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18. In the first step of preparing the tea for market, the green leaves were spread to wither on trays. If 1890 pounds of fresh leaves were withered in one day and each pound required 10 square feet of space, how many trays of 6 square feet each were used?

19. In rolling the withered tea to break the oil cells, a machine rolled as much in 1 hour as a man did by hand in 41 days. If a good day's work by hand was 75 pounds, how much did the machine roll in a day of 9 hours?

20. When dried and graded, the tea was packed in chests holding 40 pounds each. How many chests were required for

all the tea?

21. If the actual time consumed in packing one grade of the tea, or of the whole crop, was 224 hours, how many chests were packed per hour?

22. The sum received in Calcutta for the tea of this grade was $2990.40. Find the price received per pound.

23. Shipments of tea to the United States one year were as follows from China, 53,157,000 pounds; from Japan, 42,700,000 pounds; from India, 7,679,000 pounds; from Great Britain, 6,647,000 pounds; and from other countries, 2,723,000 pounds. Find the total amount.

24. Of the tea shipped to Great Britain that year, 155,196,000 pounds were shipped from India and 11,048,000 pounds from China. How much more or less than the United States did Great Britain receive from each?

25. The average amount of tea consumed during a recent year by every 50 persons in each of the following countries was: Great Britain, 301.5 pounds; Russia, 47.5 pounds; Germany, 6 pounds; France, 3 pounds; United States, 65 pounds. Find the average consumption of tea per person in each country named.

India rubber is obtained by cutting or tapping the bark of certain tropical trees, which give out a milky fluid containing the rubber. The rubber is hardened from the milk and is then ready for market.


26. In the Amazon valley a native tapped 144 trees and secured & gal. of milk per tree. How much milk did he secure?

27. Each gallon of milk yielded 24 lb. of rubber. Find the amount obtained from this tapping.


28. From June to December the man tapped these trees 16 times. each tapping yielded the same amount of milk as the first, how much rub

ber did the season's work produce?

29. How many pounds of rubber were obtained per tree?

30. The rubber was obtained from the liquid by dipping a paddle into it and then holding the paddle in smoke. If it took 27 hours to obtain the rubber from the milk of one tapping, how much rubber was obtained in 1 hour?

31. If the product of 2 hours' work made a loaf of rubber ready for market, how many loaves were made that season?

32. How many chests of 300 pounds' capacity were used to pack them in, and how many loaves were left for a smaller package? 33. This rubber was sold in New York as Fine Para and

brought $2410.56. What was the price per pound?

34. At this price find the value of the yield from one tree.

35. The Amazon district one year furnished 2 of the world's supply of rubber, or 25,000 tons. Find the world's production. 36. The United States that year purchased 24,675 tons of rubber, of which was used for rubber boots and shoes. How

many tons were thus used?


37. Of the rubber boots and shoes made, 24,686,643 pairs were men's, 18,847,865 women's, and 6,445,231 children's. the total number of pairs manufactured.

38. A man engaged in silk culture bought 13 ounces of silkworm eggs at $1.75 ounce. Find the cost

of the eggs.



39. Each ounce contained 36,000 eggs. If of an ounce failed to hatch, how many silkworms were actually obtained?

40. It took five days from the beginning to the end of hatching. hatched the first day, the second, the third, the fourth, and 2 the fifth.

How many silkworms hatched each day? 41. The silkworms from each ounce of eggs consumed 1800 lb. mulberry leaves during their feeding period. How many mulberry trees, bearing 125 lb. of leaves each, were needed to provide leaves for the silkworms from 12 ounces of eggs?

42. If of the worms died during this period, how many lived to spin cocoons?

43. When every silkworm had spun its cocoon it was found that 250 fresh cocoons weighed one pound. What was the total weight of fresh cocoons?

44. To prevent the insects emerging from the cocoons as moths, thus breaking the silk thread, they were put into ovens and killed or "choked." If the cocoons lost .68 of their weight by this process, how much did the choked cocoons weigh?

45. At $7 per pound, find the income from the choked cocoons. 46. Find the weight of fresh cocoons from the silkworms of 1 ounce of eggs; the weight of these cocoons when choked; and the value of the choked cocoons.

47. The amount of raw silk obtained from the choked cocoons was .275 of their weight. How many pounds of silk did the whole number of cocoons furnish?

48. If it took 6 women 26.4 days to reel this silk from the cocoons, how much silk did each woman reel per day?

49. Find the cost of the raw silk to a manufacturer who bought it at $4.15 per pound.

50. A man starting to raise silkworm eggs to sell, first bought 2 ounces, 40,000 eggs to the ounce. of the eggs hatched and the insects grew, spun cocoons, and emerged as moths. If of the moths laid eggs, 300 apiece, and of the eggs were marketable, how many ounces did the man have to sell?

51. How much did the eggs bring at $2 per ounce?

52. The world's production of raw silk one year was: France, 1,256,625 pounds; Italy, 9,803,855 pounds; China, 12,288,565 pounds; Japan, 10,515,940 pounds; and other countries, 8,502,130 pounds. Find the total supply.

53. The price of raw silk per pound in New York was as follows, for the best grade from each place named: Italy, $4.40; Japan, $3.95; Shanghai, China, $4.70; Canton, $3.25. Find the cost of 240 pounds from each of these places.


208. There is often more than one method of arriving at the answer of a problem, however simple it may be. Suppose that 5000 sheets of paper cost $8. How much will 10,000 sheets

cost at the same price?

The answer may be found as follows:

1. Indirectly, by finding the cost of 1 sheet, then of 10,000 sheets. Find the answer by this method, called unitary analysis.

2. Indirectly, by finding the cost of 1 thousand sheets, then of 10 thousand sheets. Find the answer by this method.

3. Directly, by comparing the cost of 10,000 sheets with that of 5000 sheets. Find the answer by this method, called analysis by comparison. Which is the best method for this problem?


209. In the following problems try to discover the best method of solution. Give the answer first, then the steps in the solution, or the analysis, in few words.

One pupil may declare the answer and others give analyses. If more than one analysis is given, the best should be chosen after a comparison.

1. It requires 7 nails to fasten a shoe on a horse's foot. How many are required for 4 shoes?

ANSWER 28 nails.


1 shoe requires 7 nails.
4 shoes require 4×7 nails.

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