The Federal ReporterWest Publishing Company, 1934 |
Αναζήτηση στο βιβλίο
Αποτελέσματα 1 - 3 από τα 76.
Σελίδα 23
... statute has been construed by the United States Supreme Court in Guardian Trust & Deposit Co. v . Fisher , 200 U. S. 57 , 26 S. Ct . 186 , 189 , 50 L. Ed . 367 , in which it is held that the statute is not penal but remedial in its ...
... statute has been construed by the United States Supreme Court in Guardian Trust & Deposit Co. v . Fisher , 200 U. S. 57 , 26 S. Ct . 186 , 189 , 50 L. Ed . 367 , in which it is held that the statute is not penal but remedial in its ...
Σελίδα 329
... statute . Unlike the statutes wherein the words " next of kin " are used and which there- fore might require legislative interpretation , the statutes using the words " parent and child " have , in the cases , received interpreta- tion ...
... statute . Unlike the statutes wherein the words " next of kin " are used and which there- fore might require legislative interpretation , the statutes using the words " parent and child " have , in the cases , received interpreta- tion ...
Σελίδα 509
... statute prohibiting sale of patent rights in any county without first filing copy of letters patent with clerk of county court held inapplicable to contract granting license under patents , in absence of anything in contract indicating ...
... statute prohibiting sale of patent rights in any county without first filing copy of letters patent with clerk of county court held inapplicable to contract granting license under patents , in absence of anything in contract indicating ...
Bags 228 Cases and 17 Kegs Contain | 247 |
United States C C A Tex | 257 |
949 | 407 |
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11 USCA 26 USCA action affirmed agreement alleged amended amicus curiæ amount appellant appellant's appellee application April April 13 bank bankrupt bankruptcy Board of Tax bonds cause charge Circuit Court Circuit Judge City claim Commissioner of Internal Company contract corporation counsel Court of Appeals creditors damages decision decree defendant denied deposit directed verdict District Court District Judge error evidence fact federal filed held Helvering income Internal Revenue Irving Trust Co issue judgment jurisdiction jury lease liability lien ment mortgage motion paid pany parties patent payment permanently disabled petition petitioner plaintiff prior art proceedings question received record reduction to practice Revenue Act reversed statute suit supra Supreme Court Tax Appeals taxable taxpayer testified testimony thereof tion totally and permanently trust trustee in bankruptcy U. S. Atty United verdict Virginia Dare York York City