Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση
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316 An act to make the larceny of bicycles a
317 An act to provide for the extension by
county clerks of taxes levied for park and
boulevard purposes..


318 An act to amend an act entitled "An act to
provide for the organization of road dis-
tricts, the election and duties of officers
therein and in regard to roads and
bridges in counties not under township
organization, and to repeal an act and
parts of acts therein named," approved
May 4, 1887, in force July 1, 1887, by
adding thereto sections 118, 119, 120 and






319 An act to amend section 2 of an act con-
cerning circuit courts and to fix the time
for holding the same in the several
counties in the judicial circuits in the
State of Illinois, exclusive of the county
of Cook, approved May 24, 1879, in force
July 1. 1879, as amended June 11, 1897, in
force July 1, 1897.......


320 An act to amend sections 3, 10, 11, 13, 17, 23
and 53 of an act entitled, "An act provid-
ing for primary élections of delegates to
nominating conventions of political par-
ties or organizations, and to promote the
purity thereof by regulating the conduct
thereof, and to support the privileges of
free suffrage thereat by prohibiting cer-
tain acts and practices in relation thereto,
and providing for the punishment









3211 An act making appropriations for the Statel
Home for Juvenile Female Offenders at
Geneva, Ill.. for the two years beginning
July 1, 1899 and ending July 1, 1901......


322 An act to amend section 258 of an act en-
titled, "An act to provide for the estab-
lishment of an insurance department and
the appointment of an insurance superin-
tendent," approved June 20, 1893, in force
July 1, 1893; as amended by an act ap-
proved June 21, 1895, in force July 1, 1895..
323 An act entitled, "An act prescribing the
condition upon which certain foreign
companies or corporations shall be au-
thorized to establish themselves and do
business in this State, and providing pen-
alties for the violation thereof and the
mode of procedure for enforcing such

324 An act relating to fire escapes for buildings.
325 An act to amend section 4 and add section
42 to an act entitled, "An act in relation
to domestic animals running at large
within the State of Illinois," s. approved
June 21, A. D. 1895, in force July 1, A. D.

326 An act to amend section 14 of an act en-
titled, "An act in regard to garnishment,"
approved March 9, 1872, in force July 1,
1872, as amended by the acts May 31, 1879.
in force July 1, 1879, and June 14, 1897, in
force July 1, 1897..

327 An act making an appropriation for school
districts unable to operate their schools
for a period of not less than five nor more
than nine months annually owing to the
insufficiency of the tax levy for educa-
tional purposes..


328 An act to establish a threshers' lien
329 An act to amend section one (1) and section
eleven (11) of an act entitled, "An act to
tax gifts, legacies and inheritances in cer-
tain cases, and to provide for the collec-
tion of the same," approved June 15. 1895.
330 An act to provide for the equipping of
buildings in this State with fire escapes
and other appliances or devices designed
for the protection and saving of life in
the event of fire, and to repeal an act
herein referred to..


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Record of Senate Bills-Continued.

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466, 487



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No. of Bill.........

Title of Bill.

Introduced .....

331 An act to amend section 1 of an act entitled.
An act to enable cities. incorporated
towns and villages to purchase or lease
water works," approved June 19. 1893...

332 An act to am and section 30 of chapter 77 of
the revised statutes of the State of Illi-
nois entitled, "An act in regard to judg-
ments and decrees, and the manner of
enforcing the same by execution, and to
provide for the redemption of real estate
sold under execution decree," approved
March 22, 1-72, in force July 1. 1872....

333 An act to provide traveling libraries for
the rural districts of the State, and for al
board of library commissioners to have
charge of the same, and to promote the
establishment and efficiency of free pub-
lic libraries.

334 An act making an appropriation for the
erection of buildings and the improve-
ment and repairs at Camp Lincoln and
Logan Rifle Ranges for the Illinois Na-
tional Guard


335 An act making an appropriation for the
purchase of tents, uniforms and blankets
for the Illinois National Guard and the
Naval Militia of Illinois...

336 An act making an appropriation to revise
and correct the reports of the Adjutant
General, 1862-1866, containing the rosters
of the Illinois regiments in the civil war,
and preparing the rosters of the Illinois
volunteers in the American-Spanish war
of 1898 for publication.



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346 An act to amend section 1 of an act entitled
An act regarding fees for the incorpora-
tion and the increase of capital stock of
companies and corporations of this








347 An act to amend section 7 of an act entitled
"An act to protect persons and property
from danger at crossings and junctions,"


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432, 454, 532, 547,607


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