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Βιβλία Βιβλία
" IF a side of any triangle be produced, the exterior angle is equal to the two interior and opposite angles ; and the three interior angles of every triangle are equal to two right angles. "
The Elements of Euclid for the Use of Schools and Colleges: Comprising the ... - Σελίδα 35
των Euclid, Isaac Todhunter - 1867 - 400 σελίδες
Πλήρης προβολή - Σχετικά με αυτό το βιβλίο

The Elements of Euclid: The Errors, by which Theon, Or Others, Have Long Ago ...

Robert Simson - 1762 - 488 σελίδες
...point A parallel to the given ftraight line BC. Book I. Which was to be done. PROP. XXXII. THEO R. TF a fide of any triangle be produced, the exterior angle is equal to the two interior and oppofite angles ; and the three interior angles of every triangle are ec(ual to two right angles. Let...

The Popular Educator, Τόμοι 1-2;Τόμος 12

1867 - 964 σελίδες
...в together make up the angle r> с в, which is therefore equal to the angles с в А, в A c. 7. The three interior angles of every triangle are together equal to two right anglet. In Fig. 5 the angle BCD has been shown to be equal to the angles с в А, в А с ; to each...

The Elements of Euclid, Viz: The Errors, by which Theon, Or Others, Have ...

Robert Simson - 1775 - 534 σελίδες
...equal to the two interior and oppofite angles ; and the three interior angles of every triangle are equal to two right angles. Let ABC be a triangle, and let one of its fides BC be produced to D ; the exterior angle ACD is equal to the two interior and oppofite angles...

The First Six Books: Together with the Eleventh and Twelfth

Euclid - 1781 - 552 σελίδες
...parallel to the given Book I. ftraight line BC. Which was to be done. b 29. 1. PROP. XXXII. THEOR. TF a fide of any triangle be produced, the exterior angle is equal to the two interior and oppofite angles ; and the three interior angles of every triangle are equal to two right angles. Let...

The Elements of Euclid: The Errors, by which Theon, Or Others, Have Long Ago ...

Robert Simson - 1781 - 534 σελίδες
...equal to the two interior and oppofite angles ; and the three interior angles of every triangle are equal to two right angles. Let ABC be a triangle, and let one of its fides BC be produced to D. the exterior angle ACD is equal to the two interior and oppofite angles...

The History of Philosophy, from the Earliest Times to the Beginning ..., Τόμος 1

William Enfield, Johann Jakob Brucker - 1791 - 610 σελίδες
...four. Of the geometrical theorems afcribed to Pythagoras, the following are the principal; that the interior angles of every triangle are together equal to two right angles; that the only polygons which will fill up the whole fpace about a given point, are the equilateral...

Elements of Geometry: Containing the First Six Books of Euclid, with Two ...

John Playfair - 1795 - 462 σελίδες
...equal to the two interior and oppofite angles ; and the three interior angles of every triangle are equal to two right angles. Let ABC be a triangle, and let one of its fides BC be produced to D ; the exterior angle ACD is equal to the two in- . terior and oppofite angles...

The Elements of Euclid: Viz. the First Six Books, with the Eleventh and ...

Alexander Ingram - 1799 - 374 σελίδες
...the given point A parallel to the given flraight line BC. Which was to be done. PROP. XX.XIL THEOR. IF a fide of any triangle be produced, the exterior angle is equal to the two interior and oppoiite angles ; and the three interior angles of every triangle are equal to two right angles. Let...

The Elements of Euclid: Also the Book of Euclid's Data ...cor. viz. The ...

Robert Simson - 1804 - 528 σελίδες
...point A parallel to the given ftraight line Book 1. BC. Which was to be done. ^ -y PROP. XXXII. THE OR. IF a fide of any triangle be produced, the exterior angle is equal to the two interior and oppofite angles ; and the three interior angles of every triangle are equal to two right angles. Let...

Elements of Geometry;: Containing the First Six Books of Euclid, with a ...

John Playfair, Euclid - 1804 - 468 σελίδες
...point A parallel to the Book *• given ftraight line BC. Which Was to be done. PROP. XXXII. THE OR. IF a fide of any triangle be produced, the exterior angle is equal to the two interior and oppofite angles ; and the three interior angles of every triangle are equal to two right angles. Let...

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