Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

3. If 100l. will gain 6l. a year; in what time will

4001. gain 141.

£• mo. £.

100: 12 :: 6

Ans. 7 months.

4. If 400l. gain 147. in 7 months; what is the rate per

cent. per annum?


400 : :: 14

£. mo.

[blocks in formation]

100: 12

Ans. £6.

5. What Principal at 6l. per cent. per annum, will gain

14/. in 7 months ?

f. mo. Int.

100: 12: 6

7 :: 14

Ans. £400. 6. An usurer put out 86l. to receive interest for the same; and when it had continued 8 months, he received urincipal and interest, 88l. 17s. 4d.; 1 demand at what rate per cent. per ann. he received interest? Ans. 5 per ct. 7. If 20 bushels of wheat are sufficient for a family of 8 persons 5 months, how much will be sufficient for 4 sons 12 months? Ans. 24 bushels. 8. If 30 men perform a piece of work in 20 days; how many men will accomplish another piece of work 4 times as large in a fifth part of the time?'

30:20 :: 1
4:: 4


Ans. 600.

9. If the carriage of 5 cwt. 3 qrs. 150 miles, cost 24 dollars 58 cents; what must be paid for the carriage of 7 cwt. 2 qrs. 25 lb. 64 miles at the same rate?

Ans. $14, 08cis. 6m.+ 10. If S men can build a wall 20 feet long, 6 feet high and 4 feet thick, in 12 days; in what time will 24 men build one 200 feet long, 8 feet high, and 6 feet thick ? 8: 12: 20×6×4

24 :

200×8×6 80 days, Ans.


Is when the coins, weights or measures of several countries are compared in the same question, or it is joining many proportionsfooter, and by the refolutio whic

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several antecedents have to their consequents, the pro portion between the first antecedent and the last consequent is discovered, as well as the proportion between the others in their several respects.


NOTE. This rule may generally be abridged by cancelling equal quantities, or terms that happen to be the same in both columns: and it may be proved by as many statings in the Single Rule of Three, as the nature of the question may require. CASE I.

When it is required to find how many of the first sort of coin, weight or measure, mentioned in the question, are equal to a given quantity of the last.


Place the numbers alternately, beginning at the left hand, and let the last number stand on the left hand col umn; then multiply the left hand column continually for a dividend, and the right hand for a divisor, and the quotient will be the answer.


1. If 100lb. English make 95lb. Flemish, and 19lb. Flemish 25lb. at Bologna; how many pounds English are equal to 50lb. at Bologna ?



[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

95000 dividend, and 2375)95000(40 Ans.

2. If 40lb. at New-York, make 48lb. at Antwerp, and 30lb. at Antwerp, make s6lb. at Leghorn; how many lb. at New-York are equal to 144lb. at Leghorn?

Ans. 100th. S. If 70 braces at Venice be equal to 75 braces at Leghorn, and 7 braces at Leghorn be equal to 4 American yards; how many braces at Venice are equal to 64 Amcrican yards? Ans. 104


When it is required to find how many of the last sort of coin, weight or measure, mentioned in the question are equal to a given quantity of the first.


Place the numbers alternately, beginning at the left hand, and let the last number stand on the right hand; then multiply the first row for a divisor, and the second for a dividend.


1. If 24lb. at New-London make 20lb. at Amsterdam, and 50lb. at Amsterdam 60lb. at Paris;, how many at Paris are equal to 40 at New-London ?

Left. Right.

24 = 20 .50 = 60


[blocks in formation]

2. If 50lb. at New-York make 45 at Amsterdam, and 80lb. at Amsterdam make 103 at Dantzic; how many lb. at Dantzic are equal to 240 at N. York? Ans. 2787%

3. If 20 braces at Leghorn be equal to 11 vares at Lisbon, and 40 vares at Lisbon to 80 braces at Lucca; how many braces at Lucca are equal to 100 braces at Leghorn ? Ans. 110


By this rule merchants know what sum of money ought to be received in one country, for any sum of different specie paid in another, according to the given course of exchange.

To reduce the monies of foreign nations to that of the United States, you may consult the following


Showing the value of the monics of account, of foreign nations, estimated in Federal Money.*

Pound Sterling of Great-Britain,

Pound Sterling of Ireland,

Livre of France,

Guilder or Florin of the U. Netherlands,

Mark Banco of Hamburgh,

Rix Dollar of Denmark,

*Laws U. S. A.

cts. 4 44

4.10 0.181

0 39

0 3331

1 0

[blocks in formation]

1. In 45l. 10s. sterling, how many dollars and cents ? A pound sterling being-444 cents, Therefore-As 1l.: 444cts. : : 45,5l.: 20202cts. Ans. 2. In 500 dollars how many pounds sterling? As 444cts. 1.:: 50000cts. 112l. 12s. 3d.- Ans. II. OF IRELAND.


1. In 90%. 10s. 6d. Irish money, how many cents? 17. Irish-410cts.

£. cts. b.

cts. $ cts.

Therefore-As I: 410: 90,525 371154=371, 151
2. In 168 dols. 10 cts. how many pounds Irish?
As 410cts. 1.:: 16810cts.: £41 Irish. Ans.

Accounts are kept in livres, sols and deniers.
12 deniers, or pence, make 1 sol, or shifiing,
220 sols, or shillings, 1 livre, or pound.


1. In 250 livres, 8 sols, how many dollars and cents? 1 livre of France=18) cts. or 185 mills.

£. m.

As 1

[ocr errors][merged small]

185: 250,4 : 46324-46, 32 4 Ans. 2. Reduce 87 dols. 45 cts. 7 m. into livres of France. mills. liv. mills. liv. so. den.

As 185 1 87457: 472 14 9+ Ans.


Accounts are kept here in guilders, stivers, groats and phennings.

8 phennings make 1 groat.

2 groats

20 stivers

1 stiver.

1 guilder, or florin

A guider is 89 cents, or 390 mills.


Reduce 124 guilders, 14 stivers, into federal money.
Guil. cts. Guil. $ d. c. m.

As 1: 59: 124,7: 48, 6 3 3 Ans.
mills. G. mills. G.

As 390 :: 48633: 124,7 Proof.

V. OF HAMBURGH, IN GERMANY Accounts are kept in Hamburgh in marks, sous and deniers-lubs, and by some in rix dollars.

f12 deniers-lubs make 1 sous-lubs.

< 15 sous-lubs.
(3 mark-lubs.

1 mark-lubs.

i rix-dollar.

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Divide the marks by 3, the quotient will be dollars.


Reduce 641 marks, 8 sous, to federal money.


$213,855 Ans.

But to reduce Federal Money into Marks, multiply the given sum by 3, &c.


Reduce 121 dollars, 90 cts. into marks banco. 121,90

365,70-365 marks 11 sous, 2,4 den. Ans./

Accounts are kept in Spain in piastres, rials and marvadies. 34 marvadies of plate make 1 al of plate.

78 rials of plate

1 piastre or piece of 8. To reduce rials of plate to Federal Money. Since a rial of plate is 10 cents, or 1 dime, you need only call the rials so many dimes, and it is done.


485 rials 485 dimes, 48 dols. 50 cts. &c

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