Journal of the SenateGeneral Assembly, 1985 |
Άλλες εκδόσεις - Προβολή όλων
Συχνά εμφανιζόμενοι όροι και φράσεις
ACT to amend adjust the differences adoption amend Section Amend SENATE BILL amendment/s is/are Amendments numbered Authority Barkhausen Berman certificate Clerk Committee of Conference Committee on Committees consider the differences Cullerton Degnan deleting Demuzio Department directed to inform Dudycz employee Etheredge Fawell five members following title following voted Geo-Karis Holmberg House Amendment House has appointed House of Representa House of Representatives Houses in regard Illinois immediate consideration inform the House inform the Senate inserting in lieu is/are as follows Jeremiah Joyce John Cullerton JOHN F Joyce Jeremiah Joyce Jerome June 28 Karpiel Kustra Lechowicz Lemke lieu thereof Luft Mahar Marovitz Message motion of Senator motion prevailed Nedza Netsch O'Brien O'Daniel Poshard President pursuant refuse to recede Representatives thereof retailer Rigney s/Rep s/Sen Sangmeister Schaffer Schuneman Secretary inform Secretary's Desk Senate Amendment SENATE BILL 467 Senate concur Senator Vadalabene Services tives has concurred tives has refused to-wit Zito