USED AT THE Examinations for Admission to the Royal Military HOTE IN JUNE 1859. LONDON: HARRISON, 59, PALL MALL, Bookseller to the Queen. 26324. d. 7 Part of the Obligatory Portion, and part of the Voluntary, are given in each of the papers (morning and afternoon). Of the 1,200 marks allotted to the Obligatory Questions, 400 will be required for qualification, of which, at least 200 must be obtained in Arithmetic. OBLIGATORY PORTION. Arithmetic. 1. Subtract two-thirds of 252l. 158. 6d. from the half of 3681. 78. 4d., and multiply the remainder by 29. 2. Find, by the rule of practice, the cost of 5 cwt. 2 qrs. 15 lbs. of goods at 271. for 1 cwt. 3. If in a camp 12 men occupy one tent, and each tent costs 31. 178. 6d., what will be the cost of providing tents for 9,600 men at the same rate. A |