Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

216. Review Exercises.

1. Make a drawing to represent a city lot 40 ft. front and 120 ft. deep, using the scale 1 in. = 20 ft. Using the same scale, represent at the back of the lot the space occupied by a barn 20 ft. by 30 ft.

[blocks in formation]

3. A field containing 20 A. is 40 rd. wide. How long is it?

4. Mr. James bought Lot 2 (p. 135) for $40 per front foot. After paying for a 6-ft. cement sidewalk costing 12 per square foot, he sold the lot at a profit of $320. How much did he receive for it?

5. After selling 60 acres, a farmer had § as much land left. How many acres had he before making the sale?

6. If 80 A. of land cost $4000, how much at the same price per acre will 320 A. cost?

7. If hay is worth $12 a ton, how much is 500 lb. of hay worth? How much is 400 lb. worth?

8. If a boat traveled 120 mi. during the first 8 hr. after leaving port, how far at the same rate will it travel in 1 da.? in 2 da.?

9. At $1 per yard, what is the cost of yd. of silk? of yd.? of 3 yd.?

10. If a man's expenses for 3 mo. amount to $135, at the same rate, how much will his expenses amount to in 1 yr.?

11. If a horse is fed 1 bu. of oats in 5 da., how many bushels will be necessary to feed it for 1 mo. (30 da.)?

12. If it costs $10 to pasture 6 horses for 1 month, how much will it cost to pasture 9 horses for the same length of time?

13. At $7.25 per ton, how much will 6.75 T. of coal cost? 14. How much more sugar is received for $1 by buying at 161⁄2 lb. for a dollar rather than at 61 per pound?

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15. On the morning of March 7 a ship captain announced that he had on board enough provisions to last 80 da. Give the date on which the provisions would give out. 16. A boat that was due in port on Dec. 25 arrived on Jan. 6. How many days was she overdue? 17. Change to decimals:,,, §, I, 1, 3, 1, 4, 10, ૐ, 14, 11, 12, 24, 14.



18. Change to common fractions: .125, .375, .25, .875, .6, .625, .8, .40.



19. Find .05 of $200; .06 of $18.75; 1.04 of $80.

20. $282.94 of

21. $60 14 times

= 1.20 of


[blocks in formation]


22. Change to 100ths: 4, 4, 1, 7, 3, 12.

23. If of the cost of a city lot is $1200, how much is the cost of the lot?

24. How many tons of hay at $12 a ton will equal in value the cost of laying a concrete sidewalk 40 ft. long and 6 ft. wide at 121 per square foot?



217. Hundredths as Per Cents.

1. Read each 25, .60, .10, 45, .06, .85, 125, .05.


2. 180, or .05, may be written 5%. It is then read 5 per cent. Per cent means hundredths. 5 per cent means 5 of the 100 equal parts. The sign (%) is called the per cent sign.

3. The unit 1 is equivalent to how many hundredths? to how many per cent?

4. Read the following: 4%, 8%, 25%, 40%, 75%, 100%, 150%, 200%, 6%.

20 60

5. Express as per cents: 150, 180, 180, 10%, 10%, 188. 6. Express as per cents: .01, .03, .12, .18, .50, .90, .99, 1, 2, .125 (121 %), .375, .625, .875.

7. Write as common fractions: 7%, 2%, 40%, 85%, 45%, 4%, 100%.

8. Write as decimal fractions: 1%, 5%, 7%, 30%, 15%, 75%, 80%, 10%, 100%, 371%, 33 %, 142 %.



218. Finding some per cent of a number.

1. 4% of $500 is the same as $500 multiplied by .04. Find 4% of $500; of $250; of $45.50; of $875.

To find any per cent of a number, multiply the number by the required per cent expressed as a decimal fraction.

2. Find 5% of $360; of $60; of $100; of $840.25.


3. Find 12% of $400; of $350; of $100; of $247.25; of $1300.

4. Find 45% of 650 mi.; 80% of 640 A.; 62% of 400 bu.; 1% of $400.

5. Find 100% of $500. Compare 100% of $500 with $500.

6. 125% means 125, or 1.25. Find 125% of 300 mi.


7. Name a per cent of $600 that is the same as $600; that is less than $600; that is more than $600.

8. Is 80% of a number more or less than the number? What per cent of a number is 'equivalent to one half of the number?

9. A man owes 8% of $700. How much does he owe?

10. A man borrowed $800 and agreed to pay 8% of the amount borrowed for the use of it for one year. How much did he pay for the use of $800 for a year?

11. A man borrowed $700 and agreed to pay 8% of the amount borrowed for the use of the money each year. How much did he pay for the use of $700 for 1 year? for 2 years? for 3 years?

12. Money paid for the use of money is called interest. 13. A man borrowed $400 and agreed to pay 6% interest each year. How much interest did he pay in 1 year? in year? in 11⁄2 years? in 2 years? in 21 years?

14. Find the interest on $600 for 2 years at 6%.

15. A real estate agent sold a city lot for Mr. Thomas for $1500. He received for his services 5% of the selling price of the lot. How much did he receive for selling the lot?

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16. A real estate agent sold a city lot for Mr. Brown for $2000. He received a commission of 5% of the selling price for his services. How much did he receive for selling the lot? How much did Mr. Brown receive for the lot, after paying the commission?

17. A farmer shipped 25 tons of hay to a commission merchant in a city, who sold it for $8 per ton. The commission merchant received for his services 2% of the amount of the sale. Find the amount of his commission.

18. A commission merchant received a car of broomcorn containing 8 tons, which he sold at $120 per ton. He received a commission of 5% for selling it. Find the amount of his commission.

19. A farmer shipped 40 tons of hay to a commission merchant who sold it for $10 per ton. He received a commission of 6%. Find the amount of his commission. How much did the farmer receive for the hay, after deducting the commission?

20. A farmer had 160 acres of land. He sold 40% of it. How many acres did he sell? What per cent of the land did he have left? If he received $85 per acre for the land sold, how much did he receive for it?

21. A farmer had 320 acres of land. He sold 60% of it for $80 per acre and the remainder for $75 per acre. How much did he receive for the land?

22. Mr. Evans borrowed $250 of Mr. White and paid 7% interest. At the end of the year, how much should Mr. White receive from Mr. Evans, if he received the interest and the money loaned?

23. Find 50% of the number of children in your school


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