER STS.: see Pleasant and Sumner sts. PLEASANT ST., DORCHESTER: see Pleasant st., Dorchester PRINCETON ST.: see Princeton st.

PURITAN AVE.: see Puritan ave.

PUTNAM SQ., and other streets: see Putnam sq.

QUINCY ST.: see Quincy st.

RUTHVEN ST.: see Ruthven st.

RUGGLES ST.: see Ruggles st.

SHAWMUT AVE.: see Shawmut ave.

SMITH ST.: see Smith st.

SPENCER ST.: see Spencer st.

TOLMAN PL.: see Tolman pl.

UTICA PL.: see Utica pl.

WASHINGTON ST., WARD 23: see Washington st., Ward 23
WEST CEDAR ST.: see West Cedar st.

WILTON ST., BRIGHTON: see Wilton st., Brighton

WINTHROP SQ., CHARLESTOWN: see Winthrop sq., Charlestown WOODWARD PARK ST.: see Woodward Park st.

Street Laying-Out Department.

committee: appointed a 238 c 268

land, Elm st., Charlestown: see School Department lease of land to Boston College: see Boston College

list of streets given to Old Colony Railroad Company to complete terminal facilities: order that the street commissioners, through the mayor, be requested to submit to the common council a list of the streets given by the city of Boston to said company, and amounts given by company in return for the property, passed c 266; communication from the mayor transmitting communication from

the street commissioners relative to, placed on file c 363 naming square in Charlestown, Hayes sq.: see Hayes sq. sale of Elm st., site: see Elm st., Charlestown sale of part of Tenean brook: see Tenean brook

street widening laws: order that the street commissioners be requested to transmit a statement of all laws in connection with the widening of streets and manner of assessing expenses and making awards, passed a 554

laying out, etc.:

ALEXANDER ST.: see Alexander st.

BATTERY ST.: see Battery st.

BEACH ST.: see Beach st.

BIRD ST.: see Bird st.

BROOKS ST., BRIGHTON: extension: see Brooks st., Brighton CHELSEA ST., CHARLESTOWN: see Chelsea st., Charlestown CHICKERING PL.: see Chickering pl.

CLAYTON ST.: see Clayton st.

CORINTH ST.: see Corinth st.

CUSTER ST.: see Custer st.

Street Laying-Out Department, continued. DAVENPORT AVE.: acceptance: see Davenport ave. DORCHESTER AVE.: see Dorchester ave.

DUDLEY ST.: see Dudley st.

GENEVA AVE.: see Geneva ave.

GERARD ST.: see Gerard st.
HAMILTON ST.: see Hamilton st.

HAMPDEN ST.: see Hampden st.

HANCOCK ST., DORCHESTER: widening: see Hancock st., Dorchester

HYDE PARK AVE.: see Hyde Park ave.
KILTON ST.: see Kilton st.

LONGFELLOW ST.: see Longfellow st.

LONGWOOD AND BROOKLINE AVES.: see Longwood and Brookline aves.

LUCAS ST.: see Lucas st.

PHILLIPS ST., ROXBURY: see Phillips st.

PINE ST.: see Pine st.

PUTNAM ST.: see Putnam st.

RUGGLES ST.: see Ruggles st.

RUTHERFORD AVE.: see Rutherford ave.

SELMA ST.: see Selma st.

SOUTH ST., WARD 23: see South st., Ward 23 TEMPLE ST., WARD 23: see Temple st., Ward 23 THACHER ROAD: see Thacher road

UPHAM AVE.: acceptance, etc.: see Upham ave. VINSON ST.: see Vinson st.

WALK HILL ST.: see Walk Hill st.

[blocks in formation]
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