Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

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Six apples and four apples are how many apples?

How many are six and four? Four and six?

Seven balls and four balls are how many balls?

How many are seven and four? Four and


Eight balls and four balls are how many balls?

Eight and four are how many?


Four and

Nine and four are how many? Four and nine?

Four and ten? Two and three? Six and two? Eight and two? Nine and two?

How many are ten and four?
How many are three and two?
How many are two and six?
How many are two and eight?
How many are two and nine?
How many are three and three?

How many are two and seven? Seven and two?
How many are three and three and five?


ONE acorn and five acorns acorns?

are how many

Two tops and five tops are how many tops?

Three balls and five balls are how many balls?

Four and five are how many? Five and four?

Six and five are how many? Five and six?

How many are eight and five ?

Five and


Ten and five are how many?

Five and ten?

How many are five and five?

many are nine and five? Five and nine?

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Two boys and one girl are playing catch; how many are playing catch? Two and one

are how many? One and two?

Three girls and two boys are jumping rope; how many are jumping rope? Three and two many ? Two and three?

are how

Two children are rolling hoop, three are playing catch, and five are jumping rope; how many are two and three and five? Three and two and five? Five and two and three ?

There are three posts on one side of the gate, and four on the other side; how many posts are there in the fence? Three and four are how many? Four and three?

Four trees stand on one side of the schoolhouse, and four on the other; how many trees are there on both sides? How many are four and four?

There are four windows on the end of the house, and five on the front; how many windows do you see in the house? How many are five and four? Four and five?


Two geese were near a pond, and one of them ran into the water; how many were left on the land? One from two leaves how many?

Three turkeys were standing together, but one has lain down;

how many remain standing?

Three less one are how many? Three less two?

Charlie had four hens, but gave one to George; how many had he left?

One from four leaves how many?

One and three are how many? Three and one ?

Three taken from four leaves how many?

Here are five ducks; one has its head down; how many have their heads up?

One from five leaves how many ?

How many remain if four are taken from five?

Four and one are how many? One and four?

Daniel has six doves; one of them is dark colored, and the rest are white; how many are white?

One from six leaves how many?

How many are one and five? Five and one?

Here are seven little chickens; one of them is running towards the right, and the rest are

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