Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση



1. Cut a circle out of paper; fold and cut it into halves. Divide each half into two equal parts. Into how many equal parts has the circle been divided?

2. We call each part one fourth. One fourth of anything is one of the four equal parts of it.

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3. How many fourths are there in the circle? How many halves? Show me one fourth of the circle. Show me one half. How many fourths make one half?

4. In these figures B is what part of A? C is what





part of B? C is what part of A? If C is one fourth, B is how many fourths? D is how many fourths? A is how many fourths? One fourth is written. Two fourths is written 2. How do you write three fourths? How do you write four fourths?

5. Look at the circles and answer these questions:

[blocks in formation]


1. Here are some children playing soldier. How many children are there? How many girls are there? How many boys? How many children are making music?

2. If the children should march by twos, how many rows would there be? If they should march by threes, how many rows would there be?

3. How many threes are there in six? How many twos are there in six?

4. The number of boys is what part of all the children? The number of children making music is what part of all. the children? The number of girls is what part of all the children? What is one half of six? What is one third of six ?

5. These children are playing in the snow. How many children are there? How many boys? How many girls?

[graphic][ocr errors]

6. If the children choose sides, how many children will there be on each side?

7. The number of children on one side is what part of all the children? The number of girls is what part of all the children?

8. What is of 6? What is of 6?

9. How many stars are there in this group? In of the group? In of the group? How

many are of 4? of 9? We find

of 4 stars by dividing the stars into two equal groups, thus: * * **



10. We find of 9 stars by dividing them into three equal groups, thus:

[blocks in formation]

11. Take 12 toothpicks. Separate them into two equal groups. How many toothpicks are there in each group? of 12 toothpicks are how many toothpicks?

12. Separate the 12 toothpicks into four equal groups. of 12 toothpicks are how many toothpicks? Separate them into three equal groups. of 12 toothpicks are how many toothpicks?

13. There are 12 eggs in a dozen. How many eggs are there in of a dozen? in of a dozen? in of a dozen?


1. In a class of 9 pupils are girls. How many girls are there in the class?

2. William had 12 marbles and lost of them. How many marbles did he lose?

3. Jack spent 12 cents and Robert spent as much. How many cents did Robert spend?

4. Susan rode 9 miles one day and as far the next day. How many miles did she ride the second day?

5. Mark counted 12 men on one street car. On another car there were as many men. How many men were there on the second car?

6. If a yard of ribbon costs 20 cents, what will of a yard cost?

7. A farmer had 15 lambs and sold of them. How many lambs did he sell?

8. Mary found 16 eggs in the barn. On the way to the house she fell down and broke of them. How many eggs did she break?



1. Look at the oblongs below. How many dots are there in the left half of each oblong? How many dots are there in the right half of each oblong?

2. Count by 2's the dots on the squares at the left in this way: 2, 4, 6, and so on.

3. Count by 3's the dots on the squares at the right.

4. Give the sum of each of these columns of 2's. Read them, giving first the number of 2's in each column, and then the sum; thus: one 2 is 2; two 2's are 4; and so on.

5. We may write 2 times 2 this way: 2 × 2. The sign stands for the word times. 2 × 2 are how many? 2×3 are how many? 2 x 5 are how many?

6. Count by 2's to 20; count by 3's to 15. 7. Read the following:






2 2


2 2 2


2 2 2

[blocks in formation]

Read and write this table until you know it by heart.

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