Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

17. How many twelfths in ? In ? In ?

In ? In ? In 2? In §?

[blocks in formation]

Finding the Value of the Whole when the Value of One Part is Given

5 feet

10 feet

1. If of a bean pole measures 11242 5 ft., how long is the whole pole?

2. If of the width of a room is 10 ft., how many feet are in the entire width of the room?

3. If of a pie costs 5 ct., what is the whole pie worth?

4. What will a barrel of flour cost, if of a barrel costs $3?

5. If a boy can run 200 yd. in min., how far can he run in a minute at the same rate?

6. How long will a ton of coal last a family if they use ton in 12 da. ?

7. John is 7

yr. old; his age is of Mary's age.

How old is Mary?

8. If 3 pt. of water runs out of a faucet in min., how much will run out in 1 min.?

9. If $will buy 3 cigars, how many will $1 buy?

10. If of a number is 5, what is the number? 11. 10 is of what number?

12. What number is 7 the fourth of?

Find the cost of:

pk. costs 20 ct

1. A yard of ribbon, when yd. costs 10 ct.
2. A peck of potatoes, when
3. A gallon of molasses, when

4. A pound of butter, when

5. A cord of wood, when

6. A dozen eggs, when

gal. costs 9 ct lb. costs 8 ct.

cd. costs $4.

doz. costs 12 ct.

7. A pound of pepper, when lb. costs 5 ct.

How many will $1 buy:

[blocks in formation]


1. One half of the length of the tennis court is 39 ft. How many feet in its entire length?

2. Half of William's kite string measured 57 ft. How long was the entire string?

3. A man poured 18 qt. of maple sirup into his kettle and found that the kettle was then 3 full. How many quarts would the kettle hold when full?

4. A man received $65 for his horse, which wasof what he paid for it. How much did the horse cost him?

5. I spent of my money and I have left $3.75. How much did I have at first?

6. In one year a man saved $265, which was of what he earned. How much did he earn?

7. A teacher distributed among her pupils 32 pencils, which was of her entire supply. How large was her supply?

8. A child's heart beats 24 times in of a minute. How many times does it beat in a minute?

9. I drew out of the bank $134, which was of my entire deposit. What was my


[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][graphic][subsumed][subsumed][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][subsumed][subsumed][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Figure I: If A is one unit, how much is C?

How much is B?

2. If B is one unit, how much is C?

3. If B is, how much is C?

4. How much is of?

NOTE TO TEACHER. - Pupils should be required to answer such

a question in a complete sentence; e.g.

or, is (or "equals ") of .

of is (or "equals ") };

5. Looking at Figure II: How much is C? How much is B?

6. B is how many times as large as C? C is how large compared to B?

7. How much is of ?

8. Looking at Figure III: 3 is of how many?

9. 6 is of how many? 3 is of how many?

10. How much is of of 9?

11. of 6 is of how many?

12. How much is of 2? of 3? of 4 yd.? of $5?

13. How much is of 2 thirds? of 2 fourths? of ?

Draw diagrams showing the fractional units equivalent to the following:

[merged small][merged small][merged small][graphic][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Finding the Value of the Whole when the Value of a Fractional Part is Given

1. Looking at Figure I, page 184: If B measures 8 sq. in., how much does, C measure? How much does A measure?

2. Looking at Figure II: If the area of B is 10 sq. in., what is the area of C? Of the whole circle?

3. If of a pie costs 15 ct., what will cost? What will the whole pie cost?


costs 15 ct.
costs of 15 ct. =5 ct.
costs 4 x 5 ct.=20 ct. Ans.


Since costs 15 ct., costs of 15 ct. or 5 ct., and 4, or the whole, costs 4 times 5 ct. or 20 ct.

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