Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση


1. "Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy." Give our LORD's commentary upon this text.

2. State what you know of Zacharias, Simeon, Anna, Simon the Cyrenian, and Joseph of


3. Narrate and explain the parable of the "net that was cast into the sea.'

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4. Explain the following words and expressions: garner," "prophet," "mystery," "rabbi," "ten thousand talents,'

sanna, dians."

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5. What do you know of Philip the Deacon and Barnabas ?

6. What teaching does our LORD derive from the history of Jonas ?

7. Why were money-changers to be found within the courts of the Temple? Give the value in English money of a penny and a talent. What was the value of the pieces of silver given for our LORD ?

8. Explain the following, and say by whom, and on what occasion the words were uttered:-(i.) Now also the axe is laid unto the root of the trees. (ii.) I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. (iii.) Ye know not what manner of spirit ye are of. (iv.) GOD, I thank Thee that I am not as other men are. (v.) We trusted that it should have been he which should have redeemed Israel.

1. Explain the terms parisyllabic, pronoun, ordinal, anomalous; and give instances.

2. Distinguish between dico and dico; nitor and nitor; pārens and părens; patēre and patěre; suis and suis; tenĕrē and tenērě; and give the infinitives of the first-named pair of verbs.

3. Give examples, in Latin, of inceptive, frequentative, desiderative, and diminutive verbs, explaining the terms.

4. How are questions expressed in Latin?

5. Give as many examples as you can of verbs which vary their construction with their meaning.

6. Give the genitive plural of manus, coelicola, urbs, gener, vox, caput, liber, aedes; and ablative plural of imber, duo, aves, dies, domus, paries, lis. 7. Decline nullus, utervis, ecquis.

8. Give the perfect, supine, and present infinitive active of crepo, seco, vendo, dico, dico, nubo, fateor, irascor, neco, concido, concido, juvo, arcesso.

9. Distinguish the uses and constructions of quamvis, quamquam, etsi, tametsi, licet.

10. Correct the following sentences:-(i.) Puderet mihi talia facere. (i.) Interest patri me diligenter studere linguam Latinam. (iii.) Speculatores nuntiabant quod hostes non longe abessent. (iv.) Munus amplissimum egregie functus est. (v.) Non tibi talia verba uti licet.

1. When and how were the greater part of the words of Latin origin now found in English introduced into the language?

2. Explain etymologically the following forms:first, rather, wiser, twice, worse, other, enough, either, shame-faced, plenteous.

3. Define a relative, a demonstrative, and an ndefinite pronoun, giving examples of each kind. 4. State what you know about the forms, meaning, and use of the verbs can, must, and may.

5. Give the past tense and past participle of the following verbs:-hew, forsake, freeze, light, load, put, run, shake, strike, teach, win, work.

6. Explain the presence of the italic letters in the following words:-kindred, nail, dribble, seam loved, neither, island, sprightly, heart, otherwise.

7. "He was aroused by the striking of the clock." "He made a noise by striking the gong." "He saw a boy striking a dog." "That is a striking remark." Give a careful explanation of the word striking in each of the above sentences.

8. Distinguish between a phrase, a clause, and a sentence. Name the three kinds of subordinate clauses which may be found in a complex sentence; and give an illustration of each kind.

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9. Correct or justify the following phrases :-(i.) "Neither our virtues or vices are all our own.' (ii.) "Between you and I it is not right." (iii.) "He is not the man as told me the story." (iv.)

Many a man thinks so." (v.) "The sheep were scattered." (vi.) "He neither likes riding nor driving." (vii.) "All ye saints of His."

1. Give the meaning of garde (m.), garde (f.), livre (m.), livre (f.), personne (m.), personne (f.), page (m.), page (f.), souris (m.), souris (f.), vase (m.), vase (f.), voile (m.), voile (f.).

2. Give the feminine of le margrave, acteur, naïf, flatteur, supérieur, absous, grec, bref, bas, sot, bienfaiteur, odieux, débiteur, demandeur.

3. Write quelques-uns in the singular, masculine and feminine. Give a list of about seven indefinite pronouns, with their inflexions, if any.

4. When does the past participle of a verb agree (i) with its subject, (ii.) with its object, and when is it invariable?

5. Write the 2nd pers. sing. of the present and imperfect subjunctive of :—aller, revenir, pouvoir, savoir, vouloir, dire, faire, paraître, reprendre, suivre.

6. Give the English of le saut, le seau; le bas, le bât; le capital, la capitale; le chair, la chaire; la chaux, le chaud; la cour, le cours.

7. Show, by examples, which of the following conjunctions require the subjunctive, which the indicative: avant que, après que, tandis que, jusqu'à ce que, quoique, puisque, parceque, pourvu que.

8. Distinguish between à l'abri de and à couvert, de suite and tout de suite, en campagne and d la campagne, tout à coup and tout d'un coup, de loin à loin and de loin en loin, with an example of each.

9. Parse the pronouns in the following sentence, stating to which verb each stands as subject or object (direct or indirect): "ceux qui le virent en danger accoururent lui porter secours."

10. Give the English of en badinant, en plaisantant, par mégarde, tout droit, de bon jeu, de part et d'autre, à perte de vue, à bon compte.


1. Explain the following words :-Compurgator, tenant in capite, scutage, benefit of clergy, ministry, burgher, sheriff.

2. What various races have made settlements on the British Isles, and at what times? Narrate briefly the Danish invasion in Ethelred II.'s reign.

3. Give an account of the events which took place in England from the death of Cromwell to the landing of Charles II.

4. Give the situation of the following places, and state what remarkable events have happened at or near them:-Lewes, Barnet, Calais, Copenhagen, Dundalk, La Hogue, Trafalgar, Assaye, Gibraltar, Orleans, the Boyne; with dates.

5. Give the dates of accession of the English sovereigns, from Henry VII. to William and Mary.

6. In whose reign were the following enactments passed, and what was the chief object of each :— Statute of Mortmain, Statute of Praemunire, Act of Uniformity, Habeas Corpus Act, Act of Settlement, Reform Bill of 1832? State also what you know about the Bill of Rights, and the Petition of Right. 7. Give a short life of only three out of the following, taking one from each division:(i.) Dunstan, Earl Waltheof, Robert Earl of Gloucester, Simon de Montfort.

(ii) Wolsey, Earl of Murray, Walter Raleigh, Francis Bacon.

(iii.) Lord Wm. Russell, St. John Lord Bolingbroke, Duke of Marlborough, Warren Hastings. 8. Assign events to the following dates,-1085, 1164, 1415, 1485, 1534, 1588, 1603, 1666, 1679, 1690, 1759, 1775.

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