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Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση
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Judicial Department and Practice-Humphrey, Chairman; Bollinger, Brenholt, Campbell, Gardner, Hamilton, Juul, May, McCloud, Milchrist, Payne, Wm.; Putnam, Davidson, Dressor, Landrigan, Mahoney, McAdams, Shum


Labor and Manufactures-Templeton, Chairman; Baxter, Begole, Brenholt, Hall, Hunt, May, McCloud, Odell, Putnam, Stubblefield, Sullivan, Broderick, Curley, Galligan, Hussman, Leeper, Shumway.

License and Miscellany-May, Chairman; Busse, Evans, Granger, Humphrey, Hunt, Juul, Pemberton, Stubblefield, Sullivan, Dressor, Hull, Mahoney, McAdams, Payne, Joseph T.

Live Stock and Dairying-Begole, Chairman; Aspinwall, Busse, Evans, Granger, Hall, Hunt, Juul, May, Pemberton, Sullivan, Curley, Funderburk, Landrigan, Maguire, Mounts.

Military-Milchrist. Chairman; Aspinwall, Bogardus, Fort, Gardner, Hunt Townsend, Warder, Broderick, Curley, Funderburk, Mahoney.

Mines and Mining-Gardner, Chairman; Baxter, Begole, Berry, Bollinger, Brenholt, Chapman, Odell, Putnam, Templeton, Funderburk, Galligan, Hull, Mounts, Shumway.

Municipalities-Hall, Chairman; Berry, Busse, Campbell, Case, Humphrey, Juul, May, McCloud, Milchrist, Putnam, Stubblefield, Sullivan, Warder, Broderick, Curley, Davidson, Funderburk, Leeper, Mahoney, McAdams.

Penal and Reformatory Institutions-Stubblefield, Chairman; Bogardus, Bollinger, Brenholt, Case, Dunlap, Edwards, Fort, Hamilton, Milchrist, Odell, Warder, Broderick, Dressor, Funderburk, Landrigan, Payne (Joseph T.), Shumway.

Printing-McCloud, Chairman; Chapman, Hall, Sullivan, McAdams, Payne (Joseph T.)

Public Buildings and Grounds-Hamilton, Chairman; Bogardus, Dunlap, Edwards, Fort, McCloud, Odell, Payne (William), Davidson, Hull, Hussman, Payne (Joseph T.)

Railroads-Aspinwall, Chairman; Begole, Berry, Brenholt, Case, Chapman, Evans, Gardner, Humphrey, Juul, May, Pemberton, Stubblefield, Sullivan, Townsend, Broderick, Curley, Davidson, Galligan, Hull, Leeper, Maguire, McAdams, McConnel.

Revenue-Granger, Chairman; Busse. Campbell, Case, Dunlap, Gardner, Hall, Hamilton, Humphrey, Payne (William), 'Pemberton, napi Townsend, nsend, Warder, Funderburk, Mahoney, McAdams, McConnel, Mounts, Payne (Joseph T.)

Roads, Highways and Bridges-Putnam, Chairman; Bollinger, Edwards, Granger, Humphrey, Hunt, Payne (William), Stubblefield, Templeton, Warder, Dressor, Galligan, Hussman, Landrigan, Payne (Joseph T.)

Rules-Warder, Chairman; Aspinwall, Baxter, Dunlap, Payne (William), Leeper, Mahoney.

State Charitable Institutions-Townsend, Chairman; Fort, Granger, Humphrey, Hunt, McCloud, Payne (William), Putnam, Stubblefield, Templeton, Galligan, Dressor, Landrigan, McAdams, McConnel.

State Library, Arts and Sciences-Mahoney, Chairman; Bollinger, Case, Gardner, Granger, Hamilton, McCloud, Stubblefield, Warder, Hull, McConnel, Payne (Joseph T.)

To Visit Educational Institutions-Berry, Chairman; Putnam, Hussman. To Visit Penal and Reformatory Institutions-Busse, Chairman; Begole, Mounts.

To Visit State Charitable Institutions-Juul, Chairman; Hall, McConnel. Warehouses-Sullivan, Chairman; Bollinger, Case, Evans, Hall, Juul, May, Pemberton, Curley, Dressor, Leeper, Mahoney.

Waterways and Drainage-Dunlap, Chairman; Edwards, Fort, Humphrey, McCloud, Odell, Putnam, Sullivan, Templeton, Townsend, Broderick, Curley, Galligan, Leeper, McConnel.


Resolved, 1st, That the following be and they are hereby appointed clerks of committees for the Forty-first General Assembly, with pay to date from January 4, 1899, at the rate of $3.00 per day:

A. B. Baxter, Frank Daily, C. L. Chamberlain, Henry Dahmer, Paul Cousley, James Russell, William Daley, S. B. Kerr, G. E. Birkett, Geo. O. Spooner, W. Malloy, Ed. P. Granger, Charles Reisberg, J. L. Frazier, J. C. Adams, Amos Messer, J. W. Rowcliff, Julius Steele, W. P. Brown, F. M. Morre, O. F. Noleson.

2d, That W. E. Lewis be appointed Reading Clerk at compensation of $4.00 per day, to date from January 4, 1899.

3d, That the following are hereby appointed janitors of committes for the Forty-first General Assembly, with pay to date from January 4, 1899, at the rate of $2.00 per day:

orenner, John Hall, B

W. C. Sherrick, Henry Miller, A. B. Matthews, J. Thomas, William Glassbrenner, John Hall, B. Gruda, John H. Schmidt. John R. Smith, Wm.. Coughlin, George Welsh. M. Neylon, H. C. Johnson, A. P. Buckhalter, Wm.. Davis, A. J. Pederson, W. M. Williams, J. Morley.

4th, That Horace Ayers and Charles Pennock be and they are hereby appointed telephone attendants at a compensation of $2.00 per day, commencing January 10, 1899.

5th, That the committee clerks and janitors be assigned to the different groups, as follows:

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Resolved, That the following persons be and they are hereby appointed policemen, to take charge of and care for the Senate Chamber and rooms, subject to the direction and assignment of the Sergeant-at-Arms, viz.:

Andrew Morre, J. Carrie, J. C. Ware, Ed. Griffiths, A. G. Gundermann, James Dwyer, Thomas Parker Knight, A. D. Cox, O. C. Hcddy, H. Martin and T. B. Scouten, with pay to date from January 4, 1899, at $3.00 per day.

Resolved, That the standing committees heretofore named, to be grouped and assigned to rooms as follows:

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Penal and Reformatory Institutions

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Resolved, That the name of Charles F. Hager be substituted for the name of L. B. Brooks, as secretary's stenographer and typewriter, to date from January 4, 1899.

Resolved, That Clarence J. Root and Fred Birnbaum be allowed fourteen days' pay each, as temporary janitors, at $2.00 per day.

Resolved, That J. H. Borer, having declined the position of Second Assistant Enrolling and Engrossing Clerk, Mr. William Zuppann, Third Assistant Enrolling and Engrossing Clerk, is hereby promoted to Second Assistant Enrolling and Engrossing Clerk, and Clinton Morse is hereby declared elected Third Assistant Enrolling and Engrossing Clerk, to date from January 4, 1899. Mr. Mahoney offered the following amendment to the foregoing resolution:

Amend the resolution by striking out from each committee the names of the Democratic members and inserting in lieu thereof the following;

Appropriations-Galligan, Hull, Leeper, Landrigan, Mahoney and Shum


Agriculture and Horticulture-Broderick, Dressor, Galligan, Hussman, McConnel and Payne, J. Т.

Banks and Banking-Galligan, Hull, Landrigan, Mounts and Shumway. Building and Loan Associations-Funderburk, Landrigan, Maguire, McAdams, Mounts and Shumway.

Corporations-Hull, Maguire, McAdams, Mahomey and Shumway. County and Township Organization-Curley, Davidson, Funderburk, Mounts, McConnel and Hussman.

Congressional Apportionment-Broderick, Curley, Landrigan, Mounts, McAdams, McConnel and Payne, J. T.

Canals and Rivers-Broderick, Leeper, Mounts and McAdams.

Education and Educational Institutions-Curley, Funderburk, Hussman, Hull and Shumway.

Enrolled and Engrossed Bills-Mounts and Payne, J. Т.

Elections-Davidson, Hull, Landrigan ard Shumway,

Fish and Game-Curley, Davidson, Hussman, Leeper and McAdams.
Fees and Salaries-Curley, Dressor and Leeper.

Farm Drainage-Curley, Dressor, Funderburk, Leeper and Payne, J. Т.
Federal Relations-Broderick and Mounts.

Finance-Curley, Davidson and McConnel.

Insurance-Galligan, Hull, Leeper, Mahoney and Shumway.
Judiciary-Davidson, Hull, Leeper, Mounts, McConnel, Mahoney and


Judicial Department and Practice-Broderick, Curley, Davidson, Leeper, Mounts, McConnel and Funderburk.

Live Stock and Dairying-Dressor, Davidson, Leeper, Landrigan, Maguire and Payne, J. T.

License and Miscellany-Broderick, Leeper, Mahoney and Maguire.

Labor and Manufactures-Curley, Hussman, Landrigan, Maguire and McAdams.

Municipalities-Broderick, Hull, Galligan, Landrigan, Mahoney and Ma


Military-Curley, Funderburk, Hussman, Mounts and Payne, J. T.

Mines and Mining-Broderick, Galligan, Landrigan, Mounts and McAdams, Penal and Reformatory Institutions-Broderick, Dressor, Funderburk,

Galligan, Payne, J. T., and Shumway.

Public Buildings, Grounds and Lincoln's Monument-Dressor, Davidson, Funderburk and Hussman.

Rules-Hull and Mahoney.

Revenue-Broderick, Davidson, Hussman, Hull, Mahoney, McAdams and


Railroads-Broderick, Galligan, Hull, Landrigan, McAdams, Payne, J. T., and Shumway.

Roads. Highways and Bridges-Dressor, Funderburk, Hussman, McConnel and Payne, J. T.

State Library, Arts and Sciences-Dressor, Leeper, Mahoney and McConnel.

State Charitable Institutions-Curley, Hussman, Mounts, McConnel and Payne, J. T.

Waterways and Drainage-Galligan, Hull, Leeper, Mahoney and McConnel.
Warehouses-Davidson, Funderburk, Mahoney and McAdams.
To Visit State Charitable Institutions-Funderburk.

To Visit Penal and Reformatory Institutions-McAdams.

To Visit Educational Institutions-Hussman.

After debate, the question being, "Shall the amendment be adopted?" and the yeas and nays being demanded, it was decided in the negative by the following vote: Yeas; 11; nays, 30.

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Hamilton, 1









Payne, Wm.,





The question then being, "Shall the resolution be adopted?" it

was decided in the affirmative by the following vote: Yeas, 30; nays, 11.

The following voted in the affirmative: Messrs.

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Mr. Case offered the following resolution, which was adopted:


Resolved, That all requisitions for stationery and supplies for members of the Senate, and for Senate committees, shall be approved, first by the Committee on Expenses of the General Assembly, and thereafter by the presiding officer of the Senate.

Resolved, That the requisitions of all officers which have to receive the approval of the President of the Senate shall, in addition thereto, be approved by the Committee on Expenses of the General Assembly.


Mr. Begole introduced a bill, Senate Bill No. 43, for "An act to provide additional remedies for the propagation and protection of game, wild fowl and birds, and to amend, revise and consolidate the amended game law, approved June 1, 1889, in force July 1, 1889, and the game warden act, approved June 27, 1885, in force July 1, 1885."

Which was read at large a first time, ordered printed, and, On motion of Mr. Begole, was referred to the Committee on Fish and Game.

Mr. Hunt introduced a bill, Senate Bill No. 44, for "An act to amend an act entitled, 'An act to revise the law in relation to the Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Societies and Agricultural Fairs, and to provide for reports of the same,' approved June 23, 1883, in force July 1, 1883, by adding thereto another section to be known as section sixteen."

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