The Elements of Plane and Solid Geometry: With Numerous ExercisesD.C. Heath & Company, 1890 - 393 σελίδες |
Αναζήτηση στο βιβλίο
Αποτελέσματα 1 - 5 από τα 18.
Σελίδα 13
... propositions and demonstrations on the blackboard or in exercise books , as their use will greatly shorten the work . + ... proposition . sim . ... ..point . .right . .similar . pt . Is perpendiculars ... 13 Symbols and Abbreviations.
... propositions and demonstrations on the blackboard or in exercise books , as their use will greatly shorten the work . + ... proposition . sim . ... ..point . .right . .similar . pt . Is perpendiculars ... 13 Symbols and Abbreviations.
Σελίδα 26
With Numerous Exercises Edward Albert Bowser. Proposition 12. Theorem . 72. If a straight line cut two parallel straight lines , the alternate - interior ... Proposition 13. Theorem . 75. Conversely , if a straight 26 PLANE GEOMETRY .
With Numerous Exercises Edward Albert Bowser. Proposition 12. Theorem . 72. If a straight line cut two parallel straight lines , the alternate - interior ... Proposition 13. Theorem . 75. Conversely , if a straight 26 PLANE GEOMETRY .
Σελίδα 27
With Numerous Exercises Edward Albert Bowser. Proposition 13. Theorem . 75. Conversely , if a straight line cut two other straight lines , so as to make the alternate - interior angles equal , the two straight lines are parallel ...
With Numerous Exercises Edward Albert Bowser. Proposition 13. Theorem . 75. Conversely , if a straight line cut two other straight lines , so as to make the alternate - interior angles equal , the two straight lines are parallel ...
Σελίδα 93
... Proposition 13. Theorem . 234. In the same circle , BOOK II . - MEASUREMENT OF ANGLES . 93.
... Proposition 13. Theorem . 234. In the same circle , BOOK II . - MEASUREMENT OF ANGLES . 93.
Σελίδα 94
With Numerous Exercises Edward Albert Bowser. Proposition 13. Theorem . 234. In the same circle , or in equal circles , angles at the centre are in the same ratio as their intercepted arcs . Hyp . Let AOB , AOC be any two Zs at the ...
With Numerous Exercises Edward Albert Bowser. Proposition 13. Theorem . 234. In the same circle , or in equal circles , angles at the centre are in the same ratio as their intercepted arcs . Hyp . Let AOB , AOC be any two Zs at the ...
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Άλλες εκδόσεις - Προβολή όλων
Συχνά εμφανιζόμενοι όροι και φράσεις
ABCD adjacent angles altitude angles are equal base bisect bisector called centre chord circumference circumscribed coincide common cone of revolution Cons construct cylinder diagonals diameter diedral angle distance divided draw equally distant equivalent EXERCISES exterior angle faces feet Find the area Find the volume frustum given circle given line given point given straight line homologous homologous sides hypotenuse inches intersection isosceles triangle lateral area lateral edges Let ABC meet middle point number of sides parallel parallelogram parallelopiped perimeter perpendicular plane MN polyedron prism produced Proposition Proposition 13 pyramid quadrilateral radii radius ratio rectangle rectangular parallelopiped regular inscribed regular polygon right angles segment similar slant height sphere spherical polygon spherical triangle square surface symmetrical tangent tetraedron Theorem triangle ABC triangular prism triedral vertex
Δημοφιλή αποσπάσματα
Σελίδα 74 - A circle is a plane figure bounded by a curved line, called the circumference, every point of which is equally distant from a point within called the center.
Σελίδα 188 - Two triangles having an angle of the one equal to an angle of the other are to each other as the products of the sides including the equal angles.
Σελίδα 45 - If two triangles have two sides of the one equal respectively to two sides of the other, but the included angle of the first greater than the included angle of the second, then the third side of the first is greater than the third side of the second. Hyp. In A ABC and A'B'C' AB = A'B'; AC = A'C'; ZA>ZA'.
Σελίδα 137 - Terms of the proportion. The first and fourth terms are called the Extremes, and the second and third the Means.
Σελίδα 12 - AXIOMS. 1. Things which are equal to the same thing are equal to each other. 2. If equals be added to equals, the sums will be equal.
Σελίδα 206 - To divide a given straight line into two parts, so that the rectangle contained by the whole and one of the parts, shall be equal to the square on the other part.
Σελίδα 97 - BAC, inscribed in a segment greater than a semicircle, is an acute angle ; for it is measured by half of the arc BOC, less than a semicircumference.
Σελίδα 334 - A sphere is a solid bounded by a curved surface, every point of which is equally distant from a point within called the center.
Σελίδα 12 - LET it be granted that a straight line may be drawn from any one point to any other point.
Σελίδα 253 - Equal oblique lines from a point to a plane meet the plane at equal distances from the foot of the perpendicular ; and of two unequal oblique lines the greater meets the plane at the greater distance from the foot of the perpendicular.