Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

tance grant that they have profited much by all the labours uids. of the mathematicians. But the ancients had not made any great progress in the physicomathematical sciences, which consist chiefly in the application of calculus to the phenomena of nature. In this branch they could make none, because they had not the means of investigation. A knowledge of the motions and actions of fluids is accessible only to those who are familiarly acquainted with the fluxionary mathematics; and without this key there is no admittance. Even when possessed it is of this guide, our progress has been very slow, hesitating, and devious; and we have not yet been able to establish any set of doctrines which are susceptible of an easy and confident application to the arts of life. If we have advanced farther than the ancients, it is because we have come after them, and have profited by their labours, and even by their mistakes.







Sir Isaac Newton was the first (as far as we can rerst ap-collect) who attempted to make the motions and actions of fluids the subject of mathematical discussion. He had invented the method of fluxions long before he engaged in his physical researches ; and he proceed ed in these sud mathesi facem præferente. Yet even with this guide he was often obliged to grope his way, and to try various bye-paths, in the hopes of obtaining a legitimate theory. Having exerted all his powers in establishing a theory of the lunar motions, he was obliged to rest contented with an approximation instead of a perfect solution of the problem which ascer; tains the motions of three bodies mutually acting on ulties each other. This convinced him that it was in vain it with to expect an accurate investigation of the motions and actions of fluids, where millions of unseen particles combine their influence. He therefore cast about to find some particular case of the problem which would admit of an accurate determination, and at the same time furnish circumstances of analogy or resemblance sufficiently numerous for giving limiting cases, which should include between them those other cases that did not admit of this accurate investigation. And thus, by knowing the limit to which the case proposed did approximate, and the circumstance which regulated the approximation, many useful propositions might be deduced for directing us in the application of these doctrines to the arts of life.




He therefore figured to himself a hypothetical collection of matter which possessed the characteristic property of fluidity, viz. the quâquâversum propagation of pressure, and the most perfect intermobility (pardon the uncouth term) of parts, and which formed a physical whole or aggregate, whose parts were connected by mechanical forces, determined both in degree and in direction, and such as rendered the determination of certain important circumstances of their motion susceptible of precise investigation. And he concluded, that the laws which he should discover in these motions must have a great analogy with the laws of the motions of real fluids And from this hypothesis he deduced a series of propositions, which form the basis of almost all the theories of the impulse and resistance of fluids which have been offered to the public since his time.

It must be acknowledged, that the results of this theory agree but ill with experiment, and that, in the pe- way in which it has been zealously prosecuted by subse



quent mathematicians, it proceeds on principles or as- Resistance sumptions which are not only gratuitous, but even false. of Fluids. But it affords such a beautiful application of geometry and calculus, that mathematicians have been as it were fascinated by it, and have published systems so elegant and so extensively applicable, that one cannot help lamenting that the foundation is so flimsy. John Bernoulli's theory, in his dissertation on the communication of motion, and Bouguer's in his Traité du Navire, and in his Theorie du Manouvre et de la Máture des Vaisseaux, must ever be considered as among the finest specimens of physicomathematical science which the world has seen. And, with all its imperfections, this theory But its utistill furnishes (as was expected by its illustrious author) lity is still many propositions of immense practical use, they be- very consiing the limits to which the real phenomena of the im-derable. pulse and resistance of fluids really approximate. So that when the law by which the phenomena deviate from the theory is once determined by a well chosen series of experiments, this hypothetical theory becomes almost as valuable as a true one. And we may add, that although Mr d'Alembert, by treading warily in the steps of Sir Isaac Newton in another route, has discovered a genuine and unexceptionable theory, the process of investigation is so intricate, requiring every finesse of the most abstruse analysis, and the final equations are so complicated, that even their most expert author has not been able to deduce more than one simple proposition (which too was discovered by Daniel Bernoulli by a more simple process) which can be applied to any use. The hypothetical theory of Newton, therefore, continues to be the groundwork of all our practical knowledge of the subject.

We shall therefore lay before our readers a very short view of the theory, and the manner of applying it. We shall then show its defects (all of which were pointed out by its great author), and give a historical account of the many attempts which have been made to amend it or to substitute another; in all which we think it our duty to show, that Sir Isaac Newton took the lead, and pointed out every path which others have taken, if we except Daniel Bernoulli and D'Alembert ; and we shall give an account of the chief sets of experiments which have been made on this important subject, in the hopes of establishing an empirical theory, which may be employed with confidence in the arts of life.


We know by experience that force must be applied The term to a body in order that it may move through a fluid, resistance, such as air or water; and that a body projected with as here apany velocity is gradually retarded in its motion, and plied, explained. generally brought to rest. The analogy of nature' makes us imagine that there is a force acting in the opposite direction, or opposing the motion, and that this force resides in, or is exerted by, the fluid. And the phenomena resemble those which accompany the known resistance of active beings, such as animals. Therefore we give to this supposed force the metaphorical name of RESISTANCE. We also know that a fluid in motion will hurry a solid body along with the stream, and that it requires force to maintain it in its place. A similar analogy makes us suppose that the fluid exerts force, in the same manner as when an active being impels the body before him; therefore we call this the IMPULSION of a Fluid. And as our knowledge of na4 Z 2


Resistance ture informs us that the mutual actions of bodies are in of Fluids. every case equal and opposite, and that the observed change of motion is the only indication, characteristic, and measure of the changing force, the forces are the same (whether we call them impulsions or resistances) when the relative motions are the same, and therefore depend entirely on these relative motions. The force, therefore, which is necessary for keeping a body immoveable in a stream of water, flowing with a certain velocity, is the same with what is required for moving this body with this velocity through stagnant water. To any one who admits the motion of the earth round the sun, it is evident that we can neither observe nor reason from a case of a body moving through still water, nor of a stream of water pressing upon or impelling a quiescent body.


Sir Isaac Newton supposes

A body in motion appears to be resisted by a stagnant fluid, because it is a law of mechanical nature that force must be employed in order to put any body in motion. Now the body cannot move forward without putting the contiguous fluid in motion, and force must be employed for producing this motion. In like manner, a quiescent body is impelled by a stream of fluid, because the motion of the contiguous fluid is diminished by this solid obstacle; the resistance, therefore, or impulse, no way differs from the ordinary communications of motion among solid bodies.

Sir Isaac Newton, therefore, begins his theory of the resistance and impulse of fluids, by selecting a case two systems where, although he cannot pretend to ascertain the mosimilar in tions themselves which are produced in the particles of their parts, a contiguous fluid, he can tell precisely their mutual raand each tios. part having a 'con

to each.

He supposes two systems of bodies such, that each stant ratio body of the first is similar to a corresponding body of the second, and that each is to each in a constant ratio He also supposes them to be similarly situated, that is, at the angles of similar figures, and that the homologous lines of these figures are in the same ratio with the diameters of the bodies. He farther supposes, that they attract or repel each other in similar directions, and that the accelerating connecting forces are also proportional; that is, the forces in the one system are to the corresponding forces in the other system in a constant ratio, and that, in each system taken apart, the forces are as the squares of the velocities directly, and as the diameters of the corresponding bodies, or their distances, inversely.


Effect of

This being the case, it legitimately follows, that if the similar similar parts of the two systems are put into similar moparts being tions, in any given instant, they will continue to move put in mosimilarly, each correspondent body describing similar tion. curves, with proportional velocities: For the bodies being similarly situated, the forces which act on a body in one system, arising from the combination of any number of adjoining particles, will have the same direction with the force acting on the corresponding body in the other system, arising from the combined action of the similar and similarly directed forces of the adjoining correspondent bodies of the other system; and these compound forces will have the same ratio with the simple forces which constitute them, and will be as the squares of the velocities directly, and as the distances, or any bomologous lines inversely; and therefore the chords of

curvature, having the direction of the centripetal or Resistaser centrifugal forces, and similarly inclined to the tangents of Find. of the curves described by the corresponding bodies, will have the same ratio with the distances of the particles. The curves described by the corresponding bodies will therefore be similar, the velocities will be proportional, and the bodies will be similarly situated at the end of the first moment, and exposed to the action of similar and similarly situated centripetal or centrifugal forces; and this will again produce similar motions during the next moment, and so on for ever. All this is evident to any person acquainted with the elementary doctrines of curvilineal motions, as delivered in the theory of physical astronomy.



From this fundamental proposition, it clearly follows, Consethat if two similar bodies, having their homologous lines quence de proportional to those of the two systems, be similarly duced fra projected among the bodies of those two systems with any velocities, they will produce similar motions in the two systems, and will themselves continue to move similarly; and therefore will, in every subsequent moment, suffer similar diminutions or retardations. If the initial velocities of projection be the same, but the densities of the two systems, that is, the quantities of matter contained in an equal bulk or extent, be different, it is evident that the quantities of motion produced in the two systems in the same time will be proportional to the densities; and if the densities are the same, and uniform in each system, the quantities of motion produced will be as the squares of the velocities, because the motion communicated to each corresponding body will be proportional to the velocity communicated, that is, to the velocity of the impelling body; and the number of similarly situated particles which will be agitated will also be proportional to this velocity. Therefore, the whole quantities of motion produced in the same moment of time will be proportional to the squares of the velocities. And lastly, if the densities of the two systems are uniform, or the same through the whole extent of the systems, the number of particles impelled by similar bodies will be as the surfaces of these bodies.

Now the diminutions of the motions of the projected bodies are (by Newton's third law of motion) equal to the motions produced in the systems; and these diminutions are the measures of what are called the resistances opposed to the motions of the projected bodies. Therefore, combining all these circumstances, the resistances are proportional to the similar surfaces of the moving bodies, to the densities of the systems through which the motions are performed, and to the squares of the velocities, jointly.

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We cannot form to ourselves any distinct notion of a A fluid confluid, otherwise than as a system of small bodies, or a sidered as collection of particles, similarly or symetrically arran- siste ged, the centres of each being situated in the angles of dies simiregular solids. We must form this notion of it, whether larly ar we suppose, with the vulgar, that the particles are little ranged. globules in mutual contact, or, with the partisans of corpuscular attractions and repulsions, we suppose the parti cles kept at a distance from each other by means of these attractions and repulsions mutually balancing each other. In this last case, no other arrangement is consistent with a quiescent equilibrium ; and in this case, it is evident, from the theory of curvilineal motions, that the agi



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We must now observe, that when we suppose the particles of the fluid to be in mutual contact, we may either suppose them elastic or unelastic. The motion communicated to the collection of elastic particles must be double of what the same body, moving in the same manner, would communicate to the particles of an elastic fluid. The impulse and resistance of elastic fluids must therefore be double of those of unelastic fluids.-But we must caution our readers not to judge of the elasticity of fluids by their sensible compressibility. A diamond is incomparably more elastic than the finest foot ball, though not icity compressible in any sensible degree. It remains to be decided, by well chosen experiments, whether water be not as elastic as air. If we suppose, with Boscovich, the particles of perfect fluids to be at a distance from each other, we shall find it difficult to conceive a fluid void of elasticity. We hope that the theory of their impulse and resistance will suggest experiments which will decide this question, by pointing out what ought to be the absolute impulse or resistance in either case. And thus the fundamental proposition of the impulse and resistance of fluids, taken in its proper meaning, is susceptible of a rigid demonstration, relative to the only distinct notion that we can form of the internal constitution of a fluid. We say, taken in its proper meaning; namely, that the impulse or resistance of fluids is a pressure, opposed and measured by another pressure, such as a pound weight, the force of a spring, the pressure of the atmosphere, and the like. And we apprehend that it would be very difficult to find any legitimate demonstration of this leading proposition different from this, which we have now borrowed from Sir Isaac Newton, Prop. 23. B. II. Princip. We acknowledge that it is prolix and even circuitous but in all the attempts made by his commentators and their copyists to simplify it, we see great defects of logical argument, or assumption of principles, which are not only gratuitous, but inadmissible. We shall have occasion, as we proceed, to point out some of these defects; and doubt not but the illustrious author of this demonstration had exercised his uncommon patience and sagacity in similar attempts, and was dissatisfied with them all.

Before we proceed farther, it will be proper to make a general remark, which will save a great deal of discussion. Since it is a matter of universal experience, that every action of a body on others is accompanied by an equal and contrary re-action; and since all that we can demonstrate concerning the resistance of bodies during their motions through fluids proceeds on this supposition (the resistance of the body being assumed as equal and opposite to the sum of motions communicated to the particles of the fluid, estimated in the direction of the bodies

motion), we are intitled to proceed in the contrary order, Resistance and to consider the impulsions which each of the particles of Fluids. of fluid exerts on the body at rest, as equal and opposite to the motion which the body would communicate to that particle if the fluid were at rest, and the body were moving equally swift in the opposite direction. And therefore the whole impulsion of the fluid must be conceived as the measure of the whole motion which the body would thus communicate to the fluid. It must therefore be also considered as the measure of the resistance which the body, moving with the same velocity, would sustain from the fluid. When, therefore, we shall demonstrate any thing concerning the impulsion of a fluid, estimated in the direction of its motion, we must consider it as demonstrated concerning the resistance of a quiescent fluid to the motion of that body, having the same velocity in the opposite direction. The determination of these impulsions being much easier than the determination of the motions communicated by the body to the particles of the fluid, this method will be followed in most of the subsequent discussions.

The general proposition already delivered is by no means sufficient for explaining the various important phenomena observed in the mutual actions of solids and fluids. In particular, it gives us no assistance in ascertaining the modifications of this resistance or impulse, which depend on the shape of the body and the inclination of its impelled or resisted surface to the direction of the motion. Sir Isaac Newton found another hypothesis necessary; namely, that the fluid should be so extremely rare that the distance of the particles may be incomparably greater than their diameters. This additional condition is necessary for considering their actions as so many separate collisions or impulsions on a solid body. Each particle must be supposed to have abundant room to rebound, or otherwise escape, after having made its stroke, without sensibly affecting the situations and motions of the particles which have not yet made their stroke: and the motion must be so swift as not to give time for the sensible exertion of their mutual forces of attractions and repulsions.

Keeping these conditions in mind, we may proceed to determine the impulsions made by a fluid on surfaces of every kind: And the most convenient method to pursue in this determination, is to compare them all either with the impulse which the same surface would receive from the fluid impinging on it perpendicularly, or with the impulse which the same stream of fluid would make when coming perpendicularly on a surface of such extent as to occupy the whole stream.


It will greatly abbreviate language, if we make use Terms exof a few terms in an appropriate sense. plained.

By a stream, we shall mean a quantity of fluid moving in one direction, that is, each particle moving in parallel lines; and the breadth of the stream is a line perpendicular to all these parallels.

A filament means a portion of this stream of very small breadth, and it consists of an indefinite number of particles following one another in the same direction, and successively impinging on, or gliding along, the surface of the solid body.

The base of any surface exposed to a stream of fluid, is that portion of a plane perpendicular to the stream, which is covered or protected from the action of the


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Direct impulse shall express the energy or action of the particle or filament, or stream of fluid, when meeting the surface perpendicularly, or when the surface is perpendicular to the direction of the stream.

Absolute impulse means the actual pressure on the im pelled surface, arising from the action of the fluid, whether striking the surface perpendicularly or obliquely; or it is the force impressed on the surface, or tendency to motion which it acquires, and which must be opposed by an equal force in the opposite direction, in order that the surface may be maintained in its place. It is of importance to keep in mind, that this pressure is always perpendicular to the surface. It is a proposition founded on universal and uncontradicted experience, that the mutual actions of bodies on each other are always exerted in a direction perpendicular to the touching surfaces. Thus, it is observed, that when a billiard ball A is struck by another B, moving in any direction whatever, the ball A always moves off in the direction perpendicular to the plane which touches the two balls in the point of mutual contact, or point of impulse. This inductive proposition is supported by every argument which can be drawn from what we know concerning the forces which connect the particles of matter together, and are the immediate causes of the communication of motion. It would employ much time and room to state them here; and we apprehend that it is unnecessary for no reason can be assigned why the pressure should be in any particular oblique direction. If any one should say that the impulse will be in the direction of the stream, we have only to desire him to take notice of the effect of the rudder of a ship. This shows that the impulse is not in the direction of the stream, and is therefore in some direction transverse to the stream.


He will also find, that when a plane surface is impelled obliquely by a fluid, there is no direction in which it can be supported but the direction perpendicular to itself. It is quite safe, in the mean time, to take it as an experimental truth. We may, perhaps, in some other part of this work, give what will be received as a rigorous demonstration.

Relative or effective impulse means the pressure on the surface estimated in some particular direction. Thus BC (fig. 1.) may represent the sail of a ship, impelled by the wind blowing in the direction DC. GO may be the direction of the ship's keel, or the line of her course. The wind strikes the sail in the direction GH

parallel to DC; the sail is urged or pressed in the direction GI, perpendicular to BC. But we are interested to know what tendency this will give the ship to >move in the direction GO. This is the effective or relative impulse. Or BC may be the transverse section of the sail of a common wind-mill. This, by the construction of the machine, can move only in the direction GP, perpendicular to the direction of the wind; and it is only in this direction that the impulse produces the desired effect. Or BC may be half of the prow of a punt or lighter, riding at anchor by means of the cable DC, attached to the prow C. In this case, GQ, parallel to

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PROP. II. The direct impulse of a fluid on a plane sur-Second la face, is to its absolute oblique impulse on the same sur- of resist face, as the square of the radius to the square of the ance. sine of the angle of incidence.

Let a stream of fluid, moving in the direction DC, describe the quadrant ABE; draw CA perpendicular (fig. 1.), act on the plane BC. With the radius CB Fig. to CE, and draw MNBS parallel to CE. Let the particle F, moving in the direction FG, meet the plane in G, and in FG produced take GH to represent the magnitude of the direct impulse, or the impulse which the particle would exert on the plane AC, by meeting it in V. Draw GI and HK perpendicular to BC, and HI perpendicular to GI. Also draw BR perpendicular to


The force GH is equivalent to the two forces GI and GK; and GK being in the direction of the plane has no share in the impulse. The absolute impulse, therefore, is represented by GI; the angle GHI is equal to FGC, the angle of incidence; and therefore GH is to GI as radius to the sine of the angle of incidence. Therefore the direct impulse of each particle or filament is to its absolute oblique impulse as radius to the sine of the angle of incidence. But further, the number of particles or filaments which strike the surface AC, is to the number of those which strike the surface BC as AC to NC: for all the filaments between LA and MB go past the oblique surface BC without striking it. But BC : ÑC=rad. ; sin. NBC,=rad.: sin. FGC, rad. : sin. incidence. Now the whole impulse is as the impulse of each filament, and as the number of filaments exerting equal impulses jointly; therefore the whole direct impulse on AC is to the whole absolute impulse on BC, as the square of radius to the square of the sine of the angle of incidence.


Let S express the extent of the surface, the angle of incidence, o the angle of obliquity, v the velocity of the fluid, and d its density. Let F represent the direct impulse, f the absolute oblique impulse, and the relative or effective impulse: And let the tabular sines and cosines be considered as decimal fractions of the ra

dius unity.

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PROP. III. The direct impulse on any surface is to the Third law. effective oblique impulse on the same surface, as the cube of radius to the solid, which has for its base the square of the sine of incidence, and the sine of obliquity for its height.


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Therefore f: =R : Sin. O.
But FfR: Sin.'i

Therefore F: =R3 : Sin.'i× Sin. O. and
Fx Sin.'i x Sin. O.

Cor. The direct impulse on any surface is to the efi- fective oblique impulse in the direction of the stream, as the cube of radius to the cube of the sine of incidence.

the For draw IQ and GP perpendicular to GH, and IP m- perpendicular to GP; then the absolute impulse GI is equivalent to the impulse GQ in the direction of the stream, and GP, which may be called the transverse impulse. The angle GIQ is evidently equal to the angle GHI, or FGC, the angle of incidence.


Therefore f = GI : GQ, = R : Sin. i.
But F:f=
R2: Sin.'i.
Therefore F: @=
R3: Sin.3i.
And = F × Sin3i.

Before we proceed further, we shall consider the imin pulse on a surface which is also in motion. This is evidently a frequent and an important case. It is perhaps the most frequent and important: It is the case of a ship under sail, and of a wind or water-mill at work.

Therefore, let a stream of fluid, moving with the direction and velocity DE, meet a plane BC, (fig. 2.) which is moving parallel to itself in the direction and with the velocity DF: It is required to determine the impulse?

Nothing is more easy: The mutual actions of bodies depend on their relative motions only. The motion, DE of the fluid relative to BC, which is also in motion, is compounded of the real motion of the fluid and the opposite to the real motion of the body. Therefore produce FD till Df=DF, and complete the parallelogram Dfe E, and draw the diagonal De. The impulse on the plane is the same as if the plane were at rest, and every particle of the fluid impelled it in the direction and with the velocity De; and may therefore be de#termined by the foregoing proposition. This proposition applies to every possible case; and we shall not bestow more time on it, but reserve the important modification of the general proposition for the cases which shall occur in the practical applications of the whole doctrine of the impulse and resistance of fluids.

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mated in the direction GH of the stream; and GH is Resitance to GQ as GH' to GI', that is, as rad,' to sin.3 i.

Cor. 1. The effective impulse in the direction of the stream on any plane surface BC, is to the direct impulse on its base BR or SE, as the square of the sine of the angle of incidence to the square of the radius.

Of Fluids.

2. If an isosceles wedge ACB (fig. 3.) be exposed to Fig. 3. a stream of fluid moving in the direction of its height CD, the impulse on the sides is to the direct impulse on the base as the square of half the base AD to the square of the side AC, or as the square of the sine of half the angle of the wedge to the square of the radius. For it is evident, that in this case the two transverse impulses, such as GP in fig. 1. balance each other, and the only impulse which can be observed is the sum of the two impulses, such as GQ of fig. 1. which are to be compared with the impulses on the two halves AD, DB of the base. Now AC: AB = rad. : sin. ACD, and ACD is equal to the angle of incidence.

Therefore, if the angle ACB is a right angle, and ACD is half a right angle, the square of AC is twice the square of AD, and the impulse on the sides of a rectangular wedge is half the impulse on its base.

Also, if a cube ACBE (fig. 4.) be exposed to a Fig. 4. stream moving in a direction perpendicular to one of its sides, and then to a stream moving in a direction perpendicular to one of its diagonal planes, the impulse in the first case will be to the impulse in the second as√2 to 1. Call the perpendicular impulse on a side F, and the perpendicular impulse on its diagonal plane ƒ, and the effective oblique impulse on its sides ;—we have

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The same reasoning will apply to a pyramid whose base is a regular polygon, and whose axis is perpendicular to the base. If such a pyramid is exposed to a stream of fluid moving in the direction of the axis, the direct impulse on the base is to the effective impulse on the pyramid, as the square of the radius to the square of the sine of the angle which the axis makes with the sides of the pyramid.

And, in like manner, the direct impulsion on the base of a right cone is to the effective impulsion on the conical surface, as the square of the radius to the square of the sine of half the angle at the vertex of the cone. This is demonstrated, by supposing the cone to be a pyramid of an infinite number of sides.

polygonal surface with the impulse on its base, by comWe may in this manner compare the impulse on any paring apart the impulses on each plane with those in their corresponding bases, and taking their sum.

And we may compare the impulse on a curved surface with that on its base, by resolving the curved surface into elementary planes, each of which is impelled by an. elementary filament of the stream.

The following beautiful proposition, given by Le Sueur and Jaquier, in their Commentary on the second book of Newton's Principia, with a few examples of its application, will suffice for any further account of this theory,


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