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Βιβλία Βιβλία
" Equiangular parallelograms have to one another the ratio which is compounded of the ratios of their sides. Let AC, CF be equiangular parallelograms, having the angle BCD equal to the angle ECG ; the... "
The Elements of Euclid,: In which the Propositions are Demonstrated in a New ... - Σελίδα 93
των Euclid - 1776 - 264 σελίδες
Πλήρης προβολή - Σχετικά με αυτό το βιβλίο

Euclid's Elements of Geometry: From the Latin Translation of Commandine. To ...

Euclid, John Keill - 1723 - 436 σελίδες
...Equiangular Parallelograms have the Proportion to me another that is compounded of their Sides. T ET AC, CF, be equiangular Parallelograms, *** having the Angle BCD equal to the Angle ECG. I fay, the Parallelogram AC, to the Parallelogram CF, is in the Proportion compounded of their Sides,...

The Elements of Euclid: The Errors, by which Theon, Or Others, Have Long Ago ...

Robert Simson - 1762 - 488 σελίδες
...parallelograms have to one another *-* the their fides. t ^"^ ' the ratio which is . compounded of the ratios of Let AC, CF be equiangular parallelograms, having the angle BCD equal to the angle ECG. the ratio of the parallelogram AC to the parallelogram CF , is the fame with the ratio which is compounded...

Euclid's Elements of Geometry: From the Latin Translation of Commandine. To ...

John Keill - 1772 - 464 σελίδες
...Equiangular Parallelograms b*ve tbe Proportion to one another tbat is compounded of their Sides. , : , TETAC, CF, be equiangular Parallelograms, •^ having the Angle BCD equal to the Angle EC G. I fay, the Parallelogram AC to the Parallelogram CF, is in the Proportion compounded of their...

The Elements of Euclid: In which the Propositions are Demonstrated in a New ...

Euclid - 1776 - 322 σελίδες
...QJJ I ANG UL AR parallelograms have the proportion to one another that is compounded of their fides. Let AC, CF, be equiangular parallelograms, having...right line with CG, and DC in a right line with CE a, and compleat the parallelogram DG; then, as BC isa r4. Tt to CG, fo let K be to L; and, as DC is...

The First Six Books: Together with the Eleventh and Twelfth

Euclid - 1781 - 552 σελίδες
...parallelograms have to one another _j the ratio which is compounded of the ratios of tfceir fides. Let AC, CF be equiangular parallelograms, having the angle BCD equal to the angle ECG : The ratio of the parallelogram AC to the parallelogram CF, is the fame with the ratio which is compounded...

The Elements of Euclid: With Dissertations Intended to Assist and Encourage ...

Euclid, James Williamson - 1781 - 324 σελίδες
...XXIII. Equiangular parallelograms have to one another the ratio compounded of the ratios of their fides. Let AC, CF be equiangular parallelograms, having the angle BCD equal to the angle ECG : I fay that the parallelogram AC * G 2 has Book vi. has to the parallelogram CF the ratio compounded...

Euclid's Elements of Geometry: From the Latin Translation of Commandine, to ...

John Keill - 1782 - 472 σελίδες
...Equiangular Parallelograms lave the Proportion to one another that is compounded of their Sides. T ET AC, CF, be equiangular Parallelograms, •*-* having the Angle BCD equal to the Angle EC G. 1 fay, the Parallelogram AC to the Parallelogram CF, is in the Proportion compounded of their...

Elements of Geometry: Containing the First Six Books of Euclid, with Two ...

John Playfair - 1795 - 462 σελίδες
...EQUIANGULAR parallelograms have to one another the ratio which is compounded of the ratios of their fides. Let AC, CF be equiangular parallelograms, having the angle BCD equal to the angle ECG : the ratio of the parallelogram AC to the parallelogram CF, is the fame with the ratio which is compounded...

The Elements of Euclid: Viz. the First Six Books, with the Eleventh and ...

Alexander Ingram - 1799 - 374 σελίδες
...EQUIANGULAR parallelograms have to one another the ratio which is compounded of the ratios of their fides. Let AC, CF be equiangular parallelograms, having the angle BCD equal to the angle ECG : The ratio of the parallelogram AC to the parallelogram CF, is the fame with the ratio which is compounded...

The Elements of Euclid: Also the Book of Euclid's Data ...cor. viz. The ...

Robert Simson - 1804 - 528 σελίδες
...parallelograms have to one * A another the ratio which is compounded of the ratios of their fides. Let AC, CF be equiangular parallelograms, having the angle BCD equal to the angle ECG. the ratio of the parallelogram AC to the parallelogram CF, is the fame with the ratio which is. CQtU*...

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