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pers were read as follows: The Swedes in Nebraska, by Professor Joseph E. Alexis; The Clan Organization of the Winnebago, by Oliver Lamere; The Bohemians in Nebraska, by Professor Sarka Hrbkova. Miss Naomi Emrich gave the music of the evening.

Meetings of the board of directors were held March 6, April 10, and October 13. At the last meeting 23 persons were elected members of the Society.


The thirty-seventh annual meeting of the Nebraska State Historical Society was held in Lincoln, January 12, 13, 14, 1915.

At the first session, in the state senate chamber, at eight o'clock in the evening, January 12, Professor Guernsey Jones read a paper on Early American Portraiture and Allen D. Albert, editor of the Minneapolis Tribune, gave an address on New Forces In American History.

The business meeting of the Society was held at the Temple Theater, January 13, at two o'clock in the afternoon. Mrs. Andrew J. Sawyer played a number upon a piano brought to Nebraska by Judge Fenner Ferguson, first chief justice of the territory, in the spring of 1855. George W. Hansen was reëlected a member of the board of directors and Gurdon W. Wattles was elected a member of the board to succeed Frank L. Haller.

The officers of the Society were reëlected as follows: John L. Webster, president; Robert Harvey, first vice president; Samuel C. Bassett, second vice president; Clarence S. Paine, secretary; Dr. P. L. Hall, treasurer.

Amendments of articles III, V, and VI of the constitution, creating the office of superintendent, were presented.

President Webster then delivered an address.

Andrew J. Sawyer, for the committee on obituaries, reported that 13 members of the Society had died during the year 1914, as follows:

Dr. Porter C. Johnson, Tecumseh, January 20; Mrs. Elvira Gaston Platt, Oberlin, Ohio, January 25; Robert L. Smith, Lincoln, January 30; Ira H. Hatfield, Lincoln, February 8; William W. W. Jones, Denver Colorado, March 10; George W. Martin, Topeka, Kansas, March 27; Dr. Samuel W. McGrew, South Auburn, April 1; Ancil L. Funk, Lincoln, April 23; Judge Isham Reavis, Falls City, May 8; James Crawford, Wymore, May 19; George D. Follmer, Oak, May 29; Joseph J. Hawthorne, Fremont, July 24; Ellis T. Hartley, Lincoln, October 8.


Thirty-nine persons were elected members of the So

The following statement of the receipts and disbursements of the Society for the year 1914, audited by the Wiggins-Babcock Company, accountants, was presented:

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The last session was held at eight o'clock in the evening, January 13. The program consisted of a song, Sons of Ye Olden Time, by the University male quartette; a paper, The Eighteenth Infantry, by John P. Sutton; a paper, Nebraska National Guard During a Strike, by Professor A. A. Reed; a paper, Early Days in Norfolk, by Mrs. Cora A. Beels; and a vocal solo by Mrs. A. S. Raymond.

A conference of local historical societies and old settlers associations was held January 14, at ten o'clock in the morning.

A meeting of the Nebraska Memorial Association was held at half past two o'clock in the afternoon, and at half past six o'clock in the evening there was a banquet at the Lincoln Hotel.

Meetings of the board of directors were held January 12, 1915; May 3, 1915; May 19, 1915; and November 18, 1915. At the meeting of May 3 President Webster urged that the Society take immediate steps toward a proper celebration of the semicentennial of the admission of Nebraska as a state, and a committee of one hundred citizens of the state was appointed by the president to make arrangements for such celebration. Fifty-four persons were elected members of the Society.

At the meeting of November 18, the resignation of Melvin R. Gilmore, curator of the Society, was accepted.

Dr. Gilmore had been chosen curator of the State Historical Society of North Dakota. Thirty-eight persons were elected members of the Society.


The thirty-eighth annual meeting of the Nebraska State Historical Society was held at Lincoln, January 17, 18, 19, 1916. Some members assembled at the rooms of the Society at half past one o'clock in the afternoon, January 11, but no quorum being present the meeting adjourned until half past two o'clock in the afternoon, January 18. At a preliminary meeting, held in the Temple Theater at eight o'clock in the evening, January 17, papers were read as follows: The Last Buffalo Hunt of the Pawnee Indians in Nebraska, by John W. Williamson, of Genoa; The Omaha Indians in Peace and War, by Alfred Blackbird, of Macy; The Oto Indians, Their Language and Customs, by Major Albert L. Green, Beatrice; Native Animals Known to the Omaha Indians, Melvin R. Gilmore, curator of the Society.

At a conference of local historical societies and old settlers associations, in the forenoon of January 18, the project of celebrating the semicentennial of the admission of Nebraska as a state was discussed by Herbert M. Bushnell, Andrew J. Sawyer, Robert B. Windham, Samuel C. Bassett, Jefferson H. Broady, Jr., Charles H. Frady, George W. Hansen, Rev. George R. McKeith, Thomas Wolfe, and Louis A. Bates.

The annual business meeting was held at half past two o'clock in the afternoon, January 18, in the Temple Theater. The secretary gave in his report a list of twenty-five citizens of the state who had offered to give $1,205 toward the erection of a temporary building for the use

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