Journal of the SenateGeneral Assembly, 1994 |
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Αποτελέσματα 1 - 3 από τα 28.
Σελίδα 6873
... managed health care entity at any time . A managed health care entity that contracts with the Illinois Department for the provision of services under the program shall do all of the following , solely for purposes of the integrated health ...
... managed health care entity at any time . A managed health care entity that contracts with the Illinois Department for the provision of services under the program shall do all of the following , solely for purposes of the integrated health ...
Σελίδα 6876
Illinois. General Assembly. Senate. a provider of medical services or specific health care delivery system within the ... managed health care entities contracting with the Illinois Department within the contracting area , except ...
Illinois. General Assembly. Senate. a provider of medical services or specific health care delivery system within the ... managed health care entities contracting with the Illinois Department within the contracting area , except ...
Σελίδα 6881
... managed care community networks owned , operated , or governed by State - funded medical schools . The Illinois ... health care entity does not receive its appropriate capitation payment for a month within 60 days after the ...
... managed care community networks owned , operated , or governed by State - funded medical schools . The Illinois ... health care entity does not receive its appropriate capitation payment for a month within 60 days after the ...
Άλλες εκδόσεις - Προβολή όλων
Συχνά εμφανιζόμενοι όροι και φράσεις
amended application appropriations heretofore Article 69 Auto Equipment Build Illinois Bond business on June Central Management Services Clean Air Act close of business Code Commodities For Printing Contractual Services Contributions to Social costs Debt Department of Transportation Dept Developmental Disabilities district Electronic Data Processing Employee Retirement Contributions federal following named amounts following named sums Fuel Tax Group Insurance health maintenance organization HVAC ILCS Illinois Department July 14 June 30 managed health care medical services provided Mental Health necessary and remains objects and purposes Offered by Senator Operation of Auto ordinary and contingent Paid by Employer payment Personal Services Printing For Equipment Public Act purposes hereinafter named pursuant reappropriated reimbursement remains unexpended Retirement Contributions Paid Retirement System Security For Contractual SENATE RESOLUTION Services For Operation Services For Travel Social Security subsection Telecommunications Services thereof Travel For Commodities Trinity Medical Center Underground Storage Tank unexpended on June