Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography, Τόμος 1William Smith Walton and Maberly, 1856 - 2491 σελίδες |
Άλλες εκδόσεις - Προβολή όλων
Συχνά εμφανιζόμενοι όροι και φράσεις
Acarnania according Achaeans Acropolis Aetolians Africa Agora Alexandreia Alps Ambracia ancient appears Appian Apulia Arabia Arabs Argos Arrian Asia Athenians Athens Attica Augustus Belgae belonged Caesar called celebrated chief coast coins colony comp demus described Diod Diodorus Dion Cass distance district eastern Egypt empire Euphrates extended feet flows gate Greek gulf harbour Herod Herodotus hill Hispania Baetica inhabitants Inscr inscriptions island Itin king lake latter Leake Livy Macedonia Mela mentioned miles modern mountain neighbourhood Northern Greece occupied origin Parthenon passage Paus Pausanias Peiraeeus Peloponnesus peninsula period Persian plain Plin Pliny Plut Polybius probably promontory province Ptol Ptolemy reign remains river road Roman Rome ruins Scylax Sicily side situated southern speaks stadia Steph Stephanus stood Strab summit supposed temple territory Thuc tion town tribes valley viii village walls western writers τὰ τὸ
Δημοφιλή αποσπάσματα
Σελίδα 56 - Towards the end of the first or the beginning of the second century after Christ, these lands were incorporated in the Roman empire.
Σελίδα 237 - Look once more ere we leave this specular mount Westward, much nearer by south-west, behold Where on the ^Egean shore a city stands Built nobly, pure the air, and light the soil ; Athens, the eye of Greece, mother of arts And eloquence...
Σελίδα 250 - Parthenon, ... no two are parallel. This asymmetria is productive of very great beauty; for it not only obviates the dry uniformity of too many parallel lines, but also produces exquisite varieties of light and shade.
Σελίδα 296 - Santo end a good watering-place for shipping; the water (except in very dry weather) runs out in a good stream. The distance across is 2500 yards, which agrees very well with the breadth of twelve stadia assigned by Herodotus. The width of the canal appears to have been about 18 or 20 feet; the level of the earth nowhere exceeds 15 feet above the sea; the soil is a light clay.
Σελίδα 96 - Strabo, the position of which, as already described, is exactly confirmed by the Stadiasmus, as well as by Ptolemy. There was a fourth pass, as Major Rennell has justly observed, which crossing Mount Amanus from the eastward, descended upon the centre of the head of the gulf, near Issus. By this pass it was that Dareius marched from Sochus, and took up his position on the banks of the Pinarus ; by which movement Alexander, who had just before marched from Mallus to Myriandrus, through the two maritime...
Σελίδα 261 - This statue was made of olive-wood, and was said to have fallen down from heaven. Here was the sacred olive-tree, which Athena called forth from the earth in her contest with Poseidon for the possession of Attica; here also was the well of salt water which Poseidon produced by the stroke of his trident, the impression of which was seen upon the rock ; and here, lastly, was the tomb of Oecrops as well as that of Ercchtbeus. . . . The form of the Erechtheium differs from every other known example of...
Σελίδα 259 - On both sides, and towards the door, is a kind of gallery, made with two ranks of pillars, twenty-two below, and twentythree above. The odd pillar is over the arch of the entrance, which was left for the passage.
Σελίδα 352 - Roman marriages at the end of the first and the beginning of the second century were childless.
Σελίδα 272 - Vestiges of brazen and goldencoloured arms, of a blue sky, and of blue, green, and red drapery, are still very apparent.
Σελίδα 124 - By its harbour of Seleucia it was in communication with all the trade of the Mediterranean ; and, through the open country behind the Lebanon, it was conveniently approached by the caravans from Mesopotamia and Arabia. It united the inland advantages of Aleppo with the maritime opportunities of Smyrna.