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Which was read at large a first time, ordered printed, and, On motion of Mr. Brenholt, was referred to the Committee on Judicial Department and practice.

Mr. Chapman introduced a bill, Senate Bill No, 239, for "An act to amend sections 30, 31, 34, 44 and 49 of an act entitled 'An act to provide for the organization of road districts, the election and duties of officers therein, and in regard to roads and bridges in counties not under township organization, and to repeal an act and parts of acts therein named, approved May 4, 1887, in force July 1, 1887,' and to add two (2) new sections, namely: Section 36a and section 118 of said act; and to amend section 51 of the act amendatory of above named act, approved June 19, 1891, in force July 1, 1891, and section 60 of said act, as amended by act approved June 5. 1889, in force July 1, 1889,"

Which was read at large a first time, ordered printed, and,

On motion of Mr. Chapman, was referred to the Committee on Roads, Highways and Bridges.

Mr. Leeper introduced a bill, Senate Bill No. 240, for "An act to enable school districts to enlarge their boundaries by a vote of the people,"

Which was read at large a first time, ordered printed, and,

On motion of Mr. Leeper, was referred to the Committee on Education and Educational Institutions.

Mr. Leeper introduced a bill, Senate Bill No 241, for "An act to amend section 1 of chapter 110 of the Revised Statutes, entitled 'An act in regard to practice in courts of record,' approved February 22, 1872, in force July 1, 1872,"

Which was read at large a first time, ordered printed, and,

On motion of Mr. Leeper, was referred to the Committee on Judiciary.

Mr. Milchrist introduced a bill, Senate Bill No. 242, for "An act to amend an act entitled 'An act to establish and maintain a system of free schools,' in force May 21, 1889, by repealing sections seventeen (17) to twenty-eight (28), both inclusive, of article VI of said act, by adding to article VI nineteen (19) new sections, to be numbered respectively from seventeen (17) to thirty-five (35),”

Which was read at large a first time, ordered printed, and,

On motion of Mr. Milchrist, was referred to the Committee on Education and Educational Institutions.

Mr. Milchrist introduced a bill, Senate Bill No. 243, for "An act to revise the Military and Naval Code of the State of Illinois," Which was read at large a first time, ordered printed, and,

On motion of Mr. Milchrist, was referred to the Committee on Military.

Mr. Baxter introduced a bill, Senate Bill No. 244, for "An act to amend section seventeen (17) of 'An act to incorporate and to govern fire, marine and inland navigation insurance companies doing business in the State of Illinois,' approved March 11, 1869, in force July 1, 1869, and amended by an act in force July 1, 1877,"

Which was read at large a first time, ordered printed, and,

On motion of Mr. Baxter, was referred to the Committee on Insur


Mr. Baxter introduced a bill, Senate Bill No. 245, for "An act to amend section 3 of an 'An act to create a State Board of Arbitration for the investigation or settlement of differences between employers and their employés, and to define the powers and duties of said board,' approved August 2, 1895, and to insert in said act three new sections to be known as section 5A, section 5B and section 6A,"

Which was read at large a first time, ordered printed, and,

On motion of Mr. Baxter, was referred to the Committee on Judiciary.

Mr. Berry introduced a bill, Senate Bill No. 246, for "An act to authorize notaries public and other officers empowered by the statutes of this State to take acknowledgments of deeds, mortgages and other instruments in writing, who may be interested as officers or stockholders of any corporation, to take acknowledgments of deeds, mortgages or other instruments in writing relating to real estate in which such corporation may be interested, and to legalize such acknowledgments heretofore taken by such interested officers,"

Which was read at large a first time, ordered printed, and, On motion of Mr. Berry, was referred to the Committee on Judicial Department and Practice.

Mr. Berry introduced a bill, Senate Bill No. 247. for "An act to amend section one of an act entitled 'An act to provide for the organization and management of fraternal beneficiary societies for the purpose of furnishing life indemnity or pecuniary benefits to beneficiaries of deceased members, or accident or permanent indemnity disability to members thereof, and to control such societies of this State and other states doing business in this State, and providing and fixing the punishment for violation of the provisions thereof, and to repeal all laws now existing which conflict therewith,' approved and in force June 22, 1893; as amended by act approved June 21, 1895, in force July 1, 1895,"

Which was read at large a first time, ordered printed, and,

On motion of Mr. Berry, was referred to the Committee on Insur


Mr. Berry introduced a bill, Senate Bill No. 248, for "An act permitting appeals in criminal causes to the Supreme Court by the people of the State of Illinois,"

Which was read at large a first time, ordered printed, and,

On motion of Mr. Berry, was referred to the Committee on Judiciary.

Mr. Berry introduced a bill, Senate Bill No. 249, for "An act to amend sections forty-seven (47), forty-eight (48) and fifty-one (51) of article 3 of an act entitled, 'An act to establish and maintain a system of free schools,' approved May 21, 1889,"

Which was read at large a first time, ordered printed, and,

On motion of Mr Berry was referred to the Committe on Education and Educational Institutions.


Senate Bill No. 95, for "An act to provide for an election to be held in towns having within their limits public parks, for their maintenance, government and support, and also to authorize the issue of bonds for the shore protection thereof,"

Having been printed, was taken up and read at large a third time. And the question being, "Shall this bill pass?" It was decided in the affirmative by the following vote:

Yeas 45.

[blocks in formation]

This bill expressing an emergency in the body of the act, rendered it necessary that it should go into effect immediately, and having received the votes of two-thirds of the members elected, was declared passed.

Ordered that the title be as aforesaid, and that the Secretary inform the House of Representatives thereof and ask their concurrence in the passage of the bill.

Senate Bill No. 21, for "An act to amend section 1, of an act entitled, 'An act to revise the law in relation to attorneys and counsellors,' approved March 28, 1874, in force July 1, 1874," having been printed, was taken up and read at large a third time.

And the question being, "Shall this bill pass?" it was decided in the affirmative by the following vote, yeas, 47; nays, 2. The following voted in the affirmative, Messrs.:

[blocks in formation]

This bill expressing an emergency in the body of the act, rendered it necessary that it should go into effect immediately, and having received the votes of two-thirds of the members elected, was declared passed.

Ordered that the title be as aforesaid, and that the Secretary inform the House of Representatives thereof and ask their concurrence in the passage of the bill.

A message from the House by Mr. Cooper, Third Assistant Clerk: Mr. President: -I am directed to inform the Senate that the House of Representatives has concurred with them in the adoption of the following preamble and joint resolution, to-wit

WHEREAS, Monday, February 13, 1899, is a legal holiday, being the anniversary of the birth of Abraham Lincoln; therefore, be it

Resolved by the Senate, the House of Representatives concurring herein, That when the two houses adjourn on Friday, February 10, 1899, they stand adjourned until Tuesday, February 14, 1899, at 10 o'clock a. m.

Concurred in by the House February 9, 1899.


Clerk of the House of Representatives.

Senate Bill No. 104, for "An act to make appropriation for the payment of amounts awarded by the Commission of Claims to certain persons named therein,"

Having been printed, was taken up and read at large a third time. And the question being, "Shall this bill pass?" it was decided in the affirmative by the following vote: Yeas, 33; nays, 2. The following voted in the affirmative: Messrs.

[blocks in formation]

Ordered that the title be as aforesaid, and that the Secretary inform the House of Representatives thereof and ask their concurrence in the passage of the bill.

Senate Bill No. 107, for "An act making an appropriation in aid of the Illinois State Horticultural Society,"

Having been printed, was taken up and read at large a third time. And the question being, "Shall this bill pass?" it was decided in the affirmative by the following vote: Yeas, 37.

The following voted in the affirmative: Messrs.

[blocks in formation]

Ordered that the title be as aforesaid, and that the Secretary inform the House of Representatives thereof and ask their concurrence in the passage of the bill.

Senate Bill No. 47, for "An act to amend section two (2) of article one (1) of an act entitled, "An act to revise the law in relation to justices of the peace and constables,' approved June 26, 1895, in force July 1, 1895,"

Having been printed, was taken up and read at large a third time. And the question being, "Shall this bill pass?" it was decided in

the affirmative by the following vote:

Yeas, 39; nays, 4.

[blocks in formation]

This bill expressing an emergency in the body of the act, rendered it necessary that it should go into effect immediately, and having received the votes of two-thirds of the members elected, was cleclared passed.

Ordered that the title be as aforesaid, and that the Secretary inform the House of Representatives thereof and ask their concurrence in the passage of the bill.

Senate Bill No. 49, for "An act to amend section 24 and section 26 of an act concerning conveyances, approved March 29, 1872, in force July 1, 1872.”

Having been printed, was taken up and read at large a third time. And the question being, "Shall this bill pass?" It was decided in

the affirmative by the following vote: Yeas, 28; Nays, 9.

The following voted in the affirmative, Messrs:

[blocks in formation]

Ordered that the title be as aforesaid, and that the Secretary inform the House of Representatives thereof and ask their concurrence in

the passage of the bill.

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