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am not without a hope that my endeavours to promote the public good, will be duly appreciated. Some certificates and statements of cases that have been attended under my system of practice, from those who have been my agents, or who have purchased family rights and have had long experience in the effects produced by a use of my medicine, are subjoined. They furnish much useful information on the subject, and will convey a more correct view of the success which has attended the administering my medicine, and following the mode of treatment recommended by my system of practice, than could be given in any other manner. Reference has been made to some of them in the course of the foregoing narative, and their publication in the work seemed necessary, to convey a correct knowledge of many statements therein given, to show the safety and success with which various diseases have been cured by others, who have had no other knowledge of medicine than the instructions received from me; and will, I trust, be sufficient to satisfy every reasonable person how easy it would be for every one to become possessed with the means of curing themselves of disease, without being under the Recessity of calling the aid of a physician.



The following documents have been voluntarily com. municated to me by persons of respectable standing in society, as evidence of their zeal in promoting a cause in which they take a deep interest; and on whom the most implicit reliance may be placed, for veracity and a thorough knowledge of the subject upon which they treat. They have been selected from a mass of evidence hat might be produced in support of the utility of the sys tem; in fact, certificates of the cure of individual cases might be obtained sufficient to fill a large volume, if thought necessary; but the following being accounts of the various kinds of disease incident to our contry, most

of which were considered desperate, that have been cured in different parts of the country and at different times, and under a variety of circumstances, will give a tolerable fair view of the success with which the practice has been attended.

A remarkable case of Dysentery, in Jericho Vermont, in October, 1807.

In September of the year 1807, this disease prevailed; and was very mortal, so that but two out of twent-two lived that were under the care of the regular physicians. The disease seemed to threaten general destruction; so that there were not enough in health to attend the sick. The inhabitants of the town held a consultation, as to the best mode of proceedure, and agreed to send for Dr. Samuel Thomson, of Surrey, N. H. 130 miles distance, which was accordingly done. In five days he arrived, and I was appointed to wait on him, and attended through the whole.

In three days thirty were committed to his care, and in eight days, by the use of his medicine, the town was cleared of the disease, with the loss of two only, who were past cure before he saw them.


We the Subscribers, citizens of the state of New Hampshire and Massachusetts, certify-That we have. for four years been personly acquainted with Dr. Thomson, his medicine, and mode of practice, and do say,that we have experienced the most safe and speedy relief from complaints common to the inhabitants of this climate;-such as Hemiplegy, Consumptions, Rheumatism, Cholic, Fevers, Stranguary, &c. And that we are well satified with the benefit we and our acquaintance have recieved by being relieved from the above disorders.

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This certifies That I have from my infancy been af

flicted with the Salt Rheum, and for thirty years have had it very bad, which from year to year has been growing worse. But by the use of Dr. Thomson's medicines I have been entirely relieved, and I believe radically cured. ELIZABETH MARSHALL.

Portsmouth, May, 1813.

Extract of a certificate from Eastham, county of Barnsta ble, Mass. containing an account of Dr. Thomson's Medicine.

In February 1816, the spotted fever first appeared in the town; eight persons, heads of families, within one mile of each other, died in about thirty six hours. In three houses, within one fourth of a mile, ten persons died. In one house was a mother and four children. Six Physicians in this county attended, but to little or no purpose. Upwards of forty had died by the first of May and but few lived who had the fever. In this month Dr. Thomson was called on for assistance. He sold the right of using his medicine to several individuals of the town, and gave them liberty to administer the same to the sick. In the course of the month, the men who used the medicine, relieved upwards of thirty who were seized with this violent disease, with the loss of but one. At the same time and place, those who were attended by the regular Physicians, eleven out of twelve died. The above is authenticated by the names of the fol Jowing persons:

PHILANDER SHAW, Minister of Eastham.
OBED KNOWLES, one of the Selectmen.

HARDING KNOWLES, Justice of the Peace.

Certificate of the Post Master at Eastham.

1 do hereby certify that the above statement of mortality in this town, and the success of Dr. Thomson's Medicine, was taken from a journal kept in my house, and is correct. JOSEPH MAYO, Agent for the Society, and Post Master.

This certifies, that at the early age of sixteen, I had a severe attack of the Rheumatism, which so confined


me to my bed, that I could not bear to be touched or moved, but in the most easy and gentle manner, being in exquisite pain at times and extremely sore in every part of my frame. I continued in this situation about four months, and though I had the best medical aid the coun try afforded at that time, I received little or no benefit, till the opening of the season with its warming and refreshing influences ameliorated my distressing malady, and it gradually wore away.

I continued to experience every year, similar attacks, though less severe, of shorter or longer continuance, till in the year 1802 or 3, it returned again with unusual and alarming violence. The best medical aid was employed, a depletive train of remedies prescribed, which I at once commenced. I was bled, and the bleeding repeated for several days together; blisters were applied; strong drastic purges often administered; and my regimen very low and spare. Thus one intention of the physicians, to wit, depletion, was accomplished, for I was greatly reduced in less than 3 weeks, and my strength and spirits in the same degree. And though my pains were removed in a great measure, yet my weakness and debility, which were excessive, seemed to be proportioned to my freedom therefrom, so that I was very far from a state of health. I was closely confined 5 or 6 months, and it was about two years, before I could attend to my usual avocations. But all that had been hitherto done, by no means removed the cause of my complaint, for I continued to be assailed in the same manner each successive year, and confined for weeks together. Till in the year 1808, I became acquainted with Dr. Samuel Thomson, and by a knowledge of his medicine, its use, and the application thereof, I have always been relieved when assailed, in twelve or twenty four hours to the extent; and have suffered no other confinement from my old malady, or any other, to the present time. My family likewise have experienced the most beneficial effects from the same medicine, in all the complaints common to this part of the country. I find it to answer all the purposes that medicine can answer, and were it generally used, and its real value known, chronic complaints which I and so many others have labored under, so tedious and distressing, would be banished from the earth.

Many in the vicinity where I reside, whose cases were very difficult and complicated, to my own personal knowledge, have been restored to perfect health by this medicine. More than twelve persons of a consumption I could particularly name; one of a mortification,one of a dropsy, and one of numb palsy, and others of divers diseases. The cures are truly extraordinary, and what my ears never heard nor my eyes ever witnessed to be done by any other medicine. As health is the greatest earthly blessing, from the highest goodwill to mankind, and for the cause of suffering humanity, I wish its universal prevalence.

The mode of treatment is according to the case. If a slight head ache, a pinch of vegetable snuff at once re. moves the pain. If severe, in addition to the snuff we bathe the head with the rheumatic drops. If it is obstinate, and the above applications insufficient, in addition to these, we administer a portion of the rheumatic drops, with No. 2, and seat the patient by the fire, shielded from the air by a proper covering.-This proceedure rarely fails of the desired intention; but should it, the case is serious and demands a partial, or full process of the medicine, which cleansing the stomach and bowels, removes the cause of pain, and these produce the desired effect. In case of pain in the stomach, side, or bowels, we give sometimes a portion of the composition, No. 3, or No. 2, with hot water; or from a tea spoonful to a great spoonful of the rheumatic drops and bathe the part with the same; in cases of obstinacy, and where it is requisite, let the patient go to bed and apply a hot stone to the part, wrapped up with a cloth wet with vinegar, and repeat the dose. But where the patient chooses and is able, he sets by the fire shielded from the air, as above stated. Where in any case, these lesser adminis trations fail, and in violent and alarming attacks, we commence the process by giving Nos. 1, 2, and 3, one after another, or combining the whole and repeating the same two or three times, or more as the case demands, till a thorough operation is performed, and in due time repeat the process, till the patient is convalescent. ALEXANDER RICE.

Kittery, Nov. 20th, 1821.

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