Journal of the SenateGeneral Assembly, 1985 |
Άλλες εκδόσεις - Προβολή όλων
Συχνά εμφανιζόμενοι όροι και φράσεις
84th General Assembly adoption amount appointed appropriated approved bank Barkhausen Board Bond Build Illinois Fund certificate Clerk Commission Committee concurred Constitution of 1970 DeAngelis Degnan deleting lines Demuzio Dennis Hastert Department directed to inform Dudycz Etheredge Fair and Exposition fiscal following voted Geo-Karis GOVERNOR Springfield hereby Honorable Members House Bill House of Representa House of Representatives Illinois Constitution Illinois OFFICE inform the Senate inserting in lieu Jeremiah Joyce John Cullerton Joyce Jeremiah Joyce Jerome July Karpiel Kenneth Hall Kustra Lechowicz Lemke lieu thereof line 14 Mahar Marovitz Motion in Writing Nedza Netsch O'Brien O'Daniel Occupation Tax Act October October 15 October 29 October 30 Offered by Senator payment person Poshard President Pursuant to Article recommendations for change retailer s/Rep s/Sen Sangmeister Savickas Schuneman Senate Bill SENATE RESOLUTION September 25 specific recommendations thereof the following Thompson GOVERNOR tives Topinka Unsalaried Vadalabene veto Zito