Εικόνες σελίδας
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3 from 3 leaves 0 3 from 4 leaves 1 3 from 5 leaves 2 3 from 6 leaves 3 3 from 7 leaves 4

3 from 8 leaves 5
3 from 9 leaves 6
3 from 10 leaves 7
3 from 11 leaves 8
3 from 12 leaves 9

1. Mr. Jones sold some hay for 7 dollars, and received 3 dollars; how much more was due ?


As much more was due as the difference between 7 dollars and 3 dollars, which is 4 dollars. Therefore, since Mr. Jones sold some hay for 7 dollars, and received 3 dollars, there were four dollars more due.

2. Samuel found 5 eggs, and broke 3 of them; how many had he left?

3. Marcus borrowed 10 cents, and paid 3; how much did he then owe?

4. A merchant bought 9 barrels of flour, and sold all but 3 barrels; how many did he sell?

5. A man had 12 sheep in a pasture, and 3 of them jumped out; how many remained? 6. Daniel had 3 apples, and gave each of his three sisters one apiece; how many had he left?

7. A farmer had 6 horses, and sold all but 3; how many did he sell?


4 from 4 leaves 0 4 from 5 leaves 1 4 from 6 leaves 2 4 from 7 leaves 3 4 from 8 leaves 4

4 from 9 leaves 5 4 from 10 leaves 6 4 from 11 leaves 7 4 from 12 leaves 8 4 from 13 leaves 9

1. A farmer, having 8 pigs, sold 4 of them; how many had he left?

ANALYSIS. He had as many pigs left as the difference between 8 pigs and 4 pigs, which is 4 pigs. Therefore, since a farmer had 8 pigs, and sold 4 of them, he had 4 pigs left.

2. A boy caught 10 fishes, and threw 4 of them back into the creek; how many had he left?

3. Bought a saddle for 13 dollars, and a bridle for 4 dollars; how much more did I pay for the saddle than for the bridle?

4. There were 9 passengers in the stage, 4 of whom got out; how many remained in the stage?

5. Laura found 11 roses on her bush; and picked 4; how many remained on the bush?

6. A man paid 6 shillings for his dinner, and 4 shillings for his breakfast; how much more did he pay for his dinner than for his breakfast?


5 from 5 leaves 0 5 from 6 leaves 1 5 from 7 leaves 2 5 from 8 leaves 3 5 from 9 leaves 4

5 from 10 leaves 5 5 from 11 leaves 6 5 from 12 leaves 7 5 from 13 leaves 8 5 from 14 leaves 9

1. A man earned 7 dollars in a week, and spent 5 dollars of it; how many did he save?

2. If 10 gallons of water run into a cistern in a minute, and 5 gallons run out, how many remain?

3. A peddler had 8 penknives, and sold 5 of them; how many had he left?

4. Alfred fired into a flock of 12 wild pigeons, and killed 5 of them; how many flew away.?

5. A woman bought 14 yards of calico, and used 5 yards; how many yards had she left?

6. Carlos, having 11 cents, gave 5 of them for an orange; how many had he left?

7. Stephen caught 13 fish, and gave 5 of them to a poor woman; how many had he left?

8. On a rose bush are 6 white roses, and Eliza picks 5 of them for the flower vase; how many are left on the bush?


6 from 6 leaves 0 6 from 7 leaves 1 6 from 8 leaves 2 6 from 9 leaves 3 6 from 10 leaves 4

6 from 11 leaves 5 6 from 12 leaves 6 6 from 13 leaves 7 6 from 14 leaves 8 6 from 15 leaves 9

1. A boy gave 14 cents for a knife, and sold it for 6 cents; how much did he lose?

2. In a spelling class are 7 girls and 6 boys; how many more girls than boys in the class?

3. A merchant bought 9 barrels of salt, and after selling some, he found he had 6 barrels left; how many barrels did he sell?

4. If I owe 15 dollars, and pay 6 dollars, how much do I still owe?

5. Stephen had 13 marbles, and lost 6 of them; how many had he left?

6. There are 12 sheep in a yard, and a dog bites all but 6 of them; how many does he bite?

7. Arthur rode 11 miles in the cars, and 6 in the stage; how many more miles did he ride in the cars than in the stage?

8. Carrie has 6 roses, and gives 6 to her teacher; how many has she left?


7 from 7 leaves 0

7 from 8 leaves 1 7 from 9 leaves 2 7 from 10 leaves 3 7 from 11 leaves 4

7 from 12 leaves 5 7 from 13 leaves 6 7 from 14 leaves 7 7 from 15 leaves 8 7 from 16 leaves 9

1. Edgar had 12 chickens, and a cat killed 7 of them; how many chickens had he left?

2. Julius had 7 cents, and his father gave him enough more to make 15; how many cents did his father give him?

3. A young lady went shopping with 16 dollars; when she returned she had only 7 dollars; how much money did she spend?

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4. During 13 days, it rained 7 days how many fair days were there?

5. In a class of 11 scholars, 7 recited perfect lessons; how many had imperfect lessons?

6. In a yard there were 9 shade trees, and the wind blew down 7; how many were left standing?

7. A man bought a calf for 7 dollars, and sold it for 10 dollars; how much did he gain?

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