Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

part of the ordinary religious worship of God, Con. 21.5. And one of the ordinances in which the covenant of grace is adminiftred under the new Teltament, Con. 7. 6. Cat. 35. None are to preach the word,but minifters of the gospel, Cat. 158. How theyare to preach, Cat. 159. How the preaching of the word is made effectual to falvation, Cat. 155. Predeftination, Con. 3. 3, 4. Cat. 13. The doctrine of predeftination how to be handled, and what ufe to be made of it, Con. 3. S.

Preparation required to the hear

ing of the word, Cat. 160. Whatpreparation requifite tothe fabbath. Cat, 177. What to the Lord's fupper, Cat. 171. Prefcience. See foreknowledge. Prieftly office of Christ, how ex• ecuted, Cat. 44. Private worship in families daily, a duty, Con. 21. 6. Cat. 156.

Privileges of the invifible church

Prodigality, a fin, Cat. 142.
The profeffion of the gospel is
adorned by good works. Con.
16. 2. And ought to be attended
with a converfation in holiness
and righteoufnefs, Cat. 112,167.
Prover y in goods and poffeffions

not infringed by thecommunion

of faints, Con. 26, 3. Prophecies. The covenant of grace adminiftred by prophecies under the law, Con. 7, 5. Cat. 34.

The prophetical office of Christ,

how executed, Cat. 43.* Propitiation. Chrift's one only facrifice the alone propitiation for all fins of the elect, Con.


Proteftants fhould not marry with

papifts, Con. 24, 3. Providence is God's moft holy, wife, and powerful preferving, directing, difpofing, and governing all his creatures and

all their actions; according to
hisinfallible foreknowledge,and
immutable decree; to the glory
of his wifdom, power, jultice,
goodness and mercy, Con. 5. 1.
Cat. 18. Events are ordered ac-
cording to the nature of fecond
caufes, Con. 3, 1, 5, 2. God in
his ordinary providence maketh
ufe of means, yet is free to
work without, above and against
them at his pleasure. Con. 5,3.
How providence is exercised a-
bout fin, Con. 5, 4. See fin. The
actual influence of the holy fpi-
ritis required to do good works,
Con. 16 3.God's providence to-
wards angels, Cat. 19. Toward
man whencreated,Cat.20.God's
providence is in a moft fpecial
manner over his church, Con.5.
7. Cat. 43, 45, 63.

Publick worship not to be negle-
&ted, Con. 21, 6.
Punishment. See fin.
Purgatory, the fcripture acknow.
ledgeth no fuch place,Con.32,1,

and providences, finful,
Uarrelling at God's decrees


Cat. 113. Quarrelling, and provoking words finful, Cat. 136.

Questions that are curious or unprofitable are to be avoided, Cat. 133.


Rf religious worship, Con. 21.
Rading the fcriptures, a part


5. How made effectual to falvation, Cat. 155. It is the duty of all to read them apart by themfelves & with their families,Con. 1, 8. Cat. 156. How the word of God is to be read. Con. 21, 5. Cat. 157.

Rebellion, a fin, Cat. 128. Reconciliation with God purchafed by Chrift's facrifice of himfelf, Con. 8, 5. Cat. 44: Recreations to be moderately ufed, Cat. 135, 136. But not on the Lord's day, Con. 21, 8. Cat. 119.


Redemption, how purchased by Chrift, Con. 8, 5. Cat. 38, 39, 40. For all the elect, and them only, Con. 3. 6. To whom it is certainly applied, Con.8.8. Cat. 59. Altho' it was not actually wrought by Chrift till after his incarnation: yet the verture,efficacy and benefites of it, were communicated to the elect in all ages fucceffively from the Beginning of the world, Con.8. 6. How is applied it to them, Con. 8. 8. Cat. 58, 59, Regeneration, fee effectual calling The regenerate are all freely juftified, Con, 11. 1. See juftification and fanctified, Con. 13. I. See factification. The corruption of nature remains in them, and all the motions of it are fin, Con. 6. 5. But it is Pardoned and mortified through Chrift, Ibid. The ufe of the moral law tothem, Con, 19. 3, Cat.


Repentance, What, Con. 15, 2. Cat. 75, Altho itbe no fatisfaction for fin, nor caufe of pardon, yetnopardonwithout it, Con.rs. 3. Cat. 153, Nor condemnation where it is, Con. 15. 4, 6. It is every man's duty to endeavour to repent particularly of his particular fins, Con. 15. 5. Thedoctrine of repentance to be preached by every minifter, as well as that of faith in Chrift, Con. 15.1.Repentance to be de

fortheirjuftification, Con.11.14 Cat. 52. And throughthe vertue of his death and refurrection they are fanctified, Con, 13. 1. Cat.75.Theydrawitrength from his death and refurrection, for themortifying of fin,and quickning of grace, Cat. 52. 167. TheRefurrection of thedead of the juftand unjust, Con32. 2,3.Cat.

87. Revelation. The divers ways of God'srevealinghiswillCon. 1,1. Righteoufnefs. Man was


ted righteous after the image of God, Con. 4. 2. Cat. 17 But by fin he fell from that original righteoufnefs, Con. 6. 2. Cat. 25. And fince the fall no Man can attain to righteoufnefs by the moral law, Cat. 94. Nor by having righteoufnefsinfufedinto them, Con,11. 1. Cat.70.But thofe whom God effectuallycalleth, he accepteth and accounteth as righteous, by imputing the obedience and fatisfaction of Chrift to them, they receiving and refting on him and his righteoufnefs byfaith,Ibid,See faith, Imputation, Juftification. Why the righteous are not delivered fromdeath, Cat. 85. Their itate immediately after death, Con, 32. 1. Cat. 86. At there furrection and day of judgment, Con. 32. 3. 33. 2. Cat. 87. 90.


ABBATH, By the law of na

clared to thofe that are offended SAB

who are thereupon to be reconciled, Con. 15, 6. Reprobation, Con. 3.7. Cat. 13. Refurrection of Chrift, Con. 8. 4. Cat. 52. The effect of his ownpower,Cat. 52.It is a proof of his being the Son of God, and of his fatisfaction to divine juftice, &c. Ibid. It is an affurance to believers of their Refurrection, Ibid. They have fellowship with him in his refurrection,Con.26.1. He rofe again

ture, a due proportion oftime ought to be fet apart for the wortnip ofGod,Con. 21. 7. God hath in his word by a pofitive and perpetual commandment, binding all men in all ages, appointed one day in feven for a fabbath to be kept holy to himfelf, Con. 21. 7. Cat 20. 116. which was the laft day of the Weekfromthe beginningof the world to the relurrection of Chrift, and the first day ever fince, and fo to continueto the Nnz End

are threeperfons in theGodhead,

company faith. Con.11.2. Cat.

diftinguifhedby perfonal proper-73. Perfeverance in grace, Con.

ties, Con. 2 3. Cat. 9. 10. The co-equality of the perfons proved, Cat. 11. To him is due from all his creatures, whatsoever worship, fervice or obedience he is pleased to require, Con. 2, 2. Our duty to God, Cat. 104, 108,112,116. What contrary to it, Cat.ros, 109, 113, 119. Religious worship is to be given to God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, and to him alone; and that only in the mediation of Chrift, Con.21.2. Cat. 179.181. God is to be worshipped in that way only which he hath inftituted in the scriptures, Con. 21. 1. Cat. 109. To glorify God, and fully to enjoy him for ever, is the chief end of man, Cat. I. Good works, See works. Gofpel. How the covenant of grace is adminiftred under the gofpel,Con.7.6. Cat.35. Without the gospel no falvation, Cat. 60. Con. 10. 4. In itChrift doth not diffolve, but frengthen the obligation to the obedience of the moral law. Con. 19.5. Believers under the gospel have a greater boldnefs of access to the throne of grace, than believers under the law did ordinarily partake of, Con. 20. I. Government, See church, magiitrate,

The grace of God, Election is of God's mere free grace, Con. 3. 5. Cat. 13. How the grace of God is manifefted in the fecond covenant, Con. 7.3. Cat.32 Effectual calling is of God's free and fpecial grace, Con, 10.2.Cat, 67. juftification is only of free grace, Con.11.3.Cat. 70.71. Adoption is an act of free grace, Con.12,Cat.74.Thecommunion in grace which believers have with Chrift, Cat.69. All faving graces are the work of the fpiFit, Con. 13, 14, & 1 5. Cat. 32, 72,75,76,77. And do always ac

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17. Cat. 79. Increase in grace, Con. 13, 1, 3. Cat, 75. 77. Affurance of grace, Con, 18. Cat, 80. 81,


Arden. Why and how finners

vers may have their hearts hard-
ned, Con. 17. 3.

Head. The elect are infeparably
united to Chrift as their head,
Con.25, 1, 26.1. Cat.64.66. He
is the only head of the church,
Con, 25. 6,

What is required of thofe that hear the word preached, Con. 21. 5. Cat. 160. Heaven. The ftate of the bleffed,

Con. 32, 1, 33, 2. Cat. 86.90.
Hell. The ftate of the damned,
Con. 32,1,33,2. Cat. 29,86,89.
The meaning of these words in
the creed, he defcended into
Hell, Cat. 50.
Hereticks to be rejected, Cat.


Holinefs. God is most holy in
all his counfels, works and com-
mands,Con.2.2. Man was creat-
ed holy after the image of God,
Con. 4. 2. Cat. 17. But by the
fall he became wholly defiled,
Con. 6. 2. Believers are, by the
fanctifyingfpiritofChrift quick-
ned and ftrengthned to theprac
tice of holinels, Con. 13, 1, 3.
Cat. 75. And are made perfectly
holy in heaven, Con.32.1. Cat.
86.90. See fanctification.
The Holy Ghoft equal with the
Father, Con. 2, 3. Cat. II.
He is promifed to the elect in
the covenant of grace, Con. 7.
3. Cat.3.2. By himthey are uni-
ted to Chrift, Con. 26. 1. Fer
by him the redemption purcha-
fed by Chrift is applied to them,
Con. 8, 8, 11, 4. Cat. 58. 59. By
him they are effectually called,
Cón, 10. 1, Cat. 67. And have
faith wrought in their hearts,
Con, 14, 1. Cat, 59.72. He is

given to them in adoption, Con.. 12, Cat. 74. And applying the

to the Lord's table, Con. 29, 8, Cat. 173.

death and refurrection of Chrift Image. Man made after the i

to them,by his powerfull operation, they are fanctified, con. 13, 1. Cat. 75. Having repentance wrought,and all other faving graces infufed, into their hearts, Con, 13.1. Cat. 32, 75, 76, 77. Through the continual fupply of itrength from him,believersgrowin grace, Con. 13.3. Cat, 75.The outward means are by him made effectual to the elect for falvation, Con. 7, 5.6. 25,3 Cat. 155,161. Prayer is to be made by his help, Con. 21. 3. Cat. 182. Ability to do good works is from him, Con. 16, 3. Affurance of faith is attained by his witneffing with our fpirits that we are the children of God, Con. 18, 2, Cat. 80. By his abiding within believers, they are fecured fromfallingtotally away from the ftate of grace, and are kept by the power of God thro' faith unto falvation. Con. 17,2. Cat. 79.

Hope of glory, Con. 18. 1. Cat. 83. The hope of hypocrites, Con, 18. 1.

[ocr errors]

Humiliation of Chrift, Con. 8.
2.4. Cat. 46. In his conception
and birth, Cat. 47. In his life,
Cat. 48. In his death, Cat. 49.
after death, at, 50.
Hypocrify, Making profeffion of
religion in hypocrify, or for
finilter ends finful, Cat. 113.
The hypocrites hope, Con. 181.
Hypoftatical. See perfonal.

DLENESS, unlawful, Cat. 139,

[blocks in formation]

mage of God, in knowledge,
righteoufnefs and holinels,Con.
4, 2. Cat. 17. This image is re
newed by fanctification. Cat.75.
and fully pertected in heaven,
Con, 32, 1.Cat 86.90.
Image-worthip of all kinds dif
charged. at. 109.
Imputation, The guilt of Adam's
firit fin is imputed to all his
pofterity, Con. 6. 3. The obe
dience and fatisfaction of Chrift
is imputed to believers, Con, 11,
1. Cat. 70. His righteousness is
imputed to them, Cat. 71, 77.
Incarnation of Chrift, Con. 8. 2.
Cat. 37, 39.

Incest ditcharged, Cat. 139. Ine
celtuous marriages, which are
within the degrees of confan-
guinity or affinity, forbidden in
the fcriptures, can never be
made lawful, Con. 24. 4•
Unjuft inclofures and depopula-
tions forbidden, Cat. 142.
Increafe of grace, is from a con❤
tinual fupply of strength from
the fanctifying fpirit of Chrift,
Con. 13, 1. 3. Cat. 75.77.
Innocency. The tate of man in
innocency. Con. 4, 2. Cat. 17,


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and their perfeverance depends upon his continual interceffion for them, Con. 17. 2. Cat 79. Joy in the holy Ghost,the fruit of affurance, on. 18. 1, 2. Cat. 183. Believers, by falling into fome fins, may grieve the fpirit, and be deprived of fome measure of their comfort, Con. 17, 3. 18. 4: Judge Chrift the judge of the world, Con. 8, 4, 13, I. How he fhall come at the last day, Cat. 56.

II. 4. But they are not juftified till the holy Spirit doth in due time actually apply thrift unto them, Ibid. How juftification is of God's free grace, Con.11.3. Cat: 71. Faith is neceffarily required for juftification, Cat. 71. But it juftifies a finner only as it is an inftrument,by which he receivethChrift and his righteoufnefs, Con. I 1,1, 2. Cat. 73. The exact juftice, and rich grace of God,are both glorified in thejuftification of finners, Con. 11.3. juftification,of finners, Con, 11. 3.juftification thefame under the oldteftament, as under the new, Con. 11.6It is infeparably joined with fanctification, Cat. 77. how they differ, Ibid. Those that are juftified are perfectly freed in this life from the revenging wrath of God, that they never fall into condemnation, Con. 17. 1.Cat. 77,79. Butcorruption remaining in them, Con. 6,5, 13,2 Cat.70, They fall into many fins, Con 7,3. Ct 78 Which God continues to forgive,upon their humbling themselves, confeffing their fins, begging pardom, and renewing their faith and repentance, Con. 11. 5. -K

The judgments of God upon finners in this world, Con, 5.6. Cat 28. 83. How believers may bring temporal judgments on themfelve, Con. 17.3. God is just and terrible in his judg ments, Con. 2. г. The laft judgment, what, Con. 33.1. Appointed for angels and men, Con. 8. 4. 33, 1. Cat. 88. The end of its appointment, is the manifeftation of God's mercy and juftice, Con. 33, 2, Chrift fhall be the judge, Con. 8, 4, 33 1, How he shall come to judge the world, Cat. 56. Why he would have us certainly perfwaded of it, Con, 33.3 Why the time of it isconcealed, Con, 33, 3. Cat. 88. The judgment of the righteous, Con. 33. 2. Cat. 90. The judgment 322 KEYS the power of the keys, of the

wicked, Con. 33. 2. Cat 89. Judicial law. See law. The juftice of God, fully latisfied by Chrift's obedience & death, Con. 8, 5. 11, 3. Cat. 38, 71. It is manifefted in the works of providence, Con, 5, 7. In the juftification of finners, Con, 11, 3. In the last judgment, Con 33. 2. Juftice in contract and commerce between man and man,Cat. 141. 142.

Juftification, What,

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Con. II. 1. Cat 70. All the elect, and they only, are juftified, Con 3. 6. Whom God did from all eternity decree to justify, Con.

what, Con.30. 2, Committed to church-officers, Ibid. The civil magiftrate may not allume this power Con. 23.3. KING. Chrift the King of his church,Con. 30. 1. How he executeth the office of a King, Cat. 45. What meant by the coming of his kingdom, Cat. 191. Knowledge. God's knowledge is infinite, infallible, and independent upon the creature Con. 2.2. The knowledge which may be had of God and of our duty to him by the light of nature, Con 1, 1, 21.1. Cat. 1 The Scriptures are only fufficient to give that knowledge of God & of his will, which is necellary unto falvation, Ibid.


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