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Βιβλία Βιβλία
" Because the angle A is equal to the angle C, and the angle... "
The Elements of Euclid: With Select Theorems Out of Archimedes - Σελίδα 11
των Euclid, André Tacquet - 1727 - 239 σελίδες
Πλήρης προβολή - Σχετικά με αυτό το βιβλίο

The Elements of Euclid, with many additional propositions, and explanatory ...

Euclides - 1855 - 230 σελίδες
...quadrilateral ABHG is similar and similarly situated to the quadrilateral CDEF. DEMONSTRATION. Because the angle A is equal to the angle C, and the angle ABG to CDF, therefore the remaining angle AGB is equal to the remaining angle CFD (b), wherefore the...

The Elements of Euclid with Many Additional Propositions and Explanatory Notes

Eucleides - 1860 - 394 σελίδες
...quadrilateral ABIIG is similar and similarly situated to the quadrilateral CDEF. DEMONSTRATION. Because the angle A is equal to the angle C, and the angle ABG to CDF, therefore the remaining angle AGB is equal to the remaining angle CFD (b), wherefore the...

The elements of geometry, in eight books; or, First step in applied logic

L J V. Gerard - 1874 - 428 σελίδες
...the opposite angles are equal to each other, is a parallelogram. Let ABCD be a quadrangle of which the angle A is equal to the angle C, and the angle B equal to the angle D. Because the angles A and B are respectively equal to the angles C and D, the...

Elements of Euclid Adapted to Modern Methods in Geometry

Euclid, James Bryce, David Munn (F.R.S.E.) - 1874 - 234 σελίδες
...are equal. Let ABCD be a four-sided figure; it is required to prove that it is a parallelogram, 1. If the angle A is equal to the angle C, and the angle B equal to the angle i), Since all the angles of the figure taken together make four right angles (I....

Key to Exercises in Euclid

Isaac Todhunter - 1880 - 208 σελίδες
...27. Similarly it may be shewn that AD is parallel to BC. 77. Let ABCD be a quadrilateral such that the angle A is equal to the angle C, and the angle B equal to the angle D : then the figure shall be a parallelogram. The angle A is equal to the angle...

Elementary Geometry, Plane and Solid: For Use in High Schools and Academies

Thomas Franklin Holgate - 1901 - 462 σελίδες
...ABCD be a parallelogram It is required to prove that AB is equal to DC and AD equal to BC; also that the angle A is equal to the angle C, and the angle B equal to the angle D. Proof. Join a pair of opposite vertices A and C. Because AB is parallel to...

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