Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση
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rounded with palisades, which is the residence of the chief of the Calmucks. The Russian or Cossack garrison is in the upper town. The merchants reside together in a slobod, and the citizens in the lower town.


becomes flat, and assumes a character resembling that of
the Steppe. All the rivers belong to the system of the
Volga, which receives on the right the Ousa and the Sys-
ran, and on the left the Tcheremchan, the Sok after its
junction with the Kandoustcha, and the Samara. The
Sviaga, running parallel to the Volga from south to SIMEON SETH (Equeŵv Σý0), or SIMEON SETHUS,
north, joins that river in the government of Kasan; and or Simeon the Son of Seth, the author of several Greek
the Soura, which is navigable in spring, coming from Pensa, works still extant, lived at Constantinople towards the end
traverses the western part of the government, and joins the of the eleventh century. He held there the office of πрwro-
Volga in the government of Nischnei Novgorod. The Beorúpxns, or 'Master of the Wardrobe,' in the palace of
lakes and rivers are 560 in number, but they are all small. Antiochus, from whence originated his title Magister An-
The climate is generally healthy; but the winter is very cold, tiochiae, and this gave occasion to the false opinion that he
and the summer very hot. The Volga is usually frozen for was born at Antioch. His office appears to have given him
five months in the year.
the charge of the imperial jewels, which were kept in the
palace named after the Eunuch Antiochus, who was consul
A.D. 431. (Du Cange, Glossar. Med. et Inf. Gracit., tom.
cap. 16, § 5, p. 168, ed Lutet. Paris., 1680.) Having taken
the part of the unfortunate patrician Dalassenus against the
usurper Michael of Paphlagonia, the latter banished him
from Constantinople, A.D. 1038. He retired to Thrace, and
founded on Mount Olympus a monastery, in which he com-
posed several works, and peaceably ended his days. (Georg.
Cedreni Histor. Compend., p. 737, ed. Paris, 1647.) Some-
time after the foundation of this monastery, Michael Dukas
having ascended the throne, A.D. 1071, Simeon Seth dedi-
cated to him his work entitled Zuvrayua repì Тpopŵv Avvá-
ptov, Syntagma de Cibariorum Facultate.' This contains
an alphabetical list of eatable things and their properties,
according to the opinions of Greek,, Persian, Agarenian (or
Arabian), and Indian physicians; and is the more valuable
as at that time the trade with the East, and the seeking after
foreign and costly articles of food at Constantinople, were very
extensive. It is compiled chiefly from the treatise of Michael
Psellus on the same subject, and shows us that the Greeks
were beginning already to learn Materia Medica from the
Arabians, to whom in return they imparted their theories.
Simeon Seth also goes through the medicines then in use
in alphabetical order, and he explains their mode of action
according to the elementary qualities of Galen, and their
different degrees. He says that Asparagus had been for
some time introduced as an article of food (p. 6, ed. Gyrald.),
and that it possesses great medicinal virtues. He is the
first who speaks of yellow Amber (aurap) which comes from
a town in India, and which is the best; and also of Amber-
gris, which is an animal production, coming from fish (p. 8).
Apricots (Bɛpikokka), he says, are indigestible and produce
poorness of blood (p. 9). His work contains the first descrip-
tion of Camphor, which he says is the resin of a very large
Indian tree; that it is cold and dry in the third degree; and
that it is used with much advantage in acute diseases, espe
cially in inflammations (p. 35). He is also the first who
speaks of Musk, of which the best is of a yellow colour,
and comes from a town to the east of Khorasan; the black
musk comes from India: the properties attributed to this
medicine are the same as those given to it in the present
day (p. 41). The best Cinnamon comes from Mosul (p. 32).
This work was first published, Basil., 1538, Gr. and Lat.,
8vo., ed. Lilius Greg. Gyraldus, ap. Mich. Isingrinium. The
Latin translation was improved and published separately,
Basil., 1561, 8vo., ed. Domin. Monthesaurus, ap. Pet. Per-
nam. The last and best edition was published Paris, 1658,
Gr. and Lat., 8vo., ed. Mart. Bogdan, ap. Dion. Bechet et
Lud. Billanium..

The soil is generally fertile, consisting of a good black
mould, which requires no manure. It is pretty carefully
cultivated, and produces more corn than is wanted for thei., p. 194, ed. Lugd., 1688, and Constantinop. Christ., lib. ii.,
home consumption: the principal species of grain are rye,
wheat, and spelt; but there are likewise oats, barley, millet,
and buckwheat. The inhabitants cultivate also the poppy,
peas, lentils, flax, much hemp, tobacco, and some potatoes.
Horticulture is in a very backward state: none but the
most ordinary kinds of culinary vegetables are grown, and
the fruit is of bad quality. In the northern parts of the
government there are extensive forests; but in the south
they scarcely suffice for the supply of the inhabitants.
Though there are good pastures, the breeding of cattle is
not much attended to, except among the Calmucks, in the
steppe of the circle of Slavrepel. The rich Calmucks have
one hundred horses, as many oxen, and four hundred sheep.
The Tartars apply to agriculture with great success. Game
is pretty abundant, but the fur-bearing animals are scarce.
The fisheries of various kinds in the Volga are productive.
The minerals are alabaster, sulphur, and limestone; but
neither salt nor metals, except some iron.

The population amounts to 1,200,000, of whom about
1,080,000, are Russians and Cossacks: the remainder may
be estimated as, Tartars 60,000, Tcheremisses 40,000,
Mordwins 4000, Tehuswasches 5000, Calmucks 8000, and
Kissilbasches 2000. These numbers are of course only
approximative. Not only the Russians, but most of the
Tcheremisses, the Tchuswasches, and the Mordwins, profess
the Greek religion: some few are still adherents to Shaman-
ism, and the Tartars and Kissilbasches are Mohammedans.
Though agriculture is the chief occupation of the in-
habitants, there are some manufactures, both in the country
and in the towns; they are woollen cloths, blankets, carpets,
sail-cloth, leather, and some of silk and nankeen. Glass-
wares, soap, and candles are also manufactured; and there
are many brandy-distilleries. A great improvement in the
manufactures has been made of late years. The exports
consist of horses, oxen, hemp, apples, water-melons, in good
years corn, fish, tallow, leather, raw hides, and millstones.
The principal trading towns are Simbirsk and Samara.
The schools in this government are under the university of
Kasan; but they are very few, and only a small proportion
of the inhabitants receive any education. The government
endeavours to remedy this want by establishing every year
some new schools.

SIMBIRSK, the capital of the government, is situated
near the junction of the Sviaga and the Volga, on the right
bank of the latter river. It stands on an eminence which
commands a fine view of the Volga and over an immense
extent of country uninterrupted by forests. The town is not
regularly built, but there are some broad and straight streets.
Almost all the houses are of wood, but neat and convenient |
within. The churches, 16 in number, are all of stone,
· except one, which is of wood. There are two monasteries,
a gymnasium, and manufactories of candles and soap, and
some tanneries. The town is in a very fertile plain, and on
one side there are gardens and orchards. The population
amounts to 13,500, who are in general in easy circum-
stances; but even the higher classes are without intellectual
resources. Of the other towns the most considerable are
the following:-1, Sysran, on the river of the same name,
not far from its conflux with the Volga, has 7000 inhabit-
ants (Schnitzler says 9800); 2, Samara, on the Volga, be-
yond the bend which it makes here, is a trading town, with
5000 inhabitants, which was built in 1591 as a defence
against the Calmucks; 3, Stavropol, the chief town of the
Calmucks, on the right bank of the Volga, was built ex-
pressly for these people, on their conversion to Christianity,
about the year 1737. In the centre is a kind of fort, sur-

Another of his works, entitled “ Σύνοψις καὶ ̓Απάνθισμα Φυσικῶν τε καὶ Φιλοσόφων Δογμάτων, Compendium et Flores Naturalium et Philosophorum Placitorum,' is still in MS. in several European libraries. A long account of it (extracted from Allatius, De Simeonum Scriptis) is given by Fabricius (Biblioth. Gr., tom. xi., p. 323-326, ed. Harles).

But Simeon Seth is better known in the history of literature than in that of medicine, as having translated from the Arabic into Greek the work known under the name of Pilpay's Fables,' in which fifteen moral and political sentences' (says Gibbon, Decline and Full, chap. 42) are illustrated in a series of apologues; but the composition is intricate, the narrative prolix, and the precept obvious and barren. An account of the history, translations, and editions of this antient and curious work is given under BIDPAI. (See also Fabricius, loco cit.; and Milman's note to Gibbon, vol. vii., p. 310.) He is also said to have translated from the Persian a fabulous history of Alexander the Greek, which at present exists, says

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Warton (Hist. of English Poetry, vol. i., p. 129), under the adopted name of Callisthenes, and is no uncommon manuscript in good libraries. It is entitled Bíos 'AλežávSpov Tou Makedovog kai Пpážnic, De Vita et Rebus Gestis Alexandri Macedonis;' and a long passage from the beginning of the work is quoted by Abr. Berkel in the notes to Stephanus Byzantinus (in v. Bovкegália), and by Fabricius, Biblioth. Gr., tom. xiv., p. 148-150 (ed. Vet.). This fabulous narrative is full (as might be expected) of prodigies and extravagancies, some specimens of which are given by Warton. Of all the romances on the subject of Alexander the Great, this by Simeon Seth was for some centuries the best known and the most esteemed; and it was most probably (says he) very soon afterwards translated from the Greek into Latin, and at length from thence into French, Italian, and German. The Latin translation was printed at Colon. Argentorat., 1489; perhaps before, for in the Bodleian Library there is an edition in 4to., without date, supposed to have been printed at Oxford, by Fred. Corsellis, about the year 1468. It is said to have been made by one Æsopus, or by Julius Valerius; supposititious names, which seem to have been forged by the artifice or introduced through the ignorance of scribes and librarians. This Latin translation however is of high antiquity in the middle age of learning; for it is quoted by Gyraldus Cambrensis, who flourished about the year 1190. It was translated into German by John Hartlieb Moller, a German physician, at the command of Albert, duke of Bavaria, and published at August. Vindel., fol., 1478. Scaliger also mentions (Epist. ad Casaubon., 113, 115) a translation from the Latin into Hebrew by one who adopted the name of Joseph Gorionides, called Pseudo Go



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SI'MIADÆ, the name of a quadrumanous family of

Kophim of the Scriptures (1 Kings, x. 22; 2 Chron.,
These animals were known at a very early period. The
ix. 21), the Ceph of the Ethiopians, the Keibi and Kubbi
of the Persians, the knot of the Greeks, and Cephi of the
Romans, were clearly apes. They are to be traced in some
of the earliest paintings of the Egyptians. (Rosellini, &c.)
In the garden of the Zoological Society of London, among
proach nearest to the human race may now (Sept., 1841)
a great variety of the Simiada, three of the forms which ap
be studied; for three Chimpanzees (two males and a female),
latter females-are all living at the menagerie in the Re-
an Orang-Utan, and a Gibbon (Hylobates agilis)—the two
gent's Park.

19), as well as those shown by Caesar, appear to have been. The Cephi exhibited by Pompey (Pliny, Nat. Hist., viii. Ethiopian apes; and in the Greek name inscribed near the quadrumanous animals, in the Prænestine pavement, the oriental origin of the word is apparent. It is remarkable that the name Cebus [SAPAJOUS] is applied by modern. zoologists to a genus of monkeys which could not have been known to the antients; for the Cebi of our present catalogues are exclusively American..


from the tertiary formations of India, France, England, and Remains of Simiade have been discovered and described SIMEON OF DURHAM, an English historical writer types of quadrumanous, or rather Simious form. Brazil. These fossils are illustrative of four of the existing who lived about the beginning of the eleventh century. we have Semnopithecus from India; Hylobates from the He was a teacher of mathematics at Oxford, and was after-south of France; Macacus from Suffolk; and Callithrix, Thus wards precentor in Durham cathedral. He wrote a his- peculiar to America, found in Brazil. Nor is it anworthy tory of the kings of England from 616 to 1130, for which of remark, that we here have evidence that so high a qua he was at great pains to collect materials, especially in the drumanous form as the Gibbon, a genus in which the skull North of England, where the Danes had established them- is even more approximated to that of man than it is in the selves. The work was continued to 1156 by John, prior of Chimpanzee, was living upon our globe with the Palæothere, Hexham. Simeon of Durham is supposed to have died Elephants, and other Pachyderms. We say that the skull soon after 1130, when his history terminates. This work is of the Gibbon comes nearest to that of man; because, included in Twysden's Anglican Historiæ Scriptores though the cranium of the young Chimpanzee approaches Decem.' Simeon also wrote a history of Durham cathedral, which was published in 1732: Historia Ecclesiæ the permanent teeth are developed. that of the human subject, it is far removed from it when. Dunhelmensis, cui præmittitur T. R. Disquisitio de Auctore hujus Libelli; edidit T. Bedford,' Lond., 1732, 8vo.

SIMFEROPOL, the seat of the Russian government of Taurida, is situated in 45° 12′ N. lat. and 24° 8' E. long., on an elevated plateau on the river Salgir. Simferopol is a modern town. There was indeed on this spot, in the time of the Khans, a place called Akmetschet (the white church), and sometimes called Sultan Serai, but it was of little importance, and now forms a small part of Simferopol, under the name of the Tartar quarter. The antient capital of the Khans was Baktschiserai, but it is confined to a small space in a rocky valley. The Russians, who love everything spacious and open, left that town to the Tartars, and built at Simferopol a capital according to their own taste, with immensely long and broad streets, in which horse-races might be held without interrupting the usual traffic. Being near the centre of the peninsula, it is well calculated for the seat of government. There are many pretty houses, with iron roofs painted green and adorned with many columns, like all the new Russian towns. Besides the government offices there are a Russian church, a pretty German church, one Greek and one Armenian church, four Tartar chapels, a gymnasium, and a seminary for Tartar schoolmasters. The population, about 6000 inhabitants, is a medley of Russians, Tartars, Armenians, Greeks, and 40 or 50 German families. There is here a very good botanic garden, or more properly speaking, a nursery where all kinds of useful plants, shrubs, and trees are cultivated, and sent to various parts of the empire. The town has no manufactures, and has only an inconsiderable trade by land, and scarcely any by sea. The immediate vicinity of the town does not produce much fruit or culinary vegetables. During the hot season fevers are very prevalent, and the water is very indifferent. Usewoloiski (as quoted by Hassel in 1821) makes the number of inhabitants 20,000; we imagine this is a misprint for 2000, for Stein in the same year gives 1800, and no subsequent account that we have seen states it above 6000.

From these evidences we have also proof that Simiada presence of fossil vegetables, abundant in the London clay lived in our island during the Eocene period; whilst the show the degree of heat that must have prevailed here at Sheppy, and the remains of serpents in the same locality, during that period, when Simiada were co-existent with: tropical fruits and Boa Constrictors.

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manous form detailed in his View of the Fauna of Brazil,” previous to the last geological revolution, require special! But Dr. Lund's observations relating to the extinct quadru.. notice. He states that it is certain that the family of Si-miade was in existence in those antient times to which the fossils described by him belong; and he found an animal of that family of gigantic size, a character belonging to the organization of the period which he illustrates. He describes: it as considerably exceeding the largest Oran-Utan or Chimpanzee yet seen; from these, as well as from the longarmed apes (Hylobates), he holds it to have been generically distinct. As it equally differs from the Simiada now living. in the locality where it was discovered, he proposes a generic distinction for it under the name of Protopithecus, and the specific appellation of Protopithecus Brasiliensis.

dition existing very generally over a considerable extent of the interior highlands, especially in the northern and As connected with this discovery, Dr. Lund records a trawestern portions of the province of S. Paul and the Sertão of S. Francisco. According to this tradition, that district. is still inhabited by a very large ape, to which the Indians,. pore, or Dweller in the Wood. This Caypore is said to be from whom the report comes, have given the name of Cayof man's stature, but with the whole body and part of its face covered with long curly hair; its colour brown,. with the exception of a white mark on the belly immediately above the navel. trees with great facility, but most frequently going on the ground, where it walks upright like a man. It is represented as climbing it is held to be a quiet inoffensive animal, living upon fruits, In youth

Russland, family of DA; CHIM NASALIS; OUS; SEM

riod. The 2 Chron nd Kubbi

hi of the -d in some lini, &c.)

n, among which ap pt.. 1810) female)

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on which it feeds with teeth formed like those of the human | indeed that errors or monstrosities of size are always more
race; but as it advances in age, its character is denounced bearable than those of form, so much more do our concep-
as rapacious and blood-thirsty. Then it chooses birds and tions of objects depend upon the latter than the former. A
small quadrupeds; large canine teeth project from its mouth, painter is even obliged to diminish the size of the minor
and it becomes formidable to man. Its skin is supposed to parts of his picture a little, to give room for the more im-
be impenetrable to ball, with the exception of the white portant objects: but no one ever thought of making a change
mark on the belly. It is an object of dread to the natives, of form, however slight, in one object, for the sake of its
who shun its haunts, which are betrayed by the Caypore's effect on any other. The giant of Rabelais, with whole
extraordinary footmark ending in a heel both before and nations carrying on the business of life inside his mouth, is
behind, so that it is impossible to know in what direction not so monstrous as it would have been to take the ground
the animal is gone.
on which a nation might dwell, England, France, or Spain,
invest it with the intellect and habits of a human being,
and make it move, talk, and reason: the more tasteful fiction
of Swift is not only bearable and conceivable, but has actu-
ally made many a simple person think it was meant to be
taken as a true history.

Upon this tradition Dr. Lund remarks, that it is easy to
trace in it the childish embellishments of a savage race; and
he finds in the alleged double heel the meaning that the
forepart of the foot is not broader than the hind and that
the impressions of the toes are not distinguishable. As to
the white spot in the belly, he remarks, that all the long-
haired apes now found in Brazil have the central part of
the belly very thinly covered with hair, so that when the
hair is of a dark colour and the skin light, an effect is pro-
duced during the act of respiration as if there were a white
spot on the stomach. The impenetrability of its hide, he
observes, may seem fabulous, but he states that he is ac-
quainted with a species of this family, the Guigo (Mycetes
crinicaudus, Lund), which has this property This unde-
scribed animal, he adds (which constitutes a remarkable
link between Mycetes and Cebus, inasmuch as it combines
the vocal organs of the former with the perfectly hairy tail
of the latter), is provided with a skin clothed with such long
and felted hair as to be shot-proof on the back and sides. It
would seem, says Dr. Lund, to be well aware of its shield;
for instead of seeking safety in flight, like other Simiada,
when danger approaches it rolls itself up in a ball, so as to
cover the least protected part, and thus defies the shot of
the hunter.

Dr. Lund further remarks that he has introduced this
tradition, less on account of its zoological interest, than for
the striking coincidence it displays in many points with the
stories related of the Pongo of Borneo. He asks, if no such
animal exists in the district where the tradition is current,
whence did it take its origin? Did the Indians receive it
from their forefathers? May this tradition be considered
one more testimony in favour of the Asiatic origin of the
first inhabitants of America? In the Sertão of S. Francisco
the tradition is coupled with additions which though, he
remarks, they weaken its zoological interest, impart to it
another, as betraying the only trace he had met with in that
district of a belief in fairy existence. According to the na-
tive of Sertão, the Caypore is lord of the wild hogs, and
when one of them has been shot, his enraged voice may be
heard in the distance, when the hunter quits his game to
save himself by flight. The Caypore is said to have been
beheld in the centre of a herd of swine riding on the
largest, and indeed has been described as an ape above and
a hog below.

larity, resemblance, or likeness, means sameness in some,
if not in all, particulars. In geometry, the word refers to a
sameness of one particular kind. The two most important
notions which the view of a figure will give, are those of
size and shape, ideas which have no connection whatsoever
with each other. Figures of different sizes may have the
same shape, and figures of different shapes may have the
same size. In the latter case they are called by Euclid
equal, in the former similar (similar figures, pola exhuara).
The first term [EQUAL; RELATION], in Euclid's first use of
it, includes united sameness, both of size and shape; but
he soon drops the former notion, and, reserving equal to
signify sameness of size only, introduces the word similar to
denote sameness of form: so that the equality of the funda-
mental definition is the subsequent combined equality and
similarity of the sixth book.

Similarity of form, or, as we shall now technically say, similarity, is a conception which is better defined by things than by words; being in fact one of our fundamental ideas of figure. A drawing, a map, a model, severally appeal to a known idea of similarity, derived from, it may be, or at least nourished by, the constant occurrence in nature and art of objects which have a general, though not a perfectly mathematical, similarity. The rudest nations understand a picture or a map almost instantly. It is not necessary to do more in the way of definition, and we must proceed to point out the mathematical tests of similarity. We may observe

Granting then a perfect notion of similarity, we now ask in what way it is to be ascertained whether two figures are similar or not. To simplify the question, let them be plane figures, say two maps of England of different sizes, but made on the same projection. It is obvious, in the first place, that the lines of one figure must not only be related to one another in length in the same manner as in the other, but also in position. Let us drop for the present all the curved lines of the coast, &c., and consider only the dots which represent the towns. Join every such pair of dots by straight lines: then it is plain that similarity of form requires that any two lines in the first should not only be in the same proportion, as to length, with the two corresponding lines in the second, but that the first pair should incline at the same angle to each other as the second. Thus, if LY be the line which joins London and York, and FC that which joins Falmouth and Chester, it is requisite that LY should be to FC in the same proportion in the one map that it is in the other; and if FC produced meet LY produced in O, the angle COY in one map must be the same as in the other. Hence, if there should be 100 towns, which are therefore joined two and two by 4950 straight lines, giving about 12 millions and a quarter of pairs of lines, it is clear that we must have the means of verifying 12 millions of proportions, and as many angular agreements. But if it be only assumed that similarity is a possible thing, it is easily shown that this large number is reducible to twice 98. For let it be granted that ly on the smaller map is to represent LY on the larger. Lay down fand c in their proper places on the smaller map, each with reference to land y, by comparison with the larger map: then fand c are in their proper places with reference to each other. For if not, one of them at least must be altered, which would disturb the correctness of it with respect to 7 and y. Either then there is no such thing as perfect similarity, or else it may be entirely obtained by comparison with and y only.

We have hitherto supposed that both circumstances must be looked to; proper lengths and proper angles; truth of linear proportion and truth of relative direction. But it is one of the first things which the student of geometry learns (in reference to this subject), that the attainment of correctness in either secures that of the other. If the smaller map be made true in all its relative lengths, it must be true in all its directions; if it be made true in all its directions, it must be true in all its relative lengths. The foundation of this simplifying theorem rests on three propositions of the sixth book of Euclid, as follows:

1. The angles of a triangle (any two, of course) alone are enough to determine its form: or, as Euclid would express it, two triangles which have two angles of the one equal to two angles of the other, each to each, have the third angles equal, and all the sides of one in the same proportion to the corresponding sides of the other.

2. The proportions of the sides of a triangle (those of two of them to the third) are alone enough to determine its form: or if two triangles have the ratios of two sides to the third in one, the same as the corresponding ratios in the other, the angles of the one are severally the same as those of the other.

3. One angle and the proportion of the containing sides are sufficient to determine the form of a triangle: or, if two triangles have one angle of the first equal to one of the second, and the sides about those angles proportional, the remaining angles are equal, each to each, and the sides about equal angles are proportional.

From these propositions it is easy to show the truth of all that has been asserted about the conditions of similarity,

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and the result is, that any number of points are placed
similarly with any other number of points, when, any two
being taken in the first, and the corresponding two in the
second, say A, B, and a, b, any third point C of the first
gives a triangle ABC, which is related to the corresponding
triangle abc of the second, in the manner described in either
of the three preceding propositions. For instance, let there
be five points in each figure:

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In the triangles BAE and bae, let the angles AEB and
EBA be severally equal to aeb and eba. In the triangles
ADB and adb let DA: AB :: da : ab, and DB: BA :: db:
ba. In the triangles ACB and acb let the angles ABC and
abc be equal, and AB: BC :: ab: bc. These conditions
oeing fulfilled, it can be shown that the figures are similar
in form. There is no angle in one but is equal to its corre-
sponding angle in the other; no proportion of any two lines
in one but is the same as that of the corresponding line in
the other. Every conception necessary to the complete
notion of similarity is formed, and the one figure, in common
language, is the same as the other in figure, but perhaps on
a different scale.

The number of ways in which the conditions of similarity
can be expressed might be varied almost without limit; if
there ben points, they are twice (n-2) in number. It
would be most natural to take either a sufficient number of
ratios, or else of angles: perhaps the latter would be best.
Euclid confines himself to neither, in which he is guided by
the following consideration:-He uses only salient or con-
vex figures, and his lengths, or sides, are only those lines
which form the external contour. The internal lines or
diagonals he rarely considers, except in the four-sided
figure. He lays it down as the definition of similarity, that
all the angles of the one figure (meaning only angles made
by the sides of the contour) are equal to those of the other,
each to each, and that the sides about those angles are pro-
portional. This gives 2n conditions in an n-sided figure, and
consequently four redundancies, two of which are easily de-
tected. In the above pentagons, for instance, if the angles
at A, E, D, C, be severally equal to these at a, e, d, c, there
is no occasion to say that that at B must be equal to that at
b, for it is a necessary consequence: also, if BA: AE :: ba:
ae, and so on up to DC: CB: de: cb, there is no occasion to
lay it down as a condition that CB: BA:: cb: ba, for it is
again a consequence. These points being noted, the defini-
tion of Euclid is admirably adapted for his object, which is,
in this as in every other case, to proceed straight to the
establishment of his propositions, without casting one
thought upon the connection of his preliminaries with na-
tural geometry.

Let us now suppose two similar curvilinear figures, and
to simplify the question, take two arcs AB and ab. Having
already detected the test of similarity of position with refer-

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ence to any number of points, it will be easy to settle the
conditions under which the arc AB is altogether similar to
ab. By hypothesis, A and B are the points corresponding
to a and b. Join A, B, and a, b; and in the are AB take
any point P. Make the angle bap equal to BAP, and abp
equal to ABP; and let ap and bp meet in p. Then, if the
curves be similar, p must be on the arc ab; for every point
on AB is to have a corresponding point on ab. Hence the
definition of similarity is as follows:-Two curves are simi-
lar when for every polygon which can be inscribed in the
first, a similar polygon can be inscribed in the second.
It is easily shown that if on two lines, A and a. be de-
scribed a first pair of polygons, P and p, and a second pair,
q, the proportion of the first and second pairs is the
same, or P:p::Q: q. The simplest similar polygons are
squares; consequently, any similar polygons described on A
and a are to one another in the proportion of the squares on
A and a. This is also true if for the polygons we substitute
similar curves; and it must be proved by the method of

Q and

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exhaustions [GEOMETRY, p. 154], or by the theory of limits applied to the proposition, that any curve may be approached in magnitude by a polygon within any degree of nearness. The theory of similar solids resembles that of similar polygons, but it is necessary to commence with three points instead of two. Let A, B, C, and a, b, c, be two sets of three points each, and let the triangles ABC and abc be similar: let them also be placed so that the sides of one are parallel to those of the other. If then any number of similar pyramids be described on ABC and abc, the vertices of these pyramids will be the corners of similar solids. If P and p be the vertices of one pair, then the pyramids PABC and pabc are similar if the vertices P and p be on the same side of ABC and abc [SYMMETRY], and one of the triangles, say PAB, be similar to its corresponding triangle pab, and so placed that the angle of the planes PAB and CAB is the The simplest same as that of the planes pab and cab. similar solids are cubes; and any similar solids described on two straight lines are in the same proportion as the cubes on those lines. Similar curve surfaces are those which are such that every solid which can be inscribed in one has another similar to it, capable of being inscribed in the other. It is worthy of notice that the great contested point of geometry [PARALLELS] would lose that character if it were agreed that the notion of form being independent of size, is as necessary as that of two straight lines being incapable of enclosing a space; so that whatever form can exist of any one size, a similar form must exist of every other. There can be no question that this universal idea of similarity involves as much as this, and no more; that in the passage from one size to another, all lines alter their lengths in the same proportion, and all angles remain the same. It is the subsequent mathematical treatment of these conditions which first points out that either of them follows from the other. If the whole of this notion be admissible, so in any thing less; that is, the admission implies it to be granted that whatever figure may be described upon any one line, another figure having the same angles may be described upon any other line. If then we take a triangle ABC, and any other line ab, there can be drawn upon ab a triangle having angles equal to those of abc. This can only be done by drawing two lines from a and b, making angles with ab equal to BAC and ABC. These two lines must then meet in some point c, and the angle acb will be equal to ACB. If then two triangles have two angles of one equal to two angles of the other, each to each, the third angle of the one must be equal to the third angle of the other; and this much being established, it is well known that the ordinary theory of parallels follows. The preceding assumption is not without resemblance to that required in the methods of Legendre. [PARALLELS.]

SI'MILE is admirably defined by Johnson to be 'a comparison by which anything is illustrated or aggrandised,' a definition which has been often neglected by poets. A Metaphor differs from a Simile in expression, inasmuch as a metaphor is a comparison without the words indicating the resemblance, and a simile is a comparison where the objects compared are kept as distinct in expression as in thought. Dr. Thomas Brown has well said, "The metaphor expresses with rapidity the analogy as it rises in immediate sugges tion, and identifies it, as it were, with the object or emotion which it describes; the simile presents not the analogy merely, but the two analogous objects, and traces their resemblances to each other with the formality of regular comparison. The metaphor, therefore, is the figure of passion; the simile the figure of calm description.' (Lectures, xxxv.) The metaphor is only a bolder and more elliptical simile. When we speak of the rudeness of a man, and say Mr. Jones is as rude as a bear,' we use a simile, for the rudeness of the two are kept distinct but likened ; when we say that bear Mr. Jones,' we use a metaphor, the points of resemblance being confounded in the identification of rudeness with a bear. So, brave as a lion' is a simile-the lion Achilles' a metaphor. Where the resemblance is obvious, it may be more forcibly and as intelligibly expressed by a simple metaphor; but when the resemblance is not so obvious, it requires fuller elucidation, and then it must be expressed by a simile. Similes therefore, from their tendency to detail, are usually misplaced in passionate poetry, but metaphors constitute the very language of passion; for the mind, when moved, catches at every slight association to express itself, but never dwells on them with the deliberateness of a comparison.

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Poets should never forget that similes are not used for and renewed the treaties of alliance which Jonathan had their own sake, but for the sake of illustrating or aggran-made with the Romans and Spartans. (1 Macc., xiv., xv.) dising' the object or emotion they would express: hence an In the year 141 B.C., the people met at Jerusalem, and important but overlooked canon of criticism. Metaphors registered a public act recounting the services of the house may be indefinite, for they are themselves the expressions of Mattathias, and recognising Simon and his heirs as perof strong but indefinite emotions; but similes must be uni-petual prince and high-priest of the Jews: and this act was formly definite, clear, and correct, otherwise they are use- afterwards confirmed by Demetrius. (1 Macc., xiv. 35.) less; for the simile is used to illustrate, by a known object, After the capture of Demetrius by the Parthians, his sucone unknown or indescribable: hence the necessity for its cèssor Antiochus Sidetes renewed the treaty with Simon, being intelligible. Moreover, images addressed to the eye allowed him to coin money, and declared Jerusalem a free must be such as are visually clear. These rules are conti- and holy city. Soon afterwards however Antiochus not nually violated by minor poets, but there are few cases of only refused to ratify this treaty, but demanded of Simon such violation in the greater poets, and even there the ex- the surrender of several fortified places, including the citadel ceptions prove the rule. on Mount Zion, or the payment of 1000 talents. Simon refused these demands, and Antiochus sent a large army into Palestine, which was soon however driven back by John Hyrcanus and Judas, the sons of Simon (B.c. 139-8). For the next three years the Jews again enjoyed a season of tranquillity, during which Simon occupied himself in inspecting and improving the state of the country. In the course of his tour he visited his son-in-law Ptolemy, at his castle of Doc, where he and his two sons Mattathias and Judas were treacherously put to death by Ptolemy, who aimed at the principality of Judæa (B.c. 135). He was succeeded by his surviving son John Hyrcanus. [HYRCANUS, JOHN; ASMONAEANS; MACCABEES.]

(Brown's Lectures on the Philosophy of the Mind; Kames's Elements of Criticism; Bishop Lowth's Lectures on Hebrew Poetry; Hegel's Vorlesungen über die Esthetik; Solger's Esthetik.)


SI'MMIAS was a native of Thebes, and is said to have been a disciple of Philolaus. He was a friend of Socrates (Plat., Crito, p. 45, B), and is introduced by Plato as one of the speakers in his 'Phædon.' (Diogenes Laertius (ii. 16, 124) mentions the titles of twenty-three dialogues which were in his time attributed to Simmias (Suidas, v. Eppias), but none of his works have come down to us.

A second SIMMIAS, a grammarian, was a native of Rhodes, and probably lived about the year 300 B.C. He is said to have written a work on languages, consisting of three books, and a collection of miscellaneous poems, consisting of four books. (Suidas, v. Eppias; Strabo, xiv., p. 655.) Some of his poems, which however are of little value, are contained in the Anthologia Græca.' (Compare Athen., vii., p. 327 ; xi., p. 472 and 491.)

A third SIMMIAS, who lived about the commencement of
the Olympiads, wrote a work called 'Apxatoλoyia rov Zauior,
of which nothing has come down to us. Suidas confounds
this historian with Simmias the grammarian.

SI'MOIS, River. [TROAD.]

Thasi, was the second son of Mattathias, and brother of
Judas Maccabaeus and Jonathan Apphus. Mattathias,
when dying, recommended him to his brethren as their
counsellor (Macc., ii. 3). He distinguished himself on
several occasions during the lives of Judas and Jonathan.
(1 Macc., v. 17; x. 74; 2 Macc., viii. 22; xiv. 17). Under
the latter he was made, by Antiochus Theos, governor over
the coast of the Mediterranean from Tyre to the frontier of
Egypt (1 Macc., xi. 59); and here he took the fortified towns
of Bethsur and Joppa, and founded Adida, in the plain of
Sephela. (1 Macc., xi. 65; xii. 33, 38.)


The coinage of Simon is the first of which we have any historical account among the Jews. [SHEKEL.] (Josephus, Antiq.; Prideaux's Connection; Jahn's Hebrew Commonwealth; Winer's Biblisches Realwörterbuch.) SIMON MAGUS, that is, the magician, is mentioned in the Acts of the Apostles as having imposed upon the people of Samaria by magical practices. When Philip the Deacon preached the gospel at Samaria, Simon was among those who received baptism at his hands. But when Peter and John came down to Samaria, and Simon perceived that the Holy Ghost was received by those upon whom they laid their hands, he offered them money if they would give him the same power. Peter vehemently rebuked him, and he showed some appearance of penitence (Acts, viii. 9-24); but the early Christian writers represent him as afterwards becoming one of the chief opponents of Christianity. According to them he was the founder of the Gnostic heresy, and was addicted to magical practices and to abominable vices. After travelling through several provinces, endeavouring as he went to spread his errors and to damage Christianity as much as possible, he came to Rome, where it is said that he worked miracles which gained him many followers, and obtained for him the favour of Nero. At last, as he was exhibiting in the emperor's presence the feat of flying through the air in a fiery chariot, which he was enabled to perform by the aid of dæmons, the united prayers of Peter and Paul, who were present on the occasion, prevailed against him, and the damons threw him to the ground. There are also other marvellous stories about his life and doctrines.

(Calmet's Dictionary; Winer's Biblisches Realwörterbuch; Lardner's Credibility,)

After the treacherous seizure of Jonathan by Trypho
[JONATHAN APPHUS], Simon was chosen by the people as
their chief (1 Macc., xiii.); and, according to Josephus
(Antiq., xiii. 6, 6), as high-priest also. After putting Jeru-
salem in a state of defence, he marched out to meet Trypho,
who did not venture to give him battle, and who was soon SIMON MATTHES. [SIMON MACCABAEUS.]
after compelled to retreat into winter-quarters in Gilead, SIMON, RICHARD, was born at Dieppe, in Normandy,
where he murdered Jonathan and his two sons. Simon May 13, 1638. After he had finished his studies, he entered
recovered his brother's corpse, and interred it in his father's into the Congregation of the Oratory, and became lecturer on
sepulchre at Modin, and built over it a magnificent mauso-philosophy at the College of Juilly. Being summoned by
leum, which was standing in the time of Eusebius. About
this time (B.C. 143) Trypho had murdered Antiochus, and
proclaimed himself king. Simon immediately declared for
his competitor, Demetrius Nicator, with whom he made a
very favourable treaty, whereby Simon was recognised
prince and high-priest of the Jews, all claims upon whom
for tribute Demetrius relinquished, and consented to bury
in oblivion their offences against him. Thus the Jews be-
came once more free and independent, and they began to
reckon from this period (170 Aer. Seleuc.; 143-142, B.C.) a
new civil æra, which is used on the coins of Simon as well
as by Josephus and the author of the First Book of Macca-
bees (1 Macc., xiii. 41.). The last remains of their bondage
to the Syrians were removed in the next year by the
surrender of the Syrian garrison in the citadel of Jeru-

The succeeding period of peace was employed by Simon in extending and consolidating his power, and improving the condition of his people. He made a harbour at Joppa, established magazines and armouries, improved the laws and administered them with vigour, restored the religious rites,

his superiors to Paris, he applied himself to the study of
divinity, and made great progress in oriental learning.
There being a valuable collection of oriental manuscripts in
the Oratory of Rue St. Honoré, Simon was directed to make
a catalogue of them, which he did with great skill. In 1668
he returned to Juilly, and resumed his lectures on philo-
sophy, and two years after published his defence of a Jew
whom the parliament of Metz condemned to be burned on
the charge of having murdered a Christian child: Factum
pour le Juif de Metz,' &c. Paris, 1670. In the following year,
with a view to show that the opinions of the Greek church
are not materially different from those of the Church of
Rome with respect to the Sacrament, he published his
Fides Ecclesia Orientalis, Paris, 1671, 8vo., and 1682,
4to. This work, which is a translation of one of the tracts
of Gabriel, metropolitan of Philadelphia, with notes, Simon
gave as a supplement to the first volume of the Perpetuity
of the Faith respecting the Eucharist,' whose authors he
accused of having committed many gross errors, and not
having sufficiently answered the objections raised by the
Protestant minister Jean Claude, in his 'Reponse au Traité

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