Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

17. When oysters yield 1 gallons to the bushel, how many bushels will be required to fill a 10-gallon tub?

18. One buyer offered g of the cost of a property, another of the cost. The difference in their offers was $186.

the cost of the property.


19. Find the cost of 18 yards of cloth if 3 yards cost $9. 20. A clothier paid $180 for 12 suits of clothing, and sold them at $19 a suit. How much did he gain?

21. E, who owns of a factory, sells of his share for $3560. What is the value of the factory?

22. What is the distance from Pittsburg to Philadelphia if of the distance is 2651 miles ?

23. The product of two fractions is ; one is 11, what is the other?

24. If C's wages are $3 a day, and his daily expenses $13, how many days must he labor to save $28 ?

25. A traveler walked 25 miles the first day, 155 miles the second day, 19 miles the third day, 20 miles the fourth day, and 227 miles the fifth day. How far did he travel in the 5 days, and what was the average rate per day?

26. A field is 40 rods long, which is of its width. What is its width and what is the distance around the field? 27. Find the cost of 101 cords of wood at $3 a cord, and 82 cords at $4 a cord.

28. If 12 bushels of apples cost $5, how much will 15 bushels cost?

29. A farmer raised 225 bushels of potatoes. He sold of them to one merchant, and of the remainder to another. Find the number of bushels he had left.

30. Reduce 15 to a fraction whose denominator is 320.

31. Find the value of a mill if of of it is worth $3750.

32. If the trees in an orchard are peach trees, apple trees,cherry trees, and the remaining 21, plum trees, how many trees are there in the orchard?

33. What number is it whose exceeds its by 40?

34. Divide into 5 equal parts the product of the sum and difference of 14 and 11.

35. A real estate dealer sold some lots for $12360, gaining of the cost. If he had sold them for $10500, would he have gained or lost, and how much?

36. A piece of land was sold at $90 an acre, which was a gain of of the cost. How much did the land cost per acre?

37. My board and room cost $32 per month. What does each cost if of the cost of the room equals of the cost of the board?

38. A father left $30000 to his two children, giving the daughter as much as the son. What was the share of


39. The owner of of a mill sold of his share for $4800. How much at this rate would a man who owns

get for of his share?

of the mill

40. One fourth of a certain number minus 3 equals 4. What is the number?

41. A carpenter, working 9 hours a day, built a shed in 16 days. How many hours a day, at the same rate, must he work to build it in 18 days?

42. A merchant sold 10 dozen hats of a certain kind at $2.75 each, and a number of dozens of another kind at $2 each, receiving $474 for all. How many dozen did he sell

at $2 each?

43. A man engaging in trade lost & of the money invested, then gained $495, after which he had $2551. How much was his capital at first?

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

45. A hardware merchant bought a bill of hardware at auction for 11 of its value, and retailed it for g of its value. If his gain was $48.75, how much did he pay for it?

46. A boy bought lemons at the rate of 4 for 5 cents, and sold them at the rate of 3 for 5 cents. If he made $6 in 2 weeks of 6 days each, what were his daily average sales?

47. A path leading to the top of a hill has a rise of 9 inches in 90 feet. What is the elevation of the hill in feet, if the path is of a mile long?

48. A teacher taught 8 months, and after spending of his salary for board had left $204. How much did he earn per month?

49. Divide of 9 by of 83.

50. Two men, A and B, each bought farms, A's farm costing 2 times as much as B's. Find the cost of each, if both cost $58,000.

51. Divide of of 3 of 35 by 2 of 5 of 8.

52. A ship is worth $120000, and the owner of of it sells 14 of his share. Find the value of the part he has remaining. 53. Find the value of (188÷) — (204 ÷ 11).

54. I purchased 160 acres of land at $60 an acre, and sold of it at $70 an acre. Find the number of acres I had left, and my gain on the number of acres sold.

55. A real estate agent bought land for $7200, and sold it so as to gain of the cost. If the gain was $6 per acre, how many acres did he buy?

56. A man paid of his indebtedness the first year, 3 of the remainder the second year, of what then remained the third year, when he found that he still owed $1296. the amount he owed at first.


57. If a man can do a piece of work in 63 days by working 9 hours a day, how long will it take him to do it, working 8 hours a day?

58. Mr. Williams has of his money in government bonds, g in the bank, and $520 in cash. How much is he worth?

59. A real estate agent bought 2 houses; his income from the one was $480, which was of the income from the other. How much was his income from both houses?

60. Four brothers agreed to pay the mortgage on their father's farm. The first payment made was of the mortgage, the second of the remainder, and the third as much as the first and second. If the difference between the first and third payments was $300, how much was the mortgage?

61. A merchant bought 250 barrels flour at $4.80 per barrel. He sold 10 barrels which were damaged for of the cost. On the sale of 150 barrels he gained 15 cents per barrel. If his total gain was $28.50, at what price did he sell the remaining number of barrels ?

62. A merchant buys 36 pairs men's shoes, at $24 per pair; 24 pairs women's shoes, at $12 per pair; and 30 pairs slippers, at $3 per pair. What is the amount of his bill?

63. If the men's shoes in example 62 are sold for $3 per pair, the women's shoes for $2 per pair, and the slippers for $1 per pair, how much does the merchant make?

64. A cubic foot of water weighs 62 pounds. A barrel contains about 4 cubic feet. Find the weight of a barrel of water.

65. A student, in a half year at college, spent his money as follows: tuition, $50; books, $93; 18 weeks' boarding, at $23 per week; incidental expenses, $41. What were his expenses for the half year?

66. of a barrel of oil, containing 51 gallons, was sold at 13 cents per gallon; the remainder of the barrel at 14 cents a gallon. If the oil cost 113 cents per gallon, what was the gain?


67. A merchant bought a stock of goods for $6000. sold of it at a gain of of the cost, of it at a gain of of the cost, and the remainder at a loss of much did he gain or lose?

of the cost.


68. A hall is 213 feet long and 10 feet wide. At 81 cents per foot, how much will it cost to put a molding around this hall?

69. Find the perimeters of each of five rooms, the dimensions being as follows: 22 ft. x 16 ft., 14 ft. x 15 ft., 123 ft. × 17 ft., 181 ft. × 15 ft., 301 ft. × 24 ft.

70. From a certain number 183+27 was subtracted, leaving a remainder of 9. What was the number?

71. From New York to Chicago by the Baltimore and Ohio railroad the distance is 1052 miles. From Chicago to El Paso by the Santa Fé railroad it is 1630 miles, and from El Paso to Mexico City by the Mexican Central railroad it is 1224 miles. What is the distance from New York to Mexico City, and how long would such a journey take, traveling 31 miles per hour?

72. A freight train runs from Kansas City to St. Louis, 288 miles, traveling 16 miles per hour. How long does it take it to make the trip? How long would it take a passenger train, running as fast, to make the same trip?

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