From the Heart: A Creative Approach to WritingPippin Pub., 2003 - 64 σελίδες It can be frustrating, demoralising even, to be too afraid or intimidated to express either in speech or in writing what is going on in one's mind. It's one thing to write enough to complete a class assignment or to please a teacher; it's another to really use and take ownership of one's language, and express oneself from one's heart. The main goal of From the Heart is to encourage just that. The exercises are designed to give students the opportunity to develop language skills while at the same time using their own, individual creative talents. The activities were selected with several goals in mind: To help students explore their own creativity in a supportive environment; To help them discover that inspiration for writing is everywhere; To build their confidence in voicing their own heartfelt ideas; To provide abundant opportunities to practice their newly acquired skills; To help them feel comfortable about getting -- and giving -- feedback that improves writing. As they achieve these goals, they will find themselves more confident and comfortable with their new language, producing texts that are much more interesting than standard classroom fare, and really writing from their hearts. |
Αναζήτηση στο βιβλίο
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Αποτελέσματα 1 - 0 από τα 0.
Introduction | 5 |
Heartfelt Breakthroughs | 13 |
1Thoughts in Shreds | 14 |
Πνευματικά δικαιώματα | |
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Άλλες εκδόσεις - Προβολή όλων
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Activity Individual blackflies bottle opener calico cat cassette tape character's class assignment class members classroom compact disc Complete the activity completed poem completed story diary draw inspiration e-zines Editing and Polishing everyday texts everything we want example express Finding Inspiration first-person narrative Kind focus Freeze friend or classmate grammar Heart are designed hit the car images inner stillness Kind of Activity language learning English look Materials A completed mind notebook and pen objects painting partner or group passive voice piece poem and change poem or story poetry practise first-person narrative Purpose To draw Purpose To find Purpose To practise Purpose To write Read your poem Read your story revise and polish shared or unshared slip of paper someone specific story or poem surrealist Survive Take this sentence teacher tion usage conventions verbs walk words and phrases write a secret Write a story